Sharing my amazing Cbot without source code

Created at 12 Jul 2018, 18:36
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Joined 19.03.2018

Sharing my amazing Cbot without source code
12 Jul 2018, 18:36

I have created an amazing cbot and I would like to share it here without  showing the  source codes.

How can I do it?

can the source code of cbot.algo be read?


I want others to use my bot without giving the source code.

Thanks in advance


12 Jul 2018, 22:00


ceakuk said:

I have created an amazing cbot and I would like to share it here without  showing the  source codes.

How can I do it?

can the source code of cbot.algo be read?


I want others to use my bot without giving the source code.

Thanks in advance


there are probably several solutions.
you can distribute the algo file ...
left on the dashboard select "show in folder"
you can copy and paste the file and send it to the mailbox of the person who asks you.
he can use your cBot without seeing the code.
you can send it to me without any problem



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06 Feb 2020, 14:31

Actually, you made your own cbot and I was surprised by that. Can you tell me more


14 Feb 2020, 06:22

I have found an application that when you share a cbot will not need the source code is shareit for pc at unlimited sharing applications


14 Feb 2020, 10:05 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )

Hi, Ceauk,

You can build your cBot or indicator without source code from the Automate screen, if you do this you can then send the file to anyone and they will not be able to see the code, to do this just right click your mouse on your name of the cBot and select "Build"

this is the simplest solution provided by Spotware to safeguard your project code, if you want to have even more security to protect your work then you need to do what is known as Obfuscation.


What is Obsfucation?

In software development, obfuscation is the deliberate act of creating source or machine code that is difficult for humans to understand. Like obfuscation in natural language, it may use needlessly roundabout expressions to compose statements.


There are many software solutions to encrypt to make it harder to reverse engineer and steal your code and the price varies from £100+, here are a few good ones.


Piracy Prevention

Even after you have protected your code, you will also need to prevent piracy to stop your product from being passed around the internet, for this, you need a licensing system.


Paul Hayes
Sales & Marketing
Phone: (44) 203 289 6573

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05 Apr 2024, 23:32 ( Updated at: 07 Apr 2024, 05:23 )

Share my cbot with fullaccess


I created a cbot but it requires the user full access. When I share the algo file after the build process and I send to another person, it doesn't work because of the access. What do you recommend for that?

07 Apr 2024, 05:55

RE: Share my cbot with fullaccess said: 


I created a cbot but it requires the user full access. When I share the algo file after the build process and I send to another person, it doesn't work because of the access. What do you recommend for that?

Hi there,

Can you be more specific regarding what is not working. cBots with full access permissions should just ask for permissions on start, but other than that, they should work without issues.

Best regards,

