How to Lock Account for Live Account

Created at 05 Apr 2017, 04:28
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Joined 17.07.2016

How to Lock Account for Live Account
05 Apr 2017, 04:28

Hello everyone , Now I have cBots , I want to lock account to use for live account not to use public

How to code , Thank you very much


07 Apr 2017, 22:58

Live accounts

Have a look at the API, Internals. Here is a link to read more about it. 



09 Apr 2017, 16:18


korakodmy said:

Hello everyone , Now I have cBots , I want to lock account to use for live account not to use public

How to code , Thank you very much

If c is to lock the live accounts (demo available) I can give you an example with a robot



20 Apr 2017, 22:16

Only demo accounts

A demo version "only" can be coded with a few lines of the code of the cBot.

protected override void OnStart()


if (Account.IsLive)
                Print("This is a demo account and the cBot is running");  


