Build the code automatically when the cTrader focused

Created at 16 Jul 2019, 12:30
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Joined 16.07.2019

Build the code automatically when the cTrader focused
16 Jul 2019, 12:30

Build the code automatically when the cTrader focused. So that I can use any text editor like vscode, atom or etc and when I focus on cTrader to auto-build the code. 

Currently, I can perfectly work with visual studio code with all the goods of C# and only down part is I need to manually click the build button once I am focused on running my tests. 

I couldn't find any shortcut to build when I am focused on the chart (instant). have to manually click the build button. 

Or just keep the build shortcut (Ctrl + B) when I am focused on an instant. 

Thank you.

30 Nov 2019, 05:45

VS Code support

Would be very grateful if I'd have support of VS Code same way as Visual Studio has. 


As Visual Studio is a good thing when you are a commercial user, and cTrader doesn't give you much freedom in sense of modern tools of development, as VS Code for example do