closeAll positions when equity greater than balance

Created at 08 Feb 2018, 04:19
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closeAll positions when equity greater than balance
08 Feb 2018, 04:19


Please im creating a hedge bot and want all positions to close when equity is greater than account balance by xpips. However, the only closes profitable trades and leavie losing trades behind but I want both profitable and lossing trades to close

using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class ashi : Robot
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 0.0)]
        public double Parameter { get; set; }
        [Parameter("ProfitTarget", DefaultValue = 300)]
        public double ProfitTarget { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Volume", DefaultValue = 10000)]
        public int Volume { get; set; }
        public double balance;
        public double lastTradePrice;
        public TradeResult lastposition;

        protected override void OnStart()
            // Get the initial balance
            balance = Account.Balance;

            // Start hedge grid
            lastposition = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 2);
            ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 2);

        protected override void OnTick()
            // Open more trades if the price moved 5 pips
            if (lastposition.Position.Pips > 5)

                lastposition = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 2);
            if (lastposition.Position.Pips < -5)

                lastposition = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, Volume, "sell", 0, 2);
            // Check if equity is in profit then shut down the grid cycle
            if (Account.Equity >= balance + 5)

                foreach (var position in Positions)
                balance = Account.Balance;

                // Start hedge grid
                lastposition = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 2);
                ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 2);


        protected override void OnStop()
            // Put your deinitialization logic here



. I would be glad if anyone could help me resolve this issue.



08 Feb 2018, 11:20

Hi thegreat.super,

From what i see

                foreach (var position in Positions)

closes all positions.

Why do you say that it closes only profitable ones?

Best Regards



08 Feb 2018, 16:28

When the cbot place 2 buy lots and 1 sell ot, the expectation is that if price move infavour of buy, and equity is more than balance, both the buy and sell trades should close together. However, when price moves in favour of buy trades and its in profit, the buy position is closed but the sell position remains instead of closing together with the buy positions.


using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class ashi : Robot
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 0.0)]
        public double Parameter { get; set; }
        [Parameter("ProfitTarget", DefaultValue = 300)]
        public double ProfitTarget { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Volume", DefaultValue = 10000)]
        public int Volume { get; set; }
        public double balance;
        public double lastTradePrice;
        public TradeResult lastposition;

        protected override void OnStart()
            // Get the initial balance
            balance = Account.Balance;

            // Start hedge grid
            lastposition = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 2);
            ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 2);

        protected override void OnTick()
            // Open more trades if the price moved 5 pips
            if (lastposition.Position.Pips > 5)

                lastposition = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 2);

            if (lastposition.Position.Pips < -5)

                lastposition = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, Volume, "sell", 0, 2);

            // Check if equity is in profit then shut down the grid cycle
            if (Account.Equity >= balance + 2)

                foreach (var position in Positions)
                balance = Account.Balance;

                // Start hedge grid
                ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, 1000, "buy", 0, 2);
                ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, 1000, "sell", 0, 2);


        protected override void OnStop()
            // Put your deinitialization logic here



08 Feb 2018, 16:58

Hi thegreat.super,

I understand that. But the code you posted, closes all of them. Did you try to run it on cTrader and it did not close all positions? Did you just backtest it? I am just trying to understand how you reached to the conclusion that it is not working.

Best Regards,



09 Feb 2018, 18:19


I tested it on demo. now its working .the new problem is that it crashes with the error:

Crashed in OnTick with NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


Please can you eplain to me what error and where to find it because no error was reported while compiling.



12 Feb 2018, 11:22

Hi thegreat.super,

You can find an explanation for this kind of exceptions here. The problem probably occurs because you are checking lastposition without checking if it is null first. See below

using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
namespace cAlgo
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class ashi : Robot
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 0.0)]
        public double Parameter { get; set; }
        [Parameter("ProfitTarget", DefaultValue = 300)]
        public double ProfitTarget { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Volume", DefaultValue = 10000)]
        public int Volume { get; set; }
        public double balance;
        public double lastTradePrice;
        public TradeResult lastposition;
        protected override void OnStart()
            // Get the initial balance
            balance = Account.Balance;
            // Start hedge grid
            lastposition = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 2);
            ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 2);
        protected override void OnTick()
            // Open more trades if the price moved 5 pips
            if (lastposition != null && lastposition.Position.Pips > 5)
                lastposition = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 2);
            if (lastposition != null &&  lastposition.Position.Pips < -5)
                lastposition = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, Volume, "sell", 0, 2);
            // Check if equity is in profit then shut down the grid cycle
            if (Account.Equity >= balance + 2)
                foreach (var position in Positions)
                balance = Account.Balance;
                // Start hedge grid
                ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, 1000, "buy", 0, 2);
                ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, 1000, "sell", 0, 2);
        protected override void OnStop()
            // Put your deinitialization logic here

Let me know if the above resolves the problem.

Best Regards,



13 Feb 2018, 17:46


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi thegreat.super,

You can find an explanation for this kind of exceptions here. The problem probably occurs because you are checking lastposition without checking if it is null first. See below

using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
namespace cAlgo
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class ashi : Robot
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 0.0)]
        public double Parameter { get; set; }
        [Parameter("ProfitTarget", DefaultValue = 300)]
        public double ProfitTarget { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Volume", DefaultValue = 10000)]
        public int Volume { get; set; }
        public double balance;
        public double lastTradePrice;
        public TradeResult lastposition;
        protected override void OnStart()
            // Get the initial balance
            balance = Account.Balance;
            // Start hedge grid
            lastposition = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 2);
            ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 2);
        protected override void OnTick()
            // Open more trades if the price moved 5 pips
            if (lastposition != null && lastposition.Position.Pips > 5)
                lastposition = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 2);
            if (lastposition != null &&  lastposition.Position.Pips < -5)
                lastposition = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, Volume, "sell", 0, 2);
            // Check if equity is in profit then shut down the grid cycle
            if (Account.Equity >= balance + 2)
                foreach (var position in Positions)
                balance = Account.Balance;
                // Start hedge grid
                ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, 1000, "buy", 0, 2);
                ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, 1000, "sell", 0, 2);
        protected override void OnStop()
            // Put your deinitialization logic here

Let me know if the above resolves the problem.

Best Regards,



Please it now works well on demo account but the problem persist on live account.



14 Feb 2018, 10:29

Hi thegreat.super,

Unfortunately, it is not easy to help you if I don't have the same conditions as you. I have provided a link above that explains what this exception means. Probably a variable is used somewhere without being initialized first or having a null value. If you try to debug this cBot using Visual Studio, then it will be easy to find out where the exception is thrown and fix it. 

Best Regards,



16 Feb 2018, 07:33



 does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point 





16 Feb 2018, 09:12

Hi thegreat.super,

Here s a guide that explains how to debug cBots in Visual Studio. Paul Hayes has also created a couple of cool videos on this subject. You can find one here

Best Regards,



24 Apr 2018, 14:03

indicator return nan value
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using cAlgo.API.Requests;

namespace cAlgo.Robots
    [Robot(AccessRights = AccessRights.FullAccess)]
    public class ConvertedRobot : Robot

        // Keltner Channels
        private KeltnerChannels keltnerChannels;

        void Mq4Init()

            //Print(" Void init ", _lastError);
            if (IsTesting())
                G_magic_112 = 0;
            //Print("istesting ", _lastError);

            Gs_476 = "ka" + Symbol.Code + "_" + G_magic_112 + "_";

            if (StopLoss > Gd_124)
                Gd_124 = StopLoss;
            G_time_440 = 0;

            ArrayInitialize(Gda_448, 0);
            G_count_452 = 0;
            ArrayInitialize(Gda_376, 0);
            ArrayInitialize(Gda_380, 0);
            ArrayInitialize(Gia_384, 0);
            Gi_360 = 5;
            Gd_364 = 1E-05;
            if (Digits < 5)
                G_slippage_372 = 0;
                Gi_436 = -1;
            Gia_472[0] = 1;


            //Print("This is the first Error ", _lastError);

        void Mq4Start()

            // Print("Mq4start ", _lastError);

            if (Gi_360 == 0)

                Print("mq4init ", _lastError);
            if (Gia_472[0] == 1)
                // Print("Gia  ", _lastError);
                f0_4Func(Gda_376, Gda_380, Gia_384, Gd_388);
                Print("Settinfs mql start", _lastError);
                Print("Execution Test ", _lastError);

        void deinitFunc()
            if (IsTesting())
                Print("This is the first Error deint ");
                f0_7Func(Gs_476 + "SL");
                f0_7Func(Gs_476 + "TP");
        void OnBar(double previousValue)

            if (double.IsNaN(previousValue))

                double icustom_92 = keltnerChannels.Top.LastValue;
                double icustom_100 = keltnerChannels.Bottom.LastValue;
                Print(icustom_100, " 100 and 92 ", icustom_92);

        void f0_11Func(Mq4Double A_timeframe_0)
            Mq4Double Li_288 = false;
            Mq4Double Li_276 = false;
            Mq4Double Ld_256 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_248 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_240 = 0;
            Mq4Double count_236 = 0;
            Mq4Double count_232 = 0;
            Mq4Double Li_212 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_204 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_180 = 0;
            Mq4Double count_172 = 0;
            Mq4Double pos_176 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_164 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_156 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_140 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_120 = 0;
            Mq4Double Li_116 = false;
            Mq4Double Ld_108 = 0;
            Mq4Double icustom_100 = 0;
            Mq4Double icustom_92 = 0;
            Mq4Double ilow_84 = 0;
            Mq4Double ihigh_76 = 0;
            Mq4Double Li_284 = 0;
            Mq4Double Li_280 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_268 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_224 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_216 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_196 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_unused_188 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_148 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_132 = 0;
            Mq4Double Li_128 = false;
            Mq4Double Li_72 = false;
            Mq4String Ls_64 = "";
            Mq4Double price_56 = 0;
            Mq4Double price_48 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_40 = 0;
            Mq4Double Li_36 = 0;
            Mq4Double datetime_32 = 0;
            Mq4Double bool_28 = false;
            Mq4Double price_20 = 0;
            Mq4Double price_12 = 0;
            Mq4Double ticket_4 = 0;
            Print("Setting main function", icustom_92);

            // ;
            if (G_time_440 != Time[0])
                G_time_440 = Time[0];
                G_count_444 = 0;
                Print("trial mv", _lastError);
            Print(icustom_92, Symbol.Bid);
            if (double.IsNaN(icustom_100))
                Print("I am Still waiting");
            ihigh_76 = iHigh(Symbol.Code, A_timeframe_0, 0);
            ilow_84 = iLow(Symbol.Code, A_timeframe_0, 0);
            icustom_92 = keltnerChannels.Top.LastValue;
            icustom_100 = keltnerChannels.Bottom.LastValue;
            Print(icustom_100, " and ", icustom_92);

            // keltnerChannels = Indicators.GetIndicator<KeltnerChannels>(10, MovingAverageType.Simple, 3, MovingAverageType.Simple, 0.8);
            Print("Capture price value", icustom_92);
            // keltnerChannels = Indicators.KeltnerChannels(KeltnerPeriod, BandDistance, KeltnerMaType);
            //keltnerChannels = iCustom<KeltnerChannels>(null, 0, "KeltnerChannels", MA_PERIOD, MA_MODE, PRICE_MODE, ATR_PERIOD, K, ATR_MODE, 0,
            Mq4Print(icustom_100, " ", icustom_92);
            Ld_108 = icustom_92 - icustom_100;
            Li_116 = Bid >= icustom_100 + Ld_108 / 2.0;
            if (!Gi_416)
            Ld_120 = MarketInfo(Symbol.Code, MODE_STOPLEVEL) * Point;
            Ld_140 = 0.5;

            if (Ld_120 - 5.0 * Gd_364 > Ld_140)
                Li_128 = Gi_300;
                Ld_132 = Gd_292 * Gd_364;
                Ld_140 = Gd_284 * Gd_364;
                Ld_148 = Gd_276 * Gd_364;
                Print("uper band", icustom_92);
                if (!Gi_192)
                    Li_128 = Gi_328;
                    Ld_132 = Gd_320 * Gd_364;
                    Ld_140 = Gd_312 * Gd_364;
                    Ld_148 = Gd_304 * Gd_364;
                    Li_128 = Gi_356;
                    Ld_132 = Gd_348 * Gd_364;
                    Ld_140 = Gd_340 * Gd_364;
                    Ld_148 = Gd_332 * Gd_364;
            Ld_132 = Math.Max(Ld_132, Ld_120);
            if (Li_128)
                Ld_140 = Math.Max(Ld_140, Ld_120);
            Ld_156 = Ask - Bid;
            ArrayCopy(Gda_448, Gda_448, 0, 1, 29);
            Gda_448[29] = Ld_156;
            if (G_count_452 < 30)
            Ld_164 = 0;
            pos_176 = 29;

            Print("Mid Level function");
            for (count_172 = 0; count_172 < G_count_452; count_172++)
                Ld_164 += Gda_448[pos_176];
            Ld_180 = Ld_164 / G_count_452;
            if ((!Gi_416) && Ld_180 < 15.0 * Gd_364)
                Gd_428 = 15.0 * Gd_364 - Ld_180;
            if (Gd_428 < 0.0)
                Gd_428 = 0;
            if (Gd_100 == 0.003)
                Ld_unused_188 = 0.68;
                Ld_196 = 0.0023;
            if (Gd_100 == 0.0025)
                Ld_unused_188 = 0.24;
                Ld_196 = 0.0018;
            if (Gd_100 <= 0.001)
                Ld_unused_188 = 0.28;
                Ld_196 = 0.0018;
            Ld_204 = ihigh_76 - ilow_84;
            Li_212 = 0;
            if (Ld_204 > Gd_100)
                if (Bid < icustom_92)
                    Li_212 = 1;
                else if (Bid > icustom_100)
                    Li_212 = -1;
            if (TimeCurrent() - G_time_440 > Gi_108)
                Li_212 = 0;
            if (Gd_264 == 0.0)
                Ld_216 = Gd_256 * Ld_196;
                Ld_216 = Gd_264 * Gd_364;
            Ld_216 = Math.Max(Ld_120, Ld_216);
            if (Bid == 0.0 || MarketInfo(Symbol.Code, MODE_LOTSIZE) == 0.0)
                Ld_216 = 0;
            Print("lower band", icustom_92);
            if (Gi_456)
                datetime_32 = TimeCurrent() + 60.0 * Math.Max(10 * A_timeframe_0, 60);
                datetime_32 = 0;
            if (MarketInfo(Symbol.Code, MODE_LOTSTEP) == 0.0)
                Li_36 = 5;
                Li_36 = f0_2Func(0.1, MarketInfo(Symbol.Code, MODE_LOTSTEP));
            if (gb_MoneyManagement)
                if (ped_Risk < 0.001 || ped_Risk > 1000.0)
                    Print("ERROR -- Invalid ped_Risk Value.");
                if (Account.Balance <= 0.0)
                    Print("ERROR -- AccountMq4 Balance is_ " + DoubleToStr(Math.Round(Account.Balance), 0));
                Ld_224 = Ld_216 + Ld_180 + Gd_428;
                if (Ld_216 != 0.0)
                    Gd_240 = Math.Max(Account.Balance, Gd_240);
                    Ld_40 = Math.Min(Account.FreeMargin * Account.Leverage / 2.0, Gd_240 * ped_Risk / 100.0 * Bid / Ld_224);
                    gd_Volume = Ld_40 / MarketInfo(Symbol.Code, MODE_LOTSIZE);
                    gd_Volume = NormalizeDouble(gd_Volume, Li_36);
                    gd_Volume = Math.Max(ped_MinLot, gd_Volume);
                    gd_Volume = Math.Max(MarketInfo(Symbol.Code, MODE_MINLOT), gd_Volume);
                    gd_Volume = Math.Min(ped_MaxLot, gd_Volume);
                    gd_Volume = Math.Min(MarketInfo(Symbol.Code, MODE_MAXLOT), gd_Volume);
            count_232 = 0;
            count_236 = 0;
            Ld_240 = f0_10Func(Ask + Gd_428);
            Ld_248 = f0_10Func(Bid - Gd_428);
            Ld_256 = Ld_180 + Gd_428;
            for (pos_176 = 0; pos_176 < OrdersTotal(); pos_176++)
                if (OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_112)
                    if (OrderCloseTime() == 0)
                        if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol.Code)
                        switch (OrderType())
                            case OP_BUY:
                                if (f0_5Func(Gs_476 + "TP") <= 0.0)
                                if (!(Bid >= f0_5Func(Gs_476 + "TP") || Bid <= f0_5Func(Gs_476 + "SL")))
                                Mq4Print("Close Buy TradeMq4 " + OrderTicket() + " by virtual_ TP/SL");
                                OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, 100, CLR_NONE);
                            case OP_SELL:
                                if (f0_5Func(Gs_476 + "TP") <= 0.0)
                                if (!(Ask <= f0_5Func(Gs_476 + "TP") || Ask >= f0_5Func(Gs_476 + "SL")))
                                Mq4Print("Close Sell TradeMq4 " + OrderTicket() + " by virtual_ TP/SL");
                                OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, 100, CLR_NONE);
                            case OP_BUYSTOP:
                                if (!Li_116)
                                    Ld_268 = OrderTakeProfit() - OrderOpenPrice() - Gd_428;
                                    if (!((f0_10Func(Ask + Ld_140) < OrderOpenPrice() && OrderOpenPrice() - Ask - Ld_140 > Ld_148)))
                                    bool_28 = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), f0_10Func(Ask + Ld_140), f0_10Func(Bid + Ld_140 - Ld_268), f0_10Func(Ld_240 + Ld_140 + Ld_268), 0, CLR_NONE);
                                    if (bool_28)
                                    Mq4Print("Error modificating order with ticket " + OrderTicket() + ". Error code:" + GetLastError());
                                    Alert("Error modificating order with ticket " + OrderTicket() + ". Error code:" + GetLastError());
                            case OP_SELLSTOP:
                                if (Li_116)
                                    Ld_268 = OrderOpenPrice() - OrderTakeProfit() - Gd_428;
                                    if (!((f0_10Func(Bid - Ld_140) > OrderOpenPrice() && Bid - Ld_140 - OrderOpenPrice() > Ld_148)))
                                    bool_28 = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), f0_10Func(Bid - Ld_140), f0_10Func(Ask - Ld_140 + Ld_268), f0_10Func(Ld_248 - Ld_140 - Ld_268), 0, CLR_NONE);
                                    if (bool_28)
                                    Mq4Print("Error modificating order with ticket " + OrderTicket() + ". Error code:" + GetLastError());
                                    Alert("Error modificating order with ticket " + OrderTicket() + ". Error code:" + GetLastError());
            Li_276 = FALSE;
            if (Gi_436 >= 0 || Gi_436 == -2)
                Li_280 = NormalizeDouble(Bid / Gd_364, 0);
                Li_284 = NormalizeDouble(Ask / Gd_364, 0);
                if (Li_280 % 10 != 0 || Li_284 % 10 != 0)
                    Gi_436 = -1;
                    if (Gi_436 >= 0 && Gi_436 < 10)
                        Gi_436 = -2;
            if (f0_5Func(Gs_476 + "SL") > 0.0)
                if (count_232 == 0)
                    f0_7Func(Gs_476 + "SL");
                    f0_7Func(Gs_476 + "TP");
            Li_288 = IsTradeCoditionFunc(Ld_216, count_232, Li_212, f0_10Func(Ld_256), f0_10Func(ped_ScalpingLimit * Gd_364), Gi_436);
            if (Li_288)
                if (Li_212 > 0)
                    if (Li_128)
                        price_12 = Ask + G_pips_132 * Point;
                        ticket_4 = OrderSend(Symbol.Code, OP_BUYSTOP, gd_Volume, price_12, G_slippage_372, price_12 - Gd_124 * Point, price_12 + G_pips_116 * Point, pes_OrderComment, G_magic_112, datetime_32,
                        if (ticket_4 < 0)
                            Li_276 = TRUE;
                            Mq4Print("ERROR BUYSTOP : " + f0_0Func(Ask + Ld_140) + " SL:" + f0_0Func(Bid + Ld_140 - Ld_216) + " TP:" + f0_0Func(Ld_240 + Ld_140 + Ld_216));
                            Mq4Print("BUYSTOP : " + f0_0Func(Ask + Ld_140) + " SL:" + f0_0Func(Bid + Ld_140 - Ld_216) + " TP:" + f0_0Func(Ld_240 + Ld_140 + Ld_216));
                        if (Bid - ilow_84 && Gd_396 > 0.0)
                            ticket_4 = OrderSend(Symbol.Code, OP_BUY, gd_Volume, Ask, G_slippage_372, 0, 0, pes_OrderComment, G_magic_112, datetime_32,
                            if (ticket_4 < 0)
                                Li_276 = TRUE;
                                Mq4Print("ERROR BUY Ask:" + f0_0Func(Ask) + " SL:" + f0_0Func(Bid - Ld_216) + " TP:" + f0_0Func(Ld_240 + Ld_216));
                                Mq4Print("BUY Ask:" + f0_0Func(Ask) + " SL:" + f0_0Func(Bid - Ld_216) + " TP:" + f0_0Func(Ld_240 + Ld_216));
                    if (Li_128)
                        price_20 = Bid - G_pips_132 * Point;
                        ticket_4 = OrderSend(Symbol.Code, OP_SELLSTOP, gd_Volume, price_20, G_slippage_372, price_20 + Gd_124 * Point, price_20 - G_pips_116 * Point, pes_OrderComment, G_magic_112, datetime_32,
                        if (ticket_4 < 0)
                            Li_276 = TRUE;
                            Mq4Print("ERROR SELLSTOP : " + f0_0Func(Bid - Ld_140) + " SL:" + f0_0Func(Ask - Ld_140 + Ld_216) + " TP:" + f0_0Func(Ld_248 - Ld_140 - Ld_216));
                            Mq4Print("SELLSTOP : " + f0_0Func(Bid - Ld_140) + " SL:" + f0_0Func(Ask - Ld_140 + Ld_216) + " TP:" + f0_0Func(Ld_248 - Ld_140 - Ld_216));
                        if (ihigh_76 - Bid && Gd_396 < 0.0)
                            ticket_4 = OrderSend(Symbol.Code, OP_SELL, gd_Volume, Bid, G_slippage_372, 0, 0, pes_OrderComment, G_magic_112, datetime_32,
                            if (ticket_4 < 0)
                                Li_276 = TRUE;
                                Mq4Print("ERROR SELL Bid:" + f0_0Func(Bid) + " SL:" + f0_0Func(Ask + Ld_216) + " TP:" + f0_0Func(Ld_248 - Ld_216));
                                Mq4Print("SELL Bid:" + f0_0Func(Bid) + " SL:" + f0_0Func(Ask + Ld_216) + " TP:" + f0_0Func(Ld_248 - Ld_216));
            Print("Current Bid Price", Symbol.Bid);
            Ld_240 = f0_10Func(Ask + Gd_428);
            Ld_248 = f0_10Func(Bid - Gd_428);
            for (pos_176 = 0; pos_176 < OrdersTotal(); pos_176++)
                if (OrderSelect(pos_176, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
                    if (OrderTicket() != 0)
                        if (OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_112)
                            if (OrderCloseTime() == 0)
                                if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol.Code)
                                    switch (OrderType())
                                        case OP_BUY:
                                            if (Gi_272)
                                                price_48 = f0_10Func(Bid - G_pips_132 * Point);
                                                price_56 = f0_10Func(Ld_240 + G_pips_132 * Point);
                                                if (f0_5Func(Gs_476 + "TP") > 0.0)
                                                    if (price_56 - f0_5Func(Gs_476 + "TP") > Ld_148)
                                                        f0_6Func(Gs_476 + "SL", price_48);
                                                        f0_6Func(Gs_476 + "TP", price_56);
                                                if (OrderTakeProfit() != 0.0)
                                                    if (price_56 - OrderTakeProfit() > Ld_148)
                                                        if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), 0, price_48, price_56, datetime_32, CLR_NONE))
                                                        Mq4Print("Error modificating order with ticket " + OrderTicket() + ". Error code:" + GetLastError());
                                            price_48 = f0_10Func(Bid - Gd_124 * Point);
                                            price_56 = f0_10Func(Ld_240 + G_pips_116 * Point);
                                            if (f0_5Func(Gs_476 + "TP") == 0.0)
                                                f0_6Func(Gs_476 + "SL", price_48);
                                                f0_6Func(Gs_476 + "TP", price_56);
                                            if (!(OrderStopLoss() == 0.0 || OrderTakeProfit() == 0.0))
                                            if (!(!OrderModify(OrderTicket(), 0, price_48, price_56, datetime_32, CLR_NONE)))
                                            Mq4Print("Error modificating order with ticket " + OrderTicket() + ". Error code:" + GetLastError());
                                            Alert("Error modificating order with ticket " + OrderTicket() + ". Error code:" + GetLastError());

                                        case OP_SELL:
                                            if (Gi_272)
                                                price_48 = f0_10Func(Ask + G_pips_132 * Point);
                                                price_56 = f0_10Func(Ld_248 - G_pips_132 * Point);
                                                if (f0_5Func(Gs_476 + "TP") > 0.0)
                                                    if (f0_5Func(Gs_476 + "TP") - price_56 > Ld_148)
                                                        f0_6Func(Gs_476 + "SL", price_48);
                                                        f0_6Func(Gs_476 + "TP", price_56);
                                                if (OrderTakeProfit() != 0.0)
                                                    if (OrderTakeProfit() - price_56 > Ld_148)
                                                        if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), 0, price_48, price_56, datetime_32, CLR_NONE))

                                                            Mq4Print("Error modificating order with ticket " + OrderTicket() + ". Error code:" + GetLastError());
                                            price_48 = f0_10Func(Ask + Gd_124 * Point);
                                            price_56 = f0_10Func(Ld_248 - G_pips_116 * Point);
                                            if (f0_5Func(Gs_476 + "TP") == 0.0)
                                                f0_6Func(Gs_476 + "SL", price_48);
                                                f0_6Func(Gs_476 + "TP", price_56);
                                            if (!(OrderStopLoss() == 0.0 || OrderTakeProfit() == 0.0))
                                            if (!(!OrderModify(OrderTicket(), 0, price_48, price_56, datetime_32, CLR_NONE)))
                                            Mq4Print("Error modificating order with ticket " + OrderTicket() + ". Error code:" + GetLastError());
                                            Alert("Error modificating order with ticket " + OrderTicket() + ". Error code:" + GetLastError());
            if (Gi_436 >= 0)
                Print("Robot is_ initializing...");
            //Print("This is the first Error ",_lastError);
                if (Gi_436 == -2)
                    Print("ERROR -- Instrument " + Symbol.Code + " prices should have " + Gi_360 + " fraction digits on broker account");
                    Ls_64 = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent()) + " tick: " + f0_8Func(G_count_444);
                    if (Gi_184 || Gi_188)
                        Ls_64 = Ls_64 + "\n" + f0_0Func(Ld_196) + " " + f0_0Func(Ld_216) + " digits:" + Gi_360 + " " + Gi_436 + " stopLevel:" + f0_0Func(Ld_120);
                        Ls_64 = Ls_64 + "\n" + Li_212 + " " + f0_0Func(icustom_100) + " " + f0_0Func(icustom_92) + " " + f0_0Func(Gd_248) + " exp:" + TimeToStr(datetime_32, TIME_MINUTES) + " numOrders:" + count_232 + " shouldRepeat:" + Li_276;
                        Ls_64 = Ls_64 + "\ntrailingLimit:" + f0_0Func(Ld_140) + " trailingDist:" + f0_0Func(Ld_132) + " trailingResolution:" + f0_0Func(Ld_148) + " useStopOrders:" + Li_128;
                    Ls_64 = Ls_64 + "\nBid: " + f0_0Func(Bid) + " Ask: " + f0_0Func(Ask) + " avgSpread: " + f0_0Func(Ld_180) + "  Commission rate: " + f0_0Func(Gd_428) + "  Real avg. spread: " + f0_0Func(Ld_256) + "  Lots: " + f0_9Func(gd_Volume, Li_36);
                    if (Gi_192)
                        Ls_64 = Ls_64 + "   HIGH SPEED";
                    if (Gi_196)
                        Ls_64 = Ls_64 + "   SAFE";
                    if (Gi_200)
                        Ls_64 = Ls_64 + "   MAX";
                    if (f0_10Func(Ld_256) > f0_10Func(ped_ScalpingLimit * Gd_364))
                        Ls_64 = Ls_64 + "\n" + "Robot is_ OFF :: Real avg. spread is_ too high for this_ scalping strategy ( " + f0_0Func(Ld_256) + " > " + f0_0Func(ped_ScalpingLimit * Gd_364) + " )";
                    Print("Line 592", Ls_64);
                    if (count_232 != 0 || Li_212 != 0 || Gi_188)
            if (Li_276)
                Li_72 = FALSE;
                if (Li_72)
        protected override void OnError(Error error)
            //  Print the error to the log
            switch (error.Code)
                case ErrorCode.BadVolume:
                    Print("Bad Volume");
                case ErrorCode.TechnicalError:
                    Print("Technical Error");
                case ErrorCode.NoMoney:
                    Print("No Money");
                case ErrorCode.Disconnected:
                case ErrorCode.MarketClosed:
                    Print("Market Closed");
        void f0_4Func(IMq4DoubleArray Ada_0, IMq4DoubleArray Ada_4, IMq4DoubleArray Aia_8, Mq4Double Ad_12)
            Mq4Double Li_52 = 0;
            Mq4Double Li_48 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_40 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_32 = 0;
            Mq4Double Li_20 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_24 = 0;

            if (Aia_8[0] == 0 || Math.Abs(Bid - Ada_0[0]) >= Ad_12 * Gd_364)
                for (Li_20 = 29; Li_20 > 0; Li_20--)
                    Ada_0[Li_20] = Ada_0[Li_20 - 1];
                    Ada_4[Li_20] = Ada_4[Li_20 - 1];
                    Aia_8[Li_20] = Aia_8[Li_20 - 1];
                Ada_0[0] = Bid;
                Ada_4[0] = Ask;
                Aia_8[0] = GetTickCount();
            Gd_396 = 0;
            Gi_404 = FALSE;
            Ld_32 = 0;
            Ld_40 = 0;
            Li_48 = 0;
            Li_52 = 0;
            for (Li_20 = 1; Li_20 < 30; Li_20++)
                if (Aia_8[Li_20] == 0)
                Ld_24 = Ada_0[0] - Ada_0[Li_20];
                if (Ld_32 > Ld_24)
                    Ld_32 = Ld_24;
                    Li_48 = Aia_8[0] - Aia_8[Li_20];
                if (Ld_24 > Ld_40)
                    Ld_40 = Ld_24;
                    Li_52 = Aia_8[0] - Aia_8[Li_20];
                if (Ld_32 < 0.0 && Ld_40 > 0.0 && (Ld_32 < 3.0 * ((-Ad_12) * Gd_364) || Ld_40 > 3.0 * (Ad_12 * Gd_364)))
                    if ((-Ld_32) / Ld_40 < 0.5)
                        Gd_396 = Ld_40;
                        Gi_404 = Li_52;
                    if ((-Ld_40) / Ld_32 < 0.5)
                        Gd_396 = Ld_32;
                        Gi_404 = Li_48;
                    if (Ld_40 > 5.0 * (Ad_12 * Gd_364))
                        Gd_396 = Ld_40;
                        Gi_404 = Li_52;
                        if (Ld_32 < 5.0 * ((-Ad_12) * Gd_364))
                            Gd_396 = Ld_32;
                            Gi_404 = Li_48;
            if (Gi_404 == FALSE)
                Gd_408 = 0;
            Gd_408 = 1000.0 * Gd_396 / Gi_404;
        Mq4String f0_0Func(Mq4Double Ad_0)
            return DoubleToStr(Ad_0, Gi_360);
            return Mq4String.Empty;
        Mq4String f0_9Func(Mq4Double Ad_0, Mq4Double Ai_8)
            return DoubleToStr(Ad_0, Ai_8);
            return Mq4String.Empty;
        Mq4Double f0_10Func(Mq4Double Ad_0)
            return NormalizeDouble(Ad_0, Gi_360);
            return 0;
        Mq4String f0_8Func(Mq4Double Ai_0)
            if (Ai_0 < 10)
                return "00" + Ai_0;
            if (Ai_0 < 100)
                return "0" + Ai_0;
            return "" + Ai_0;
            return Mq4String.Empty;
        Mq4Double f0_2Func(Mq4Double Ad_0, Mq4Double Ad_8)
            return Math.Log(Ad_8) / Math.Log(Ad_0);
            return 0;
        void f0_3Func(Mq4String As_0)
            Mq4Double Li_12 = 0;
            Mq4Double Li_8 = 0;

            Li_12 = -1;
            while (Li_12 < StringLen(As_0))
                Li_8 = Li_12 + 1;
                Li_12 = StringFind(As_0, "\n", Li_8);
                if (Li_12 == -1)
                    Mq4Print(StringSubstr(As_0, Li_8));
                Mq4Print(StringSubstr(As_0, Li_8, Li_12 - Li_8));
        void f0_1Func()
            Mq4Double pos_8 = 0;
            Mq4Double Ld_0 = 0;

            for (pos_8 = OrdersTotal() - 1; pos_8 >= 0; pos_8--)
                OrderSelect(pos_8, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
                if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol.Code && OrderCloseTime() != 0 && OrderClosePrice() != OrderOpenPrice() && OrderProfit() != 0.0 && OrderComment() != "partial close" && StringFind(OrderComment(), "[sl]from #") == -1 && StringFind(OrderComment(), "[tp]from #") == -1)
                    Gi_416 = TRUE;
                    Ld_0 = Math.Abs(OrderProfit() / (OrderClosePrice() - OrderOpenPrice()));
                    Gd_420 = Ld_0 / OrderLots() / MarketInfo(Symbol.Code, MODE_LOTSIZE);
                    Gd_428 = (-OrderCommission()) / Ld_0;
                    Mq4Print("Commission_rate : " + f0_0Func(Gd_428));
            for (pos_8 = History.Count - 1; pos_8 >= 0; pos_8--)
                OrderSelect(pos_8, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY);
                if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol.Code && OrderCloseTime() != 0 && OrderClosePrice() != OrderOpenPrice() && OrderProfit() != 0.0 && OrderComment() != "partial close" && StringFind(OrderComment(), "[sl]from #") == -1 && StringFind(OrderComment(), "[tp]from #") == -1)
                    Gi_416 = TRUE;
                    Ld_0 = Math.Abs(OrderProfit() / (OrderClosePrice() - OrderOpenPrice()));
                    Gd_420 = Ld_0 / OrderLots() / MarketInfo(Symbol.Code, MODE_LOTSIZE);
                    Gd_428 = (-OrderCommission()) / Ld_0;
                    Mq4Print("Commission_Rate : " + f0_0Func(Gd_428));
        void f0_6Func(Mq4String A_var_name_0, Mq4Double Ad_8)
            GlobalVariableSet(A_var_name_0, Ad_8);
        Mq4Double f0_5Func(Mq4String A_var_name_0)
            return GlobalVariableGet(A_var_name_0);
            return 0;
        void f0_7Func(Mq4String A_var_name_0)
        Mq4Double IsTradeCoditionFunc(Mq4Double a1, Mq4Double a2, Mq4Double a3, Mq4Double a4, Mq4Double a5, Mq4Double a6)
            return (a1 != 0.0) && !a2 && a3 && (a4 <= a5) && (a6 == -1.0);
            return true;

        [Parameter("StopLoss", DefaultValue = 20.0)]
        public double StopLoss_parameter { get; set; }
        bool _StopLossGot = true;
        Mq4Double StopLoss_backfield;
        Mq4Double StopLoss
                if (!_StopLossGot)
                    StopLoss_backfield = StopLoss_parameter;
                return StopLoss_backfield;
            set { StopLoss_backfield = value; }

        [Parameter("ped_ScalpingLimit", DefaultValue = 15.0)]
        public double ped_ScalpingLimit_parameter { get; set; }
        bool _ped_ScalpingLimitGot = true;
        Mq4Double ped_ScalpingLimit_backfield;
        Mq4Double ped_ScalpingLimit
                if (!_ped_ScalpingLimitGot)
                    ped_ScalpingLimit_backfield = ped_ScalpingLimit_parameter;
                return ped_ScalpingLimit_backfield;
            set { ped_ScalpingLimit_backfield = value; }

        [Parameter("pes_OrderComment", DefaultValue = "Kato")]
        public string pes_OrderComment_parameter { get; set; }
        bool _pes_OrderCommentGot = true;
        Mq4String pes_OrderComment_backfield;
        Mq4String pes_OrderComment
                if (!_pes_OrderCommentGot)
                    pes_OrderComment_backfield = pes_OrderComment_parameter;
                return pes_OrderComment_backfield;
            set { pes_OrderComment_backfield = value; }

        [Parameter("Indicator", DefaultValue = "---------------- KeltnerChannel params_-------------")]
        public string Indicator_parameter { get; set; }
        bool _IndicatorGot = true;
        Mq4String Indicator_backfield;
        Mq4String Indicator
                if (!_IndicatorGot)
                    Indicator_backfield = Indicator_parameter;
                return Indicator_backfield;
            set { Indicator_backfield = value; }

        [Parameter("MA_PERIOD", DefaultValue = 3)]
        public int MA_PERIOD_parameter { get; set; }
        bool _MA_PERIODGot = true;
        Mq4Double MA_PERIOD_backfield;
        Mq4Double MA_PERIOD
                if (!_MA_PERIODGot)
                    MA_PERIOD_backfield = MA_PERIOD_parameter;
                return MA_PERIOD_backfield;
            set { MA_PERIOD_backfield = value; }

        [Parameter("MA_MODE", DefaultValue = 3)]
        public int MA_MODE_parameter { get; set; }
        bool _MA_MODEGot = true;
        Mq4Double MA_MODE_backfield;
        Mq4Double MA_MODE
                if (!_MA_MODEGot)
                    MA_MODE_backfield = MA_MODE_parameter;
                return MA_MODE_backfield;
            set { MA_MODE_backfield = value; }

        [Parameter("PRICE_MODE", DefaultValue = 3)]
        public int PRICE_MODE_parameter { get; set; }
        bool _PRICE_MODEGot = true;
        Mq4Double PRICE_MODE_backfield;
        Mq4Double PRICE_MODE
                if (!_PRICE_MODEGot)
                    PRICE_MODE_backfield = PRICE_MODE_parameter;
                return PRICE_MODE_backfield;
            set { PRICE_MODE_backfield = value; }

        [Parameter("ATR_PERIOD", DefaultValue = 10)]
        public int ATR_PERIOD_parameter { get; set; }
        bool _ATR_PERIODGot = true;
        Mq4Double ATR_PERIOD_backfield;
        Mq4Double ATR_PERIOD
                if (!_ATR_PERIODGot)
                    ATR_PERIOD_backfield = ATR_PERIOD_parameter;
                return ATR_PERIOD_backfield;
            set { ATR_PERIOD_backfield = value; }

        [Parameter("K", DefaultValue = 0.8)]
        public double K_parameter { get; set; }
        bool _KGot = true;
        Mq4Double K_backfield;
        Mq4Double K
                if (!_KGot)
                    K_backfield = K_parameter;
                return K_backfield;
            set { K_backfield = value; }

        [Parameter("ATR_MODE", DefaultValue = FALSE)]
        public bool ATR_MODE_parameter { get; set; }
        bool _ATR_MODEGot = true;
        Mq4Double ATR_MODE_backfield;
        Mq4Double ATR_MODE
                if (!_ATR_MODEGot)
                    ATR_MODE_backfield = ATR_MODE_parameter;
                return ATR_MODE_backfield;
            set { ATR_MODE_backfield = value; }

        [Parameter("gd_Volume", DefaultValue = 0.1)]
        public double gd_Volume_parameter { get; set; }
        bool _gd_VolumeGot = true;
        Mq4Double gd_Volume_backfield;
        Mq4Double gd_Volume
                if (!_gd_VolumeGot)
                    gd_Volume_backfield = gd_Volume_parameter;
                return gd_Volume_backfield;
            set { gd_Volume_backfield = value; }

        [Parameter("gb_MoneyManagement", DefaultValue = FALSE)]
        public bool gb_MoneyManagement_parameter { get; set; }
        bool _gb_MoneyManagementGot = true;
        Mq4Double gb_MoneyManagement_backfield;
        Mq4Double gb_MoneyManagement
                if (!_gb_MoneyManagementGot)
                    gb_MoneyManagement_backfield = gb_MoneyManagement_parameter;
                return gb_MoneyManagement_backfield;
            set { gb_MoneyManagement_backfield = value; }

        [Parameter("ped_MinLot", DefaultValue = 0.01)]
        public double ped_MinLot_parameter { get; set; }
        bool _ped_MinLotGot = true;
        Mq4Double ped_MinLot_backfield;
        Mq4Double ped_MinLot
                if (!_ped_MinLotGot)
                    ped_MinLot_backfield = ped_MinLot_parameter;
                return ped_MinLot_backfield;
            set { ped_MinLot_backfield = value; }

        [Parameter("ped_MaxLot", DefaultValue = 1E+20)]
        public double ped_MaxLot_parameter { get; set; }
        bool _ped_MaxLotGot = true;
        Mq4Double ped_MaxLot_backfield;
        Mq4Double ped_MaxLot
                if (!_ped_MaxLotGot)
                    ped_MaxLot_backfield = ped_MaxLot_parameter;
                return ped_MaxLot_backfield;
            set { ped_MaxLot_backfield = value; }

        [Parameter("ped_Risk", DefaultValue = 10.0)]
        public double ped_Risk_parameter { get; set; }
        bool _ped_RiskGot = true;
        Mq4Double ped_Risk_backfield;
        Mq4Double ped_Risk
                if (!_ped_RiskGot)
                    ped_Risk_backfield = ped_Risk_parameter;
                return ped_Risk_backfield;
            set { ped_Risk_backfield = value; }

        Mq4String Gs_476 = "";
        Mq4DoubleArray Gia_472 = new Mq4DoubleArray 
        Mq4DoubleArray Gia_468 = new Mq4DoubleArray 
        //  Mq4String Gs_dummy_460;
        Mq4Double Gi_456 = FALSE;
        Mq4Double G_count_452;
        Mq4DoubleArray Gda_448 = new Mq4DoubleArray(30);
        Mq4Double G_count_444 = 0;
        Mq4Double G_time_440 = 0;
        Mq4Double Gi_436 = 0;
        Mq4Double Gd_428 = 0.0;
        Mq4Double Gd_420 = 1.0;
        Mq4Double Gi_416 = FALSE;
        Mq4Double Gd_408;
        Mq4Double Gi_404;
        Mq4Double Gd_396;
        Mq4Double Gd_388 = 1.0;
        Mq4DoubleArray Gia_384 = new Mq4DoubleArray(30);
        Mq4DoubleArray Gda_380 = new Mq4DoubleArray(30);
        Mq4DoubleArray Gda_376 = new Mq4DoubleArray(30);
        Mq4Double G_slippage_372 = 3;
        Mq4Double Gd_364 = 0.0;
        Mq4Double Gi_360 = 0;
        Mq4Double Gi_356 = FALSE;
        Mq4Double Gd_348 = 20.0;
        Mq4Double Gd_340 = 0.0;
        Mq4Double Gd_332 = 0.0;
        Mq4Double Gi_328 = TRUE;
        Mq4Double Gd_320 = 40.0;
        Mq4Double Gd_312 = 10.0;
        Mq4Double Gd_304 = 5.0;
        Mq4Double Gi_300 = FALSE;
        Mq4Double Gd_292 = 40.0;
        Mq4Double Gd_284 = 10.0;
        Mq4Double Gd_276 = 5.0;
        Mq4Double Gi_272 = TRUE;
        Mq4Double Gd_264 = 0.0;
        Mq4Double Gd_256 = 0.3333333333;
        Mq4Double Gd_248 = 0.4;
        Mq4Double Gd_240 = 0.1;
        Mq4Double Gi_200 = TRUE;
        Mq4Double Gi_196 = FALSE;
        Mq4Double Gi_192 = TRUE;
        Mq4Double Gi_188 = FALSE;
        Mq4Double Gi_184 = FALSE;
        Mq4Double G_pips_132 = 30.0;
        Mq4Double Gd_124 = 20.0;
        Mq4Double G_pips_116 = 131.0;
        Mq4Double G_magic_112 = 0;
        Mq4Double Gi_108 = 43;
        Mq4Double Gd_100 = 0.001;

        //   int indicator_buffers = 0;

        Mq4Double indicator_width1 = 1;
        Mq4Double indicator_width2 = 1;
        Mq4Double indicator_width3 = 1;
        Mq4Double indicator_width4 = 1;
        Mq4Double indicator_width5 = 1;
        Mq4Double indicator_width6 = 1;
        Mq4Double indicator_width7 = 1;
        Mq4Double indicator_width8 = 1;

        List<Mq4OutputDataSeries> AllBuffers = new List<Mq4OutputDataSeries>();
        public List<DataSeries> AllOutputDataSeries = new List<DataSeries>();

        protected override void OnStart()

            keltnerChannels = Indicators.KeltnerChannels(MA_PERIOD, MovingAverageType.Simple, ATR_PERIOD, MovingAverageType.Simple, 2.0);
            double icustom_92 = keltnerChannels.Top.LastValue;
            double icustom_100 = keltnerChannels.Bottom.LastValue;
            double trial = keltnerChannels.Main.LastValue;
            Print("OnStart ", _lastError, "line 1124 ", icustom_92, trial);


                Print("mq4init ", _lastError);
            } catch (Exception e)


        protected override void OnTick()

                double icustom_92 = keltnerChannels.Top.LastValue;
                double icustom_100 = keltnerChannels.Bottom.LastValue;
                Print("Ontick ", _lastError);
            } catch (Exception e)


        private bool IsLastBar
            get { return true; }

        //int _currentIndex;
        CachedStandardIndicators _cachedStandardIndicators;
        Mq4ChartObjects _mq4ChartObjects;
        Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory _mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory;
        Mq4MarketDataSeries Open;
        Mq4MarketDataSeries High;
        Mq4MarketDataSeries Low;
        Mq4MarketDataSeries Close;
        Mq4MarketDataSeries Median;
        Mq4MarketDataSeries Volume;
        Mq4TimeSeries Time;

        private void CommonInitialize()
            Open = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.Open);
            High = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.High);
            Low = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.Low);
            Close = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.Close);
            Volume = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.TickVolume);
            Median = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.Median);
            Time = new Mq4TimeSeries(MarketSeries.OpenTime);

            _cachedStandardIndicators = new CachedStandardIndicators(Indicators);
            _mq4ChartObjects = new Mq4ChartObjects(ChartObjects, MarketSeries.OpenTime);
            _mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory = new Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory(() => CreateDataSeries());
        private int Bars
            get { return MarketSeries.Close.Count; }
        private int Digits
                if (Symbol == null)
                    return 0;
                return Symbol.Digits;

        Mq4Double Point
                if (Symbol == null)
                    return 1E-05;

                return Symbol.TickSize;
        private int Period()
            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute)
                return 1;
            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute2)
                return 2;
            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute3)
                return 3;
            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute4)
                return 4;
            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute5)
                return 5;
            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute10)
                return 10;
            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute15)
                return 15;
            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute30)
                return 30;
            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour)
                return 60;
            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour4)
                return 240;
            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour12)
                return 720;
            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Daily)
                return 1440;
            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Weekly)
                return 10080;

            return 43200;

        public TimeFrame PeriodToTimeFrame(int period)
            switch (period)
                case 0:
                    return TimeFrame;
                case 1:
                    return TimeFrame.Minute;
                case 2:
                    return TimeFrame.Minute2;
                case 3:
                    return TimeFrame.Minute3;
                case 4:
                    return TimeFrame.Minute4;
                case 5:
                    return TimeFrame.Minute5;
                case 10:
                    return TimeFrame.Minute10;
                case 15:
                    return TimeFrame.Minute15;
                case 30:
                    return TimeFrame.Minute30;
                case 60:
                    return TimeFrame.Hour;
                case 240:
                    return TimeFrame.Hour4;
                case 720:
                    return TimeFrame.Hour12;
                case 1440:
                    return TimeFrame.Daily;
                case 10080:
                    return TimeFrame.Weekly;
                case 43200:
                    return TimeFrame.Monthly;
                    throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("TimeFrame {0} minutes isn't supported by cAlgo", period));

        Mq4String DoubleToStr(double value, int digits)
            return value.ToString("F" + digits);

        Mq4Double NormalizeDouble(double value, int digits)
            return Math.Round(value, digits);

        Mq4String TimeToStr(int value, int mode = TIME_DATE | TIME_MINUTES)
            var formatString = "";
            if ((mode & TIME_DATE) != 0)
                formatString += "yyyy.MM.dd ";
            if ((mode & TIME_SECONDS) != 0)
                formatString += "HH:mm:ss";
            else if ((mode & TIME_MINUTES) != 0)
                formatString += "HH:mm";
            formatString = formatString.Trim();

            return Mq4TimeSeries.ToDateTime(value).ToString(formatString);

        int ToMq4ErrorCode(ErrorCode errorCode)
            switch (errorCode)
                case ErrorCode.BadVolume:
                    return ERR_INVALID_TRADE_VOLUME;
                case ErrorCode.NoMoney:
                    return ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY;
                case ErrorCode.MarketClosed:
                    return ERR_MARKET_CLOSED;
                case ErrorCode.Disconnected:
                    return ERR_NO_CONNECTION;
                case ErrorCode.Timeout:
                    return ERR_TRADE_TIMEOUT;
                    return ERR_COMMON_ERROR;

        Mq4Double RefreshRates()
            return true;

        int StringFind(Mq4String text, string matched_text, int start = 0)
            return ((string)text).IndexOf(matched_text, start);

        int StringLen(Mq4String text)
            return ((string)text).Length;

        Mq4String StringSubstr(Mq4String text, int start, int length = 0)
            if (length == 0 || length > ((string)text).Length - start)
                return ((string)text).Substring(start, ((string)text).Length - start);

            return ((string)text).Substring(start, length);

        int TimeCurrent()
            return Mq4TimeSeries.ToInteger(Server.Time);

        const string NotSupportedMaShift = "Converter supports only ma_shift = 0";

        Mq4Double iHigh(Mq4String symbol, int timeframe, int shift)
            return GetSeries(symbol, timeframe).High.Last(shift);

        Mq4Double iLow(Mq4String symbol, int timeframe, int shift)
            return GetSeries(symbol, timeframe).Low.Last(shift);

        Mq4Double MarketInfo(Mq4String symbol, int type)
            var symbolObject = GetSymbol(symbol);
            switch (type)
                case MODE_LOW:
                    return GetSeries(symbol, PERIOD_D1).Low.LastValue;
                case MODE_HIGH:
                    return GetSeries(symbol, PERIOD_D1).High.LastValue;
                case MODE_DIGITS:
                    return symbolObject.Digits;
                case MODE_TIME:
                    return TimeCurrent();
                case MODE_ASK:
                    return symbolObject.Ask;
                case MODE_BID:
                    return symbolObject.Bid;
                case MODE_SPREAD:
                    return symbolObject.Spread / symbolObject.TickSize;
                case MODE_PROFITCALCMODE:
                    return 0;
                case MODE_FREEZELEVEL:
                    return 0;
                case MODE_TRADEALLOWED:
                    return 1;
                case MODE_POINT:
                    return symbolObject.TickSize;
                case MODE_TICKSIZE:
                    return symbolObject.TickSize;
                case MODE_SWAPTYPE:
                    return 0;
                case MODE_MARGINCALCMODE:
                    return 0;
                case MODE_STOPLEVEL:
                    return symbolObject.TickSize;
                case MODE_MINLOT:
                    return symbolObject.ToLotsVolume(symbolObject.VolumeMin);
                case MODE_MAXLOT:
                    return symbolObject.ToLotsVolume(symbolObject.VolumeMax);
                case MODE_LOTSTEP:
                    return symbolObject.ToLotsVolume(symbolObject.VolumeStep);
                case MODE_TICKVALUE:
                    return symbolObject.TickValue;
                case MODE_LOTSIZE:
                    return symbolObject.ToNotNormalizedUnitsVolume(1);
                case MODE_MARGINREQUIRED:
                    return symbolObject.ToNotNormalizedUnitsVolume(1) / Account.Leverage * symbolObject.Ask * symbolObject.TickValue / symbolObject.TickSize;
            return 0;

        Mq4Double Bid
                if (Symbol == null || double.IsNaN(Symbol.Bid))
                    return 0;
                return Symbol.Bid;

        Mq4Double Ask
                if (Symbol == null || double.IsNaN(Symbol.Ask))
                    return 0;
                return Symbol.Ask;

        void Comment(params object[] objects)
            var text = string.Join("", objects.Select(o => o.ToString()));
            ChartObjects.DrawText("top left comment", text, StaticPosition.TopLeft);

        void PlaySound(Mq4String fileName)

        void Mq4Print(params object[] parameters)
            Print(string.Join(string.Empty, parameters));

        Mq4Double GetTickCount()
            return Environment.TickCount;

        int ArrayInitialize(IMq4DoubleArray array, Mq4Double value)
            for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                array[i] = value;
            return array.Length;

        int ArrayInitialize(Mq4StringArray array, Mq4String value)
            for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                array[i] = value;
            return array.Length;

        int ArrayInitialize(Mq4DoubleTwoDimensionalArray array, Mq4Double value)
            return 0;

        int ArrayCopy(IMq4DoubleArray dest, IMq4DoubleArray source, int start_dest = 0, int start_source = 0, int count = WHOLE_ARRAY)
            if (count == WHOLE_ARRAY)
                count = source.Length - start_source;

            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                dest[start_dest + i] = source[start_source + i];

            return count;

        int ArrayCopy(Mq4StringArray dest, Mq4StringArray source, int start_dest = 0, int start_source = 0, int count = WHOLE_ARRAY)
            if (count == WHOLE_ARRAY)
                count = source.Length - start_source;

            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                dest[start_dest + i] = source[start_source + i];

            return count;

        void Alert(params object[] objects)
            if (IsBacktesting)

            var text = string.Join("", objects.Select(o => o.ToString()));

        Lazy<AlertWindowWrapper> _alertWindowWrapper = new Lazy<AlertWindowWrapper>(() => { return new AlertWindowWrapper(); });

        private const string _alertSound = "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";
        void PlayAlertSoundIfNeeded()
            if (!IsLastBar || IsTesting() || (DateTime.Now - _lastPlayedTime) < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))

            _lastPlayedTime = DateTime.Now;
            _mediaPlayer = ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(WpfReflectionHelper.PresentationCoreAssembly, "System.Windows.Media.MediaPlayer");

            var soundFilePath = Path.Combine(FolderPaths._2calgoAppDataFolder, "alert_sound.mp3");
            if (!File.Exists(soundFilePath))
                var binaryData = Convert.FromBase64String(_alertSound);
                File.WriteAllBytes(soundFilePath, binaryData);
            var uri = new Uri(soundFilePath);

            ReflectionHelper.InvokeMethod(_mediaPlayer, "Open", uri);
            ReflectionHelper.InvokeMethod(_mediaPlayer, "Play");

        private DateTime _lastPlayedTime;
        private object _mediaPlayer;

        public class AlertWindowWrapper : MarshalByRefObject
            private static Thread _windowThread;
            private static readonly AutoResetEvent LoadedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            private static readonly object SyncObject = new object();

            private static object _window;
            private static AlertWindowModel _alertWindowModel;

            public void ShowAlert(string message)
                lock (SyncObject)
                    if (_window == null)

                    _alertWindowModel.Message = message;
                    var items = new List<AlertItem>(_alertWindowModel.Items);
                    items.Insert(0, new AlertItem(DateTime.Now, message));
                    _alertWindowModel.Items = items;

            private void CreateWindow()
                _windowThread = new Thread(() =>
                        _window = ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(WpfReflectionHelper.PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.Window");
                        SubscribeToEvent(_window, "Loaded", "Window_Loaded");
                        SubscribeToEvent(_window, "Closing", "Window_Closing");
                        ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(_window, "ShowInTaskbar", true);
                        ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(_window, "ShowActivated", true);
                        ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(_window, "Width", 525);
                        ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(_window, "Height", 400);
                        ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(_window, "WindowStartupLocation", ReflectionHelper.GetStaticValue(WpfReflectionHelper.PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.WindowStartupLocation", "CenterScreen"));
                        ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(_window, "WindowStyle", ReflectionHelper.GetStaticValue(WpfReflectionHelper.PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.WindowStyle", "ToolWindow"));
                        ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(_window, "Title", "Alert");
                        var rootGrid = WpfReflectionHelper.CreateGrid();
                        WpfReflectionHelper.SetMargin(rootGrid, 5);

                        var messageGrid = WpfReflectionHelper.CreateGrid();

                        var image = ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(WpfReflectionHelper.PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.Controls.Image");
                        WpfReflectionHelper.SetMargin(image, 20);
                        var bitmapImage = Base64ToImage("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");
                        ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(image, "Source", bitmapImage);
                        WpfReflectionHelper.AddChild(messageGrid, image);

                        var messageTextBlock = ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(WpfReflectionHelper.PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock");

                        WpfReflectionHelper.SetGridColumn(messageTextBlock, 1);
                        ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(messageTextBlock, "HorizontalAlignment", ReflectionHelper.GetEnumValue(WpfReflectionHelper.PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment", "Left"));
                        ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(messageTextBlock, "TextWrapping", ReflectionHelper.GetEnumValue(WpfReflectionHelper.PresentationCoreAssembly, "System.Windows.TextWrapping", "Wrap"));
                        ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(messageTextBlock, "VerticalAlignment", ReflectionHelper.GetEnumValue(WpfReflectionHelper.PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.VerticalAlignment", "Center"));
                        ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(messageTextBlock, "FontSize", 18);
                        WpfReflectionHelper.SetBinding(messageTextBlock, "Message", "System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock", "TextProperty");
                        WpfReflectionHelper.AddChild(messageGrid, messageTextBlock);

                        var allAlertsGrid = WpfReflectionHelper.CreateGrid();
                        WpfReflectionHelper.SetGridRow(allAlertsGrid, 1);
                        var dataGrid = ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(WpfReflectionHelper.PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.Controls.DataGrid");
                        WpfReflectionHelper.SetBinding(dataGrid, "Items", "System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl", "ItemsSourceProperty");
                        WpfReflectionHelper.AddChild(allAlertsGrid, dataGrid);
                        var closeButton = ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(WpfReflectionHelper.PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.Controls.Button");
                        SubscribeToEvent(closeButton, "Click", "ButtonOnClick");
                        WpfReflectionHelper.SetGridRow(closeButton, 1);
                        ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(closeButton, "Width", 100);
                        WpfReflectionHelper.SetMargin(closeButton, 0, 5, 0, 0);
                        ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(closeButton, "Content", "Close");
                        WpfReflectionHelper.AddChild(allAlertsGrid, closeButton);

                        WpfReflectionHelper.AddChild(rootGrid, messageGrid);
                        WpfReflectionHelper.AddChild(rootGrid, allAlertsGrid);

                        ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(_window, "Content", rootGrid);
                        _alertWindowModel = new AlertWindowModel();
                        ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(_window, "DataContext", _alertWindowModel);

                        ReflectionHelper.InvokeMethod(_window, "ShowDialog");
                    } catch (Exception exception)
                    IsBackground = false,
                    Name = "Alert Window thread"


            private static object Base64ToImage(string stringValue)

                var binaryData = Convert.FromBase64String(stringValue);

                var bitmapImage = ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(WpfReflectionHelper.PresentationCoreAssembly, "System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage");

                ReflectionHelper.InvokeMethod(bitmapImage, "BeginInit");
                ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(bitmapImage, "StreamSource", new MemoryStream(binaryData));
                ReflectionHelper.InvokeMethod(bitmapImage, "EndInit");

                return bitmapImage;

            public void ButtonOnClick(object sender, object routedEventArgs)
                ReflectionHelper.InvokeMethod(_window, "Close");

            public void Window_Loaded(object s, object e)

            public void Window_Closing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
                _window = null;
                _alertWindowModel = null;

            private void SubscribeToEvent(object @object, string eventName, string handlerName)
                var eventInfo = @object.GetType().GetEvent(eventName);
                var methodInfo = GetType().GetMethod(handlerName);
                var handler = Delegate.CreateDelegate(eventInfo.EventHandlerType, this, methodInfo);
                eventInfo.AddEventHandler(@object, handler);

        public class AlertWindowModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
            private string _message;
            private IEnumerable<AlertItem> _items = new List<AlertItem>();

            public string Message
                get { return _message; }
                    if (_message == value)

                    _message = value;

            public IEnumerable<AlertItem> Items
                get { return _items; }
                    if (_items == value)

                    _items = value;

            public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

            protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
                var handler = PropertyChanged;
                if (handler != null)
                    handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

        public class AlertItem
            public DateTime Time { get; private set; }
            public string Message { get; private set; }

            public AlertItem(DateTime time, string message)
                Time = time;
                Message = message;

        public static class WpfReflectionHelper
            public static Assembly PresentationFrameworkAssembly = Assembly.Load("PresentationFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35");
            public static Assembly PresentationCoreAssembly = Assembly.Load("PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35");

            public static void SetMargin(object rootGrid, params object[] parameters)
                var thickness = ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.Thickness", parameters);
                ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(rootGrid, "Margin", thickness);

            public static object CreateGrid()
                return ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.Controls.Grid");

            public static void AddChild(object grid, object child)
                var rootGridChildren = ReflectionHelper.GetPropertyValue(grid, "Children");
                ReflectionHelper.InvokeMethod(rootGridChildren, "Add", child);

            private static readonly object AutoGridLegth = ReflectionHelper.GetStaticValue(PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.GridLength", "Auto");

            public static void AddAutoRowDefinition(object grid)
                var rowDefinition = CreateRowDefinition();
                ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(rowDefinition, "Height", AutoGridLegth);
                AddRowDefinition(grid, rowDefinition);

            public static void AddStarRowDefinition(object grid)
                var rowDefinition = CreateRowDefinition();
                var starUnitType = ReflectionHelper.GetStaticValue(PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.GridUnitType", "Star");
                var gridLength = ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.GridLength", new[] 
                ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(rowDefinition, "Height", gridLength);
                AddRowDefinition(grid, rowDefinition);

            private static object CreateRowDefinition()
                var rowDefinition = ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.Controls.RowDefinition");
                return rowDefinition;

            public static void AddRowDefinition(object grid, object rowDefinition)
                var rowDefinitions = ReflectionHelper.GetPropertyValue(grid, "RowDefinitions");
                ReflectionHelper.InvokeMethod(rowDefinitions, "Add", rowDefinition);

            public static void AddAutoColumnDefinition(object grid)
                var ColumnDefinition = CreateColumnDefinition();
                ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(ColumnDefinition, "Width", AutoGridLegth);
                AddColumnDefinition(grid, ColumnDefinition);

            public static void AddStarColumnDefinition(object grid)
                var ColumnDefinition = CreateColumnDefinition();
                var starUnitType = ReflectionHelper.GetStaticValue(PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.GridUnitType", "Star");
                var gridLength = ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.GridLength", new[] 
                ReflectionHelper.SetProperty(ColumnDefinition, "Width", gridLength);
                AddColumnDefinition(grid, ColumnDefinition);

            private static object CreateColumnDefinition()
                var ColumnDefinition = ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.Controls.ColumnDefinition");
                return ColumnDefinition;

            public static void AddColumnDefinition(object grid, object ColumnDefinition)
                var ColumnDefinitions = ReflectionHelper.GetPropertyValue(grid, "ColumnDefinitions");
                ReflectionHelper.InvokeMethod(ColumnDefinitions, "Add", ColumnDefinition);

            public static void SetGridColumn(object element, int column)
                var columnProperty = ReflectionHelper.GetStaticValue(PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.Controls.Grid", "ColumnProperty");
                ReflectionHelper.InvokeMethod(element, "SetValue", columnProperty, column);

            public static void SetGridRow(object element, int row)
                var columnProperty = ReflectionHelper.GetStaticValue(PresentationFrameworkAssembly, "System.Windows.Controls.Grid", "RowProperty");
                ReflectionHelper.InvokeMethod(element, "SetValue", columnProperty, row);

            public static void SetBinding(object element, string path, string propertyTypeName, string propertyName)
                var property = ReflectionHelper.GetStaticValue(PresentationFrameworkAssembly, propertyTypeName, propertyName);
                ReflectionHelper.InvokeMethod(element, "SetBinding", property, path);

        public static class ReflectionHelper
            public static object GetEnumValue(Assembly assembly, string typeName, string value)
                var type = assembly.GetType(typeName);
                return Enum.Parse(type, value);

            public static void InvokeMethod(object instance, string methodName, params object[] parameters)
                instance.GetType().InvokeMember(methodName, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, instance, parameters);

            public static object InvokeStaticMethod(Assembly assembly, string typeName, string methodName, params object[] parameters)
                return assembly.GetType(typeName).InvokeMember(methodName, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, parameters);

            public static object GetStaticValue(Assembly assembly, string typeName, string propertyName)
                var type = assembly.GetType(typeName);
                var propertyInfo = type.GetProperty(propertyName);
                if (propertyInfo != null)
                    return propertyInfo.GetValue(null, null);

                var fieldInfo = type.GetField(propertyName);
                return fieldInfo.GetValue(null);

            public static void SetProperty(object instance, string propertyName, Assembly assembly, string typeName, params object[] parameters)
                var propertyInfo = instance.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);
                var propertyValue = CreateInstance(assembly, typeName, parameters);
                propertyInfo.SetValue(instance, propertyValue, null);

            public static void SetProperty(object instance, string propertyName, object value)
                var propertyInfo = instance.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);
                propertyInfo.SetValue(instance, value, null);

            public static object GetPropertyValue(object instance, string propertyName)
                var propertyInfo = instance.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);
                return propertyInfo.GetValue(instance, null);

            public static object CreateInstance(Assembly assembly, string typeName)
                return CreateInstance(assembly, typeName, new object[0]);

            public static object CreateInstance(Assembly assembly, string typeName, object[] parameters)
                var pointType = assembly.GetType(typeName);
                var propertyValue = Activator.CreateInstance(pointType, parameters);
                return propertyValue;

        private int _lastError;
        Mq4Double GetLastError()
            return _lastError;

        Mq4Double IsTesting()
            return IsBacktesting;

        const string GlobalVariablesPath = "Software\\2calgo\\Global Variables\\";
        Mq4Double GlobalVariableSet(Mq4String name, Mq4Double value)
            //AccessRights = AccessRights.Registry
            var hkcu = Registry.CurrentUser;
            var globalVariablesKey = hkcu.OpenSubKey(GlobalVariablesPath, true);
            globalVariablesKey.SetValue(name, (double)value);

            return 0;

        Mq4Double GlobalVariableGet(Mq4String name)
            //AccessRights = AccessRights.Registry
            var hkcu = Registry.CurrentUser;
            var globalVariablesKey = hkcu.OpenSubKey(GlobalVariablesPath, false);
            var value = globalVariablesKey.GetValue(name, 0.0);


            return double.Parse((string)value);

        Mq4Double GlobalVariableDel(Mq4String name)
            //AccessRights = AccessRights.Registry
            var hkcu = Registry.CurrentUser;
            var globalVariablesKey = hkcu.OpenSubKey(GlobalVariablesPath, true);


            return true;

        Symbol GetSymbol(string symbolCode)
            if (symbolCode == "0" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(symbolCode))
                return Symbol;
            return MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode);

        MarketSeries GetSeries(string symbol, int period)
            var timeFrame = PeriodToTimeFrame(period);
            var symbolObject = GetSymbol(symbol);

            if (symbolObject == Symbol && timeFrame == TimeFrame)
                return MarketSeries;

            return MarketData.GetSeries(symbolObject.Code, timeFrame);

        private DataSeries ToAppliedPrice(string symbol, int timeframe, int constant)
            var series = GetSeries(symbol, timeframe);
            switch (constant)
                case PRICE_OPEN:
                    return series.Open;
                case PRICE_HIGH:
                    return series.High;
                case PRICE_LOW:
                    return series.Low;
                case PRICE_CLOSE:
                    return series.Close;
                case PRICE_MEDIAN:
                    return series.Median;
                case PRICE_TYPICAL:
                    return series.Typical;
                case PRICE_WEIGHTED:
                    return series.WeightedClose;
            throw new NotImplementedException("Converter doesn't support working with this type of AppliedPrice");
        const string xArrow = "✖";

        public static string GetArrowByCode(int code)
            switch (code)
                case 0:
                    return string.Empty;

                    return xArrow;
        class Mq4OutputDataSeries : IMq4DoubleArray
            public IndicatorDataSeries OutputDataSeries { get; private set; }
            private readonly IndicatorDataSeries _originalValues;
            private int _currentIndex;
            private int _shift;
            private double _emptyValue = EMPTY_VALUE;
            private readonly ChartObjects _chartObjects;
            private readonly int _style;
            private readonly int _bufferIndex;
            private readonly ConvertedRobot _indicator;

            public Mq4OutputDataSeries(ConvertedRobot indicator, IndicatorDataSeries outputDataSeries, ChartObjects chartObjects, int style, int bufferIndex, Func<IndicatorDataSeries> dataSeriesFactory, int lineWidth, Colors? color = null)
                OutputDataSeries = outputDataSeries;
                _chartObjects = chartObjects;
                _style = style;
                _bufferIndex = bufferIndex;
                _indicator = indicator;
                Color = color;
                _originalValues = dataSeriesFactory();
                LineWidth = lineWidth;

            public int LineWidth { get; private set; }
            public Colors? Color { get; private set; }

            public int Length
                get { return OutputDataSeries.Count; }

            public void Resize(int newSize)

            public void SetCurrentIndex(int index)
                _currentIndex = index;

            public void SetShift(int shift)
                _shift = shift;

            public void SetEmptyValue(double emptyValue)
                _emptyValue = emptyValue;

            public Mq4Double this[int index]
                    var indexToGetFrom = _currentIndex - index + _shift;
                    if (indexToGetFrom < 0 || indexToGetFrom > _currentIndex)
                        return 0;
                    if (indexToGetFrom >= _originalValues.Count)
                        return _emptyValue;

                    return _originalValues[indexToGetFrom];
                    var indexToSet = _currentIndex - index + _shift;
                    if (indexToSet < 0)

                    _originalValues[indexToSet] = value;

                    var valueToSet = value;
                    if (valueToSet == _emptyValue)
                        valueToSet = double.NaN;

                    if (indexToSet < 0)

                    OutputDataSeries[indexToSet] = valueToSet;

                    switch (_style)
                        case DRAW_ARROW:
                            var arrowName = GetArrowName(indexToSet);
                            if (double.IsNaN(valueToSet))
                                var color = Color.HasValue ? Color.Value : Colors.Red;
                                _chartObjects.DrawText(arrowName, _indicator.ArrowByIndex[_bufferIndex], indexToSet, valueToSet, VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment.Center, color);
                        case DRAW_HISTOGRAM:
                            if (false)
                                var anotherLine = _indicator.AllBuffers.FirstOrDefault(b => b.LineWidth == LineWidth && b != this);
                                if (anotherLine != null)
                                    var name = GetNameOfHistogramLineOnChartWindow(indexToSet);
                                    Colors color;
                                    if (this[index] > anotherLine[index])
                                        color = Color ?? Colors.Green;
                                        color = anotherLine.Color ?? Colors.Green;
                                    var lineWidth = LineWidth;
                                    if (lineWidth != 1 && lineWidth < 5)
                                        lineWidth = 5;

                                    _chartObjects.DrawLine(name, indexToSet, this[index], indexToSet, anotherLine[index], color, lineWidth);

            private string GetNameOfHistogramLineOnChartWindow(int index)
                return string.Format("Histogram on chart window {0} {1}", LineWidth, index);

            private string GetArrowName(int index)
                return string.Format("Arrow {0} {1}", GetHashCode(), index);

        public Dictionary<int, string> ArrowByIndex = new Dictionary<int, string> 
        void SetIndexArrow(int index, int code)
            ArrowByIndex[index] = GetArrowByCode(code);

        private Dictionary<int, FileInfo> _openedFiles = new Dictionary<int, FileInfo>();
        //private int _handleCounter = 1000;

        class FolderPaths
            public static string _2calgoAppDataFolder
                    var result = Path.Combine(SystemAppData, "2calgo");
                    if (!Directory.Exists(result))
                    return result;

            public static string _2calgoDesktopFolder
                    var result = Path.Combine(Desktop, "2calgo");
                    if (!Directory.Exists(result))
                    return result;

            static string SystemAppData
                get { return Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); }

            static string Desktop
                get { return Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); }
        const int MODE_TRADES = 0;
        const int MODE_HISTORY = 1;
        const int SELECT_BY_POS = 0;
        const int SELECT_BY_TICKET = 1;

        T GetPropertyValue<T>(Func<Position, T> getFromPosition, Func<PendingOrder, T> getFromPendingOrder, Func<HistoricalTrade, T> getFromHistory)
            if (_currentOrder == null)
                return default(T);

            return GetPropertyValue<T>(_currentOrder, getFromPosition, getFromPendingOrder, getFromHistory);

        T GetPropertyValue<T>(object obj, Func<Position, T> getFromPosition, Func<PendingOrder, T> getFromPendingOrder, Func<HistoricalTrade, T> getFromHistory)
            if (obj is Position)
                return getFromPosition((Position)obj);
            if (obj is PendingOrder)
                return getFromPendingOrder((PendingOrder)obj);

            return getFromHistory((HistoricalTrade)obj);

        private Mq4Double GetTicket(object trade)
            return new Mq4Double(GetPropertyValue<int>(trade, _ => _.Id, _ => _.Id, _ => _.ClosingDealId));
        Mq4Double OrderTicket()
            if (_currentOrder == null)
                return 0;

            return GetTicket(_currentOrder);
        private int GetMagicNumber(string label)
            int magicNumber;
            if (int.TryParse(label, out magicNumber))
                return magicNumber;

            return 0;

        private int GetMagicNumber(object order)
            var label = GetPropertyValue<string>(order, _ => _.Label, _ => _.Label, _ => _.Label);
            return GetMagicNumber(label);
        Mq4Double OrderMagicNumber()
            if (_currentOrder == null)
                return 0;

            return GetMagicNumber(_currentOrder);

        Mq4String OrderComment()
            if (_currentOrder == null)
                return string.Empty;

            return GetPropertyValue<string>(_currentOrder, _ => _.Comment, _ => _.Comment, _ => _.Comment);

        Mq4Double OrdersTotal()
            return Positions.Count + PendingOrders.Count;

        Mq4Double OrdersHistoryTotal()
            return History.Count;
        object _currentOrder;
        bool OrderSelect(int index, int @select, int pool = MODE_TRADES)
            _currentOrder = null;

            if (pool == MODE_TRADES)
                var allOrders = Positions.OfType<object>().Concat(PendingOrders.OfType<object>()).ToArray();

                switch (@select)
                    case SELECT_BY_POS:
                        if (index < 0 || index >= allOrders.Length)
                            return false;

                        _currentOrder = allOrders[index];
                        return true;
                    case SELECT_BY_TICKET:
                        _currentOrder = GetOrderByTicket(index);
                        return _currentOrder != null;
            if (pool == MODE_HISTORY)
                switch (@select)
                    case SELECT_BY_POS:
                        if (index < 0 || index >= History.Count)
                            return false;

                        _currentOrder = History[index];
                        return true;
                    case SELECT_BY_TICKET:
                        _currentOrder = History.FindLast(index.ToString());
                        return _currentOrder != null;

            return false;
        double GetLots(object order)
            var volume = GetPropertyValue<long>(order, _ => _.Volume, _ => _.Volume, _ => _.Volume);
            var symbolCode = GetPropertyValue<string>(order, _ => _.SymbolCode, _ => _.SymbolCode, _ => _.SymbolCode);
            var symbolObject = MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode);

            return symbolObject.ToLotsVolume(volume);

        object GetOrderByTicket(int ticket)
            var allOrders = Positions.OfType<object>().Concat(PendingOrders.OfType<object>()).ToArray();

            return allOrders.FirstOrDefault(_ => GetTicket(_) == ticket);
        Mq4Double OrderLots()
            if (_currentOrder == null)
                return 0;

            return GetLots(_currentOrder);

        Mq4Double OrderType()
            if (_currentOrder == null)
                return 0;

            var position = _currentOrder as Position;
            if (position != null)
                return position.TradeType == TradeType.Buy ? OP_BUY : OP_SELL;
            var pendingOrder = _currentOrder as PendingOrder;
            if (pendingOrder != null)
                if (pendingOrder.OrderType == PendingOrderType.Limit)
                    return pendingOrder.TradeType == TradeType.Buy ? OP_BUYLIMIT : OP_SELLLIMIT;
                return pendingOrder.TradeType == TradeType.Buy ? OP_BUYSTOP : OP_SELLSTOP;

            var historicalTrade = (HistoricalTrade)_currentOrder;

            return historicalTrade.TradeType == TradeType.Buy ? OP_BUY : OP_SELL;

        Mq4String OrderSymbol()
            return GetPropertyValue<string>(_ => _.SymbolCode, _ => _.SymbolCode, _ => _.SymbolCode);
        double GetOpenPrice(object order)
            return GetPropertyValue<double>(order, _ => _.EntryPrice, _ => _.TargetPrice, _ => _.EntryPrice);
        Mq4Double OrderOpenPrice()
            if (_currentOrder == null)
                return 0;

            return GetOpenPrice(_currentOrder);

        Mq4Double OrderClosePrice()
            var historicalTrade = _currentOrder as HistoricalTrade;
            if (historicalTrade != null)
                return historicalTrade.ClosingPrice;

            return 0;

        Mq4Double OrderCloseTime()
            var historicalTrade = _currentOrder as HistoricalTrade;
            if (historicalTrade != null)
                return Mq4TimeSeries.ToInteger(historicalTrade.ClosingTime);

            return 0;
        private double GetStopLoss(object order)
            var nullableValue = GetPropertyValue<double?>(order, _ => _.StopLoss, _ => _.StopLoss, _ => 0);
            return nullableValue ?? 0;

        private double GetTakeProfit(object order)
            var nullableValue = GetPropertyValue<double?>(order, _ => _.TakeProfit, _ => _.TakeProfit, _ => 0);
            return nullableValue ?? 0;
        Mq4Double OrderStopLoss()
            if (_currentOrder == null)
                return 0;
            return GetStopLoss(_currentOrder);

        Mq4Double OrderTakeProfit()
            if (_currentOrder == null)
                return 0;
            return GetTakeProfit(_currentOrder);

        Mq4Double OrderProfit()
            var position = _currentOrder as Position;
            if (position != null)
                return position.NetProfit;

            var historicalTrade = _currentOrder as HistoricalTrade;
            if (historicalTrade != null)
                return historicalTrade.NetProfit;

            return 0;

        Mq4Double OrderCommission()
            var position = _currentOrder as Position;
            if (position != null)
                return position.Commissions;

            var historicalTrade = _currentOrder as HistoricalTrade;
            if (historicalTrade != null)
                return historicalTrade.Commissions;

            return 0;

        class ParametersKey
            private readonly object[] _parameters;

            public ParametersKey(params object[] parameters)
                _parameters = parameters;

            public override bool Equals(object obj)
                var other = (ParametersKey)obj;
                for (var i = 0; i < _parameters.Length; i++)
                    if (!_parameters[i].Equals(other._parameters[i]))
                        return false;
                return true;

            public override int GetHashCode()
                    var hashCode = 0;
                    foreach (var parameter in _parameters)
                        hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ parameter.GetHashCode();
                    return hashCode;

        class Cache<TValue>
            private Dictionary<ParametersKey, TValue> _dictionary = new Dictionary<ParametersKey, TValue>();

            public bool TryGetValue(out TValue value, params object[] parameters)
                var key = new ParametersKey(parameters);
                return _dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value);

            public void Add(TValue value, params object[] parameters)
                var key = new ParametersKey(parameters);
                _dictionary.Add(key, value);

        private static MovingAverageType ToMaType(int constant)
            switch (constant)
                case MODE_SMA:
                    return MovingAverageType.Simple;
                case MODE_EMA:
                    return MovingAverageType.Exponential;
                case MODE_LWMA:
                    return MovingAverageType.Weighted;
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Not supported moving average type");

        internal class CustomIndicatorParameters
            public MarketSeries MarketSeries { get; set; }
            public object[] Parameters { get; set; }

            protected bool Equals(CustomIndicatorParameters other)
                if (Parameters.Length != other.Parameters.Length)
                    return false;
                for (var i = 0; i < Parameters.Length; i++)
                    if (!Equals(Parameters[i], other.Parameters[i]))
                        return false;

                return Equals(MarketSeries, other.MarketSeries);

            public override bool Equals(object obj)
                if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj))
                    return false;
                if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
                    return true;
                if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType())
                    return false;
                return Equals((CustomIndicatorParameters)obj);

            public override int GetHashCode()
                return (MarketSeries != null ? MarketSeries.GetHashCode() : 0);

        private List<DataSeries> GetAllOutputDataSeries(object indicatorInstance)
            var fieldInfo = indicatorInstance.GetType().GetField("AllOutputDataSeries");
            return (List<DataSeries>)fieldInfo.GetValue(indicatorInstance);

        private object CastParameter(object parameter)
            if (parameter is Mq4Double)
                var mq4Double = (Mq4Double)parameter;
                if (Math.Abs(mq4Double - (int)mq4Double) < Symbol.TickSize)
                    return (int)mq4Double;
                return (double)mq4Double;
            if (parameter is string || parameter is Mq4String)
                return (string)parameter;
            return parameter;

        private object[] CastParameters<T>(object[] parameters)
            return parameters.Select(CastParameter).ToArray();

        private static object[] AddEmailParametersIfNeeded<T>(object[] parameters)
            var needed = typeof(T).GetProperties().Where(info => info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ParameterAttribute), false).Any()).Any(p => p.Name == "EmailAddressFrom");

            var result = new List<object>();
            if (needed)
                result.Insert(0, string.Empty);
                result.Insert(0, string.Empty);
            return result.ToArray();

        private readonly Dictionary<CustomIndicatorParameters, List<DataSeries>> _customIndicatorsCache = new Dictionary<CustomIndicatorParameters, List<DataSeries>>();

        Mq4Double iCustom<T>(Mq4String symbol, Mq4Double timeframe, Mq4String name, params object[] parameters) where T : Indicator
            var marketSeries = GetSeries(symbol, timeframe);
            var indicatorParameters = CastParameters<T>(parameters.Take(parameters.Length - 2).ToArray());
            indicatorParameters = AddEmailParametersIfNeeded<T>(indicatorParameters);

            var customIndicatorParameters = new CustomIndicatorParameters 
                MarketSeries = marketSeries,
                Parameters = indicatorParameters
            List<DataSeries> outputSeries;
            if (!_customIndicatorsCache.TryGetValue(customIndicatorParameters, out outputSeries))
                var customIndicator = Indicators.GetIndicator<T>(marketSeries, indicatorParameters);
                outputSeries = GetAllOutputDataSeries(customIndicator);
                _customIndicatorsCache[customIndicatorParameters] = outputSeries;

            var mode = (int)CastParameter(parameters[parameters.Length - 2]);
            var shift = (int)CastParameter(parameters[parameters.Length - 1]);
            return outputSeries[mode].Last(shift);

        class CachedStandardIndicators
            private readonly IIndicatorsAccessor _indicatorsAccessor;

            public CachedStandardIndicators(IIndicatorsAccessor indicatorsAccessor)
                _indicatorsAccessor = indicatorsAccessor;

        const bool True = true;
        const bool False = false;
        const bool TRUE = true;
        const bool FALSE = false;
        // Mq4Null NULL;
        const int EMPTY = -1;
        const double EMPTY_VALUE = 2147483647;
        public const int WHOLE_ARRAY = 0;

        const int MODE_SMA = 0;
        //Simple moving average
        const int MODE_EMA = 1;
        //Exponential moving average,
        const int MODE_SMMA = 2;
        //Smoothed moving average,
        const int MODE_LWMA = 3;
        //Linear weighted moving average. 
        const int PRICE_CLOSE = 0;
        //Close price. 
        const int PRICE_OPEN = 1;
        //Open price. 
        const int PRICE_HIGH = 2;
        //High price. 
        const int PRICE_LOW = 3;
        //Low price. 
        const int PRICE_MEDIAN = 4;
        //Median price, (high+low)/2. 
        const int PRICE_TYPICAL = 5;
        //Typical price, (high+low+close)/3. 
        const int PRICE_WEIGHTED = 6;
        //Weighted close price, (high+low+close+close)/4. 
        const int DRAW_LINE = 0;
        const int DRAW_SECTION = 1;
        const int DRAW_HISTOGRAM = 2;
        const int DRAW_ARROW = 3;
        const int DRAW_ZIGZAG = 4;
        const int DRAW_NONE = 12;

        const int STYLE_SOLID = 0;
        const int STYLE_DASH = 1;
        const int STYLE_DOT = 2;
        const int STYLE_DASHDOT = 3;
        const int STYLE_DASHDOTDOT = 4;

        const int MODE_OPEN = 0;
        const int MODE_LOW = 1;
        const int MODE_HIGH = 2;
        const int MODE_CLOSE = 3;
        const int MODE_VOLUME = 4;
        const int MODE_TIME = 5;
        const int MODE_BID = 9;
        const int MODE_ASK = 10;
        const int MODE_POINT = 11;
        const int MODE_DIGITS = 12;
        const int MODE_SPREAD = 13;
        const int MODE_TRADEALLOWED = 22;
        const int MODE_PROFITCALCMODE = 27;
        const int MODE_MARGINCALCMODE = 28;
        const int MODE_SWAPTYPE = 26;
        const int MODE_TICKSIZE = 17;
        const int MODE_FREEZELEVEL = 33;
        const int MODE_STOPLEVEL = 14;
        const int MODE_LOTSIZE = 15;
        const int MODE_TICKVALUE = 16;
        /*const int MODE_SWAPLONG = 18;
const int MODE_SWAPSHORT = 19;
const int MODE_STARTING = 20;
const int MODE_EXPIRATION = 21;    
        const int MODE_MINLOT = 23;
        const int MODE_LOTSTEP = 24;
        const int MODE_MAXLOT = 25;
        /*const int MODE_MARGININIT = 29;
const int MODE_MARGINHEDGED = 31;*/
        const int MODE_MARGINREQUIRED = 32;

        const int OBJ_VLINE = 0;
        const int OBJ_HLINE = 1;
        const int OBJ_TREND = 2;
        const int OBJ_FIBO = 10;

        /*const int OBJ_TRENDBYANGLE = 3;
    const int OBJ_REGRESSION = 4;
    const int OBJ_CHANNEL = 5;
    const int OBJ_STDDEVCHANNEL = 6;
    const int OBJ_GANNLINE = 7;
    const int OBJ_GANNFAN = 8;
    const int OBJ_GANNGRID = 9;
    const int OBJ_FIBOTIMES = 11;
    const int OBJ_FIBOFAN = 12;
    const int OBJ_FIBOARC = 13;
    const int OBJ_EXPANSION = 14;
    const int OBJ_FIBOCHANNEL = 15;*/
        const int OBJ_RECTANGLE = 16;
        /*const int OBJ_TRIANGLE = 17;
    const int OBJ_ELLIPSE = 18;
    const int OBJ_PITCHFORK = 19;
    const int OBJ_CYCLES = 20;*/
        const int OBJ_TEXT = 21;
        const int OBJ_ARROW = 22;
        const int OBJ_LABEL = 23;

        const int OBJPROP_TIME1 = 0;
        const int OBJPROP_PRICE1 = 1;
        const int OBJPROP_TIME2 = 2;
        const int OBJPROP_PRICE2 = 3;
        const int OBJPROP_TIME3 = 4;
        const int OBJPROP_PRICE3 = 5;
        const int OBJPROP_COLOR = 6;
        const int OBJPROP_STYLE = 7;
        const int OBJPROP_WIDTH = 8;
        const int OBJPROP_BACK = 9;
        const int OBJPROP_RAY = 10;
        const int OBJPROP_ELLIPSE = 11;
        //const int OBJPROP_SCALE = 12;
        const int OBJPROP_ANGLE = 13;
        //angle for text rotation
        const int OBJPROP_ARROWCODE = 14;
        const int OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES = 15;
        //const int OBJPROP_DEVIATION = 16;
        const int OBJPROP_FONTSIZE = 100;
        const int OBJPROP_CORNER = 101;
        const int OBJPROP_XDISTANCE = 102;
        const int OBJPROP_YDISTANCE = 103;
        const int OBJPROP_FIBOLEVELS = 200;
        const int OBJPROP_LEVELCOLOR = 201;
        const int OBJPROP_LEVELSTYLE = 202;
        const int OBJPROP_LEVELWIDTH = 203;
        const int OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL = 210;

        const int PERIOD_M1 = 1;
        const int PERIOD_M5 = 5;
        const int PERIOD_M15 = 15;
        const int PERIOD_M30 = 30;
        const int PERIOD_H1 = 60;
        const int PERIOD_H4 = 240;
        const int PERIOD_D1 = 1440;
        const int PERIOD_W1 = 10080;
        const int PERIOD_MN1 = 43200;

        const int TIME_DATE = 1;
        const int TIME_MINUTES = 2;
        const int TIME_SECONDS = 4;

        const int CLR_NONE = 32768;

        const int White = 16777215;

        const int Yellow = 65535;

        const int Black = 0;

        const int SYMBOL_LEFTPRICE = 5;
        const int SYMBOL_RIGHTPRICE = 6;

        const int SYMBOL_ARROWUP = 241;
        const int SYMBOL_ARROWDOWN = 242;
        const int SYMBOL_STOPSIGN = 251;
const int SYMBOL_THUMBSUP = 67;
const int SYMBOL_THUMBSDOWN = 68;	
const int SYMBOL_CHECKSIGN = 25;

        public const int MODE_ASCEND = 1;
        public const int MODE_DESCEND = 2;

        const int MODE_TENKANSEN = 1;
        const int MODE_KIJUNSEN = 2;
        const int MODE_SENKOUSPANA = 3;
        const int MODE_SENKOUSPANB = 4;
        const int MODE_CHINKOUSPAN = 5;
        const int OP_BUY = 0;
        const int OP_SELL = 1;
        const int OP_BUYLIMIT = 2;
        const int OP_SELLLIMIT = 3;
        const int OP_BUYSTOP = 4;
        const int OP_SELLSTOP = 5;
        const int OBJ_PERIOD_M1 = 0x1;
        const int OBJ_PERIOD_M5 = 0x2;
        const int OBJ_PERIOD_M15 = 0x4;
        const int OBJ_PERIOD_M30 = 0x8;
        const int OBJ_PERIOD_H1 = 0x10;
        const int OBJ_PERIOD_H4 = 0x20;
        const int OBJ_PERIOD_D1 = 0x40;
        const int OBJ_PERIOD_W1 = 0x80;
        const int OBJ_PERIOD_MN1 = 0x100;
        const int OBJ_ALL_PERIODS = 0x1ff;

        const int REASON_REMOVE = 1;
        const int REASON_RECOMPILE = 2;
        const int REASON_CHARTCHANGE = 3;
        const int REASON_CHARTCLOSE = 4;
        const int REASON_PARAMETERS = 5;
        const int REASON_ACCOUNT = 6;
        const int ERR_NO_ERROR = 0;
        const int ERR_NO_RESULT = 1;
        const int ERR_COMMON_ERROR = 2;
        const int ERR_INVALID_TRADE_PARAMETERS = 3;
        const int ERR_SERVER_BUSY = 4;
        const int ERR_OLD_VERSION = 5;
        const int ERR_NO_CONNECTION = 6;
        const int ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_RIGHTS = 7;
        const int ERR_TOO_FREQUENT_REQUESTS = 8;
        const int ERR_MALFUNCTIONAL_TRADE = 9;
        const int ERR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED = 64;
        const int ERR_INVALID_ACCOUNT = 65;
        const int ERR_TRADE_TIMEOUT = 128;
        const int ERR_INVALID_PRICE = 129;
        const int ERR_INVALID_STOPS = 130;
        const int ERR_INVALID_TRADE_VOLUME = 131;
        const int ERR_MARKET_CLOSED = 132;
        const int ERR_TRADE_DISABLED = 133;
        const int ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = 134;
        const int ERR_PRICE_CHANGED = 135;
        const int ERR_OFF_QUOTES = 136;
        const int ERR_BROKER_BUSY = 137;
        const int ERR_REQUOTE = 138;
        const int ERR_ORDER_LOCKED = 139;
        const int ERR_LONG_POSITIONS_ONLY_ALLOWED = 140;
        const int ERR_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = 141;
        const int ERR_TRADE_MODIFY_DENIED = 145;
        const int ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY = 146;
        const int ERR_TRADE_EXPIRATION_DENIED = 147;
        const int ERR_TRADE_TOO_MANY_ORDERS = 148;
        const int ERR_TRADE_HEDGE_PROHIBITED = 149;
        const int ERR_TRADE_PROHIBITED_BY_FIFO = 150;
        const int ERR_NO_MQLERROR = 4000;
        const int ERR_WRONG_FUNCTION_POINTER = 4001;
        const int ERR_ARRAY_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE = 4002;
        const int ERR_NO_MEMORY_FOR_CALL_STACK = 4003;
        const int ERR_RECURSIVE_STACK_OVERFLOW = 4004;
        const int ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_STACK_FOR_PARAM = 4005;
        const int ERR_NO_MEMORY_FOR_PARAM_STRING = 4006;
        const int ERR_NO_MEMORY_FOR_TEMP_STRING = 4007;
        const int ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED_STRING = 4008;
        const int ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED_ARRAYSTRING = 4009;
        const int ERR_NO_MEMORY_FOR_ARRAYSTRING = 4010;
        const int ERR_TOO_LONG_STRING = 4011;
        const int ERR_REMAINDER_FROM_ZERO_DIVIDE = 4012;
        const int ERR_ZERO_DIVIDE = 4013;
        const int ERR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND = 4014;
        const int ERR_WRONG_JUMP = 4015;
        const int ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED_ARRAY = 4016;
        const int ERR_DLL_CALLS_NOT_ALLOWED = 4017;
        const int ERR_CANNOT_LOAD_LIBRARY = 4018;
        const int ERR_CANNOT_CALL_FUNCTION = 4019;
        const int ERR_EXTERNAL_CALLS_NOT_ALLOWED = 4020;
        const int ERR_NO_MEMORY_FOR_RETURNED_STR = 4021;
        const int ERR_SYSTEM_BUSY = 4022;
        const int ERR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMSCNT = 4050;
        const int ERR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMVALUE = 4051;
        const int ERR_STRING_FUNCTION_INTERNAL = 4052;
        const int ERR_SOME_ARRAY_ERROR = 4053;
        const int ERR_INCORRECT_SERIESARRAY_USING = 4054;
        const int ERR_CUSTOM_INDICATOR_ERROR = 4055;
        const int ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_ARRAYS = 4056;
        const int ERR_GLOBAL_VARIABLES_PROCESSING = 4057;
        const int ERR_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND = 4058;
        const int ERR_FUNC_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_TESTING = 4059;
        const int ERR_FUNCTION_NOT_CONFIRMED = 4060;
        const int ERR_SEND_MAIL_ERROR = 4061;
        const int ERR_STRING_PARAMETER_EXPECTED = 4062;
        const int ERR_INTEGER_PARAMETER_EXPECTED = 4063;
        const int ERR_DOUBLE_PARAMETER_EXPECTED = 4064;
        const int ERR_ARRAY_AS_PARAMETER_EXPECTED = 4065;
        const int ERR_HISTORY_WILL_UPDATED = 4066;
        const int ERR_TRADE_ERROR = 4067;
        const int ERR_END_OF_FILE = 4099;
        const int ERR_SOME_FILE_ERROR = 4100;
        const int ERR_WRONG_FILE_NAME = 4101;
        const int ERR_TOO_MANY_OPENED_FILES = 4102;
        const int ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE = 4103;
        const int ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_FILEACCESS = 4104;
        const int ERR_NO_ORDER_SELECTED = 4105;
        const int ERR_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL = 4106;
        const int ERR_INVALID_PRICE_PARAM = 4107;
        const int ERR_INVALID_TICKET = 4108;
        const int ERR_TRADE_NOT_ALLOWED = 4109;
        const int ERR_LONGS_NOT_ALLOWED = 4110;
        const int ERR_SHORTS_NOT_ALLOWED = 4111;
        const int ERR_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS = 4200;
        const int ERR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_PROPERTY = 4201;
        const int ERR_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 4202;
        const int ERR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE = 4203;
        const int ERR_NO_OBJECT_NAME = 4204;
        const int ERR_OBJECT_COORDINATES_ERROR = 4205;
        const int ERR_NO_SPECIFIED_SUBWINDOW = 4206;
        const int ERR_SOME_OBJECT_ERROR = 4207;
        class Mq4ChartObjects
            private readonly ChartObjects _algoChartObjects;
            private readonly TimeSeries _timeSeries;

            private readonly Dictionary<string, Mq4Object> _mq4ObjectByName = new Dictionary<string, Mq4Object>();
            private readonly List<string> _mq4ObjectNameByIndex = new List<string>();

            public Mq4ChartObjects(ChartObjects chartObjects, TimeSeries timeSeries)
                _algoChartObjects = chartObjects;
                _timeSeries = timeSeries;

            public void Set(string name, int index, Mq4Double value)
                if (!_mq4ObjectByName.ContainsKey(name))
                _mq4ObjectByName[name].Set(index, value);
            public void SetText(string name, string text, int font_size, string font, int color)
                if (!_mq4ObjectByName.ContainsKey(name))

                Set(name, OBJPROP_COLOR, color);

            private T GetObject<T>(string name) where T : Mq4Object
                Mq4Object mq4Object;
                if (!_mq4ObjectByName.TryGetValue(name, out mq4Object))
                    return null;
                return mq4Object as T;


        abstract class Mq4Object : IDisposable
            private readonly ChartObjects _chartObjects;

            protected Mq4Object(string name, int type, ChartObjects chartObjects)
                Name = name;
                Type = type;
                _chartObjects = chartObjects;

            public int Type { get; private set; }

            public string Name { get; private set; }

            protected DateTime Time1
                    int seconds = Get(OBJPROP_TIME1);
                    return Mq4TimeSeries.ToDateTime(seconds);

            protected double Price1
                get { return Get(OBJPROP_PRICE1); }

            protected DateTime Time2
                    int seconds = Get(OBJPROP_TIME2);
                    return Mq4TimeSeries.ToDateTime(seconds);

            protected double Price2
                get { return Get(OBJPROP_PRICE2); }

            protected Colors Color
                    int intColor = Get(OBJPROP_COLOR);
                    if (intColor != CLR_NONE)
                        return Mq4Colors.GetColorByInteger(intColor);

                    return Colors.Yellow;

            protected int Width
                get { return Get(OBJPROP_WIDTH); }

            protected int Style
                get { return Get(OBJPROP_STYLE); }

            public abstract void Draw();

            private readonly Dictionary<int, Mq4Double> _properties = new Dictionary<int, Mq4Double> 
                    new Mq4Double(1)
                    new Mq4Double(CLR_NONE)
                    new Mq4Double(1)

                    new Mq4Double(CLR_NONE)
                    new Mq4Double(0)
                    new Mq4Double(1)
                    new Mq4Double(9)
                    OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 0,
                    new Mq4Double(0)
                    OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 1,
                    new Mq4Double(0.236)
                    OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 2,
                    new Mq4Double(0.382)
                    OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 3,
                    new Mq4Double(0.5)
                    OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 4,
                    new Mq4Double(0.618)
                    OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 5,
                    new Mq4Double(1)
                    OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 6,
                    new Mq4Double(1.618)
                    OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 7,
                    new Mq4Double(2.618)
                    OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 8,
                    new Mq4Double(4.236)

            public virtual void Set(int index, Mq4Double value)
                _properties[index] = value;

            public Mq4Double Get(int index)
                return _properties.ContainsKey(index) ? _properties[index] : new Mq4Double(0);

            private readonly List<string> _addedAlgoChartObjects = new List<string>();

            protected void DrawText(string objectName, string text, int index, double yValue, VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, Colors? color = null)
                _chartObjects.DrawText(objectName, text, index, yValue, verticalAlignment, horizontalAlignment, color);

            protected void DrawText(string objectName, string text, StaticPosition position, Colors? color = null)
                _chartObjects.DrawText(objectName, text, position, color);

            protected void DrawLine(string objectName, int index1, double y1, int index2, double y2, Colors color, double thickness = 1.0, cAlgo.API.LineStyle style = cAlgo.API.LineStyle.Solid)
                _chartObjects.DrawLine(objectName, index1, y1, index2, y2, color, thickness, style);

            protected void DrawLine(string objectName, DateTime date1, double y1, DateTime date2, double y2, Colors color, double thickness = 1.0, cAlgo.API.LineStyle style = cAlgo.API.LineStyle.Solid)
                _chartObjects.DrawLine(objectName, date1, y1, date2, y2, color, thickness, style);

            protected void DrawVerticalLine(string objectName, DateTime date, Colors color, double thickness = 1.0, cAlgo.API.LineStyle style = cAlgo.API.LineStyle.Solid)
                _chartObjects.DrawVerticalLine(objectName, date, color, thickness, style);

            protected void DrawVerticalLine(string objectName, int index, Colors color, double thickness = 1.0, cAlgo.API.LineStyle style = cAlgo.API.LineStyle.Solid)
                _chartObjects.DrawVerticalLine(objectName, index, color, thickness, style);

            protected void DrawHorizontalLine(string objectName, double y, Colors color, double thickness = 1.0, cAlgo.API.LineStyle style = cAlgo.API.LineStyle.Solid)
                _chartObjects.DrawHorizontalLine(objectName, y, color, thickness, style);

            public void Dispose()
                foreach (var name in _addedAlgoChartObjects)

        class Mq4Arrow : Mq4Object
            private readonly TimeSeries _timeSeries;
            private int _index;

            public Mq4Arrow(string name, int type, ChartObjects chartObjects, TimeSeries timeSeries) : base(name, type, chartObjects)
                _timeSeries = timeSeries;

            public override void Set(int index, Mq4Double value)
                base.Set(index, value);
                switch (index)
                    case OBJPROP_TIME1:
                        _index = _timeSeries.GetIndexByTime(Time1);

            private int ArrowCode
                get { return Get(OBJPROP_ARROWCODE); }

            public override void Draw()
                string arrowString;
                HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
                switch (ArrowCode)
                    case SYMBOL_RIGHTPRICE:
                        horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                        arrowString = Price1.ToString();
                    case SYMBOL_LEFTPRICE:
                        horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                        arrowString = Price1.ToString();
                        arrowString = ConvertedRobot.GetArrowByCode(ArrowCode);
                        horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                DrawText(Name, arrowString, _index, Price1, VerticalAlignment.Center, horizontalAlignment, Color);

        Mq4Double OrderSend(Mq4String symbol, int cmd, Mq4Double volume, Mq4Double price, Mq4Double slippagePoints, Mq4Double stoploss, Mq4Double takeprofit, Mq4String comment = null, Mq4Double? magic = null, int expiration = 0,
        int arrow_color = CLR_NONE)
            _lastError = ERR_NO_ERROR;
            if (magic == null)
                magic = 0;
            var label = magic.Value.ToString();

            var symbolObject = GetSymbol(symbol);
            var volumeInUnits = symbolObject.ToUnitsVolume(volume);

            switch (cmd)
                case OP_BUY:
                case OP_SELL:
                        var tradeType = cmd == OP_BUY ? TradeType.Buy : TradeType.Sell;
                        var slippageInPrice = symbolObject.TickSize * slippagePoints;
                        var slippageInPips = (int)Math.Round((double)slippageInPrice / symbolObject.PipSize);
                        double? stopLossPips = null;
                        if (stoploss != 0)
                            stopLossPips = tradeType == TradeType.Buy ? (symbolObject.Ask - stoploss) / symbolObject.PipSize : (stoploss - symbolObject.Bid) / symbolObject.PipSize;
                        double? takeProfitPips = null;
                        if (takeprofit != 0)
                            takeProfitPips = tradeType == TradeType.Buy ? (takeprofit - symbolObject.Ask) / symbolObject.PipSize : (symbolObject.Bid - takeprofit) / symbolObject.PipSize;

                        var marketOrderResult = ExecuteMarketOrder(tradeType, symbolObject, volumeInUnits, label, stopLossPips, takeProfitPips, slippageInPips, comment);

                        if (marketOrderResult.IsSuccessful)
                            return GetTicket(marketOrderResult.Position);
                            _lastError = ToMq4ErrorCode(marketOrderResult.Error.Value);
                            return -1;
                case OP_BUYLIMIT:
                case OP_SELLLIMIT:
                case OP_BUYSTOP:
                case OP_SELLSTOP:
                        var tradeType = cmd == OP_BUYLIMIT || cmd == OP_BUYSTOP ? TradeType.Buy : TradeType.Sell;

                        double? stopLossPips = null;
                        if (stoploss != 0)
                            stopLossPips = tradeType == TradeType.Buy ? (price - stoploss) / symbolObject.PipSize : (stoploss - price) / symbolObject.PipSize;
                        double? takeProfitPips = null;
                        if (takeprofit != 0)
                            takeProfitPips = tradeType == TradeType.Buy ? (takeprofit - price) / symbolObject.PipSize : (price - takeprofit) / symbolObject.PipSize;

                        TradeResult placeOrderResult;
                        if (cmd == OP_BUYLIMIT || cmd == OP_SELLLIMIT)
                            placeOrderResult = PlaceLimitOrder(tradeType, symbolObject, volumeInUnits, price, label, stopLossPips, takeProfitPips, expiration.ToNullableDateTime(), comment);
                            placeOrderResult = PlaceStopOrder(tradeType, symbolObject, volumeInUnits, price, label, stopLossPips, takeProfitPips, expiration.ToNullableDateTime(), comment);

                        if (placeOrderResult.IsSuccessful)
                            return GetTicket(placeOrderResult.PendingOrder);
                            _lastError = ToMq4ErrorCode(placeOrderResult.Error.Value);
                            return -1;
                    throw new Exception("Not supported by converter");

            return 0;
        Mq4Double OrderClose(int ticket, double lots, double price, int slippagePoints, int Color = CLR_NONE)
            _lastError = ERR_NO_ERROR;

            var position = GetOrderByTicket(ticket) as Position;
            if (position == null)
                _lastError = ERR_INVALID_TICKET;
                return false;
            var symbolObject = MarketData.GetSymbol(position.SymbolCode);

            var volumeInUnits = symbolObject.ToUnitsVolume(lots);
            ClosePosition(position, volumeInUnits);

            if (!LastResult.IsSuccessful)
                _lastError = ToMq4ErrorCode(LastResult.Error.Value);

            return LastResult.IsSuccessful;

        Mq4Double OrderModify(int ticket, double price, double stoploss, double takeprofit, int expiration, int arrow_color = CLR_NONE)
            _lastError = ERR_NO_ERROR;

            var order = GetOrderByTicket(ticket);
            if (GetTakeProfit(order) == takeprofit && GetStopLoss(order) == stoploss && GetOpenPrice(order) == price)
                _lastError = ERR_NO_RESULT;
                return false;

            var position = order as Position;
            if (position != null)
                ModifyPosition(position, stoploss.ToNullableDouble(), takeprofit.ToNullableDouble());
                if (!LastResult.IsSuccessful)
                    _lastError = ToMq4ErrorCode(LastResult.Error.Value);

                return LastResult.IsSuccessful;

            var pendingOrder = (PendingOrder)order;
            var expirationTime = expiration.ToNullableDateTime();
            ModifyPendingOrder(pendingOrder, price, stoploss.ToNullableDouble(), takeprofit.ToNullableDouble(), expirationTime);

            if (!LastResult.IsSuccessful)
                _lastError = ToMq4ErrorCode(LastResult.Error.Value);

            return LastResult.IsSuccessful;

        bool OrderDelete(int ticket, int Color = CLR_NONE)
            _lastError = ERR_NO_ERROR;

            var pendingOrder = GetOrderByTicket(ticket) as PendingOrder;
            if (pendingOrder == null)
                return false;


            if (!LastResult.IsSuccessful)
                _lastError = ToMq4ErrorCode(LastResult.Error.Value);

            return LastResult.IsSuccessful;


    //Custom Indicators Place Holder

    class Mq4DoubleComparer : IComparer<Mq4Double>
        public int Compare(Mq4Double x, Mq4Double y)
            return x.CompareTo(y);
    class Mq4String
        private readonly string _value;

        public Mq4String(string value)
            _value = value;

        public static implicit operator Mq4String(string value)
            return new Mq4String(value);

        public static implicit operator Mq4String(int value)
            return new Mq4String(value.ToString());

        public static implicit operator Mq4String(Mq4Null mq4Null)
            return new Mq4String(null);

        public static implicit operator string(Mq4String mq4String)
            if ((object)mq4String == null)
                return null;

            return mq4String._value;

        public static implicit operator Mq4String(Mq4Double mq4Double)
            return new Mq4String(mq4Double.ToString());

        public static bool operator <(Mq4String x, Mq4String y)
            return string.Compare(x._value, y._value) == -1;

        public static bool operator >(Mq4String x, Mq4String y)
            return string.Compare(x._value, y._value) == 1;

        public static bool operator <(Mq4String x, string y)
            return string.Compare(x._value, y) == -1;

        public static bool operator >(Mq4String x, string y)
            return string.Compare(x._value, y) == 1;
        public static bool operator <=(Mq4String x, Mq4String y)
            return string.Compare(x._value, y._value) <= 0;

        public static bool operator >=(Mq4String x, Mq4String y)
            return string.Compare(x._value, y._value) >= 0;

        public static bool operator <=(Mq4String x, string y)
            return string.Compare(x._value, y) <= 0;

        public static bool operator >=(Mq4String x, string y)
            return string.Compare(x._value, y) >= 0;

        public static bool operator ==(Mq4String x, Mq4String y)
            return string.Compare(x._value, y._value) == 0;

        public static bool operator !=(Mq4String x, Mq4String y)
            return string.Compare(x._value, y._value) != 0;

        public static bool operator ==(Mq4String x, string y)
            return string.Compare(x._value, y) == 0;

        public static bool operator !=(Mq4String x, string y)
            return string.Compare(x._value, y) != 0;

        public override string ToString()
            if ((object)this == null)
                return string.Empty;

            return _value.ToString();

        public static readonly Mq4String Empty = new Mq4String(string.Empty);

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj))
                return false;
            if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
                return true;
            if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType())
                return false;
            return Equals((Mq4String)obj);

        protected bool Equals(Mq4String other)
            return this == other;

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return (_value != null ? _value.GetHashCode() : 0);
    struct Mq4Char
        char _char;

        public Mq4Char(byte code)
            _char = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(new byte[] 

        public Mq4Char(char @char)
            _char = @char;

        public static implicit operator char(Mq4Char mq4Char)
            return mq4Char._char;

        public static implicit operator Mq4Char(int code)
            return new Mq4Char((byte)code);

        public static implicit operator Mq4Char(string str)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || str.Length == 0)
                return new Mq4Char(' ');
            return new Mq4Char(str[0]);
    struct Mq4Null
        public static implicit operator string(Mq4Null mq4Null)
            return (string)null;

        public static implicit operator int(Mq4Null mq4Null)
            return 0;

        public static implicit operator double(Mq4Null mq4Null)
            return 0;
    static class Comparers
        public static IComparer<T> GetComparer<T>()
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(Mq4Double))
                return (IComparer<T>)new Mq4DoubleComparer();

            return Comparer<T>.Default;
    static class DataSeriesExtensions
        public static int InvertIndex(this DataSeries dataSeries, int index)
            return dataSeries.Count - 1 - index;

        public static Mq4Double Last(this DataSeries dataSeries, int shift, DataSeries sourceDataSeries)
            return dataSeries[sourceDataSeries.Count - 1 - shift];
    static class TimeSeriesExtensions
        public static DateTime Last(this TimeSeries timeSeries, int index)
            return timeSeries[timeSeries.InvertIndex(index)];

        public static int InvertIndex(this TimeSeries timeSeries, int index)
            return timeSeries.Count - 1 - index;

        public static int GetIndexByTime(this TimeSeries timeSeries, DateTime time)
            var index = timeSeries.Count - 1;
            for (var i = timeSeries.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (timeSeries[i] < time)
                    index = i + 1;
            return index;
    static class Mq4Colors
        public static Colors GetColorByInteger(int integer)
            switch (integer)
                case 16777215:
                    return Colors.White;

                case 65535:
                    return Colors.Yellow;

                case 0:
                    return Colors.Black;
    static class EventExtensions
        public static void Raise<T1, T2>(this Action<T1, T2> action, T1 arg1, T2 arg2)
            if (action != null)
                action(arg1, arg2);
    static class Mq4LineStyles
        public static LineStyle ToLineStyle(int style)
            switch (style)
                case 1:
                    return LineStyle.Lines;
                case 2:
                    return LineStyle.Dots;
                case 3:
                case 4:
                    return LineStyle.LinesDots;
                    return LineStyle.Solid;
    class Mq4TimeSeries
        private readonly TimeSeries _timeSeries;
        private static readonly DateTime StartDateTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);

        public Mq4TimeSeries(TimeSeries timeSeries)
            _timeSeries = timeSeries;

        public static int ToInteger(DateTime dateTime)
            return (int)(dateTime - StartDateTime).TotalSeconds;

        public static DateTime ToDateTime(int seconds)
            return StartDateTime.AddSeconds(seconds);

        public int this[int index]
                if (index < 0 || index >= _timeSeries.Count)
                    return 0;

                DateTime dateTime = _timeSeries[_timeSeries.Count - 1 - index];

                return ToInteger(dateTime);
    static class ConvertExtensions
        public static double? ToNullableDouble(this double protection)
            if (protection == 0)
                return null;
            return protection;

        public static DateTime? ToNullableDateTime(this int time)
            if (time == 0)
                return null;

            return Mq4TimeSeries.ToDateTime(time);

        public static long ToUnitsVolume(this Symbol symbol, double lots)
            return symbol.NormalizeVolume(symbol.ToNotNormalizedUnitsVolume(lots));

        public static double ToNotNormalizedUnitsVolume(this Symbol symbol, double lots)
            if (symbol.Code.Contains("XAU") || symbol.Code.Contains("XAG"))
                return 100 * lots;
            return 100000 * lots;

        public static double ToLotsVolume(this Symbol symbol, long volume)
            if (symbol.Code.Contains("XAU") || symbol.Code.Contains("XAG"))
                return volume * 1.0 / 100;

            return volume * 1.0 / 100000;
    struct Mq4Double : IComparable, IComparable<Mq4Double>
        private readonly double _value;

        public Mq4Double(double value)
            _value = value;

        public static implicit operator double(Mq4Double property)
            return property._value;


        public static implicit operator int(Mq4Double property)
            return (int)property._value;

        public static implicit operator bool(Mq4Double property)
            return (int)property._value != 0;

        public static implicit operator Mq4Double(double value)
            return new Mq4Double(value);

        public static implicit operator Mq4Double(int value)
            return new Mq4Double(value);

        public static implicit operator Mq4Double(bool value)
            return new Mq4Double(value ? 1 : 0);

        public static implicit operator Mq4Double(Mq4Null value)
            return new Mq4Double(0);

        public static Mq4Double operator +(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2)
            return new Mq4Double(d1._value + d2._value);

        public static Mq4Double operator -(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2)
            return new Mq4Double(d1._value - d2._value);

        public static Mq4Double operator -(Mq4Double d)
            return new Mq4Double(-d._value);

        public static Mq4Double operator +(Mq4Double d)
            return new Mq4Double(+d._value);

        public static Mq4Double operator *(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2)
            return new Mq4Double(d1._value * d2._value);

        public static Mq4Double operator /(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2)
            return new Mq4Double(d1._value / d2._value);

        public static bool operator ==(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2)
            return d1._value == d2._value;

        public static bool operator >(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2)
            return d1._value > d2._value;

        public static bool operator >=(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2)
            return d1._value >= d2._value;

        public static bool operator <(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2)
            return d1._value < d2._value;

        public static bool operator <=(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2)
            return d1._value <= d2._value;

        public static bool operator !=(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2)
            return d1._value != d2._value;

        public override string ToString()
            return _value.ToString();

        public int CompareTo(object obj)
            return _value.CompareTo(obj);

        public int CompareTo(Mq4Double obj)
            return _value.CompareTo(obj);
    class Mq4DoubleTwoDimensionalArray
        private List<Mq4Double> _data = new List<Mq4Double>();
        private List<Mq4DoubleArray> _arrays = new List<Mq4DoubleArray>();
        private readonly Mq4Double _defaultValue;
        private readonly int _size2;

        public Mq4DoubleTwoDimensionalArray(int size2)
            _defaultValue = 0;
            _size2 = size2;

        public void Add(Mq4Double value)

        private void EnsureCountIsEnough(int index)
            while (_arrays.Count <= index)
                _arrays.Add(new Mq4DoubleArray());

        public void Initialize(Mq4Double value)
            for (var i = 0; i < _data.Count; i++)
                _data[i] = value;

        public int Range(int index)
            if (index == 0)
                return _data.Count;
            return this[0].Length;

        public Mq4DoubleArray this[int index]
                if (index < 0)
                    return new Mq4DoubleArray();


                return _arrays[index];

        public Mq4Double this[int index1, int index2]
                if (index1 < 0)
                    return 0;


                return _arrays[index1][index2];
                if (index1 < 0)


                _arrays[index1][index2] = value;
    class Mq4DoubleArray : IMq4DoubleArray, IEnumerable
        private List<Mq4Double> _data = new List<Mq4Double>();
        private readonly Mq4Double _defaultValue;

        public Mq4DoubleArray(int size = 0)
            _defaultValue = 0;

        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
            return _data.GetEnumerator();

        private bool _isInverted;
        public bool IsInverted
            get { return _isInverted; }
            set { _isInverted = value; }

        public void Add(Mq4Double value)

        private void EnsureCountIsEnough(int index)
            while (_data.Count <= index)

        public int Length
            get { return _data.Count; }

        public void Resize(int newSize)
            while (newSize < _data.Count)
                _data.RemoveAt(_data.Count - 1);

            while (newSize > _data.Count)

        public Mq4Double this[int index]
                if (index < 0)
                    return _defaultValue;


                return _data[index];
                if (index < 0)


                _data[index] = value;
                Changed.Raise(index, value);
        public event Action<int, Mq4Double> Changed;
    class Mq4MarketDataSeries : IMq4DoubleArray
        private DataSeries _dataSeries;

        public Mq4MarketDataSeries(DataSeries dataSeries)
            _dataSeries = dataSeries;

        public Mq4Double this[int index]
            get { return _dataSeries.Last(index); }
            set { }

        public int Length
            get { return _dataSeries.Count; }

        public void Resize(int newSize)
    class Mq4StringArray : IEnumerable
        private List<Mq4String> _data = new List<Mq4String>();
        private readonly Mq4String _defaultValue;

        public Mq4StringArray(int size = 0)
            _defaultValue = "";

        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
            return _data.GetEnumerator();

        private bool _isInverted;
        public bool IsInverted
            get { return _isInverted; }
            set { _isInverted = value; }

        public void Add(Mq4String value)

        private void EnsureCountIsEnough(int index)
            while (_data.Count <= index)

        public int Length
            get { return _data.Count; }

        public void Resize(int newSize)
            while (newSize < _data.Count)
                _data.RemoveAt(_data.Count - 1);

            while (newSize > _data.Count)

        public Mq4String this[int index]
                if (index < 0)
                    return _defaultValue;


                return _data[index];
                if (index < 0)


                _data[index] = value;
    interface IMq4DoubleArray
        Mq4Double this[int index] { get; set; }
        int Length { get; }
        void Resize(int newSize);
    class Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverter
        private readonly Mq4DoubleArray _mq4Array;
        private readonly IndicatorDataSeries _dataSeries;

        public Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverter(Mq4DoubleArray mq4Array, IndicatorDataSeries dataSeries)
            _mq4Array = mq4Array;
            _dataSeries = dataSeries;
            _mq4Array.Changed += OnValueChanged;

        private void CopyAllValues()
            for (var i = 0; i < _mq4Array.Length; i++)
                if (_mq4Array.IsInverted)
                    _dataSeries[_mq4Array.Length - i] = _mq4Array[i];
                    _dataSeries[i] = _mq4Array[i];

        private void OnValueChanged(int index, Mq4Double value)
            int indexToSet;
            if (_mq4Array.IsInverted)
                indexToSet = _mq4Array.Length - index;
                indexToSet = index;

            if (indexToSet < 0)

            _dataSeries[indexToSet] = value;
    class Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory
        private readonly Dictionary<Mq4DoubleArray, IndicatorDataSeries> _cachedAdapters = new Dictionary<Mq4DoubleArray, IndicatorDataSeries>();
        private Func<IndicatorDataSeries> _dataSeriesFactory;

        public Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory(Func<IndicatorDataSeries> dataSeriesFactory)
            _dataSeriesFactory = dataSeriesFactory;

        public DataSeries Create(Mq4DoubleArray mq4Array)
            IndicatorDataSeries dataSeries;

            if (_cachedAdapters.TryGetValue(mq4Array, out dataSeries))
                return dataSeries;

            dataSeries = _dataSeriesFactory();
            new Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverter(mq4Array, dataSeries);
            _cachedAdapters[mq4Array] = dataSeries;

            return dataSeries;

Please I trying to use keltner channel vlue for this robot but returns NAN value.Would be glad if I can help with where problem is.


24 Apr 2018, 14:48

Hi thegreat.super,

It seems that MA_PERIOD and ATR_PERIOD are always 0 when the cBot is starting and that is what is causing NaN values.

 protected override void OnStart()
            keltnerChannels = Indicators.KeltnerChannels(MA_PERIOD, MovingAverageType.Simple, ATR_PERIOD, MovingAverageType.Simple, 2.0);
            double icustom_92 = keltnerChannels.Top.LastValue;
            double icustom_100 = keltnerChannels.Bottom.LastValue;

Best Regards,



24 Apr 2018, 14:57

So please how do I resolve it?



24 Apr 2018, 15:06

Hi thegreat.super,

Unfortunately I cannot advise you on that. Your cBot contains 4200 lines of code and I don't know what it is supposed to do. It seems that you got the source code from a converter (EA to cAlgo) however I don't know how trustworthy the conversion is. If you don't know how to handle the code maybe you could ask the assistant of a professional. I would also advise you to consider rewriting the cBot from scratch instead of relying on the conversion.

Best Regards,



28 May 2018, 16:46


Please Im looking for a function to enable cvs reader reverse market orders. any help? for instant reverse buy to sell when reading from source file.



12 Apr 2019, 00:35

Hi Panagiotis,

Thank you for your terrific work you have done on here.

The original code that thegreat.super has posted on here worked a treat with your modifications - I'm not sure why it is not working for him?

Anyway I would like to make a modification to this, and I hope it is something simple you can help me with, even if you could just tell me what the simple line of code is I'm sure I can figure out where to put it.

Basically all I want to know is how can you prevent it from executing a trade if the spread exceeds a certain number, for example 2 pips? I still would want it to continue placing trades once the spread falls below that number. It is basically to prevent it from executing a trade during a major news event like non-farm payrolls.

Many thanks again


12 Apr 2019, 11:27


Mr4x said:

Hi Panagiotis,

Thank you for your terrific work you have done on here.

The original code that thegreat.super has posted on here worked a treat with your modifications - I'm not sure why it is not working for him?

Anyway I would like to make a modification to this, and I hope it is something simple you can help me with, even if you could just tell me what the simple line of code is I'm sure I can figure out where to put it.

Basically all I want to know is how can you prevent it from executing a trade if the spread exceeds a certain number, for example 2 pips? I still would want it to continue placing trades once the spread falls below that number. It is basically to prevent it from executing a trade during a major news event like non-farm payrolls.

Many thanks again

Hi Mr4x,

The ped_scalpingLimit  controls the spread and commission.......20 means the spread + commission must be ;less that 2 pips to work...try the settings and see. Also can you send me the working code because mine still wth lot of errors. Thanks


13 Apr 2019, 06:34


thegreat.super said:

Mr4x said:

Hi Panagiotis,

Thank you for your terrific work you have done on here.

The original code that thegreat.super has posted on here worked a treat with your modifications - I'm not sure why it is not working for him?

Anyway I would like to make a modification to this, and I hope it is something simple you can help me with, even if you could just tell me what the simple line of code is I'm sure I can figure out where to put it.

Basically all I want to know is how can you prevent it from executing a trade if the spread exceeds a certain number, for example 2 pips? I still would want it to continue placing trades once the spread falls below that number. It is basically to prevent it from executing a trade during a major news event like non-farm payrolls.

Many thanks again

Hi Mr4x,

The ped_scalpingLimit  controls the spread and commission.......20 means the spread + commission must be ;less that 2 pips to work...try the settings and see. Also can you send me the working code because mine still wth lot of errors. Thanks

This one that was pasted worked for me:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
namespace cAlgo
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class ashi : Robot
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = 0.0)]
        public double Parameter { get; set; }
        [Parameter("ProfitTarget", DefaultValue = 300)]
        public double ProfitTarget { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Volume", DefaultValue = 10000)]
        public int Volume { get; set; }
        public double balance;
        public double lastTradePrice;
        public TradeResult lastposition;
        protected override void OnStart()
            // Get the initial balance
            balance = Account.Balance;
            // Start hedge grid
            lastposition = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 2);
            ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 2);
        protected override void OnTick()
            // Open more trades if the price moved 5 pips
            if (lastposition != null && lastposition.Position.Pips > 5)
                lastposition = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 2);
            if (lastposition != null &&  lastposition.Position.Pips < -5)
                lastposition = ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, Volume, "sell", 0, 2);
            // Check if equity is in profit then shut down the grid cycle
            if (Account.Equity >= balance + 2)
                foreach (var position in Positions)
                balance = Account.Balance;
                // Start hedge grid
                ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, 1000, "buy", 0, 2);
                ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, 1000, "sell", 0, 2);
        protected override void OnStop()
            // Put your deinitialization logic here

However I used a slightly modified version, whereby I took out the part about adding more positions, and only having 2 open positions at a time, because I'm using it for a different purpose. Thus mine looks more like this:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class Tester : Robot

        [Parameter("ProfitTarget", DefaultValue = 300)]
        public double ProfitTarget { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Volume", DefaultValue = 10000)]
        public int Volume { get; set; }
        public double balance;

        protected override void OnStart()
            // Get the initial balance
            balance = Account.Balance;


        protected override void OnTick()

            // Check if equity is in profit then shut down the grid cycle
            if (Account.Equity >= balance + ProfitTarget)

                foreach (var position in Positions)
                balance = Account.Balance;

                // Start hedge grid
                if (Positions.Count < 2)
                    ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, symbol, Volume, "buy", 0, 0);
                    ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, symbol, Volume, "sell", 0, 0);


        protected override void OnStop()
            // Put your deinitialization logic here



14 Apr 2019, 17:18

Hi Mr4x,

The condition to check the spread before executing orders is the following

            if ((Symbol.Ask - Symbol.Bid) / Symbol.PipSize > MaxSymbolSpreadInPips)
                   //Please your trades

Best Regards,

