Different result between live market and Backtest result.

Created at 10 Nov 2014, 15:00
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Different result between live market and Backtest result.
10 Nov 2014, 15:00


I wrote a code below. result ok on forward but when i try to backtest result are not same. Code is below


double HL = MarketSeries.High[0] - MarketSeries.Low[0];
double MaLow = MA_Low.Result.Last(0);
double MaHigh = MA_High.Result.Last(0);

Print(MaLow + "  " + MaHigh + "   " + (MarketSeries.High[0] - MarketSeries.Low[0]) + "  " + _Filter);

when i attach bot in chat on forward test Print result show like:  high-low = 0.00063 like that  "that is OK"



But when backtest test Print result show like:  high-low = 7.0000 like that . this is wrong result


is anyone solve my problem please..............


10 Nov 2014, 17:32

But when backtest test Print result show like:  high-low = 7.0000 like that . this is wrong result

7E-05 means 7 * Math.Pow(10, -5) = 0.00007


14 Nov 2014, 13:58


Spotware said:

But when backtest test Print result show like:  high-low = 7.0000 like that . this is wrong result

7E-05 means 7 * Math.Pow(10, -5) = 0.00007


I am sorry don't understand. do you mean both are same. then why show different value. Then below code  not work on backtest.

            double HL = MarketSeries.High[0] - MarketSeries.Low[0];
            double MaLow = MA_Low.Result.Last(0);
            double MaHigh = MA_High.Result.Last(0);
            if (HL > _Filter)
                    SingalType = 1;

Above code "HL>_Filter" never true in backtest. it is work on forward test. But never True in backtest.


14 Nov 2014, 17:45

I am sorry don't understand. 

The following page maybe useful for you: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/00ecb7eb-a4c1-49c6-9822-b397ca58dfba/exponential-notation-help

Apart from that, there is a strange expression in your code:

double HL = MarketSeries.High[0] - MarketSeries.Low[0];

Probably you need to replace it to 

double HL = MarketSeries.High.Last(0) - MarketSeries.Low.Last(0);

