This cBot allows traders to send their signals from any metatrader (MT4/5) platform to an unlimited amount of cTrader platforms ( Limited to available RAM resources on instance) through reading/writing to a CSV file. MT4/5 writes the trading activity to csv file, while cAlgo reads the file to copy the trades.
[siamfx] - July 04, 2014 @ 04:14
Error: - Copy and paste over existing code in catch (Exception e) with the code below.
catch (Exception e) { Print("Exception: " + e.Message); return; }
- MT EA loops every 250ms for new trading activity
- cBot will open and close Market orders to match the csv file
- No additional trading can be performed on ctrader slave.
- All trading must be done on the master MT account.
- Limited to one MT master account with unlimited cTrader accounts
- Trader passwords required for access of all accounts and designed for Server Based.
You will need to update the Orders Input File Path: Unique for every PC
Sample: C:\\Users\\trader\\AppData\\Roaming\\MetaQuotes\\Terminal\\69420FB8433504FEA0FA029C390238DB\\MQL4\\Files\\TradeCopy.csv
Version 1.0:
Todo list includes
- Add Market Depth
- Use Limit Orders
- Only Positive Slippage
This is the MetaTrader EA below - download. Copy this code into a new Experts sample, paste, compile. Attach to M1 chart. Only 1 chart to trade ALL currency pairs. MT4 - Build 600+ -July 2014 (old source -
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSV reader to open and close market orders
// mt4 writes to file
// version1
// lotsize calculation fixed _july1_siamfx
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
namespace cAlgo
[Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.FullAccess)]
public class MT2cTrader : Robot
[Parameter("Orders Input File Path", DefaultValue = "C:\\Users\\trader\\AppData\\Roaming\\MetaQuotes\\Terminal\\69420FB8433504FEA0FA029C390238DB\\MQL4\\Files\\TradeCopy.csv")]
// C:\\Users\\trader\\CSV\\TradeCopy.csv
public string orders_input_file { get; set; }
[Parameter("Slippage", DefaultValue = 3.5)]
public double slippage { get; set; }
[Parameter("Delimiter", DefaultValue = ";")]
public string delimiter { get; set; }
protected override void OnStart()
private bool debug = true;
protected override void OnTick()
//todo, check M.D.
//price = marketDepth.AskEntries[0].Price;
//volume = marketDepth.AskEntries[0].Volume;
string[] lines = new String[0];
lines = File.ReadAllLines(orders_input_file);
} catch (Exception e)
Print("Exception: " + e.Message);
List<string> existing_positions = new List<string>();
foreach (string line in lines)
OrderData order = new OrderData(line.Split(delimiter.Length > 0 ? delimiter[0] : ','), MarketData);
if (debug)
if (order.isCorrect() && (Positions.Find(order.label) == null))
ExecuteMarketOrder(order.type, order.symbol, order.lot, order.label,,, slippage);
for (int pos = 0; pos < Positions.Count; pos++)
if (!existing_positions.Contains(Positions[pos].Label))
public class OrderData
private const long mt_lot_coefficient = 100000;
public Symbol symbol;
public TradeType type;
public long lot;
public int sl;
public int tp;
public string label;
private bool initialized_properly = true;
public OrderData(string[] raw_pieces, MarketData market_data)
this.label = raw_pieces[0].Trim();
this.symbol = market_data.GetSymbol(raw_pieces[1].Trim());
this.lot = Convert.ToInt64(this.parseDouble(raw_pieces[3]) * mt_lot_coefficient);
double price = this.parseDouble(raw_pieces[4]); = this.getPipDistance(price, this.parseDouble(raw_pieces[5])); = this.getPipDistance(price, this.parseDouble(raw_pieces[6]));
} catch (Exception e)
this.initialized_properly = false;
public bool isCorrect()
return this.initialized_properly;
private double parseDouble(string value)
return double.Parse(value.Trim().Replace(',', '.'), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
private void setType(int mt_type)
this.type = mt_type == 0 ? TradeType.Buy : TradeType.Sell;
private int getPipDistance(double basic_price, double close_price)
return Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Math.Abs(basic_price - close_price) / this.symbol.PipSize));
Joined on 01.07.2014
- Distribution: Free
- Language: C#
- Trading platform: cTrader Automate
- File name: MT2cTrader.algo
- Rating: 2.5
- Installs: 3786
- Modified: 13/10/2021 09:55
To copy trades from MT4 or MT5 to cTrader I'm using Duplikium Trade Copier.
It's cloud based, so nothing to install and you can access it from your mobile phone anytime.
Check it here:
hey man i can not find the ea version the link is down somebody please cut pass me that is count of urgent
hey man thanks alot is really usefull
16/02/2015 23:55:36.797 | TradeCopierReceiver, USDJPY, h1 | Failed to read file: Arguments mismatch at line: X
What does it meal? What I have to do?
Can this be converted to use from cTrader to cTrader with same method?
and copy pending orders.
is possible copy to ctrade at mt4 ?
no mt4 to ctrade, the opposite.
Error: - Copy and paste over existing code in catch (Exception e) with the code below.
catch (Exception e)
Print("Exception: " + e.Message);
Yes, cBot works onTick. cTrader recently added onTimer support. The whole onTick function can be copied into the onTimer to achieve the looping every 250ms. Currently, MT4 loops every 250ms, and cBot opens/closes onTick
As far as I see, you read file in OnTick method. In this case bellow statement is not guaranteed
- MT EA loops every 250ms for new trading activity
I recommend using Copiix 100% free with superpower