How do I stop the cBot after all the positions are closed?

Created at 24 Feb 2021, 16:42
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How do I stop the cBot after all the positions are closed?
24 Feb 2021, 16:42

I'm trying to stop my cBot when all the positions are closed, but sometimes it stop before close all the positions


I'm trying with this code:


 public void ClosingPositions()
            var positions = this.Positions.FindAll(botlabel, Symbol.Name);
            double netProfit = positions.Sum(x => x.NetProfit);

            if (Positions.Count >= 2 && netProfit >= 0.3 * (Account.Balance - _minEquity))
                foreach (var position in positions)

                    telegram.SendTelegram(ChatID, BotToken, Message);


            //            if (Positions.Count <= 1 && netProfit >= 1.5 * (Account.Balance - _minEquity))

            if (Positions.Count <= 1 && positions.Last().Pips >= TargetPips)
                foreach (var position in positions)

                    telegram.SendTelegram(ChatID, BotToken, Message);



Is that wrong?


24 Feb 2021, 16:50

Hi ChannelTrader,

It seems correct to me. Can you help us reproduce this behavior?

Best Regards,


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24 Feb 2021, 17:30 ( Updated at: 24 Feb 2021, 17:31 )


ChannelTrader said:

I'm trying to stop my cBot when all the positions are closed, but sometimes it stop before close all the positions


I'm trying with this code:


 public void ClosingPositions()
            var positions = this.Positions.FindAll(botlabel, Symbol.Name);
            double netProfit = positions.Sum(x => x.NetProfit);

            if (Positions.Count >= 2 && netProfit >= 0.3 * (Account.Balance - _minEquity))
                foreach (var position in positions)

                    telegram.SendTelegram(ChatID, BotToken, Message);


            //            if (Positions.Count <= 1 && netProfit >= 1.5 * (Account.Balance - _minEquity))

            if (Positions.Count <= 1 && positions.Last().Pips >= TargetPips)
                foreach (var position in positions)

                    telegram.SendTelegram(ChatID, BotToken, Message);



Is that wrong?

Dear Panagiotis, thx for your quickly repply. 

It is happening when I have 2 or more positions openend. It closes only the first position and the others keep opened.

Can you help me to solve it?


25 Feb 2021, 08:23

Hi ChannelTrader,

To help you solve it, you need to help me reproduce it. So I need the following

1) The complete cBot code

2) cBot parameters

3) Backtesting dates and the date that this happens.

Best Regards,


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25 Feb 2021, 14:39 ( Updated at: 25 Feb 2021, 15:14 )


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi ChannelTrader,

To help you solve it, you need to help me reproduce it. So I need the following

1) The complete cBot code

2) cBot parameters

3) Backtesting dates and the date that this happens.

Best Regards,


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Hi Panagiotis, how are you?


The parameters I'm using is set by default an I'm trying to use it on a demo account at live market , but it also happens at any day backtesting, but you can try on 20/03/2019, GBPUSD with parameter IfOpenBuy as true to get the error.

I'm also using a copy of these one for buying with the parameter IfOpenBuy set as true.

I tryed to remove the Stop() method from CloseningPositions() and add        if (Positions.Count < 1)

but I'm having the same error.


Here follows the code:



using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using System;
using System.Net;
using Telegram.Bot;

namespace cAlgo.Robots
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class VENDEDOR : Robot
        [Parameter("Long position?", Group = "Basic Setup", DefaultValue = false)]
        public bool IfOpenBuy { get; set; }

        [Parameter("First order volume", Group = "Basic Setup", DefaultValue = 1000, MinValue = 1, Step = 1)]
        public double InitialVolume { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Distance of trades", Group = "Basic Setup", DefaultValue = 10, MinValue = 1)]
        public int GridSizeInPoints { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Target Pips", DefaultValue = 10)]
        public double TargetPips { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Profit Factor", Group = "Basic Setup", DefaultValue = 0.4, Step = 0.1)]
        public double _profitfactor { get; set; }

        //Sets the minimum distance between a pending order and an open position.

        [Parameter("Minimum Trade Separation", DefaultValue = 10)]
        public double MinPipDistance { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Bot Token", DefaultValue = "", Group = "Telegram Notifications")]
        public string BotToken { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Chat ID", DefaultValue = "", Group = "Telegram Notifications")]
        public string ChatID { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Message", DefaultValue = "", Group = "Telegram Notifications")]
        public string Message { get; set; }

        Telegram telegram;

        public double TotalLoss { get; set; }

        private string botlabel;
        double _minEquity;

        protected override void OnStart()
            telegram = new Telegram();
            // Set position label to cBot name
            botlabel = GetType().Name;
            // Normalize volume in case a wrong volume was entered
            if (InitialVolume != (InitialVolume = Symbol.NormalizeVolumeInUnits(InitialVolume)))
                Print("Initial volume entered incorrectly, volume has been changed to ", InitialVolume);
            _minEquity = Account.Equity;


        protected override void OnTick()

            if (IfOpenBuy)

                if (Positions.Count(x => x.TradeType == TradeType.Buy && x.SymbolName == SymbolName && x.Label == botlabel) == 0)
                    ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, SymbolName, InitialVolume, botlabel, null, null);

                else if (Symbol.Ask <= Positions.FindAll(botlabel, SymbolName, TradeType.Buy).Last().EntryPrice - GridSizeInPoints * Symbol.PipSize)
                    ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, SymbolName, InitialVolume, botlabel, null, null);

                if (Positions.Count(x => x.TradeType == TradeType.Sell && x.SymbolName == SymbolName && x.Label == botlabel) == 0)
                    ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, SymbolName, 1 * InitialVolume, botlabel, null, null);
                else if (Symbol.Bid >= Positions.FindAll(botlabel, SymbolName, TradeType.Sell).Last().EntryPrice + GridSizeInPoints * Symbol.PipSize)
                    ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, SymbolName, InitialVolume, botlabel, null, null);

            if (Account.Equity < _minEquity)
                _minEquity = Account.Equity;


            if (Positions.Count < 1)


        public void ClosingPositions()
            var positions = this.Positions.FindAll(botlabel, Symbol.Name);
            double netProfit = positions.Sum(x => x.NetProfit);

            if (Positions.Count >= 2 && netProfit >= _profitfactor * (Account.Balance - _minEquity))
                foreach (var position in positions)

                    telegram.SendTelegram(ChatID, BotToken, Message);


            //            if (Positions.Count <= 1 && netProfit >= 1.5 * (Account.Balance - _minEquity))

            if (Positions.Count <= 1 && positions.Last().Pips >= TargetPips)
                foreach (var position in positions)

                    telegram.SendTelegram(ChatID, BotToken, Message);


        protected override void OnBar()


        protected override void OnStop()
            telegram.SendTelegram(ChatID, BotToken, Message);





25 Feb 2021, 15:06

Hi ChannelTrader,

I tried this on backtesting and seems to close positions just fine before it stops

Best Regards,


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25 Feb 2021, 15:31 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi ChannelTrader,

I tried this on backtesting and seems to close positions just fine before it stops

Best Regards,


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Mine is throwing an exception Ontick and sometimes OnStop, but I'm using spotware Ctrader 4.0 beta to do the backtest, should I test it on cTrader 3.8 only?


26 Feb 2021, 07:56

Hi ChannelTrader,

Can you provide your symbol and backtesting dates?

Best Regards,


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26 Feb 2021, 11:25


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi ChannelTrader,

Can you provide your symbol and backtesting dates?

Best Regards,


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Hi Panagiotis, how are you?

Thank you for your reply.

I'm testing on GBPUSD, 20/03/2019, with IfBuyOpen Parameter set as true.

The bot closes all the positions,only on CTrader 3.8, but it still get this warning in log.


26 Feb 2021, 11:44

Hi ChannelTrader,

Your problem is here

 if (Positions.Count <= 1 && positions.Last().Pips >= TargetPips)

You cannot call Last()  method if there are no elements in the collection.

Best Regards,


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26 Feb 2021, 11:48 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi ChannelTrader,

Your problem is here

 if (Positions.Count <= 1 && positions.Last().Pips >= TargetPips)

You cannot call Last()  method if there are no elements in the collection.

Best Regards,


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Dear Panagiotis, I edited this reply.

I modified the parameter to 

if (Positions.Count <= 1 && positioned.Pips >= TargetPips)

var positioned = Positions.Find(botlabel, Symbol.Name);.

Now I'm getting this error.

It says"The reference for the object is not defined to a object instancy" 


26 Feb 2021, 12:14

Hi ChannelTrader,

It's the same problem. You cannot call a position that does not exist.

Best Regards,


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26 Feb 2021, 12:18


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi ChannelTrader,

It's the same problem. You cannot call a position that does not exist.

Best Regards,


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Hi again,

I removed the parameter ClosingPositions() from OnStop() and now I have no error.

Thank you for your help and dedication.

Best regards.
