Backtesting stop working/keeps loading - no Trade Satistics

Created at 19 Oct 2022, 17:46
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Joined 04.07.2022

Backtesting stop working/keeps loading - no Trade Satistics
19 Oct 2022, 17:46

Hi all,


i'm testing a Bot on a period of 3 years (source Ticks from server) on the graph of the 5min candles.

The backtest starts and after a while (one hour) i see that cTrader is basically at the end of the 3 years period backtest, but it keeps loading and doesn't show the Trade Statistic.

The only thing i can see is the Equity chart. At this point cTrader is stuck and doesn't complete the backtest, which force me to restart the program.

I need technical support from the cTrader teams please.






20 Oct 2022, 09:58

Dear Paolo,

In order to investigate this issue further, we need the following information

  1. cBot code
  2. cBot parameters and backtesting settings
  3. Broker

Best regards,

cTrader Team
