Warning! This section will be deprecated on February 1st 2025. Please move all your Indicators to the cTrader Store catalogue.
Order Flow Ticks
Order Flow Ticks brings the main concepts of Order Flow (aka Footprint) for cTrader.
Using ideas from my previous creations (Volume for Renko/Range, TPO Profile) made this possible.
Comparing with Footprint, we have the features:
* Normal Mode = Volume Profile of Bar
* Buy vs Sell Divided Mode = Bid/Ask Footprint
* Buy vs Sell Profile Mode = Same but Profile
* Delta Divided Mode = Delta Footprint
* Delta Profile Mode = Same but Profile
All parameters are self-explanatory.
Also works on Ticks/Renko/Range Charts
For Better Performance, Recompile it on cTrader with .NET 6.0 instead .NET 4.x.
AUTHOR: srlcarlg
== DON"T BE an ASSHOLE SELLING this FREE and OPEN-SOURCE indicator ==
using System.Globalization;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Collections;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
namespace cAlgo
[Indicator(IsOverlay = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class OrderFlowTicks : Indicator
public enum LoadFromData
[Parameter("Load From:", DefaultValue = LoadFromData.Existing_on_Chart, Group = "==== Tick Volume Settings ====")]
public LoadFromData LoadFromInput { get; set; }
[Parameter("Custom (dd/mm/yyyy):", DefaultValue = "00/00/0000", Group = "==== Tick Volume Settings ====")]
public string StringDate { get; set; }
[Parameter("Nº Bars to Show:", DefaultValue = -1, MinValue = -1, Group = "==== Order Flow Ticks ====")]
public int Lookback { get; set; }
public enum ModeVOLData
[Parameter("VOL Mode:", DefaultValue = ModeVOLData.Delta, Group = "==== Order Flow Ticks ====")]
public ModeVOLData ModeVOLInput { get; set; }
public enum DeltaVisualData
[Parameter("Buy&Sell/Delta Mode:", DefaultValue = DeltaVisualData.Profile, Group = "==== Order Flow Ticks ====")]
public DeltaVisualData DeltaVisualInput { get; set; }
public enum ConfigRowData
[Parameter("Row Config:", DefaultValue = ConfigRowData.Predefined, Group = "==== Order Flow Ticks ====")]
public ConfigRowData ConfigRowInput { get; set; }
[Parameter("Custom Row Height:", DefaultValue = 0.2, MinValue = 0.2, Group = "==== Order Flow Ticks ====")]
public double CustomHeight { get; set; }
[Parameter("Fill Histogram?", DefaultValue = true, Group = "==== Visualization ====")]
public bool FillHist { get; set; }
[Parameter("Show Numbers?", DefaultValue = true, Group = "==== Visualization ====")]
public bool ShowNumbers { get; set; }
[Parameter("Show Results?", DefaultValue = true, Group = "==== Visualization ====")]
public bool ShowResults { get; set; }
[Parameter("[Renko] Show Wicks?", DefaultValue = true, Group = "==== Visualization ====")]
public bool ShowWicks { get; set; }
public enum OperatorBuySell_Data
[Parameter("Operator Buy/Sell (only)", DefaultValue = OperatorBuySell_Data.Sum, Group = "==== Results/Numbers ====")]
public OperatorBuySell_Data OperatorBuySell_Input { get; set; }
public enum ResultsType_Data
[Parameter("Results Type:", DefaultValue = ResultsType_Data.Percentage, Group = "==== Results/Numbers ====")]
public ResultsType_Data ResultsType_Input { get; set; }
public enum ResultsColoringData
[Parameter("Results Coloring:", DefaultValue = ResultsColoringData.bySide, Group = "==== Results/Numbers ====")]
public ResultsColoringData ResultsColoringInput { get; set; }
[Parameter("Fixed Color Rt/Nb:", DefaultValue = Colors.White, Group = "==== Results/Numbers ====")]
public Colors RawColorRtNb { get; set; }
[Parameter("Enable Filter?", DefaultValue = true, Group = "==== Large Result Filter ====")]
public bool EnableFilter { get; set; }
[Parameter("MA Filter Type:", DefaultValue = MovingAverageType.Exponential, Group = "==== Large Result Filter ====")]
public MovingAverageType MAtype { get; set; }
[Parameter("MA Filter Period:", DefaultValue = 5, MinValue = 1, Group = "==== Large Result Filter ====")]
public int MAperiod { get; set; }
[Parameter("Large R. Ratio", DefaultValue = 1.5, MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 2, Group = "==== Large Result Filter ====")]
public double Filter_Ratio { get; set; }
[Parameter("Large R. Color", DefaultValue = Colors.Gold, Group = "==== Large Result Filter ====")]
public Colors RawColorLargeR { get; set; }
[Parameter("Coloring Bar?", DefaultValue = true, Group = "==== Large Result Filter ====")]
public bool ColoringBars { get; set; }
[Parameter("[Delta] Coloring Cumulative?", DefaultValue = true, Group = "==== Large Result Filter ====")]
public bool ColoringCD { get; set; }
[Parameter("Color Volume:", DefaultValue = Colors.SkyBlue, Group = "==== Volume ====")]
public Colors RawColorHist { get; set; }
[Parameter("Color Largest Volume:", DefaultValue = Colors.Gold, Group = "==== Volume ====")]
public Colors RawColorLVOL { get; set; }
[Parameter("Color Buy:", DefaultValue = Colors.DeepSkyBlue, Group = "==== Buy ====")]
public Colors RawColorBuy { get; set; }
[Parameter("Color Largest Buy:", DefaultValue = Colors.Gold, Group = "==== Buy ====")]
public Colors RawColorBuy_LVOL { get; set; }
[Parameter("Color Sell:", DefaultValue = Colors.Crimson, Group = "==== Sell ====")]
public Colors RawColorSell { get; set; }
[Parameter("Color Largest Sell:", DefaultValue = Colors.Goldenrod, Group = "==== Sell ====")]
public Colors RawColorSell_LVOL { get; set; }
[Parameter("Opacity Histogram:", DefaultValue = 70, MinValue = 5, MaxValue = 100, Group = "==== Opacity ====")]
public int OpacityHist { get; set; }
[Parameter("Opacity Rt/Nb", DefaultValue = 80, MinValue = 5, MaxValue = 100, Group = "==== Opacity ====")]
public int OpacityNumbers { get; set; }
[Parameter("Font Size Numbers:", DefaultValue = 8, MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 80, Group = "==== Font Size ====")]
public int FontSizeNumbers { get; set; }
[Parameter("Font Size Results:", DefaultValue = 10, MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 80, Group = "==== Font Size ====")]
public int FontSizeResults { get; set; }
public enum ConfigInfoC
[Parameter("Info Corner Position:", DefaultValue = ConfigInfoC.Bottom_Left, Group = "==== Others ====")]
public ConfigInfoC ConfigInfoC_Input { get; set; }
[Parameter("Info Corner Color:", DefaultValue = Colors.Snow, Group = "==== Others ====")]
public Colors RawColorInfoC { get; set; }
[Parameter("Developed for cTrader/C#", DefaultValue = "by srlcarlg", Group = "==== Credits ====")]
public string Credits { get; set; }
private VerticalAlignment V_Align = VerticalAlignment.Top;
private HorizontalAlignment H_Align = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
private bool Wrong = false;
private DateTime FromDateTime;
private List<double> allSegmentsPrices = new List<double>();
private IDictionary<double, int> allVolumesRank = new Dictionary<double, int>();
private IDictionary<double, int> allVolumesR_Up = new Dictionary<double, int>();
private IDictionary<double, int> allVolumesR_Down = new Dictionary<double, int>();
private IDictionary<double, int> allDeltaRank = new Dictionary<double, int>();
private IDictionary<double, int> CumulDeltaRank = new Dictionary<double, int>();
private IDictionary<int, ChartRectangle> currentBar_HistsD = new Dictionary<int, ChartRectangle>();
private IDictionary<int, ChartText> currentBar_NumbersD = new Dictionary<int, ChartText>();
private double HeightPips = 4;
private double rowHeight = 0;
private bool isLive = false;
private Color VolumeColor;
private Color BuyColor;
private Color SellColor;
private Color Volume_LVOLColor;
private Color Buy_LVOLColor;
private Color Sell_LVOLColor;
private Color RtNb_FixedColor;
private int cleanedIndex;
private Bars _TicksOHLC;
private bool NewBar = false;
private bool finishedCalc = false;
private bool lockCalc = false;
private IndicatorDataSeries CumulDeltaSeries, DynamicSeries;
private MovingAverage MACumulDelta, MADynamic;
protected override void Initialize()
// ========== Predefined Config ==========
if (ConfigRowInput == ConfigRowData.Predefined && (Chart.TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Minute && Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Monthly))
if (Chart.TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Minute && Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Minute4)
SetHeightPips(0.3, 5);
else if (Chart.TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Minute5 && Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Minute10)
SetHeightPips(1, 10);
else if (Chart.TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Minute15 && Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Hour8)
if (Chart.TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Minute15 && Chart.TimeFrame < TimeFrame.Minute30)
SetHeightPips(2, 15);
if (Chart.TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Minute30 && Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Hour)
SetHeightPips(4, 30);
else if (Chart.TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Hour4 && Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Hour8)
SetHeightPips(6, 50);
else if (Chart.TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Hour12 && Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Day3)
SetHeightPips(15, 180);
else if (Chart.TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Weekly && Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Monthly)
SetHeightPips(50, 380);
{ if (ConfigRowInput == ConfigRowData.Predefined)
string Msg = "'Predefined Config' is designed only for Standard Timeframe (Minutes, Hours, Days, Weekly, Monthly)\n\n use 'Custom Config' to others Chart Timeframes (Renko/Range/Ticks).";
Chart.DrawStaticText("txt", $"{Msg}", V_Align, H_Align, Color.Orange);
Wrong = true;
HeightPips = CustomHeight;
void SetHeightPips(double digits5, double digits2)
if (Symbol.Digits == 5)
HeightPips = digits5;
else if (Symbol.Digits == 2)
HeightPips = digits2;
if (Symbol.PipSize == 0.1)
HeightPips /= 2;
if (EnableFilter)
DynamicSeries = CreateDataSeries();
CumulDeltaSeries = CreateDataSeries();
MADynamic = Indicators.MovingAverage(DynamicSeries, MAperiod, MAtype);
MACumulDelta = Indicators.MovingAverage(CumulDeltaSeries, MAperiod, MAtype);
// First Ticks Data
_TicksOHLC = MarketData.GetBars(TimeFrame.Tick);
string currentTimeframe = Chart.TimeFrame.ToString();
if (currentTimeframe.Contains("Renko") || currentTimeframe.Contains("Range") || currentTimeframe.Contains("Tick"))
Bars.BarOpened += SetNewBar;
if (LoadFromInput != LoadFromData.Existing_on_Chart)
// Ex: 4 pips to Volume calculation(rowHeight)
rowHeight = (Symbol.PipSize) * HeightPips;
// ===== Colors with Opacity =====
int histOpacity = (int)(2.55 * OpacityHist);
Color rawHist = Color.FromName(RawColorHist.ToString());
VolumeColor = Color.FromArgb(histOpacity, rawHist.R, rawHist.G, rawHist.B);
Color rawBuy = Color.FromName(RawColorBuy.ToString());
BuyColor = Color.FromArgb(histOpacity, rawBuy.R, rawBuy.G, rawBuy.B);
Color rawSell = Color.FromName(RawColorSell.ToString());
SellColor = Color.FromArgb(histOpacity, rawSell.R, rawSell.G, rawSell.B);
// Largest Volume
Color rawHistLVOL = Color.FromName(RawColorLVOL.ToString());
Volume_LVOLColor = Color.FromArgb(histOpacity, rawHistLVOL.R, rawHistLVOL.G, rawHistLVOL.B);
Color rawBuyLVOL = Color.FromName(RawColorBuy_LVOL.ToString());
Buy_LVOLColor = Color.FromArgb(histOpacity, rawBuyLVOL.R, rawBuyLVOL.G, rawBuyLVOL.B);
Color rawSellLVOL = Color.FromName(RawColorSell_LVOL.ToString());
Sell_LVOLColor = Color.FromArgb(histOpacity, rawSellLVOL.R, rawSellLVOL.G, rawSellLVOL.B);
// Fixed Rt/Nb Color
int NumbersOpacity = (int)(2.55 * OpacityNumbers);
Color rawFixed = Color.FromName(RawColorRtNb.ToString());
RtNb_FixedColor = Color.FromArgb(NumbersOpacity, rawFixed.R, rawFixed.G, rawFixed.B);
// === Info Corner ===
Color rawColor = Color.FromName(RawColorInfoC.ToString());
Color InfoColor = Color.FromArgb((int)(2.55 * 70), rawColor.R, rawColor.G, rawColor.B);
string strMode = ConfigRowInput == ConfigRowData.Predefined ? "Predefined" : "Custom";
string strVisual = (ModeVOLInput == ModeVOLData.Buy_Sell || ModeVOLInput == ModeVOLData.Delta) ? $"{DeltaVisualInput}" : "";
string VolInfo = $"{strVisual} \n" +
$"VOL {ModeVOLInput} \n" +
$"{strMode} Row \n" +
$"Row Height: {HeightPips} pip(s) \n";
VerticalAlignment v_align = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
HorizontalAlignment h_align = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
if (ConfigInfoC_Input == ConfigInfoC.Bottom_Right)
h_align = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
else if (ConfigInfoC_Input == ConfigInfoC.Top_Left)
v_align = VerticalAlignment.Top;
else if (ConfigInfoC_Input == ConfigInfoC.Top_Right)
v_align = VerticalAlignment.Top;
h_align = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
Chart.DrawStaticText("Vol Info", VolInfo, v_align, h_align, InfoColor);
Second_DrawOnScreen("Taking too long? \nSet Nº Bars to Show");
public override void Calculate(int index)
if (Wrong)
// ==== Removing Messages ====
if (!IsLastBar) {
if (index < (Bars.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(Server.Time)-Lookback) && (Lookback != -1 && Lookback > 0))
int indexStart = index;
// === Clean Dicts/others ===
if (index == indexStart && index != cleanedIndex || (index-1) == indexStart && (index-1) != cleanedIndex)
cleanedIndex = index == indexStart ? index : (index-1);
// Historical data
if (!IsLastBar)
if (!isLive)
VP(index, indexStart);
isLive = true;
if (NewBar)
string currentTimeframe = Chart.TimeFrame.ToString();
if ((currentTimeframe.Contains("Renko") || currentTimeframe.Contains("Range")) && ModeVOLInput == ModeVOLData.Normal && !finishedCalc)
finishedCalc=true; Repaint(index-1); lockCalc = true;
if (ModeVOLInput == ModeVOLData.Delta)
foreach (int key in currentBar_HistsD.Keys)
try {
} catch {}
foreach (int key in currentBar_NumbersD.Keys)
try {
} catch {};
NewBar = false;
if (ModeVOLInput == ModeVOLData.Delta)
currentBar_HistsD.Clear(); currentBar_NumbersD.Clear();
// "Repaint" of Numbers/Histograms Delta because of unknown High/Low
if (ModeVOLInput == ModeVOLData.Delta)
foreach (int key in currentBar_HistsD.Keys)
try {
} catch {}
foreach (int key in currentBar_NumbersD.Keys)
try {
} catch {};
void Repaint(int ind)
VP(ind, ind);
private void VP(int index, int iStart)
// ======= Highest and Lowest =======
double highest = Bars.HighPrices[index], lowest = Bars.LowPrices[index], open = Bars.OpenPrices[index];
if (Chart.TimeFrame.ToString().Contains("Renko") && ShowWicks)
var CurrentTimeBar = Bars.OpenTimes[index];
var NextTimeBar = Bars.OpenTimes[index + 1];
bool isBullish = (Bars.ClosePrices[index] > Bars.OpenPrices[index]);
if (isBullish)
lowest = GetWicks(CurrentTimeBar, NextTimeBar, isBullish);
highest = GetWicks(CurrentTimeBar, NextTimeBar, isBullish);
List<double> currentSegments = new List<double>();
double prev_segment = open;
while (prev_segment >= (lowest-rowHeight))
prev_segment = Math.Abs(prev_segment - rowHeight);
prev_segment = open;
while (prev_segment <= (highest+rowHeight))
prev_segment = Math.Abs(prev_segment + rowHeight);
allSegmentsPrices = currentSegments.OrderBy(x => x).ToList();
// ======= Volume on Tick =======
// ======= Drawing =======
if (allSegmentsPrices.Count == 0)
double prev_segment_loop = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < allSegmentsPrices.Count; i++)
if (prev_segment_loop == 0)
prev_segment_loop = allSegmentsPrices[i];
double priceKey = allSegmentsPrices[i];
if (!allVolumesRank.ContainsKey(priceKey))
int largestVOL = allVolumesRank.Values.Max();
double priceLVOL = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < allVolumesRank.Count; k++)
if (allVolumesRank.ElementAt(k).Value == largestVOL)
priceLVOL = allVolumesRank.ElementAt(k).Key;
// ======= HISTOGRAMs + Texts =======
Indeed, the value of X-Axis is simply a rule of three,
where the maximum value of the respective side (One/Buy/Sell) will be the maxLength (in Milliseconds),
from there the math adjusts the histograms.
MaxValue maxLength(ms)
x ?(ms)
The values 1.50 and 3 are the manually set values like the size of the Bar body in any timeframe (Candle, Ticks, Renko, Range)
double lowerSegment = prev_segment_loop;
double upperSegment = allSegmentsPrices[i];
string currentTimeframe = Chart.TimeFrame.ToString();
// All Volume
double maxLength = 0;
if (!IsLastBar)
maxLength = Bars[iStart + 1].OpenTime.Subtract(Bars[iStart].OpenTime).TotalMilliseconds;
maxLength = Bars[iStart].OpenTime.Subtract(Bars[iStart-1].OpenTime).TotalMilliseconds;
if ((currentTimeframe.Contains("Renko") || currentTimeframe.Contains("Range")) && ModeVOLInput == ModeVOLData.Normal && finishedCalc && !lockCalc)
maxLength = Bars[iStart + 1].OpenTime.Subtract(Bars[iStart].OpenTime).TotalMilliseconds;
double proportion = allVolumesRank[priceKey] * (maxLength - (maxLength/1.50));
double dynLength = proportion / largestVOL;
// Bull / Up
double proportion_Up = allVolumesR_Up[priceKey] * (maxLength - (maxLength/1.50));
double dynLength_Up = proportion_Up / allVolumesR_Up.Values.Max();
// Bear / Down
double maxLength_Left = Bars[iStart].OpenTime.Subtract(Bars[iStart-1].OpenTime).TotalMilliseconds;
double proportion_Down = allVolumesR_Down[priceKey] * (maxLength_Left - (maxLength_Left/1.50));
double dynLength_Down = proportion_Down / allVolumesR_Down.Values.Max();
// Delta
double proportion_Delta = allDeltaRank[priceKey] * (maxLength - (maxLength/1.50));
double dynLength_Delta = proportion_Delta / allDeltaRank.Values.Max();
if (allDeltaRank[priceKey] < 0 && DeltaVisualInput == DeltaVisualData.Divided && ModeVOLInput == ModeVOLData.Delta)
// Negative Delta
proportion_Delta = allDeltaRank[priceKey] * (maxLength_Left - (maxLength_Left/1.50));
dynLength_Delta = proportion_Delta / allDeltaRank.Values.Where(n => n < 0).Min();
if (DeltaVisualInput == DeltaVisualData.Profile && ModeVOLInput == ModeVOLData.Buy_Sell)
// Buy vs Sell = Pseudo Delta
int buy_Volume = allVolumesR_Up.Values.Max();
int sell_Volume = allVolumesR_Down.Values.Max();
int sideVolMax = buy_Volume > sell_Volume ? buy_Volume : sell_Volume;
proportion_Up = allVolumesR_Up[priceKey] * (maxLength - (maxLength/1.20));
dynLength_Up = proportion_Up / sideVolMax;
proportion_Down = allVolumesR_Down[priceKey] * (maxLength - (maxLength/1.50));
dynLength_Down = proportion_Down / sideVolMax;
else if (DeltaVisualInput == DeltaVisualData.Profile && ModeVOLInput == ModeVOLData.Delta)
int Positive_Delta = allDeltaRank.Values.Max();
IEnumerable<int> allNegative = allDeltaRank.Values.Where(n => n < 0);
int Negative_Delta = 0;
try {Negative_Delta = Math.Abs(allNegative.Min());} catch {}
int deltaMax = Positive_Delta > Negative_Delta ? Positive_Delta : Negative_Delta;
dynLength_Delta = proportion_Delta / deltaMax;
if (ModeVOLInput == ModeVOLData.Normal)
Color dynColor = allVolumesRank[priceKey] != largestVOL ? VolumeColor : Volume_LVOLColor;
ChartRectangle volHist;
if (currentTimeframe.Contains("Renko") || currentTimeframe.Contains("Range"))
volHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowerSegment, Bars[iStart].OpenTime.AddMilliseconds(dynLength), upperSegment, dynColor);
volHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart].AddMilliseconds(-(maxLength/3)), lowerSegment, Bars[iStart].OpenTime.AddMilliseconds(-(maxLength/3)).AddMilliseconds(dynLength*2), upperSegment, dynColor);
if (FillHist)
volHist.IsFilled = true;
if (ShowNumbers)
ChartText C = Chart.DrawText($"{iStart}_{i}Center", $"{allVolumesRank[priceKey]}", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], priceKey, RtNb_FixedColor);
C.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
C.FontSize = FontSizeNumbers;
if (ShowResults)
ChartText Center;
Color dynResColor = ResultsColoringInput == ResultsColoringData.Fixed ? RtNb_FixedColor : VolumeColor;
Center = Chart.DrawText($"{iStart}SumCenter", $"\n{allVolumesRank.Values.Sum()}", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowest, dynResColor);
Center.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
if (EnableFilter)
DynamicSeries[index] = allVolumesRank.Values.Sum();
// =========== Dynamic Series Filter ===========
double DynamicFilter = DynamicSeries[index] / MADynamic.Result[index];
double DynamicLarge = DynamicFilter >= Filter_Ratio ? DynamicSeries[index] : 0;
Color dynBarColor = DynamicLarge >= 2 ? Color.FromName(RawColorLargeR.ToString()) : dynResColor;
Center.Color = dynBarColor;
if (ColoringBars && dynBarColor == Color.FromName(RawColorLargeR.ToString()))
Chart.SetBarFillColor(index, Color.FromName(RawColorLargeR.ToString()));
else if (ModeVOLInput == ModeVOLData.Buy_Sell)
Color dynColorBuy = allVolumesR_Up[priceKey] != allVolumesR_Up.Values.Max() ? BuyColor : Buy_LVOLColor;
Color dynColorSell = allVolumesR_Down[priceKey] != allVolumesR_Down.Values.Max() ? SellColor : Sell_LVOLColor;
ChartRectangle buyHist;
ChartRectangle sellHist;
if (DeltaVisualInput == DeltaVisualData.Divided)
buyHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}Buy", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowerSegment, Bars[iStart].OpenTime.AddMilliseconds(dynLength_Up), upperSegment, dynColorBuy);
sellHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}Sell", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowerSegment, Bars[iStart].OpenTime.AddMilliseconds(-dynLength_Down), upperSegment, dynColorSell);
if (currentTimeframe.Contains("Renko") || currentTimeframe.Contains("Range")) {
sellHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}Sell", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowerSegment, Bars[iStart].OpenTime.AddMilliseconds(dynLength_Down), upperSegment, SellColor);
buyHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}Buy", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowerSegment, Bars[iStart].OpenTime.AddMilliseconds(dynLength_Up), upperSegment, BuyColor);
else {
sellHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}Sell", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart].AddMilliseconds(-(maxLength/3)), lowerSegment, Bars[iStart].OpenTime.AddMilliseconds(-(maxLength/3)).AddMilliseconds(dynLength_Down*2), upperSegment, SellColor);
buyHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}Buy", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart].AddMilliseconds(-(maxLength/3)), lowerSegment, Bars[iStart].OpenTime.AddMilliseconds(-(maxLength/3)).AddMilliseconds(dynLength_Up*2), upperSegment, BuyColor);
if (FillHist)
buyHist.IsFilled = true;
sellHist.IsFilled = true;
if (ShowNumbers)
ChartText L = Chart.DrawText($"{iStart}_{i}SellNumber", $"{allVolumesR_Down[priceKey]}", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], priceKey, RtNb_FixedColor);
ChartText R = Chart.DrawText($"{iStart}_{i}BuyNumber", $"{allVolumesR_Up[priceKey]}", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], priceKey, RtNb_FixedColor);
if (DeltaVisualInput == DeltaVisualData.Divided) {
L.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
R.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
else {
L.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
R.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
L.FontSize = FontSizeNumbers;
R.FontSize = FontSizeNumbers;
if (ShowResults)
Color dynColorLeft = ResultsColoringInput == ResultsColoringData.Fixed ? RtNb_FixedColor : SellColor;
Color dynColorRight = ResultsColoringInput == ResultsColoringData.Fixed ? RtNb_FixedColor : BuyColor;
int volBuy = allVolumesR_Up.Values.Sum();
int volSell = allVolumesR_Down.Values.Sum();
Color compare = volBuy > volSell ? BuyColor : volBuy < volSell ? SellColor : RtNb_FixedColor;
Color dynColorCenter = ResultsColoringInput == ResultsColoringData.Fixed ? RtNb_FixedColor : compare;
int percentBuy = (volBuy * 100) / (volBuy + volSell);
int percentSell = (volSell * 100) / (volBuy + volSell);
var selected = ResultsType_Input;
string dynStrBuy = selected == ResultsType_Data.Percentage ? $"\n{percentBuy}%" : selected == ResultsType_Data.Value ? $"\n{volBuy}" : $"\n{percentBuy}%\n({volBuy})";
string dynStrSell = selected == ResultsType_Data.Percentage ? $"\n{percentSell}%" : selected == ResultsType_Data.Value ? $"\n{volSell}" : $"\n{percentSell}%\n({volSell})";
string dynSpaceSum = (selected == ResultsType_Data.Percentage || selected == ResultsType_Data.Value) ? $"\n\n" : $"\n\n\n";
ChartText Left, Right, Center;
Left = Chart.DrawText($"{iStart}SellSum", $"{dynStrSell}", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowest, dynColorLeft);
Right = Chart.DrawText($"{iStart}BuySum", $"{dynStrBuy}", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowest, dynColorRight);
if (OperatorBuySell_Input == OperatorBuySell_Data.Sum)
Center = Chart.DrawText($"{iStart}SumCenter", $"{dynSpaceSum}{allVolumesR_Up.Values.Sum() + allVolumesR_Down.Values.Sum()}", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowest, dynColorCenter);
Center = Chart.DrawText($"{iStart}SumCenter", $"{dynSpaceSum}{allVolumesR_Up.Values.Sum() - allVolumesR_Down.Values.Sum()}", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowest, dynColorCenter);
if (DeltaVisualInput == DeltaVisualData.Divided) {
Left.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
Right.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
else {
Left.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
Right.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
Left.FontSize = FontSizeResults;
Right.FontSize = FontSizeResults;
Center.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
Center.FontSize = FontSizeResults;
if (EnableFilter)
if (OperatorBuySell_Input == OperatorBuySell_Data.Sum)
DynamicSeries[index] = allVolumesR_Up.Values.Sum() + allVolumesR_Down.Values.Sum();
DynamicSeries[index] = allVolumesR_Up.Values.Sum() - allVolumesR_Down.Values.Sum();
// =========== Dynamic Series Filter ===========
double DynamicFilter = DynamicSeries[index] / MADynamic.Result[index];
double DynamicLarge = DynamicFilter >= Filter_Ratio ? DynamicSeries[index] : 0;
Color dynBarColor = DynamicLarge >= 2 ? Color.FromName(RawColorLargeR.ToString()) : dynColorCenter;
Center.Color = dynBarColor;
if (ColoringBars && dynBarColor == Color.FromName(RawColorLargeR.ToString()))
Chart.SetBarFillColor(index, Color.FromName(RawColorLargeR.ToString()));
IEnumerable<int> allNegative = allDeltaRank.Values.Where(n => n < 0);
int Negative_Delta = 0;
try {Negative_Delta = allNegative.Min();} catch {}
Color dynColorBuy = allDeltaRank[priceKey] != allDeltaRank.Values.Max() ? BuyColor : Buy_LVOLColor;
Color dynColorSell = allDeltaRank[priceKey] != Negative_Delta ? SellColor : Sell_LVOLColor;
ChartRectangle deltaHist;
if (DeltaVisualInput == DeltaVisualData.Divided)
try {
if (allDeltaRank[priceKey] >= 0)
deltaHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}BuyDelta", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowerSegment, Bars[iStart].OpenTime.AddMilliseconds(dynLength_Delta), upperSegment, dynColorBuy);
deltaHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}SellDelta", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowerSegment, Bars[iStart].OpenTime.AddMilliseconds(-dynLength_Delta), upperSegment, dynColorSell);
} catch {
if (allDeltaRank[priceKey] >= 0)
deltaHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}BuyDelta", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowerSegment, Bars[iStart].OpenTime, upperSegment, dynColorBuy);
deltaHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}SellDelta", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowerSegment, Bars[iStart].OpenTime, upperSegment, dynColorSell);
try {
if (currentTimeframe.Contains("Renko") || currentTimeframe.Contains("Range"))
if (allDeltaRank[priceKey] >= 0)
deltaHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}ProfileDelta", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowerSegment, Bars[iStart].OpenTime.AddMilliseconds(dynLength_Delta), upperSegment, BuyColor);
deltaHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}ProfileDelta", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowerSegment, Bars[iStart].OpenTime.AddMilliseconds(-dynLength_Delta), upperSegment, SellColor);
if (allDeltaRank[priceKey] >= 0)
deltaHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}ProfileDelta", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart].AddMilliseconds(-(maxLength/3)), lowerSegment, Bars[iStart].OpenTime.AddMilliseconds(-(maxLength/3)).AddMilliseconds(dynLength_Delta*2), upperSegment, BuyColor);
deltaHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}ProfileDelta", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart].AddMilliseconds(-(maxLength/3)), lowerSegment, Bars[iStart].OpenTime.AddMilliseconds(-(maxLength/3)).AddMilliseconds(-dynLength_Delta*2), upperSegment, SellColor);
} catch {
deltaHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}ProfileDelta", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart].AddMilliseconds(-(maxLength/3)), lowerSegment, Bars[iStart].OpenTime.AddMilliseconds(-(maxLength/3)), upperSegment, RtNb_FixedColor);
if (FillHist)
deltaHist.IsFilled = true;
if (IsLastBar)
if (!currentBar_HistsD.ContainsKey(i))
currentBar_HistsD.Add(i, deltaHist);
currentBar_HistsD[i] = deltaHist;
if (ShowNumbers)
ChartText Numbers;
if (allDeltaRank[priceKey] > 0)
Numbers = Chart.DrawText($"{iStart}_{i}BuyNumber", $"{allDeltaRank[priceKey]}", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], priceKey, RtNb_FixedColor);
if (DeltaVisualInput == DeltaVisualData.Divided)
Numbers.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
Numbers.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
Numbers.FontSize = FontSizeNumbers;
else if (allDeltaRank[priceKey] < 0)
Numbers = Chart.DrawText($"{iStart}_{i}SellNumber", $"{allDeltaRank[priceKey]}", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], priceKey, RtNb_FixedColor);
if (DeltaVisualInput == DeltaVisualData.Divided)
Numbers.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
Numbers.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
Numbers.FontSize = FontSizeNumbers;
Numbers = Chart.DrawText($"{iStart}_{i}NoNumber", $"{allDeltaRank[priceKey]}", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], priceKey, RtNb_FixedColor);
Numbers.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
Numbers.FontSize = FontSizeNumbers;
if (IsLastBar)
if (!currentBar_NumbersD.ContainsKey(i))
currentBar_NumbersD.Add(i, Numbers);
currentBar_NumbersD[i] = Numbers;
// ======= Results =======
if (ShowResults)
Color dynColorLeft = ResultsColoringInput == ResultsColoringData.Fixed ? RtNb_FixedColor : SellColor;
Color dynColorRight = ResultsColoringInput == ResultsColoringData.Fixed ? RtNb_FixedColor : BuyColor;
Color compareSumD = allDeltaRank.Values.Sum() > 0 ? BuyColor : allDeltaRank.Values.Sum() < 0 ? SellColor : RtNb_FixedColor;
Color dynColorCenter = ResultsColoringInput == ResultsColoringData.Fixed ? RtNb_FixedColor : compareSumD;
int deltaBuy = allDeltaRank.Values.Where(n => n > 0).Sum();
int deltaSell = allDeltaRank.Values.Where(n => n < 0).Sum();
int percentBuy = 0;
int percentSell = 0;
try {percentBuy = (deltaBuy * 100) / (deltaBuy + Math.Abs(deltaSell));} catch {};
try {percentSell = (deltaSell * 100) / (deltaBuy + Math.Abs(deltaSell));} catch {}
var selected = ResultsType_Input;
string dynStrBuy = selected == ResultsType_Data.Percentage ? $"\n{percentBuy}%" : selected == ResultsType_Data.Value ? $"\n{deltaBuy}" : $"\n{percentBuy}%\n({deltaBuy})";
string dynStrSell = selected == ResultsType_Data.Percentage ? $"\n{percentSell}%" : selected == ResultsType_Data.Value ? $"\n{deltaSell}" : $"\n{percentSell}%\n({deltaSell})";
string dynSpaceSum = (selected == ResultsType_Data.Percentage || selected == ResultsType_Data.Value) ? $"\n\n" : $"\n\n\n";
ChartText Left, Right, Center;
Left = Chart.DrawText($"{iStart}SellDeltaSum", $"{dynStrSell}", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowest, dynColorLeft);
Right = Chart.DrawText($"{iStart}BuyDeltaSum", $"{dynStrBuy}", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowest, dynColorRight);
Center = Chart.DrawText($"{iStart}SumDeltaCenter", $"{dynSpaceSum}{allDeltaRank.Values.Sum()}", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowest, dynColorCenter);
Left.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
Left.FontSize = FontSizeResults;
Right.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
Right.FontSize = FontSizeResults;
Center.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
Center.FontSize = FontSizeResults;
if (!CumulDeltaRank.ContainsKey(index))
CumulDeltaRank.Add(index, allDeltaRank.Values.Sum());
CumulDeltaRank[index] = allDeltaRank.Values.Sum();
int CumulDelta = CumulDeltaRank.Keys.Count <= 1 ? CumulDeltaRank[index] : (CumulDeltaRank[index] + CumulDeltaRank[index-1]);
int prevCumulDelta = CumulDeltaRank.Keys.Count <= 2 ? CumulDeltaRank[index] : (CumulDeltaRank[index-1] + CumulDeltaRank[index-2]);
Color compareCD = CumulDelta > prevCumulDelta ? BuyColor : CumulDelta < prevCumulDelta ? SellColor : RtNb_FixedColor;
Color dynColorCD = ResultsColoringInput == ResultsColoringData.Fixed ? RtNb_FixedColor : compareCD;
ChartText CD = Chart.DrawText($"{iStart}CD", $"\n{CumulDelta}\n", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], highest, dynColorCD);
CD.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
CD.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
CD.FontSize = FontSizeResults;
if (EnableFilter)
CumulDeltaSeries[index] = Math.Abs(CumulDeltaRank[index]);
DynamicSeries[index] = Math.Abs(allDeltaRank.Values.Sum());
// =========== Dynamic Series Filter ===========
double DynamicFilter = DynamicSeries[index] / MADynamic.Result[index];
double DynamicLarge = DynamicFilter >= Filter_Ratio ? DynamicSeries[index] : 0;
Color dynBarColor = DynamicLarge >= 2 ? Color.FromName(RawColorLargeR.ToString()) : dynColorCenter;
Center.Color = dynBarColor;
if (ColoringBars && dynBarColor == Color.FromName(RawColorLargeR.ToString()))
Chart.SetBarFillColor(index, Color.FromName(RawColorLargeR.ToString()));
if (ColoringCD) {
// =========== Cumul Delta Filter ===========
double CumulDeltaFilter = CumulDeltaSeries[index] / MACumulDelta.Result[index];
double CumulDeltaLarge = CumulDeltaFilter > Filter_Ratio ? CumulDeltaSeries[index] : 0;
Color dynCDColor = CumulDeltaLarge > 2 ? Color.FromName(RawColorLargeR.ToString()) : dynColorCD;
CD.Color = dynCDColor;
prev_segment_loop = allSegmentsPrices[i];
// ====== Functions Area ======
private void VolP_Tick(int index)
DateTime startTime = Bars.OpenTimes[index];
DateTime endTime = Bars.OpenTimes[index+1];
if (IsLastBar)
endTime = _TicksOHLC.Last().OpenTime;
double prevTick = 0;
for (int tickIndex = 0; tickIndex < _TicksOHLC.Count; tickIndex++)
Bar tickBar;
tickBar = _TicksOHLC[tickIndex];
if (tickBar.OpenTime < startTime || tickBar.OpenTime > endTime)
if (tickBar.OpenTime > endTime)
prevTick = tickBar.Close;
// ========= ========== ==========
void RankVol(double tickPrice)
double prev_segmentValue = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < allSegmentsPrices.Count; i++)
if (prev_segmentValue != 0 && tickPrice >= prev_segmentValue && tickPrice <= allSegmentsPrices[i])
double priceKey = allSegmentsPrices[i];
if (allVolumesRank.ContainsKey(priceKey))
allVolumesRank[priceKey] += 1;
if (tickPrice > prevTick && prevTick != 0)
allVolumesR_Up[priceKey] += 1;
else if (tickPrice < prevTick && prevTick != 0)
allVolumesR_Down[priceKey] += 1;
else if (tickPrice == prevTick && prevTick != 0)
allVolumesR_Up[priceKey] += 1;
allVolumesR_Down[priceKey] += 1;
allDeltaRank[priceKey] += (allVolumesR_Up[priceKey] - allVolumesR_Down[priceKey]);
allVolumesRank.Add(priceKey, 1);
if (!allVolumesR_Up.ContainsKey(priceKey))
allVolumesR_Up.Add(priceKey, 1);
allVolumesR_Up[priceKey] += 1;
if (!allVolumesR_Down.ContainsKey(priceKey))
allVolumesR_Down.Add(priceKey, 1);
allVolumesR_Down[priceKey] += 1;
if (!allDeltaRank.ContainsKey(priceKey))
allDeltaRank.Add(priceKey, (allVolumesR_Up[priceKey] - allVolumesR_Down[priceKey]));
allDeltaRank[priceKey] += (allVolumesR_Up[priceKey] - allVolumesR_Down[priceKey]);
prev_segmentValue = allSegmentsPrices[i];
private double GetWicks(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, bool isBullish)
double min = Int32.MaxValue;
double max = 0;
if (IsLastBar)
endTime = _TicksOHLC.Last().OpenTime;
for (int tickIndex = 0; tickIndex < _TicksOHLC.Count; tickIndex++)
Bar tickBar = _TicksOHLC[tickIndex];
if (tickBar.OpenTime < startTime || tickBar.OpenTime > endTime)
if (tickBar.OpenTime > endTime)
if (isBullish && tickBar.Close < min)
min = tickBar.Close;
else if (!isBullish && tickBar.Close > max)
max = tickBar.Close;
return isBullish ? min : max;
private void DrawOnScreen(string Msg)
Chart.DrawStaticText("txt", $"{Msg}", V_Align, H_Align, Color.LightBlue);
private void Second_DrawOnScreen(string Msg)
Chart.DrawStaticText("txt2", $"{Msg}", VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment.Left, Color.LightBlue);
private void SetNewBar(BarOpenedEventArgs obj)
NewBar = true;
// ************************** VOLUME RENKO/RANGE **************************
Original source code by srlcarlg (me) (https://ctrader.com/algos/indicators/show/3045)
Uses Ticks Data to make the calculation of volume, just like Candles.
private void VolumeInitialize()
if (LoadFromInput == LoadFromData.Custom)
// ==== Get datetime to load from: dd/mm/yyyy ====
if (DateTime.TryParseExact(StringDate, "dd/mm/yyyy", new CultureInfo("en-US"), DateTimeStyles.None, out FromDateTime))
if (FromDateTime > Server.Time.Date)
// for Log
FromDateTime = Server.Time.Date;
Print($"Invalid DateTime '{StringDate}'. Using '{FromDateTime}'");
// for Log
FromDateTime = Server.Time.Date;
Print($"Invalid DateTime '{StringDate}'. Using '{FromDateTime}'");
DateTime LastBarTime = Bars.LastBar.OpenTime.Date;
if (LoadFromInput == LoadFromData.Today)
FromDateTime = LastBarTime.Date;
else if (LoadFromInput == LoadFromData.Yesterday)
FromDateTime = LastBarTime.AddDays(-1);
else if (LoadFromInput == LoadFromData.One_Week)
FromDateTime = LastBarTime.AddDays(-5);
else if (LoadFromInput == LoadFromData.Two_Week)
FromDateTime = LastBarTime.AddDays(-10);
else if (LoadFromInput == LoadFromData.Monthly)
FromDateTime = LastBarTime.AddMonths(-1);
// ==== Check if existing ticks data on the chart really needs more data ====
DateTime FirstTickTime = _TicksOHLC.OpenTimes.Reverse().LastOrDefault();
if (FirstTickTime >= FromDateTime)
DrawOnScreen("Data Collection Finished \n Calculating...");
Print($"Using existing tick data from '{FirstTickTime}'");
DrawOnScreen($"Using existing tick data from '{FirstTickTime}' \n Calculating...");
private void LoadMoreTicks(DateTime FromDateTime)
bool msg = false;
while (_TicksOHLC.OpenTimes.Reverse().LastOrDefault() > FromDateTime)
if (!msg)
Print($"Loading from '{_TicksOHLC.OpenTimes.Reverse().Last()}' to '{FromDateTime}'...");
msg = true;
int loadedCount = _TicksOHLC.LoadMoreHistory();
Print("Loaded {0} Ticks, Current Tick Date: {1}", loadedCount, _TicksOHLC.OpenTimes.Reverse().LastOrDefault());
if (loadedCount == 0)
Print("Data Collection Finished, First Tick from: {0}", _TicksOHLC.OpenTimes.Reverse().LastOrDefault());
Joined on 17.04.2023
- Distribution: Free
- Language: C#
- Trading platform: cTrader Automate
- File name: Order Flow Ticks.algo
- Rating: 5
- Installs: 2334
- Modified: 16/04/2023 23:44
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