Closing a Countertrade

Created at 21 Mar 2018, 17:16
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Joined 26.10.2014

Closing a Countertrade
21 Mar 2018, 17:16

Hi guys.

How can i modify CounterTrade to automatically Close " it's trade " when the " Original position " closes. Please any help would be much appreciated. 

Many Thanks

This is the cbot



21 Mar 2018, 17:31

Hi Gwave,

Thanks for posting in our forum. An idea would be to keep in the counter trade position a reference to the original position e.g. keep the id in the label, and then, on OnPositionsClosed, track if there is a referenced position and close it as well. However this needs some coding to be achieved...

Let me know if I was helpful.

Best Regards,



21 Mar 2018, 17:54

Hi Panagiotis

Iam a complete novice and i am not a coder. I don't know if you can help please. I thought it would be a simple modification that i am not aware of, am i mistaken or can you help ?

Many Thanks


21 Mar 2018, 18:01

Hi Gwave,

Unfortunately, I cannot engage into developing custom cBots for traders. If you need professional help, you could contact a Consultant or post a Job.

Best Regards,



21 Mar 2018, 18:27

Cheers, no worries.

Many Thanks 
