Is everyones source code protected from Spotware?

Created at 29 Nov 2013, 14:17
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Joined 26.12.2012

Is everyones source code protected from Spotware?
29 Nov 2013, 14:17

I would like to know if my source code can be seen by Spotware? Can you clarify which industry standards Spotware follows that protects their clients intellectual property from Spotware? On the Spotware website, the ISO27001 is mentioned but I don't think that covers the issue which I mentioned above. I can speak on behalf of everyone that we are all a bit paranoid about protecting our work.


29 Nov 2013, 14:25

It is not possible for the code to be seen by Spotware. Your code is only accessible on the machine where cAlgo is running on. 


29 Nov 2013, 14:40


I would like to take your word for it but I am placing my trust in your commercial software and assuming my code is safe. The forex industry is already corrupt so I wouldn’t expect anything different from the companies within this industry. Hence why I have asked if you follow any standards to protect the trader’s intellectual property from Spotware. Can you somehow re-assure me and the rest of the calgo users that our code is indeed private?

Spotware said:

It is not possible for the code to be seen by Spotware. Your code is only accessible on the machine where cAlgo is running on. 



29 Nov 2013, 15:16


Actually you can disassemble cAlgo.exe and all the assemblies it use and verify yourself that the source code is not transfered from your local hard disk.

This is not an invitation to hacking or anything similar, just a way to verify.

supafly said:

I would like to take your word for it but I am placing my trust in your commercial software and assuming my code is safe. The forex industry is already corrupt so I wouldn’t expect anything different from the companies within this industry. Hence why I have asked if you follow any standards to protect the trader’s intellectual property from Spotware. Can you somehow re-assure me and the rest of the calgo users that our code is indeed private?

Spotware said:

It is not possible for the code to be seen by Spotware. Your code is only accessible on the machine where cAlgo is running on. 


