Opening a position

Created at 01 Apr 2019, 04:42
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Joined 02.03.2019

Opening a position
01 Apr 2019, 04:42



I have a doubt on the api to open a new position.

I don't understand the pending order, if I want to open a position I just use ExecuteMarketOrder right ?

Does that create a pending order that I have to wait to get accepted by the server ?




01 Apr 2019, 07:36


a.fernandez.martinez said:



I have a doubt on the api to open a new position.

I don't understand the pending order, if I want to open a position I just use ExecuteMarketOrder right ?

Does that create a pending order that I have to wait to get accepted by the server ?



As far as I know and understand, the ExecuteMarketOrder creates a new "position", not an "order". 

Then you have to test to see if it was successful. Eg, TradeResult r; if r.IsSuccessful then ... 

If the result is successful, it was accepted by the server. 


02 Apr 2019, 11:48

Hi a.fernandez.martinez,

You can learn about the different order types available in cTrader here.

Best Regards,

