Category Volatility  Published on 07/06/2024



using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace cAlgo
   [Indicator(IsOverlay = false, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
   public class MomentumIndicator : Indicator
       [Parameter("N Value", DefaultValue = 60, MinValue = 1)]
       public int N { get; set; }

       [Parameter("N1 Value", DefaultValue = 40, MinValue = 1)]
       public int N1 { get; set; }

       [Output("MTM", LineColor = "Blue")]
       public IndicatorDataSeries MTM { get; set; }

       [Output("MTMMA", LineColor = "Green")]
       public IndicatorDataSeries MTMMA { get; set; }

       private MovingAverage _mtmma;

       protected override void Initialize()
           // Initialize and create a moving average
           _mtmma = Indicators.MovingAverage(MTM, N1, MovingAverageType.Simple);

       public override void Calculate(int index)
           // Calculate MTM
           MTM[index] = Bars.ClosePrices[index] - Bars.ClosePrices[Math.Max(0, index - N)];

           // Calculate MTMMA

           MTMMA[index] = _mtmma.Result[index];

           // Change the line color based on condition
           if (MTM[index] < MTMMA[index])
               ChartObjects.DrawText("colorTextRed", "MTM < MTMMA", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Red);
           else if (MTM[index] > MTMMA[index])
               ChartObjects.DrawText("colorTextGreen", "MTM > MTMMA", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Green);


using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;

namespace cAlgo
    [Indicator(IsOverlay = false, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class mMomentumTendency : Indicator
        [Parameter("Periods (14)", DefaultValue = 14)]
        public int inpPeriods { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Periods (3)", DefaultValue = 3)]
        public int inpLookBack { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Smooth Type (vid)", DefaultValue = MovingAverageType.VIDYA)]
        public MovingAverageType inpSmoothType { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Show Arrows ", DefaultValue = true)]
        public bool inpShowArrows { get; set; }

        [Output("MomentumTendency", LineColor = "Black", PlotType = PlotType.Line, LineStyle = LineStyle.Solid, Thickness = 1)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries outMomentumTendency { get; set; }
        private MovingAverage _ma;
        private IndicatorDataSeries _momentum, _log, _tendency;
        private DetrendedPriceOscillator _dpomom, _dpo;

        protected override void Initialize()
            _ma = Indicators.MovingAverage(Bars.ClosePrices, inpPeriods, inpSmoothType);
            _log = CreateDataSeries();
            _momentum = CreateDataSeries();
            _dpomom = Indicators.DetrendedPriceOscillator(_momentum, inpPeriods, MovingAverageType.Simple);
            _dpo = Indicators.DetrendedPriceOscillator(Bars.ClosePrices, inpPeriods, MovingAverageType.Simple);
            _tendency = CreateDataSeries();

        public override void Calculate(int i)
            _log[i] = Math.Log(_ma.Result[i]);
            _momentum[i] = _log[i-1] - _log[i-inpLookBack];
            _tendency[i] = (_momentum[i] > 0 ? +1 : -1) + (_dpomom.Result[i] > 0 ? +1 : -1) + (_dpo.Result[i] > 0 ? +1 : -1);
                if(_tendency[i] == +3 && Bars.OpenPrices[i] > Bars.ClosePrices[i])
                    Chart.DrawIcon("MomentumTendencyUp" + Bars.OpenTimes.Last(0).ToString(), ChartIconType.Star, Bars.OpenTimes.Last(0), Bars.LowPrices.Last(0), "Teal");
                    Chart.RemoveObject("MomentumTendencyUp" + Bars.OpenTimes.Last(0).ToString());
                if(_tendency[i] == -3 && Bars.OpenPrices[i] < Bars.ClosePrices[i])
                    Chart.DrawIcon("MomentumTendencyDown" + Bars.OpenTimes.Last(0).ToString(), ChartIconType.Star, Bars.OpenTimes.Last(0), Bars.HighPrices.Last(0), "Brown");
                    Chart.RemoveObject("MomentumTendencyDown" + Bars.OpenTimes.Last(0).ToString());
            outMomentumTendency[i] = _tendency[i];


Joined on 07.06.2024

  • Distribution: Free
  • Language: C#
  • Trading platform: cTrader Automate
  • File name: mMomentumTendency.algo
  • Rating: 0
  • Installs: 431
  • Modified: 07/06/2024 23:37
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