Get Symbol, trading and Indicators data from an external app.

Created at 25 Feb 2019, 15:47
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Joined 23.01.2019

Get Symbol, trading and Indicators data from an external app.
25 Feb 2019, 15:47

Hi everyone,

how can I connect to cTrader from an external app in C# and read market data, trading data and indicators data? Does exists a bridge between an external app and the cAlgo functions within cTrader?

Thanks in advance for your help!


25 Feb 2019, 16:18

Hi darcome,

You can use Open API.

Best Regards,



25 Feb 2019, 16:24

Are you sure I can get indicators data like the value of a 200 Moving Average of a certain Symbol on a certain period? I couldn't find any function for that (just to make an example)...


25 Feb 2019, 16:27

Hi darcome,

Sorry I missed the indicators. No you cannot get indicator data from Open API or any other source.

Best Regards,



25 Feb 2019, 16:39

ok, thank you!
