Category Other  Published on 26/04/2023

Pivot w optional CPR and Mids


Conventional Pivot, CPR and Mid levels are optional.

Supported Day, Week and Month pivot.

PivotTimeFrame: Day, Week, Month.

ShowCPR: If Yes, also plot the Central Pivot Range levels.

ShowMids: If Yes, also plot the Mid levels.

Updated 26 Apr 2023:

  • Auto enforce PivotTimeFrame to avoid slow drawing:
    • If current TF > Hour: use Week pivot.
    • If current TF > Hour4: use Month pivot.
  • Zone: Ctrl + Click to toggle zone drawing in the dedicated pivot area. Zones are equally divided between 2 key levels. 

Updated as of 08 Nov 2023:

  • Removed Zone.
  • Reduce noise on the screen (see parameter detail)


  • ShowLevels: commas delimited string, default “P,S1,R1” only. Can accept from “P, S1, S2, S3, PS1, S12, S23, R1, R2, R3, PR1, R12, R23, BC, TC”.
  • NumPivotsBack: number of Pivots to draw. Default is 1.
  • ShowPrices: Yes (Default) to show price.

Updated as of 22 Mar 2024:

  • More options.
  • Anchor: The Timeframe used to calculate Pivots. Auto switch same.
  • Levels To Show: P,S1,R1,Sx,Rx,PSy,SySz,TC,BC x is up to 5, yz up to 3
  • NumPivots: Number of Pivots to show, -1 for all available.
  • Show All for Old: If Yes, Levels To Show is also applied to old Pivots, otherwise only P.
  • The rest: says itself.

using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
using LittleTrader;
using LittleTrader.Models.PriceActions;
using LittleTrader.Extensions;
using MoreLinq;

namespace cAlgo
    [Indicator(IsOverlay = true, AutoRescale = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class LT_Ind_Pivot : Indicator
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = Anchors.D1)]
        public Anchors Anchor { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Levels To Show (P,S1,R1,Sx,Rx,PSy,SySz,TC,BC x is up to 5, yz up to 3)", DefaultValue = "P,S1,R1", Group = "Draws")]
        public string ShowLevels { get; set; }
        [Parameter("NumPivots (-1 for all)",DefaultValue = 1, Group = "Draws")]
        public int NumPivotsBack { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Show All for Old",DefaultValue = false, Group = "Draws")]
        public bool ShowAllForOldPivots { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Show Text", DefaultValue = true, Group = "Draws")]
        public bool ShowText { get; set; }
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = LineStyle.Solid, Group = "Draws")]
        public LineStyle LineStyle { get; set; }

        [Parameter(DefaultValue = false, Group = "Draws")]
        public bool ShowPrices { get; set; }

        [Parameter(DefaultValue = "Wheat", Group = "Colors")]
        public Color PivotColor { get; set; }
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = "Cyan", Group = "Colors")]
        public Color CPRColor { get; set; }
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = "Green", Group = "Colors")]
        public Color SupportColor { get; set; }
        [Parameter(DefaultValue = "Red", Group = "Colors")]
        public Color ResistanceColor { get; set; }

        Pivot2 _pivot;
        Bars _hiBars;
        protected override void Initialize()
            _hiBars = MarketData.GetBars(TimeFrame.Parse(AutoAnchor().ToString()));
            _pivot = new Pivot2(_hiBars);

        int _lastIndexHigher = -1;
        public override void Calculate(int index)
            var indexHigher = _hiBars.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(Bars.OpenTimes[index]);
            if (_lastIndexHigher != indexHigher)
                if (NumPivotsBack == -1 || indexHigher >= _hiBars.Count - NumPivotsBack)
                    var start = _hiBars.OpenTimes[indexHigher];
                    var end = start.AddHours(HoursSpan(AutoAnchor()));
                    ShowLevels.CommaSplit().ForEach(x =>
                            if (x == "P" || ShowAllForOldPivots || indexHigher == _hiBars.Count - 1)
                                DrawLevel(indexHigher - 1, x, start, end);
                _lastIndexHigher = indexHigher;

        void DrawLevel(int indexHigher, string name, DateTime start, DateTime end)
            var key = $"{this.GetHashCode()}_{name}_{start.Ticks}";

            var color = PivotColor;
            if (name.Contains('S')) color = SupportColor;
            else if (name.Contains('R')) color = ResistanceColor;
            else if (name.Contains("C")) color = CPRColor;

            double val = _pivot.Level(name, indexHigher);
            if (ShowText)
                string pstr = ShowPrices ? $"({val.MathRound(Symbol.Digits)})" : string.Empty;
                Chart.DrawText($"{key}_t", $"{name} {pstr}", start, val, color).FontSize = 8.75;
            var line = Chart.DrawTrendLine(key, start, val, end, val, color);
            line.LineStyle = LineStyle;
            if (name.Length > 2)
                line.LineStyle = LineStyle.DotsRare;


        Anchors AutoAnchor()
            if (TimeFrame > TimeFrame.Daily) return Anchors.Month1;
            else if (TimeFrame > TimeFrame.Hour) return Anchors.W1;
            else return Anchor;

        int HoursSpan(Anchors anchor)
            switch (anchor)
                case Anchors.h1:
                    return 1;
                case Anchors.h4:
                    return 4;
                case Anchors.h8:
                    return 8;
                case Anchors.h12:
                    return 12;
                case Anchors.D1:
                    return 24;
                case Anchors.W1:
                    return 24 * 7;
                case Anchors.Month1:
                    return 24 * 30;
                    return 24;


    public enum Anchors { h1, h4, h8, h12, D1, W1, Month1 };


dhnhuy's avatar

Joined on 03.04.2023

  • Distribution: Free
  • Language: C#
  • Trading platform: cTrader Automate
  • File name: LT_Ind_Pivot.algo
  • Rating: 5
  • Installs: 519
  • Modified: 22/03/2024 09:31
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hoangkyanh.ks · 9 months ago

Hi dhnhuy,
Can you add the function of hide Show Label for customize.
Thank you.

dhnhuy's avatar
dhnhuy · 1 year ago

Hi w.b.z,

Sorry for the late reply, I did come here for a couple months, and it did not drop me email either.

The custom reference should be embedded in the *.algo file. You should not have problem when build from ctrader provided compiler. Are you building it from Visual Studio?




w.b.z · 1 year ago

Hi dhnhuy,

Thanks for all your great work and Discriptions!

One Question:

In the code you added:

using LittleTrader;
using LittleTrader.Models.PriceActions;

are those your selfmade references?

I have errors building you codes.

Please tell me how to get all you GREAT work to compile withou errors.


mehrdad08 · 1 year ago


lauryfriese932 · 1 year ago

It works great!! 

evanilson · 1 year ago

It works like a charm.

Thank you.

teyib88228 · 1 year ago

Плавна та безпечна їзда починається з правильних шин та дисків. Я знайшов чудове джерело для цих важливих компонентів на сайті . Широкий вибір, конкурентоспроможні ціни та простий у користуванні сайт роблять покупку шин і дисків безтурботним процесом. Я дуже задоволений своєю покупкою і настійно рекомендую цей сайт для всіх ваших потреб у шинах і колесах.