How to know the source of a PendingOrders.Cancelled event ?

Created at 19 Feb 2021, 11:27
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How to know the source of a PendingOrders.Cancelled event ?
19 Feb 2021, 11:27

Hi guys, 

I'm subscribed to the PendingOrders.Cancelled event, which is raised when an order is cancelled (by the user or a cBot).
The thing is: I don't know how to get the information about who cancelled the order, user or cBot ?

In my cBot, when I cancel an order, I add the order.Id to a list. Then when I receive the event, I check the list of bot cancelled order Ids to know if the order has been cancelled by the bot or the user.

This is cumbersome, and - I think - knowing the source of a cancelled order is a pretty common use case.

  • Is there a way to do it with the API ? 
  • If not, do you guys found a better solution to handle this ?


Many thanks for your help.



19 Feb 2021, 12:37

Hi Jerry,

Unfortunately there is no way to get this information from the API at the moment.

Best Regards,


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19 Feb 2021, 12:43


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Unfortunately there is no way to get this information from the API at the moment.

Thanks for the quick answer.

Does my question make sense, or am I missing something ?

Is it already in your backlog, or should I open a suggestion (if my question makes sense obviously) ?



19 Feb 2021, 12:53 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )

Hi Jerry,

It makes absolute sense. This information is actually stored in the database. Place a suggestion and I will explore with the product team in if it can be exposed to the API as well.

Best Regards,


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19 Feb 2021, 15:09

Good news if it is already in the database and that it makes sense. I'm gonna open a suggestion, then.

Thanks for your answer.


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