Code Function Help needed (HasCrossedBelow or Above)
Created at 11 Sep 2017, 09:30
Code Function Help needed (HasCrossedBelow or Above)
11 Sep 2017, 09:30
//if (rsi.Result.Last(0) < RSILow) if (rsi.Result.HasCrossedAbove(RSILow, 2)) { if (Buy == true) { ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, VolumeInUnits, InstanceName, StopLossPips, TakeProfitPips); PosOpen++; //OpenIndex = last; } } //else if (rsi.Result.Last(0) > RSIHigh) else if (rsi.Result.HasCrossedBelow(RSIHigh, 2)) { if (Sell == true) { ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, VolumeInUnits, InstanceName, StopLossPips, TakeProfitPips); PosOpen++; //OpenIndex = last;
To whom can help...
I have developed a cBot which is working well, but does not seem to open a position everytime the RSI crosses over the RSIHigh (eg: 72) or RSILow (eg: 28) values. It appears to execute every 3 or 4 crosses on the 1min/5min Chart.
I understand the number (ie: 2) controls the dataset comparisions and I initially had the RSIHigh/Low value set at 0 (now 2) which caused positions to open even less frequently, if at all.
Should this value be -2 and 2 (or another number) to make the Bot execute every cross of the RSI Indicator 72/28 values?
Thanks in Advance