Can't understand Equity in backtest

Created at 11 Apr 2014, 13:09
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Joined 10.04.2014

Can't understand Equity in backtest
11 Apr 2014, 13:09

Hi, I've been developing bots for a while now but I'm still fairly new to FX but I still don't get the Equity column on the backtest events tab.

The problem I see the Equity value go down and then back up and yet all my trades are winning as shown below:

And the graph:

As you can see the equity goes down at position 1 but I don't see why since all my trades make a net profit.

I'm struggling to understand what's going on or if I should be concerned about it.  Some of the trades last overnight so could it be to do with Swaps?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.







11 Apr 2014, 14:09



may in a certain period of time remaining open positions generated a loss, and after the close of the first item you are  equity  under balance.




11 Apr 2014, 14:32 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )

miej więcej o to chyba chodzi.

