Category Oscilators  Published on 27/06/2015

ZigZag Kwan MBFX Timing


ZigZag Kwan MBFX Timing ou Beta

Author : Abdallah HACID

Solution Visual studio


Cet indicateur ZigZag Kwan MBFX Timing peut etre  combiner avec le RSI, MACD est Stoch et vous pouvez créer un système de trading forex parfait.

Vert - La tendance 
couleur Or - la tendance latérale 
Rouge - La tendance baissière 

Cet indicateur doit être situé dans les niveaux intermédiaires (30,70). en dessous de 70 survente, au dessus de 30 surachat.

Le robot de test de cet indicateur se trouve ici : TrailCut II , mettre le paramètre Zigzag Kwan MBFX Timing à OUI, les autres indicateurs à NON et passer en période journalière.

// ------------------------------------------------------------                   
// Paste this code into your cAlgo editor. 
// -----------------------------------------------------------
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.MQ4;

using System.Linq;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------                   
// Converted from MQ4 to cAlgo with
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ZigZag Kwan MBFX Timing ou Beta

namespace cAlgo.Indicators

    [Indicator(ScalePrecision = 2, AutoRescale = false, IsOverlay = false)]
    [Levels(70, 30, 50, -10, -20, -30)]
    public class ZigZagKwanIndicator : Indicator

        #region Indicator Parameters
        [Parameter("Len", DefaultValue = 4)]
        public int len { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Filter", DefaultValue = -1.0)]
        public double filter { get; set; }

        [Output("Stand", Color = Colors.Yellow, PlotType = PlotType.DiscontinuousLine, Thickness = 2)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries standIndicatorDataSeries { get; set; }

        [Output("Buy", Color = Colors.Green, PlotType = PlotType.DiscontinuousLine, Thickness = 2)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries buyIndicatorDataSeries { get; set; }

        [Output("Sell", Color = Colors.Red, PlotType = PlotType.DiscontinuousLine, Thickness = 2)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries sellIndicatorDataSeries { get; set; }

        [Output("Trade", Color = Colors.SteelBlue, PlotType = PlotType.DiscontinuousLine, Thickness = 2)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries signal { get; set; }

        #region globals

        public const int levelSignal = 10;
        public const int standSignal = -20;
        public const int buySignal = standSignal + levelSignal;
        public const int sellSignal = standSignal - levelSignal;

        public Mq4OutputDataSeries signalMq4Output;
        Mq4OutputDataSeries standMq4Output;
        Mq4OutputDataSeries buyMq4Output;
        Mq4OutputDataSeries sellMq4Output;

        int _indicatorCounted;
        int _currentIndex;

        CachedStandardIndicators _cachedStandardIndicators;
        Mq4ChartObjects _mq4ChartObjects;
        Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory _mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory;
        Mq4MarketDataSeries Open;
        Mq4MarketDataSeries High;
        Mq4MarketDataSeries Low;
        Mq4MarketDataSeries Close;
        Mq4MarketDataSeries Median;
        Mq4MarketDataSeries Volume;

        new Mq4TimeSeries Time;

        static Dictionary<int, string> ArrowByIndex = new Dictionary<int, string> 

        static List<Mq4OutputDataSeries> AllBuffers = new List<Mq4OutputDataSeries>();

        List<DataSeries> AllOutputDataSeries = new List<DataSeries>();


        protected override void Initialize()
            if (signal == null)
                signal = CreateDataSeries();
            signalMq4Output = new Mq4OutputDataSeries(this, signal, ChartObjects, 0, 0, () => CreateDataSeries(), 2, Colors.Blue);

            if (standIndicatorDataSeries == null)
                standIndicatorDataSeries = CreateDataSeries();
            standMq4Output = new Mq4OutputDataSeries(this, standIndicatorDataSeries, ChartObjects, 0, 0, () => CreateDataSeries(), 2, Colors.Yellow);

            if (buyIndicatorDataSeries == null)
                buyIndicatorDataSeries = CreateDataSeries();
            buyMq4Output = new Mq4OutputDataSeries(this, buyIndicatorDataSeries, ChartObjects, 0, 1, () => CreateDataSeries(), 2, Colors.Green);

            if (sellIndicatorDataSeries == null)
                sellIndicatorDataSeries = CreateDataSeries();
            sellMq4Output = new Mq4OutputDataSeries(this, sellIndicatorDataSeries, ChartObjects, 0, 2, () => CreateDataSeries(), 2, Colors.Orange);


            Open = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.Open);
            High = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.High);
            Low = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.Low);
            Close = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.Close);
            Volume = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.TickVolume);
            Median = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.Median);
            Time = new Mq4TimeSeries(MarketSeries.OpenTime);

            _cachedStandardIndicators = new CachedStandardIndicators(Indicators);
            _mq4ChartObjects = new Mq4ChartObjects(ChartObjects, MarketSeries.OpenTime);
            _mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory = new Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory(() => CreateDataSeries());


        Mq4Double calculateZigzagKwanMBFXTiming()
            Mq4Double index = 0;
            Mq4Double debut = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_208 = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_200 = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_192 = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_184 = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_176 = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_168 = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_160 = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_152 = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_144 = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_136 = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_128 = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_120 = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_112 = 0;
            Mq4Double coFactor = 0;
            Mq4Double factor = 0;
            Mq4Double oldAverage = 0;
            Mq4Double average = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_72 = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_64 = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_56 = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_48 = 0;
            Mq4Double ld_40 = 0;
            Mq4Double priceProgression = 0;
            Mq4Double result = 0;
            Mq4Double secondCycle = 0;
            Mq4Double firstCycle = 0;
            Mq4Double lenBase = 0;

            debut = MarketSeries.Close.Count - len - 1;
            for (index = debut; index >= 0; index--)
                if (firstCycle == 0.0)
                    firstCycle = 1.0;
                    secondCycle = 0.0;

                    lenBase = Math.Max(len - 1.0, 5);

                    average = 100.0 * ((High[index] + Low[index] + Close[index]) / 3.0);
                    factor = 3.0 / (len + 2.0);
                    coFactor = 1.0 - factor;
                    firstCycle = (firstCycle < lenBase) ? firstCycle + 1 : lenBase + 1.0;

                    oldAverage = average;
                    average = 100.0 * ((High[index] + Low[index] + Close[index]) / 3.0);
                    priceProgression = average - oldAverage;

                    ld_112 = coFactor * ld_112 + factor * priceProgression;
                    ld_120 = factor * ld_112 + coFactor * ld_120;
                    ld_40 = 1.5 * ld_112 - ld_120 / 2.0;

                    ld_128 = coFactor * ld_128 + factor * ld_40;
                    ld_208 = factor * ld_128 + coFactor * ld_208;
                    ld_48 = 1.5 * ld_128 - ld_208 / 2.0;

                    ld_136 = coFactor * ld_136 + factor * ld_48;
                    ld_152 = factor * ld_136 + coFactor * ld_152;
                    ld_56 = 1.5 * ld_136 - ld_152 / 2.0;

                    ld_160 = coFactor * ld_160 + factor * Math.Abs((double)priceProgression);
                    ld_168 = factor * ld_160 + coFactor * ld_168;
                    ld_64 = 1.5 * ld_160 - ld_168 / 2.0;

                    ld_176 = coFactor * ld_176 + factor * ld_64;
                    ld_184 = factor * ld_176 + coFactor * ld_184;
                    ld_144 = 1.5 * ld_176 - ld_184 / 2.0;

                    ld_192 = coFactor * ld_192 + factor * ld_144;
                    ld_200 = factor * ld_192 + coFactor * ld_200;
                    ld_72 = 1.5 * ld_192 - ld_200 / 2.0;

                    if (firstCycle <= lenBase && average != oldAverage)
                        secondCycle = 1.0;

                    if (firstCycle == lenBase && secondCycle == 0.0)
                        firstCycle = 0.0;

                if (firstCycle > lenBase && ld_72 > 1E-10)
                    result = 50.0 * (ld_56 / ld_72 + 1.0);

                    if (result > 100.0)
                        result = 100.0;

                    if (result < 0.0)
                        result = 0.0;
                    result = 50.0;

                standMq4Output[index] = result;
                buyMq4Output[index] = result;
                sellMq4Output[index] = result;
                signalMq4Output[index] = standSignal;

                if (standMq4Output[index] > standMq4Output[index + 1] - filter)
                    sellMq4Output[index] = MQ4Const.EMPTY_VALUE;
                    signalMq4Output[index] = buySignal;
                else if (standMq4Output[index] < standMq4Output[index + 1] + filter)
                    buyMq4Output[index] = MQ4Const.EMPTY_VALUE;
                    signalMq4Output[index] += sellSignal;

                else if (standMq4Output[index] == standMq4Output[index + 1] + filter)
                    buyMq4Output[index] = MQ4Const.EMPTY_VALUE;
                    sellMq4Output[index] = MQ4Const.EMPTY_VALUE;
                    signalMq4Output[index] = standSignal;
            return 0;

        public override void Calculate(int index)
                _currentIndex = index;
                signalMq4Output.CurrentIndex = index;
                standMq4Output.CurrentIndex = index;
                buyMq4Output.CurrentIndex = index;
                sellMq4Output.CurrentIndex = index;

                if (IsLastBar)
                    _indicatorCounted = index;
            } catch (Exception e)
                if (e.Source != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("IOException source: {0}", e.Source);

        public class Mq4OutputDataSeries : IMq4Array<Mq4Double>
            public IndicatorDataSeries OutputDataSeries { get; private set; }
            private readonly IndicatorDataSeries _originalValues;

            private readonly ChartObjects _chartObjects;
            private readonly int _style;
            private readonly int _bufferIndex;
            private readonly Indicator _indicator;

            public Mq4OutputDataSeries(ZigZagKwanIndicator zigzagKwanMBFXTiming, IndicatorDataSeries outputDataSeries, ChartObjects chartObjects, int style, int bufferIndex, Func<IndicatorDataSeries> dataSeriesFactory, int lineWidth, Colors? color = null)
                OutputDataSeries = outputDataSeries;
                _chartObjects = chartObjects;
                _style = style;
                _bufferIndex = bufferIndex;
                _indicator = zigzagKwanMBFXTiming;
                Color = color;
                _originalValues = dataSeriesFactory();
                LineWidth = lineWidth;

            public int LineWidth { get; private set; }
            public Colors? Color { get; private set; }

            public int Length
                get { return OutputDataSeries.Count; }

            public int CurrentIndex { get; set; }

            public int Shift { get; set; }

            public Mq4Double this[int index]
                    var indexToGetFrom = CurrentIndex - index + Shift;
                    if (indexToGetFrom < 0 || indexToGetFrom > CurrentIndex)
                        return 0;
                    if (indexToGetFrom >= _originalValues.Count)
                        return MQ4Const.EMPTY_VALUE;

                    return _originalValues[indexToGetFrom];
                    var indexToSet = CurrentIndex - index + Shift;
                    if (indexToSet < 0)

                    _originalValues[indexToSet] = value;

                    var valueToSet = value;
                    if (valueToSet == MQ4Const.EMPTY_VALUE)
                        valueToSet = double.NaN;

                    if (indexToSet < 0)

                    OutputDataSeries[indexToSet] = valueToSet;

                    switch (_style)
                        case MQ4Const.DRAW_ARROW:
                            var arrowName = GetArrowName(indexToSet);
                            if (double.IsNaN(valueToSet))
                                var color = Color.HasValue ? Color.Value : Colors.Red;
                                _chartObjects.DrawText(arrowName, ArrowByIndex[_bufferIndex], indexToSet, valueToSet, VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment.Center, color);
                        case MQ4Const.DRAW_HISTOGRAM:
                            //if (false)
                                var anotherLine = AllBuffers.FirstOrDefault(b => b.LineWidth == LineWidth && b != this);
                                if (anotherLine != null)
                                    var name = GetNameOfHistogramLineOnChartWindow(indexToSet);
                                    Colors color;
                                    if (this[index] > anotherLine[index])
                                        color = Color ?? Colors.Green;
                                        color = anotherLine.Color ?? Colors.Green;
                                    var lineWidth = LineWidth;
                                    if (lineWidth != 1 && lineWidth < 5)
                                        lineWidth = 5;

                                    _chartObjects.DrawLine(name, indexToSet, this[index], indexToSet, anotherLine[index], color, lineWidth);

            private string GetNameOfHistogramLineOnChartWindow(int index)
                return string.Format("Histogram on chart window {0} {1}", LineWidth, index);

            private string GetArrowName(int index)
                return string.Format("Arrow {0} {1}", GetHashCode(), index);





Joined on 28.09.2013

  • Distribution: Free
  • Language: C#
  • Trading platform: cTrader Automate
  • File name: ZigZagKwanIndicator.algo
  • Rating: 5
  • Installs: 6276
  • Modified: 13/10/2021 09:54
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aysos75 · 9 years ago

this is ok now

khaled.mohamed995 · 9 years ago

 please upload the cAlgo file again .... Link not working ... 404 error

aysos75 · 10 years ago
decebal · 10 years ago

Bonjour Ab.Hacid,

comment obtenir la bibliothèque Mq4Lib parce que je l'erreur suivante? 
Erreur: Projet F: \ dev \ cAlgo \ cAlgoSolution \ bibliothèque \ Mq4Lib \ Mq4Lib \ Mq4Lib.csproj n'existe pas.
