Create and manage 2D Matrix of different DataTypes with a Headline for csv Export
Create and manage 2D Matrix of different DataTypes with a Headline for csv Export
28 Mar 2017, 20:30
Hi all,
To analyse Data in different Variables in a Bot I want to output them to a csv-File for further Analysis. The tricky Part is collecting the Data it seems.
Data to be analysed/stored
The Data (Strings, Doubles, Longs, ...) is created asynchronuosly during a single Tick, also the number of the arriving Data varies.
Current Aproach
During each Tick I want to store the Data to a Matrix, and after buffering a certain amount I want to flush the buffer to a .csv .
To achieve this I am sending the Data from the different Methods to my FileExport-Class tagged with an Identifier (string) to each DataStream like so:
myFileExporter.LogData(string Sender, type Data);
In the FileExport-Class I want to store the Data in a 2D Matrix.
To find the right Column to store the Data to I have one list<string> csvHeader
and a 2D Matrix.
private List<string> csvHeader = new List<string>() { "Date", "Time", "Bid", "Ask", } private List<object> csvMatrix = new List<object>() { new List<DateTime>(), new List<DateTime>(), new List<double>(), new List<double>() };
To store the Data I query the column and then want to add the Data to the Matrix
int dataColumn = csvHeader.FindIndex(x => x == header);
Here I am stuck adding the Data to the `list<list<>>`.
does not work?
Any Ideas on how to add the Data to the 2D List or may be a smarter Approach to collecting and exporting Data?