Re-Monitoring Every Ongoing Trade if PC shuts down/restarts

Created at 18 Oct 2018, 19:28
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Joined 07.09.2018

Re-Monitoring Every Ongoing Trade if PC shuts down/restarts
18 Oct 2018, 19:28



I have problem with internet & electricity in my country, sometimes the net shuts for a while.


after electricity / net is back up, bots won't monitor ongoing trades it took before.


i have tried few other bots also the same.


Anyone can help me with a set of code to input in any bots?


19 Oct 2018, 08:59

Hi Anthony,

What you need is a cloud-based server in the form of a VPS, they offer 99.9% uptime 24/7, to find out more click on the link below and if you need more information about exactly what is a Virtual Private Server (VPS) click here

Paul Hayes
Sales & Marketing
Phone: (44) 203 289 6573


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