how to get the datetime of current tick?
Created at 18 Jul 2014, 18:37
how to get the datetime of current tick?
18 Jul 2014, 18:37
I'm developing a cBot. I need to know the datetime of each tick. But the only time related property I find is MarketSeries.OpenTime, which is not what I need. so how to get the current tick datetime in OnTick() method? If I use the C# function DateTime.UtcNow, I can get the current computer datetime, but it will be a wrong dateime if I use it in backtesting. Because every tick will be current computer time. and they are all the same time.
18 Jul 2014, 19:28
TonyPro said: I have fix this by using 'Server.Time', but how to get the current tick price?