Finding Max and Min of account balance in all history

Created at 28 Mar 2017, 13:26
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Finding Max and Min of account balance in all history
28 Mar 2017, 13:26


I need a bit help with finding Max and Min Balance of account in all history (since opening account). I have robots which are on and off, and not trading all time, but in them I would like to have Max and Min Balance accesed, to use it for some calculations.

Many thanks

28 Mar 2017, 16:10

Hi, try this.

double maximumBalance = double.MinValue;
double minimumBalance = double.MaxValue;

foreach (var historicalTrade in History)
    maximumBalance = Math.Max(historicalTrade.Balance, maximumBalance);
    minimumBalance = Math.Min(historicalTrade.Balance, minimumBalance);
28 Mar 2017, 16:12

Or using System.Linq

double maximumBalance = History.Max(x => x.Balance);
double minimumBalance = History.Min(x => x.Balance);

28 Mar 2017, 16:22

thank you very much, this made my day :)

2nd solution works like charm, just what I needed...thanks
