Error in optimization

Created at 11 Feb 2019, 20:47
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Joined 03.04.2018

Error in optimization
11 Feb 2019, 20:47

I write a Robot and when I want to optimize it I face an error "Crashed in OnBar with NotSupportedException: Chart operations are not supported in optimization".I move the code from onBar() method to onTick() I got the same error. what is the problem?


11/01/2019 00:00:00.000 | Backtesting started
11/01/2019 02:00:00.000 | Crashed in OnTick with NotSupportedException: Chart operations are not supported in optimization
11/01/2019 02:00:00.000 | Backtesting was stopped




12 Feb 2019, 09:28

Hi pozhy,

As the message says, you are using operations that are not supported in optimization. Do you draw objects on charts?

Best Regards,



11 Apr 2020, 13:29

I faced this issue today, here solution
I pass RunningMode of cBot as indicator's parameter.
and then in the indicator:
if (cBotRunningMode != RunningMode.Optimization) {
  // do chart operation here

