Legacy references

Created at 11 Apr 2014, 14:30
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Joined 23.09.2013

Legacy references
11 Apr 2014, 14:30

cAlgo platform allows users to extend functionality of their algorithms by referencing other indicators and .NET libraries. In cAlgo version 1.19 or earlier all references were added to the beginning of source code file. For example if my cBot references indicator ZigZag and library NeuronNetworks.dll the header of source code file would contain the following lines:

//#reference: ..\Indicators\ZigZag.algo
//#reference: C:\bin\NeuronNetworks.dll

Unfortunately, such approach with references in the source code is not compatible with Visual Studio. In cAlgo version 1.20 we introduced Reference Manager - the new way to work with references. While we still support references in legacy format, in order to edit your algorithms in Visual Studio all references needs to be migrated to the new format.

How to migrate references:

1. Remove all legacy references from the beginning of source code file:

2. Choose “Manage References” in context menu of your cBot or Indicator:

3. Reference manager window will appear:

4. In Indicators page of Reference Manager select indicators which you want to be referenced by your cBot or Indicator:

5. In Libraries page select .NET Libraries which you want to be referenced by your cBot or Indicator:

6. If desired Library is not presented in the Libraries page you can add it by using Browse button:

7. At the last step you need to press “Apply” button:


22 May 2014, 01:07

Encrypted code and manage references


When you encrypt the source code the Manage References is not available. Is there a way to get around it or is it not possible? It would be nice if an encrypted code still could use the Manage References.



22 May 2014, 09:21

RE: Encrypted code and manage references

kricka said:


When you encrypt the source code the Manage References is not available. Is there a way to get around it or is it not possible? It would be nice if an encrypted code still could use the Manage References.


Please specify what do you mean by saying "encrypted code".


03 Jun 2014, 00:19


if I build a cBot without the source code, the "Manage References" is not available. If the "encrypted" code is then handed over to the end user he will will not be able to Manage References in the robot. Would be good if that was manageable.



03 Jun 2014, 09:43


kricka said:


if I build a cBot without the source code, the "Manage References" is not available. If the "encrypted" code is then handed over to the end user he will will not be able to Manage References in the robot. Would be good if that was manageable.


When you build .algo file all dependencies (except GAC libraries) are included to the .algo file.

.algo file is enough to add an indicator to the chart or start a cbot. Users don't need to do anything with references.
