Disconnect stops robot

Created at 09 Sep 2013, 21:19
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Joined 05.07.2013

Disconnect stops robot
09 Sep 2013, 21:19


It seems that cALgo Disconnects and then connects back to the server but onError is not triggered and the bot is stopped.

How can I handle this??

Here is the on event

        protected override void OnError(Error CodeOfError)
            string errmsg = "Unknown Error.";
            if (CodeOfError.Code == ErrorCode.NoMoney)
                errmsg = "ERROR: No money for order open! Check Log! Robot Stopped!";

            else if (CodeOfError.Code == ErrorCode.BadVolume)
                errmsg = "ERROR: Bad volume for order open! Check Log! Robot Stopped!";
            else if (CodeOfError.Code == ErrorCode.MarketClosed)

                errmsg = "ERROR: Market Closed! Check Log!";
            else if (CodeOfError.Code == ErrorCode.Disconnected)

                errmsg = "ERROR: Disconnected Error! Check Log!";
            else if (CodeOfError.Code == ErrorCode.TechnicalError)

                errmsg = "ERROR: Technical Error! Check Log!";
            ChartObjects.DrawText("OnError Info", errmsg, StaticPosition.Center, Colors.Red);



I save to my DB some data on every 5 min bar and also on every tick I check some stuff in the DB but once cAlgo is Disconnected and then connected back it wotn continue run onBar and onTick events.

Below are screen shots from all the loggin that happens and it seems that the bot stopped ar 15:50:22.501



09 Sep 2013, 21:22 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )

Also here is the Journal where you can see the disconnection



09 Sep 2013, 21:24

@Support: I don't see edit button so I cannt change my post but can you please remove the windows title in the screen shot so that it doesn't show the url ?


10 Sep 2013, 10:43


stoko said:

@Support: I don't see edit button so I cannt change my post but can you please remove the windows title in the screen shot so that it doesn't show the url ?

Your image has been updated. 


10 Sep 2013, 11:01 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


stoko said:

Also here is the Journal where you can see the disconnection


This is a bug that will be fixed with the next release.


10 Sep 2013, 11:17

niceee thank you!
