10 Aug 2013, 13:24
can you help me to modify my robot?
I would replace Trailling stop by brekeven.
[Parameter (DefaultValue = 40)]
public double Trigger {get; set;}
[Parameter (DefaultValue = 20)]
public double breakeven {get; set;}
//#reference: ..\Indicators\ZigZag.algo
using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Requests;
namespace cAlgo.Robots
public class ZiGZaG : Robot
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 12)]
public int ZzDepth { get; set;}
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 5)]
public int ZzDeviation { get; set;}
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 3)]
public int ZzBackStep { get; set;}
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 100000)]
public int Volume { get; set;}
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 40)]
public int StopLoss { get; set;}
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 0)]
public int TakeProfit { get; set;}
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 0)]
public double Trigger { get; set;}
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 0)]
public double TrailingStop { get; set;}
private Position _position;
private ZigZag _zigZag;
private double prevValue;
private MovingAverageType _matype;
protected bool UseTrailingStop
get { return Trigger > 0.0 && TrailingStop > 0.0; }
protected override void OnTick()
if (Trade.IsExecuting || _position == null) return;
if (UseTrailingStop)
protected override void OnStart()
_matype = MovingAverageType.Simple;
_zigZag = Indicators.GetIndicator<ZigZag>(ZzDepth, ZzDeviation, ZzBackStep);
protected override void OnBar()
if (Trade.IsExecuting)
bool isLongPositionOpen = _position != null && _position.TradeType == TradeType.Buy;
bool isShortPositionOpen = _position != null && _position.TradeType == TradeType.Sell;
double lastValue = _zigZag.Result.LastValue;
if (!double.IsNaN(lastValue))
if (lastValue < prevValue && !isLongPositionOpen)
else if (lastValue > prevValue && prevValue > 0.0 && !isShortPositionOpen)
prevValue = lastValue;
private void ClosePosition()
if (_position == null) return;
_position = null;
private void Buy()
Request request = new MarketOrderRequest(TradeType.Buy, Volume)
Label = "ZIGZAG",
StopLossPips = StopLoss > 0 ? (int?)StopLoss : null,
TakeProfitPips = TakeProfit > 0 ? (int?)TakeProfit : null
private void Sell()
Request request = new MarketOrderRequest(TradeType.Sell, Volume)
Label = "ZIGZAG",
StopLossPips = StopLoss > 0 ? (int?)StopLoss : null,
TakeProfitPips = TakeProfit > 0 ? (int?)TakeProfit : null
protected override void OnPositionOpened(Position openedPosition)
_position = openedPosition;
private void Trail()
foreach (var position in Account.Positions)
if (position.TradeType == TradeType.Sell)
double distance = position.EntryPrice - Symbol.Ask;
if (distance >= Trigger * Symbol.PipSize)
double newStopLossPrice = Symbol.Ask + TrailingStop * Symbol.PipSize;
if (position.StopLoss == null || newStopLossPrice < position.StopLoss)
Trade.ModifyPosition(position, newStopLossPrice, position.TakeProfit);
double distance = Symbol.Bid - position.EntryPrice;
if (distance >= Trigger * Symbol.PipSize)
double newStopLossPrice = Symbol.Bid - TrailingStop * Symbol.PipSize;
if (position.StopLoss == null || newStopLossPrice > position.StopLoss)
Trade.ModifyPosition(position, newStopLossPrice, position.TakeProfit);
13 Aug 2013, 17:31
Can you please clarify what the intended logic is:
when the currency reaches trigger: 40
the stop loss moves to the price of entry ...?
it does not position 30 above the entry price ...
You are setting a new stop loss if the trade type is sell:
Trade.ModifyPosition(position, N3, position.TakeProfit);
But if the type is Buy you are setting stop loss to entry price:
Trade.ModifyPosition(position, entryPrice, position.TakeProfit);
13 Aug 2013, 14:58
I have changed my code. (trail)
it works well.
except for breakeven Buy.
it always changes its position to "0". (entry price)
for example:
stoploss: 40
breakeven 30:
trigger: 40
when the currency reaches trigger: 40
the stop loss moves to the price of entry ...?
it does not position 30 above the entry price ...
But it works with "shell".
( you can see the error more easily by removing "ClosePosition ();
of "protected override void OnBar ()" )
thank you for your help
//#reference: ..\Indicators\ZigZag.algo
using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Requests;
namespace cAlgo.Robots
public class ZiGZaG : Robot
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 12)]
public int ZzDepth { get; set;}
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 5)]
public int ZzDeviation { get; set;}
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 3)]
public int ZzBackStep { get; set;}
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 100000)]
public int Volume { get; set;}
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 40)]
public int StopLoss { get; set;}
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 80)]
public int TakeProfit { get; set;}
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 40)]
public double Trigger { get; set;}
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 0)]
public double TrailingStop { get; set;}
[Parameter("Breakeven", DefaultValue = 30)]
public double Breakeven { get; set;}
private Position _position;
private ZigZag _zigZag;
private double prevValue;
private MovingAverageType _matype;
protected override void OnTick()
protected override void OnStart()
_matype = MovingAverageType.Simple;
_zigZag = Indicators.GetIndicator<ZigZag>(ZzDepth, ZzDeviation, ZzBackStep);
protected override void OnBar()
if (Trade.IsExecuting)
bool isLongPositionOpen = _position != null && _position.TradeType == TradeType.Buy;
bool isShortPositionOpen = _position != null && _position.TradeType == TradeType.Sell;
double lastValue = _zigZag.Result.LastValue;
if (!double.IsNaN(lastValue))
if (lastValue < prevValue && !isLongPositionOpen)
else if (lastValue > prevValue && prevValue > 0.0 && !isShortPositionOpen)
prevValue = lastValue;
private void ClosePosition()
if (_position == null) return;
_position = null;
private void Buy()
Request request = new MarketOrderRequest(TradeType.Buy, Volume)
Label = "ZIGZAG",
StopLossPips = StopLoss > 0 ? (int?)StopLoss : null,
TakeProfitPips = TakeProfit > 0 ? (int?)TakeProfit : null
private void Sell()
Request request = new MarketOrderRequest(TradeType.Sell, Volume)
Label = "ZIGZAG",
StopLossPips = StopLoss > 0 ? (int?)StopLoss : null,
TakeProfitPips = TakeProfit > 0 ? (int?)TakeProfit : null
private void Trail()
foreach (Position _position in base.Account.Positions)
if (_position.TradeType == TradeType.Sell)
if (_position.Pips >= (double)this.Trigger && this.Breakeven > 0)
double N2 = _position.EntryPrice - (double)this.Breakeven * base.Symbol.PipSize;
double N3 = N2;
double? stopLoss = _position.StopLoss;
if (N3 < stopLoss.GetValueOrDefault() && stopLoss.HasValue)
base.Trade.ModifyPosition(_position, new double?(N3), _position.TakeProfit);
if (_position.Pips >= (double)this.Trigger && this.Breakeven < 1)
double N2 = base.Symbol.Ask + (double)this.TrailingStop * base.Symbol.PipSize;
double N3 = N2;
double? stopLoss = _position.StopLoss;
if (N3 < stopLoss.GetValueOrDefault() && stopLoss.HasValue)
base.Trade.ModifyPosition(_position, new double?(N3),_position.TakeProfit);
if (_position.Pips >= (double)this.Trigger && this.Breakeven > 0)
double entryPrice = _position.EntryPrice;
double? stopLoss = _position.StopLoss;
double N2 = entryPrice;
if (stopLoss.GetValueOrDefault() < N2 && stopLoss.HasValue)
base.Trade.ModifyPosition(_position, new double?(entryPrice), _position.TakeProfit);
if (_position.Pips >= (double)this.Trigger && this.Breakeven < 1)
double N2 = base.Symbol.Bid - (double)this.TrailingStop * base.Symbol.PipSize;
double? stopLoss = _position.StopLoss;
double N3 = N2;
if (stopLoss.GetValueOrDefault() < N3 && stopLoss.HasValue)
base.Trade.ModifyPosition(_position, new double?(N2), _position.TakeProfit);
protected override void OnPositionOpened(Position openedPosition)
_position = openedPosition;