Category Trend  Published on 16/05/2012

Centered Detrend Price


     The DetrenPrice Oscillator (DPO) is an indicator designed to remove trend from price and make it easier to identify cycles. DPO does not extend to the last date because it is based on a displaced moving average. However, alignment with the most recent is not an issue because DPO is not a momentum oscillator. Instead, DPO is used to identify cycles highs/lows and estimate cycle length.

 Centered Detrended Price


qualitiedx2's avatar

Joined on 30.09.2011

  • Distribution: Free
  • Language: C#
  • Trading platform: cTrader Automate
  • File name: Centered_Detrend_Price.algo
  • Rating: 2.5
  • Installs: 3376
  • Modified: 13/10/2021 09:54
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Anonymous · 12 years ago
hello, i installed your indicator but this indicator doesnt scrowling forward, wanted to know why. thanks for your answer