if x < -0.015 algo

Created at 19 Apr 2018, 08:56
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Joined 25.12.2012

if x < -0.015 algo
19 Apr 2018, 08:56



im trying to figure out the code to execute if the current value return by indicator is less than -0.015 (i.e. -0.016), then execute the command.

it work on positive number but the execution kind of giving weird result for negative value. x is declared as double

tried to google it for c# walkthrough.. but cant find any.  hope anybody in here can help



19 Apr 2018, 09:17

Hi tasr1r1,

Could you please share a code sample that would allow us to reproduce your issue?

Best Regards,



03 May 2018, 14:00


tasr1r1 said:



im trying to figure out the code to execute if the current value return by indicator is less than -0.015 (i.e. -0.016), then execute the command.

it work on positive number but the execution kind of giving weird result for negative value. x is declared as double

tried to google it for c# walkthrough.. but cant find any.  hope anybody in here can help


did you try putting in brackets  -(0.0015)

