Open Source Build - Big Bar Robot - JOIN IN

Created at 29 Oct 2013, 01:49
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Open Source Build - Big Bar Robot - JOIN IN
29 Oct 2013, 01:49

Ok... I am going to try something different see if people get on board. 

I am still learning C# and need to solve many problems to learn.. so I decided to post some open source projects to get people involved share the code openly.

So the first project is a robot that enters trades when the last bar in the timeframe is x times larger than the last y bars in the timeframe above.

That is if the last 15 min bar has a range that is greater than the last 4 30min bars posted and the direction is up it buys if its down it sells. The robot compares all timeframes and the higher the timeframe (e.g 1hr >  the last 5 4h bars) would be a stronger signal and the volume would be higher..

At this point I am stuck on using lists.. so anyone wants to help I will post the version as we go..

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Requests;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo.Robots
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.CentralStandardTime)]

    public class BigBarRobot : Robot

        [Parameter(DefaultValue = "BigBarRobot")]
        public string LabelName { get; set; }

        // CLOSE, HIGH, LOW... 
        public DataSeries Source { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Periods", DefaultValue = 14)]
        public int Periods { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Volume", DefaultValue = 10000, MinValue = 1000)]
        public int Volume { get; set; }

        protected int PositionsCount
            //Counts the positions made by this Robot
            get { return Account.Positions.Count(thisRobotsCurrPos => thisRobotsCurrPos.Label == LabelName); }

        //variable set outside onBar() to preserve the value on next call

        private bool LastOrderSuccessful = true;

        private readonly List<Position> _OpenPositions = new List<Position>();
        private Position LastBuyPositionOpened = null;

        private int TriggerLevel = 1;

        //Variables MarketSeries Data
        MarketSeries min5;
        MarketSeries min15;
        MarketSeries min30;
        MarketSeries hour1;
        MarketSeries hour4;

        //Cummulative array of marketSeries Data
        private readonly List<double> _Cumm5 = new List<double>(10);
        private readonly List<double> _Cumm15 = new List<double>(10);
        private readonly List<double> _Cumm30 = new List<double>(10);
        private readonly List<double> _Cumm1h = new List<double>(10);
        private readonly List<double> _Cumm4h = new List<double>(10);

        //Initialising Robot the first time
        protected override void OnStart()
            //Intialise Variables
            min5 = MarketData.GetSeries(Symbol.Code, TimeFrame.Minute5);
            min15 = MarketData.GetSeries(Symbol.Code, TimeFrame.Minute15);
            min30 = MarketData.GetSeries(Symbol.Code, TimeFrame.Minute30);
            hour1 = MarketData.GetSeries(Symbol.Code, TimeFrame.Hour);
            hour4 = MarketData.GetSeries(Symbol.Code, TimeFrame.Hour4);

            //Initialise the Cummulative Arrays to 0
            Print("List initialised");
            //_Cumm15[0] = 0;
            //_Cumm30[0] = 0;
            //_Cumm1h[0] = 0;
            //_Cumm4h[0] = 0;


        //called on each onBar() or onTick()
        protected override void OnBar()

            //Do nothing if system is busy

            if (Trade.IsExecuting)

            var lastIndex = MarketSeries.Close.Count - 1;

            // Get Current ranges
            double CurrRng5 = min5.High.LastValue - min5.Low.LastValue;
            double CurrRng15 = min15.High.LastValue - min15.Low.LastValue;
            double CurrRng30 = min30.High.LastValue - min30.Low.LastValue;
            double CurrRng1h = hour1.High.LastValue - hour1.Low.LastValue;
            double CurrRng4h = hour4.High.LastValue - hour4.Low.LastValue;

//            Print("h {0}", min5.High[min5.High.Count]);
            //          Print("i {0}", min5.High[min5.High.Count - 1]);

            //update array of cummulative ranges of last 30 bars

            // Print("Val H {0}", min5.High[min5.High.Count - 1]);
            // Print("Val H {0}", min5.High[min5.High.Count - 2]);

            //Print("Val H {0}", min5.High[lastIndex - 1]);
            //Print("Val H {0}", min5.High[lastIndex]);

            for (int i = MarketSeries.High.Count - 1; i > MarketSeries.High.Count - 11; i--)
                Print("Val H {0}", min5.High[i]);
                Print("Val Cnt {0}", MarketSeries.High.Count);
                // _Cumm5[i - 1] = min5.High[min5.High.Count - i] - min5.Low[min5.Low.Count - i] + _Cumm5[i];
                //Print("Val H {0}", min5.High[min5.High.Count - i]);
                //   Print("{0}", _Cumm5.Count);
                //   double H = min5.High[i];
                //   double L = min5.Low[i];
                //   double Ct = min5.High.Sum(i);
                // Print("Val L{0}", min5.Low[min5.Low.Count - i]);
                // _Cumm5.Add(H - L);
                //Print("Cumm: {0}", _Cumm5[i].ToString());
                //   Print("H {0}", H);

                //   Print("L {0}", L);

                //   Print("Rng {0}", H - L);


        //check if last 5 is greater than x periods of 15

//Start Functions here ...

        /// Create Conditional Buy Order
        private void ConditionalBuy()

            LastOrderSuccessful = true;
            //Buy ONCE at each trigger level when the Buy price is under the trigger price

            if (LastOrderSuccessful)
                Print("CO() ***** CONDITIONAL ORDER SUCCESSFUL!! *****");



        /// Close all position in list of specified type
        private void CloseAllPositions(string PosType)
            if (PositionsCount == 0)

            if (PosType == "Buy")
                foreach (Position position in _OpenPositions)
                    if (position.TradeType == TradeType.Buy)





        /// Add newly opened position to list 
        protected override void OnPositionOpened(Position openedPosition)
            //Add to list
            if (openedPosition == null)


            if (openedPosition.TradeType == TradeType.Buy)
                LastBuyPositionOpened = openedPosition;


        /// Remove closed position from list
        protected override void OnPositionClosed(Position closedPosition)
            if (closedPosition == null)

            if (_OpenPositions.Contains(closedPosition))


        /// Trade Statistics

        private void TradeStats(string Trade_Type)

            double TotalPipProfit = 0;
            double TotalDollarProfit = 0;
            double AvgEntryPrice = 0;
            double TotalCommissions = 0;
            double AvgClosePrice = 0;
            double LastTradePrice = 0;
            double LastTradeProfit = 0;
            int ActivePositions = 0;

            if (PositionsCount == 0)
                Print("Exception - No Orders");

            if (Trade_Type == "Buy")

                // foreach (var pos in Account.Positions).where(thisRobotsCurrPos => thisRobotsCurrPos.Label == LabelName);
                foreach (Position position in _OpenPositions)

                    if (position.TradeType == TradeType.Buy)
                        TotalPipProfit += position.Pips;
                        TotalDollarProfit += position.NetProfit;
                        AvgEntryPrice += position.EntryPrice;
                        TotalCommissions += position.Commissions;



            AvgEntryPrice = Math.Round((AvgEntryPrice / ActivePositions), Symbol.Digits);

            Print("*********************************{0}", Environment.NewLine);
            Print("Number of Active Buy Orders  = {0}", ActivePositions);
            Print("Total PIP Profits on all Buy Orders = {0}", TotalPipProfit);
            Print("Total $$ Profits on all Buy Orders = {0}", TotalDollarProfit);
            Print("Total Commissions Paid on Buy Orders = {0}", TotalCommissions);
            Print("Average Entry on Buy Orders = {0}", AvgEntryPrice);
            Print("Last Position opened is making {0} (PIPS)", LastBuyPositionOpened.Pips);
            Print("*********************************{0}", Environment.NewLine);


        /// Create Market Buy Order, Sets New Target and Sleeps Agent
        private void Buy()
            Trade.CreateBuyMarketOrder(Symbol, Volume);

            //Reset Trigger and send agent to sleep
            if (LastOrderSuccessful)
                Print("BO() Buy Order Successful");


        /// Close Single Position
        private void ClosePosition(Position pos)
            if (pos == null)


        /// Error Handler

        protected override void OnError(Error err)
            //  Print the error to the log
            switch (err.Code)
                case ErrorCode.BadVolume:
                    Print("Bad Volume");
                    LastOrderSuccessful = false;
                case ErrorCode.TechnicalError:
                    LastOrderSuccessful = false;
                    Print("Trade Unsuccessful - Technical Error TradeSuccessful = {0}", LastOrderSuccessful);
                case ErrorCode.NoMoney:
                    Print("No Money");
                    LastOrderSuccessful = false;
                case ErrorCode.Disconnected:
                    LastOrderSuccessful = false;
                case ErrorCode.MarketClosed:
                    Print("Market Closed");
                    LastOrderSuccessful = false;

        public void DrawLine(int TriggerLevel)

            int lastIndex = MarketSeries.OpenTime.Count - 1;
            DateTime now = MarketSeries.OpenTime[lastIndex];
            DateTime end = now.AddHours(5);

            Colors color;

            switch (1)
                case 1:
                    color = Colors.Red;
                case 2:
                    color = Colors.Green;
                case 3:
                    color = Colors.Blue;
                    color = Colors.MediumPurple;

            //Print("DL() Preparing to Draw Line @ TriggerPrice = {0} from  Now:{1} to End {2}", CurrTriggerLevel, now, end);
            // ChartObjects.DrawLine("Trigger", now, CurrTriggerLevel, end, CurrTriggerLevel, color);

//end class SmartBuy Robot


// end namespace







29 Oct 2013, 10:44

Since you try to save last 11 values you can use array instead of list. I guess something like this: 


private const int BarsCount = 11;
private readonly double[] _Cumm5 = new double[BarsCount];


var index = min5.High.Count - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < BarsCount; i++)
    _Cumm5[i] = _Cumm5[i] + min5.High[index - i] - min5.Low[index - i];




29 Oct 2013, 22:31


Kate said:

Since you try to save last 11 values you can use array instead of list. I guess something like this: 


private const int BarsCount = 11;
private readonly double[] _Cumm5 = new double[BarsCount];


var index = min5.High.Count - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < BarsCount; i++)
    _Cumm5[i] = _Cumm5[i] + min5.High[index - i] - min5.Low[index - i];



Thanks.. I guess the benefit is that it is less resource intensive right?  I will switch it over..since I dont need to dynamically resize the array.  I used lists to get more familiar with them..

30 Oct 2013, 17:22

Arrays works fine but...


I cannot pass in the parameter Periods when initialising the array

        [Parameter("Periods", DefaultValue = 10)]
        public int Periods { get; set; }

        private const int blah = 10;
        private readonly double[] _Cumm2 = new double[blah];

      Any idea why???  I tried to set blah to Periods and I tried to put Periods directly but the compiler saw through my wicked scheme and didnt allow it.. .

Can I make the list non resisable and the values on the next bar just overrite the previous and still use lists.. ?? Currently if I want to use lists I have to clear the list at the beginning of the next bar.  I cant see any real perf diff in arrays and lists.. have you had any experience with the performance diff?



30 Oct 2013, 17:41

RE: Arrays works fine but...

That will not work like that. The Parameter attribute will set the Periods variable after the creation of the _Cumm2 variable.


You should initialize the _Cumm2 variable in the Start() method of the robot is you want to use a value set by a parameter attribute.


jhtrader said:


I cannot pass in the parameter Periods when initialising the array

        [Parameter("Periods", DefaultValue = 10)]
        public int Periods { get; set; }

        private const int blah = 10;
        private readonly double[] _Cumm2 = new double[blah];

      Any idea why???  I tried to set blah to Periods and I tried to put Periods directly but the compiler saw through my wicked scheme and didnt allow it.. .

Can I make the list non resisable and the values on the next bar just overrite the previous and still use lists.. ?? Currently if I want to use lists I have to clear the list at the beginning of the next bar.  I cant see any real perf diff in arrays and lists.. have you had any experience with the performance diff?






03 Nov 2013, 16:55

Interesting plan

Interesting approach of prize trading. But why make the code so complex, if the strategyis so simple? I have a few questions:

What is the exit strategy?

What are TakeProfit and StopLoss based upon?

Do you have a fail safe strategy? ie. MacD or SMA?

With the simple piece of code for only the m15 bar, results are sort of promising.

int dezeBar = MarketSeries.Open.Count - 1;
            int m30bar = m30.Open.Count - 1;
            int shift = 0;
            // breedte vorige bar;
            double dif = (MarketSeries.Close[dezeBar - 1] - MarketSeries.Open[dezeBar - 1]);
            double dif1 = Math.Abs(m30.Close[m30bar - 2] - m30.Open[m30bar - 2]);
            double dif2 = Math.Abs(m30.Close[m30bar - 3] - m30.Open[m30bar - 3]);
            double dif3 = Math.Abs(m30.Close[m30bar - 4] - m30.Open[m30bar - 4]);
            double dif4 = Math.Abs(m30.Close[m30bar - 5] - m30.Open[m30bar - 5]);

            MarketOrderRequest ma;

            if (dif >= 0)
                // onderzoek long
                if (dif > dif1 && dif > dif2 && dif > dif3 && dif > dif4 && sma20.Result.IsRising())
                    Print("open een trade LONG op " + mooieTijd(MarketSeries.OpenTime.LastValue));
                    ma = new MarketOrderRequest(TradeType.Buy, 1000);
                    ma.Label = _LABEL;
                    ma.StopLossPips = SL;
                    ma.TakeProfitPips = TP;
                    ma.SlippagePips = 1;

                // onderzoek short
                dif = dif * (-1);
                if (dif > dif1 && dif > dif2 && dif > dif3 && dif > dif4 && sma20.Result.IsFalling())
                    Print("open een trade LONG op " + mooieTijd(MarketSeries.OpenTime.LastValue));
                    ma = new MarketOrderRequest(TradeType.Sell, 1000);
                    ma.Label = _LABEL;
                    ma.StopLossPips = SL;
                    ma.TakeProfitPips = TP;
                    ma.SlippagePips = 1;

