TimeSeriesMovingAverage and historic data problem
TimeSeriesMovingAverage and historic data problem
28 Apr 2018, 05:12
When using a TimeSeriesMovingAverage on an hourly dataseries, it returns Nan for several days until enough data is collected, however something like ExponentialMovingAverage works straight away
Does anyone know of a workaround for this issue?
Code example:
using System; using System.Linq; using cAlgo.API; using cAlgo.API.Indicators; using cAlgo.API.Internals; using cAlgo.Indicators; namespace cAlgo { [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)] public class NewcBot : Robot { public ExponentialMovingAverage ema; public TimeSeriesMovingAverage tsma; public RelativeStrengthIndex RSI; private MarketSeries time; private int min; public bool CalcTime() { bool result = false; if (min != Server.Time.Minute) { result = true; min = Server.Time.Minute; } return (result); } protected override void OnStart() { time = MarketData.GetSeries(Symbol, TimeFrame.Hour); RSI = Indicators.RelativeStrengthIndex(time.Close, 14); ema = Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(RSI.Result, 200); tsma = Indicators.TimeSeriesMovingAverage(RSI.Result, 200); } protected override void OnBar() { if (CalcTime()) { Print("tsma: " + tsma.Result.Last(0)); Print("ema: " + ema.Result.Last(0)); } } } }
07 May 2018, 14:29
Hi Panagiotis,
Because of the limit of data loaded through GetSeries, there isn't enough data to calculate the TSMA
In a forum post before Spotware said they would add the feature to select how much data to load, is this still in progress?
MarketData.GetSeries("MARKET", TimeFrame.Hour, 200)
or something like
MarketData.GetSeries("MARKET", TimeFrame.Hour, TimeSpan.OneMonth)
This feature would be very useful
Thanks, Simon
07 May 2018, 17:22
Hi Simon,
This feature is in our backlog, however we do not have a release date or release version yet.
Best Regards,
07 May 2018, 11:49 ( Updated at: 29 Aug 2022, 08:36 )
Hi Simon,
There is no issue here, this is the way these averages are calculated. EMA allows you to calculate from the first value while TSMA does not.
Best Regards,