Handling cAlgo Restart/crash/disconnect

Created at 11 Aug 2013, 09:56
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Joined 19.05.2013

Handling cAlgo Restart/crash/disconnect
11 Aug 2013, 09:56

If cAlgo is disconnected will it forget open positions from cBots?

If cAlgo is restarted or crashes will it forget open positions from cBots?


If yes, is there a workaround or an update coming soon to address this issue? 




12 Aug 2013, 12:13

If cAlgo is disconnected it is impossible to open positions because you can not send your request to the server. You will not also receive OnTick and OnBar events in this case. When it is reconnected, you will start to receive events and it will be possible to execute new trades.

If you close cAlgo (or it is totally crashed) your code is no longer executed, so now trade operations will be executed (except server-side SL, TP and Pendin Orders). When you restart cAlgo  robots will be stopped by default, so you need to run them manually. In nearest future we are going to implement an ability to restarts robots automatically when cAlgo is restarted.


12 Aug 2013, 14:31


cAlgo_Development said:

In nearest future we are going to implement an ability to restarts robots automatically when cAlgo is restarted.

This planned feature is a must in VPS systems and would contribute to greater safety. Hopefully it is coming very soon (for example as an NT service with parameter <starting Robot>) ...


12 Aug 2013, 16:43



16 Aug 2013, 18:47

What about positions opened before internet crash?
When calgo is reconnected cBot doesn't remember about them.


29 Oct 2015, 01:31


cAlgo_Development said:

In nearest future we are going to implement an ability to restarts robots automatically when cAlgo is restarted.

Was it implemented so far?


29 Oct 2015, 06:38

Dear Trader,

This feature is not implemented yet. It will be available in the future. Stay tuned.


26 Mar 2016, 14:44

This post was removed by moderator.


28 Mar 2016, 13:40


Cerunnos said:

cAlgo_Development said:

In nearest future we are going to implement an ability to restarts robots automatically when cAlgo is restarted.

This planned feature is a must in VPS systems and would contribute to greater safety. Hopefully it is coming very soon (for example as an NT service with parameter ) ...

Agree with this;  

I've noticed some "odd" behaviour of my calgo logging in and out which I'm pretty sure means the bot is no longer running.  I hadn't set up alerts for *this* but after noticing some other odd behaviour I ensured that there were always limit exits and stops in case some unexpected event happened (anywhere in the signal chain) and I wasn't hoping for a responsive algo to close all positions !!! [which BTW works fantastically in backtesting :)  ]


28 Mar 2016, 14:01

Agree as well.

I have stopped trading with my cBot because of those connection issues and inability to automatically start a bot after cTrader restart.


29 Mar 2016, 12:44

Dear Trader,

It's in our plans to provide users with the ability to set their cBot to start automatically on the application start up in the future. Stay tuned. Additionally, you can post your ideas/suggestions to http://vote.spotware.com/


3183 Capital
28 Oct 2016, 08:49

Any update on the feature of reconnection and then open/existing trades being re-instaded/re-connected with executed Algo?

@3183 Capital

20 Apr 2017, 02:15


Is there any Update on this feature? This is very important, because traders need to rely on the bots that they are running also after a restart.

Thanks in advance.


20 Apr 2017, 02:17


andi21 said:


Is there any Update on this feature? This is very important, because traders need to rely on the bots that they are running also after a restart.

Thanks in advance.

Here is also a link to the feature:



11 May 2017, 22:19

A feature that is needed in the platform and that I am willing to support up to 100%.


23 May 2017, 15:26

Is there any Update on this very important feature? Thanks in advance.

24 May 2017, 10:33


I have a suggestion for this to be implemented the easiest way with the least effort:

just remember / persist the state of an bot-instance-play-button on hard disk. So if a user clicks on play of a bot instance the state "1" for bot-instance X is persisted. If the user clicks on stop of a bot instance the state "0" for bot-instance X is persisted. And if cAlgo starts it looks for the states and if it has states and they are also set to 1, then it just activates the bots.

It is even not necessary to display a message or leave an info about this behaviour, because if somebody starts a bot then he wants to run it until he stops it again - no matter if there was a server crash etc..

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,



23 Jul 2017, 11:54

any updates on this subject?

any updates on this subject?


25 Jul 2017, 09:08

Dear Traders,

This is still in our plans but we cannot provide an ETA at the moment. We will update you as soon as this becomes available.

Best Regards,

cTrader Team
