External Price

Created at 27 Jan 2018, 23:16
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DelFonseca's avatar


Joined 25.06.2017

External Price
27 Jan 2018, 23:16

Good evening,

Is it possible to get the price of 2 different brokers in the same cBot?
For example, having the EURUSD price of FXPro and at the same time EURUSD price of Kawase.

If yes, can anyone help me with the code?

Thank you!


29 Jan 2018, 11:11

Hi DelTrader,

This is not possible using cAlgo.API. You can do that using Connect API however this is not so simple therefore I cannot provide you with an example code. You will need advanced coding skills to achieve that.

Best Regards,



29 Jan 2018, 20:07


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi DelTrader,

This is not possible using cAlgo.API. You can do that using Connect API however this is not so simple therefore I cannot provide you with an example code. You will need advanced coding skills to achieve that.

Best Regards,


Thank you so much for your help. I wil study Connect API.

Best Regards
