I am one step away from writing a manual strategy tester

Created at 04 Mar 2019, 09:00
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trader.calgo's avatar


Joined 19.02.2018

I am one step away from writing a manual strategy tester
04 Mar 2019, 09:00

Spotware please update the documentation. Tell me if anyone knows how to return the value of Y DrawHorizonLine or make interactive DrawTrendLine.


04 Mar 2019, 11:39

Hi trader.calgo,

Here is how to return the value of Y for a horizontal line. To make a chart object interactive, use IsInteractive property.

Best Regards,



04 Mar 2019, 21:00


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi trader.calgo,

Here is how to return the value of Y for a horizontal line. To make a chart object interactive, use IsInteractive property.

Best Regards,


Dear Panagiotis Charalampous, thanks to your prompts, the manual strategy tester has earned. I will add a couple of methods the other day and I can throw off the sources if you need them. Only mind you do not laugh at the wretchedness of the code, I tried.


08 Mar 2019, 12:15

PLS. Tell me if anyone knows how to find positioon selected by mouse.


26 Mar 2019, 11:53

      protected override void Initialize()
           Chart.MouseDown += Chart_MouseDown;

      private void Chart_MouseDown(ChartMouseEventArgs MouseEvent)
           Print( MouseEvent.YValue);



26 Mar 2019, 11:56



Provides data for the mouse related routed events.

Name Description

AltKey  Defines whether the Alt key is pressed during the mouse event.

BarIndex Gets the exact bar index of the mouse event.

Chart Gets the chart.

ChartArea Gets the chart area.


MouseX Gets the X-axis value of the mouse event.

MouseY Gets the Y-axis value of the mouse event.

ShiftKey Defines whether the Shift key is pressed during the mouse event.

TimeValue Gets the time value on the X-axis where the mouse event occurs.

YValue Gets the Y-axis value of the mouse event.




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