Windows 8 Out of Memory message

Created at 19 Jan 2013, 15:39
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Windows 8 Out of Memory message
19 Jan 2013, 15:39


I have two computers running:

- Vista, Dual Core 2.2 GHz, 4GB RAM

- Windows 8, Intel i7 8 Core to 3.4GHz, 8GB RAM

Both computers are running exactly the same robots, which I start at the weekend/Monday and leave running during the week. Strangely Windows 8 (the more powerfull computer) has closed the cAlgo version during the week with an Out of Memory error. The task manager shows CPU usage to be less than 2% and RAM is no where near used up either.

This is strange behaviour and may well relate to a problem or setting with Windows 8 rather than a problem with cAlgo.

Does anyone have any experience using Windoes 8? Any ideas why Windows 8 is having trouble?





21 Jan 2013, 10:39

Thank you for reporting this. Is this a recurring issue? If you like you may send us the code to so that we can investigate further for you.


21 Jan 2013, 12:51

Some tips about Windows 8:

-Increase page file:

Go to Advanced System Settings menu

Alter the OS virtual memory settings and visual options

Switch to Desktop mode

Click the Libraries shortcut in the taskbar

Right-click on Computer

In the resulting context menu select Properties.The System control panel will open

Click on Advanced System Settings in the left pane of the window. The System Properties control panel will open. 

Click on the Advanced tab

click on the Settings button in the Performance section at the top to open the Performance Options control panel.

Click on the Advanced tab at the top and on the resulting menu

click on the Change button in the Virtual Memory section

Click on Custom Size and since you have 8GB or ram make sure that the initial size and Maximum size is over 8156MBs.



To evaluate issue:

Use Event Viewer and check what else could be going wrong during the time that cAlgo crashed.

To access event viewer in Windows 8:

Press  Windows key + R

Type in eventvwr.msc

At windows logs select Application section 

Evaluate the logs there at the time cAlgo crashes you will see there a log of cAlgo crashing. You may send us this log in order to investigate further.

You may also check the System section, you might find some usefull information as to what is causing this issue.





26 Jan 2013, 16:48


Recurring issue: I left the platform running on Win 8 all last week. There were no problems until Friday, when the same "memory" message was displayed, so the problem is reproducible although I do not know yet what triggers it. To test I had no robots running all week, just cAlgo, and the computer was not used for anything else (although it is active, online and updates antivirus software etc.)

The message is: cAlgo.exe - System error, A new protection page could not be created for the stack.

Page file: The defult settings for the page file were set at the factory at 25GB, so certainly large enough (probably should be reduced).

Event writer: I will check in the event writer next time the problem occurs. I did not know about the event writer, so that is a big help. I could not see an entry for the last crash, at least I found no mention of cAlgo.

I will try to get more information from the event writer.

Thank you for the tips!





28 Jan 2013, 15:03

Thank you for the information. We will continue testing to make sure that the platform is not responsible for such errors. 



02 Feb 2013, 13:02


the platform ran as expected until the end of the week when the same error occured again.

However I have noticed that two programs are active near the time of the crash (which seems to occur at a regular time):

- antivirus (update)

- Norton Online Backup (reminder to update)

I have now deinstalled Norton Online Backup.

It is awkward to sync the out of memory error with the event writer logs as I cannot get an exact time when the problem occurs (as I cannot watch the computer constatntly). But I think I will get there in the end.

The next step will be to run the platfrom again without Norton, then if the error still occurs try another antivirus. And keep watching the event writer.

I will keep you posted with any developments.



10 Feb 2013, 21:33


good news - the plaform ran all last week (with two robots running on Win 8) with no problems. The only known difference is that I deinstalled the Norton Online Backup.

I will update this post if the error appears again.




11 Feb 2013, 11:36


We appreciate you letting us know about this.

