cTrader Community Member of the Month - January

Created at 26 Feb 2021, 08:37
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Joined 23.09.2013

cTrader Community Member of the Month - January
26 Feb 2021, 08:37

Dear traders,

cTrader introduces cTrader Community Member of the Month award! Every month our community team selects the most valuable contributor for that month and awards the title accompanied with a small gift of gratitude!

For January the winner of the award is Paul Hayes! Paul Hayes has been a very active community member for the past six years. He runs ClickAlgo, a dedicated cTrader Consultancy and he contributes daily to the community by assisting traders through Telegram groups, online forums and educational material. He is also releasing educational videos for cTrader on a consistent basis.

Congratulations to Paul!


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02 Mar 2021, 08:23

Nice initiative with the Award, Spotware.

And congratulations, Paul Hayes! I myself began learning to code from your videos back in 2018 when Youtube had almost no tutorials on cAlgo. With the knowledge you shared I began learning from scratch. Keep doing the amazing job and good luck!
