Help, please refer to the position highlighted by the mouse.

Created at 14 Mar 2019, 19:10
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Joined 19.02.2018

Help, please refer to the position highlighted by the mouse.
14 Mar 2019, 19:10

Help, please refer to the position highlighted by the mouse. 
I have not found a way to do this.


15 Mar 2019, 10:04

Hi trader.calgo,

You can use the MouseMove event to capture the mouse location at any moment. See below an example

        protected override void OnStart()
             Chart.MouseMove += OnChartMouseMove;
        void OnChartMouseMove(ChartMouseEventArgs obj)

Best Regards,



16 Mar 2019, 09:17

thanks for idia, im use OnChartMouseDown. Is not beauty realization but is work. Please realize API PositionSelectedEvenArgs pos, if you have free time ))
