Help with Equity collection bot

Created at 30 Jul 2017, 00:14
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Joined 23.07.2017

Help with Equity collection bot
30 Jul 2017, 00:14

At the moment I have it closing all positions when "ProfitTarget" is reached. You Input the "StartingBalance" so it closes positions with a true nominated profit amount, as opposed to the difference between balance drawdown and equity acting as "ProfitTarget".

What I'd like to do, is after closing all positions on "ProfitTarget", I need it to then update the "StartingBalance" parameter value without needing to stop the bot and manually change it.


[Parameter("Starting Balance ($)", DefaultValue = 5000)]
        public int StartingBalance { get; set; }
[Parameter("Profit Target ($)", DefaultValue = 500)]
        public int ProfitTarget { get; set; }

double _myEquity;

protected override void OnStart()
            _myEquity = Account.Equity;

Protected override void OnTick()
            if (Account.Equity > (StartingBalance + ProfitTarget))
                foreach (var position in Positions)

Thanks for your time and any help you can offer :)


30 Jul 2017, 14:12

Like this?

[Parameter("Initial Starting Balance ($)", DefaultValue = 5000)]
        public double Initial StartingBalance { get; set; }
[Parameter("Profit Target ($)", DefaultValue = 500)]
        public double ProfitTarget { get; set; }
double _myEquity;
double StartingBalance;
protected override void OnStart()
            _myEquity = Account.Equity;
            StartingBalance = InitialStartingBalance;
Protected override void OnTick()
            if (Account.Equity >= (StartingBalance + ProfitTarget))
                foreach (var position in Positions)
                StartingBalance = StartingBalance + ProfitTarget;

