C# Programming is needed for an Excellent idea

Created at 22 Feb 2019, 14:24
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Joined 08.02.2019

C# Programming is needed for an Excellent idea
22 Feb 2019, 14:24

Hi, I have been running a Cbot for more than six months now which provided excellent results, but it can be enhanced and devolpled in some areas to provide better results at low invesment for shot and long periods, i am looking for someone who is serious and would like to to work on the C#  programming update for this running CBot. 


pls contact me bave_rowe28@hotmail.com 

this can be a win win scenario for both of us with some brainstorming and eforts 

hope to get some seriuos e-mails 


22 Feb 2019, 15:44

Contact me:


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