Category Oscilators  Published on 26/06/2023

Captain's Super MA (v4.13)

  • Display Period-Fixed MA across All TimeFrames;
  • Display MA up, down or flat in different colours;
  • Display green/red background as RSI up or down 50.0;
  • Highlight Bar when the price is crossing MA (refresh every 5 mins);
  • Customised bar colour for FX pairs, Oil, Gold and some stocks;
  • Fixed X-axis with user-defined bar numbers, and daily auto-refreshing;
  • AutoSet Y-Axis viewable range according to chart timeframe;
  • 22 Days Ave.High-Low (200% TF.Hour~Tick90, 100% Tick80 or lower);
  • Reset Y-Axis when chart zooming or scrolling (user define);
  • Alt + H to mark a trendline at the last price level within the current trading day, ESC to remove;
  • Alt + R to remove trendlines of today and the previous day;
  • Alt + E to remove all trendlines except recent 2 days;
  • Alt + 8 switch timeframe to 80Tick, Alt + 9 to TF 5 minute, Alt + 0 to TF 1Hour;
  • Ctrl + MouseMove popup value of indicators at the bar with a vertical line;
  • Alt + MouseClick turn on/off X-Axis fixing, free-scrolling;
  • Framework .NET 6.0 ready, Source code is compatible with .NET 4.0; 


Note: 1. The attachment .algo is compiled by .NET6.0, to run with the old version (4.1.17), please copy the
               source code to your local cTrader and compile it to fit your environment. 
          2. Recommend working with Day Separator and Session Lighter a chart assistant work as an indicator;
          3. Here is a Youtube Link to a professional trader on how to use this kind of indicator in her daily trading.
          4. Get more captain's indicator links at Telegram Group: cTrader FOREX Club



Alt + 8 to switch TF to Tick80, viewable range change to 100% 22 days Average High/Low price range.
(Vertical dot-lines are 5Minutes-Grey and Hourly-Coloured, by Day Separator and Session Lighter )


Ctrl + Mouse move to display the details of ma, rsi at the mouse pointing bar;


Alt + Mouse click to switch On/Off of FixScroll of X-axis.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;

//v4.01 Optimise    : Rewrite from scratch;
//v4.02 Optimise    : Rsi Background calculation with MA filters(Flat,Up,Down), MA crossing signal plot and restore every 5 minutes;
//v4.03             : ...
//v4.04 Optimise    : SetViewRange 22 Days HL, 200% zoom out on TimeFrame shorter than Tick80;
//v4.05 Optimise    : BarFillColor after Bar crossing MA;
//v4.06 Add Function: Alt+H Draw a HorizentalLine to mark PriceLevel; Alt+8: TimeFrame 80Tick; Alt+0: TimeFrame 1Hour;
//v4.07 Optimise    : Debug errors in .NET6;
//v4.08 Optimise    : Initialize RSI background at Tick80;
//v4.09 Add Function: BarFillColor + USDCNH (Red,Yellow); Alt+9: TimeFrame Minute5;
//      Add Function: Auto-Scroll to Strength Meter's ResetPoint;
//      Optimise    : Crossing Signal only apply to same side of RSI status;
//v4.10 Optimise    : All constants move to header kept in variables; .Net6 ready;
//v4.11 Optimise    : Bars' signal use rsi latest m5 series within a chart bar;
//v4.12 Optimise    : Alt+H draw a (ToCP) Trendline of Current Price level to replace horizentalline
//      Add Function: ESC to remove ToCP of today, Alt+R remove Today and Yesterday ToCP, Alt+E remove All ToCP before 2 days ago;
//v4.13 Optimise    : Add more symbol code to Oil and Equities, mainly from Varianse and ICMarkets;
//      Optimise    : SetViewRange 22 Days HL, 200% zoom out on TimeFrame shorter than Tick80, (100% zoom out when ChartZoom=5%) 

namespace cAlgo
    [Indicator(IsOverlay = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class SuperZip : Indicator
        [Parameter("Ave.High-Low(Days)",DefaultValue = 22,  MaxValue = 50,   MinValue = 1,  Step = 1,   Group = "v4.13" )] public double            AHL_Pd      { get; set; }
        [Parameter("ViewRange Factor%", DefaultValue = 100, MaxValue = 300,  MinValue = 0,  Step = 5,   Group = "v4.13" )] public double            VRFactr     { get; set; }

        [Parameter("MA Period(hour)",   DefaultValue = 50,                                              Group = "MA"    )] public int               SMA_Pd      { get; set; }
        [Parameter("MA Type",           DefaultValue = MovingAverageType.Simple,                        Group = "MA"    )] public MovingAverageType SMA_Type    { get; set; }
        [Parameter("MA Tr.Bffr 1/10^6", DefaultValue = 0.5, MaxValue = 10,   MinValue = 0,  Step = 0.1, Group = "MA"    )] public double            SMA_TrBf    { get; set; }

        [Parameter("RSI Periods(hour)", DefaultValue = 36,  MaxValue = 2400, MinValue = 1,  Step = 1,   Group = "RSI"   )] public int               RSI_Pd      { get; set; }
        [Parameter("RSI TurningBuffer", DefaultValue = 1.25,MaxValue = 5,    MinValue = 0,  Step = 0.25,Group = "RSI"   )] public double            RSI_Bf      { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Scrolling Y-Fixed", DefaultValue = false,                                       Group = "Display"   )] public bool              FixScrl     { get; set; }
        [Parameter("1H TF Bar# to End", DefaultValue = 60,  MaxValue = 1000, MinValue = 0,          Group = "Display"   )] public int               ChrtBrN     { get; set; }

        [Output("SMA Flat", LineColor = "#FFFFC000", Thickness = 2, PlotType = PlotType.DiscontinuousLine)] public IndicatorDataSeries SMA_Move { get; set; }   //Yellow-Flat
        [Output("SMA Drop", LineColor = "#FFF15923", Thickness = 2, PlotType = PlotType.DiscontinuousLine)] public IndicatorDataSeries SMA_Drop { get; set; }   //Red-Down
        [Output("SMA Rise", LineColor = "#FF00843B", Thickness = 2, PlotType = PlotType.DiscontinuousLine)] public IndicatorDataSeries SMA_Rise { get; set; }   //Green-UP

        private Bars Series_D1, Series_m5;              //Bars to load for Daily, Minute5
        private RelativeStrengthIndex _rsi;             //Rsi (Output 50 Up, Down)
        private MovingAverage _sma;                     //SMA.50Hour (Output) //_hma;
        private bool b_maUp, b_maDn, b_maFt, b_maKO;    //Switches to Plot ma Up,Down,Flat and at the LastHistoryBar(only once)
        private bool b_rsiW, b_AtSc = true;             //Rsi Switch Up,Down (>=50:True, <=50:False); AutoScroll at Hour TimeFrame;
        private int  idx_pr1, idx_lCB, idx_lm5;         //BarsIndex(m5) at OpenTime of PreClosed/LastChartBar, m5 real LastBarIndex(Let BiasTrend more sensetive within LastChartBar);
        private string fmt_Decm = "0.";                 //Price (Decimal) Format
        private DateTime dt_m5;                         //Recording Series_m5 LastBar OpenTime
        private TimeSpan ts_bar;                        //Recording timespan-1min of one bar time-length of chart bar

        private string   s_RectGoUp, s_RectGoDn;            //Rectangle Name    GoUp/Down
        private double   db_RctMinY, db_RctMaxY;            //Rectangle Y Value GoUp/Down
        private DateTime dt_RsiGoUp, dt_RsiGoDn, dt_RsiFCls;//Time Rsi >50, <50, FirstClose

        private double   db_Ave22DaysHL;                    //22Day HighLow Average * % as indicator to display PriceMoved to Extreame Level, DailyHighLow
        private double   db_maTrdDlt;                       //MA's Up,Down,Flat DeltaValue, according to (setting: MA Trend Buffer ‰ and DayOpenPrice)
        private ChartVerticalLine vl_MsMv;                  //VerticalLine when Alt+MoveMouse;

        //TextBox for loading, debugging etc.;
        private TextBox Tx_Load = new TextBox{ Text = "", FontSize = 20, FontFamily = "DejaVu Sans Mono",  Margin = "0 0 0 10", IsReadOnly = true, BorderThickness = 0, BorderColor = Color.Transparent,
                                               VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent };
        private string cs_BlOtln, cs_BlFill, cs_BrOtln, cs_BrFill;      //ColorString of ChartBars (Changeable)

        private readonly Color cl_LdnMsg = Color.FromHex("#AAEEDDCC"), cl_HzLn   = Color.FromHex("#FFFFC000");                                          //Color of loading message, HorizentalLine
        private readonly Color cl_RsiUp  = Color.FromHex("#3001AF50"), cl_RsiDn  = Color.FromHex("#25FF3334"), cl_CrsnMA = Color.FromHex("#FFFFFFFF");  //BiasTrend BackgroundColor GoUp, GoDown, Bar crossing MA
        private readonly Color cl_vwGrn  = Color.FromHex("#8001AF50"), cl_vwRed  = Color.FromHex("#80FF3334"), cl_vwGry  = Color.FromHex("#55777777");  //SetViewRange marker's color, Green, Red, Grey
        private readonly string icU="↗", icD="↘", chE="=", nSp=" ", nLn="\n", nSc=": ";                     //Icons and Characters

        private readonly string pfx_GoUp = "GoUp_",  pfx_GoDn = "GoDn_", pfx_HzLn = "HzLn_";                //Prefix: ID of Rectangle Go Up,Down, HorizentalLine(Price Marker)
        private readonly string pfx_Opne = "Open: ", pfx_Clos = "Clse: ";                                   //Prefix: Bar Open,Close Price;
        private readonly string pfx_VtLn = "MseMve", pfx_AvHL = "A.HL: ", pfx_UDma = "ma.±: ";              //Prefix: ID of VerticalLine (Ctrl+MouseMove); VerticalLine Popup message texts;
        private readonly string pfx___ma = "ma ", pfx__rsi = "rsi", pfx_DtMA = "ma.Δ: ";                    //Prefix: VerticalLine Popup message texts;

        private readonly string pfx_D1Ct = "D1.Count: ", pfx_FxSc = "FixScroll: ";                          //Prefix: Alt+Click D1.Count, FixScroll: True / False;
        private readonly string pfx_m5Ct = "M5.Count: ", pfx_maDt = "ma.ΔT: ";                              //Prefix: Alt+Click M5.Count, ma.Δ Flat,Up,Down Threshold;

        private readonly string fmt_SgZo = "0", fmt_s2Zo = " 00", fmt_s1Zo = " 0", fmt_s6Zo = "0.0000 00";  //Format: Decimal places for values;
        private readonly string fmt_Pips = "+0.0;-0.0", fmt__rsi = "0.00";              //Format: Pips, rsi value; 
        private readonly string fmt_BrTm = "dd MMM HH:mm:ss", fmt_HLAv = "0.00%";                           //Format: Ctrl+MouseMove Bar's DateTime; High-Low 22day Average%;
        private readonly string fmt_DyWk = "ddd", fmt__Fri = "Fri", fmt__Sat = "Sat", fmt__Sun = "Sun";     //Format: SetViewRange Day of week;
        private readonly string pfx_2DTp = "2Day's Top", pfx_2DMd = "2Day's Mid", pfx_2DBt = "2Day's Btm";  //Prefix: ID of MarkerLines for SetViewRange;

        protected override void Initialize()
            //1.Basic Setting for All
            int iDecDigi = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Abs(Math.Log10(Symbol.PipSize)));   //Digi of PipSize Decimal 
            for (int i = 1; i <= iDecDigi; i++) {fmt_Decm += fmt_SgZo;}             //Format of Price to ChartText "0.00" "0.0000" etc.
            SMA_Pd *= 12; RSI_Pd *= 12;                                             //Convert Periods of Settings to TF.Minute5
            Tx_Load.ForegroundColor = cl_LdnMsg; Chart.AddControl(Tx_Load);         //Draw LoadingMessage;

            //2.Get Bars of TimeFrame Day1 and Minute5, one bar's timespan
            Series_D1 = MarketData.GetBars(TimeFrame.Daily);                        //Get TF.Day1 Bars
            while ( Series_D1.Count < 30       ) { Series_D1.LoadMoreHistory(); }   //TF.Day1 Bars cover at least 30 Days Data
            Series_m5 = MarketData.GetBars(TimeFrame.Minute5);                      //Get TF.5Min Bars 
            while ( Series_m5.Count < 60*24*12 ) { Series_m5.LoadMoreHistory(); }   //TF.5Min Bars cover at least 60 Days Data
            ts_bar = Bars.OpenTimes[2]-Bars.OpenTimes[1]-TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);   //Get timespan-1min of one bar time-length of chart bar

            //3.Nest Indicator Dataseries 
            _sma = Indicators.MovingAverage(Series_m5.ClosePrices, SMA_Pd, SMA_Type);
            _rsi = Indicators.RelativeStrengthIndex(Series_m5.ClosePrices, RSI_Pd);

            //4.RsiHMA Initialise Rectangle Y, X values, Plot First Rectangel
            db_maTrdDlt = Series_D1.LastBar.Open * (SMA_TrBf/100000);                                           //Get m5 TrendDeltaValue to decide ma Flat,Up or Down
            DateTime ChtBrsOpn = Bars[0].OpenTime;  dt_RsiFCls = Series_D1.LastBar.OpenTime.AddDays(1);         //Get ChartBarsOpenTime; Initialize Rectangle's CloseTime (to avoid DrawRSIDayEndRect extend retangle at a new day start);
            idx_lCB = (ChtBrsOpn < Series_m5[0].OpenTime) ? 0 : Series_m5.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(ChtBrsOpn);  //Get m5 (Index=0 or >0) according first Chart.Bar earlier or later than m5 FirstBar;
            idx_lm5 = idx_lCB; b_rsiW = (_rsi.Result[idx_lm5] >= 50);                                           //Get m5 (Index for Checking Rsi 50 Up,Down); Set Rsi PlotSwitch to ConterSide(Make sure first Rectangle can be plot);
            dt_RsiGoUp = Series_m5[idx_lCB].OpenTime; s_RectGoUp = pfx_GoUp + dt_RsiGoUp.ToString();            //Initialize RectangleID RsiGoUp
            dt_RsiGoDn = Series_m5[idx_lCB].OpenTime; s_RectGoDn = pfx_GoDn + dt_RsiGoDn.ToString();            //Initialize RectangleID RsiGoDn
            db_RctMinY = 0; db_RctMaxY = Bars.HighPrices.Maximum(Bars.HighPrices.Count) * 3;                    //Y axis Values 0 ~ 3 times of Highest Price
            DrawRSIDayEndRect();                                                                                //Draw Up or Down Rect. till end of the day;

            //5.Define MovingExtreame Level (22 Day High-Low average)
            for (int i = 1; i <= AHL_Pd; i++) { db_Ave22DaysHL += (Series_D1.HighPrices.Last(i) - Series_D1.LowPrices.Last(i)); }
            db_Ave22DaysHL /= AHL_Pd;

            //6.Chart View Settings (Zoom and Y-Range);
            if      ( TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute  ) {Chart.ZoomLevel =  5; Chart.ScrollXTo(Bars.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(Series_D1.LastBar.OpenTime.AddMinutes(44))); } //Auto-Scroll to Strength Meter's ResetPoint;
            else if ( TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute5 ) {Chart.ZoomLevel = 20; Chart.ScrollXTo(Bars.Count); Chart.ScrollXBy(-85);                                         } //To Stop Auto-Scrolling, let user manually drag (1Day 4Hours in Chart)
            else if ( TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Hour4   ) {Chart.ZoomLevel = 50; Chart.ScrollXTo(Bars.Count); Chart.ScrollXBy(-Convert.ToInt32(ChrtBrN/1.6));               } //To Stop Auto-Scrolling, see more history bars
            else if ( TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Hour    ) {Chart.ZoomLevel = 35;                                                                                            } //Scroll in SetViewRange,
            else if ( TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Tick1000) {Chart.ZoomLevel = 35; Chart.ScrollXTo(Bars.Count); Chart.ScrollXBy(-Convert.ToInt32(ChrtBrN/1.5));               } //To Stop Auto-Scrolling,
            else if ( TimeFrame  < TimeFrame.Tick1000) {Chart.ZoomLevel =  5; Chart.ScrollXTo(Bars.Count); Chart.ScrollXBy(-Convert.ToInt32(ChrtBrN*5  ));               } //To Stop Auto-Scrolling;
            SetViewRange(true);     //Set Viewable Range in Y-value;
            GetBarsColors();        //GetBarsColor according SymbolName;

            //7.Reformat ToCP Dots Position
            var CtTxs = Chart.FindAllObjects(ChartObjectType.Text).Where(x => x.Name.Contains(pfx_HzLn));
            foreach (ChartText CtTx in CtTxs) { ChTxtCenter(CtTx); }

            //8.Initialise Chart Controls, LoadingMessage
            Chart.KeyDown += Chart_KeyDown;             //HotKeys
            Bars.BarOpened += Bars_BarOpened;           //EachNewBar
            Chart.MouseMove += Chart_MouseMove;         //MoveMouse
            Chart.MouseDown += Chart_MouseDown;         //Click Chart
            Chart.ZoomChanged += Chart_ZoomChanged;     //Zoom Change
            Chart.ScrollChanged += Chart_ScrollChanged; //Scroll Change

        public override void Calculate(int index)
            //1.Calculate LastBar
            if (IsLastBar)
                //Only Run when a new Series_m5 start
                if (Series_m5.LastBar.OpenTime <= dt_m5 && b_maKO) return; //FirstRun dt_m5 is 0, and updated only in MAlastBars
                MAlastBars(index);                  //Plot MA Last Bars
                DrawRSIBackground(index, true);     //Plot RSI New Bias Trend
                CrossingMA(index);                  //Plot Signal BarCrossingMA
            //2.Calculate History Bars
                MApastBars(index);                  //Plot MA History Bars
                DrawRSIBackground(index, false);    //Plot RSI History Bias Trend
                FillClosedBar(index);               //Plot Signal History BarCrossedMA

        //Plot MA       - Last Bars
        private void MAlastBars(int idx)
            if      ( Math.Abs(_sma.Result.Last(0) - _sma.Result.Last(1)) < db_maTrdDlt) {b_maUp = false; b_maDn = false; b_maFt = true ; } //ma Flat
            else if (_sma.Result.IsRising ())                                            {b_maUp = true ; b_maDn = false; b_maFt = false; } //ma Up
            else if (_sma.Result.IsFalling())                                            {b_maUp = false; b_maDn = true ; b_maFt = false; } //ma Down
            //Plot _sma to Flat-Rise-Drop in different colors
                        SMA_Move[idx] = _sma.Result.LastValue;
            if (b_maUp) SMA_Rise[idx] = _sma.Result.LastValue;
            if (b_maDn) SMA_Drop[idx] = _sma.Result.LastValue;

            //Update Series_m5 LastBar OpenTime
            dt_m5 = Series_m5.LastBar.OpenTime;

            //Turn On after [LastHistoryBar] updated (Run OnlyOnce, Don't merge MAlastBars with MApastBars)
            if (!b_maKO) b_maKO = true;
        //              - History Bars
        private void MApastBars(int idx)
            //Prepare indices for Series_m5
            idx_lCB = Series_m5.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(Bars.OpenTimes[idx    ]);  //Get m5 index at OpenTime of LastChartBar
            idx_pr1 = Series_m5.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(Bars.OpenTimes[idx - 1]);  //Don't use idx_lCB - 1;

            if ( idx_lCB < 0 || idx_pr1 < 0 ) return;   //To avoid crashing at sma.Result[<0];

            if      ( Math.Abs(_sma.Result[idx_lCB] - _sma.Result[idx_lCB-1]) < db_maTrdDlt) {b_maUp = false; b_maDn = false; b_maFt = true ; } //ma Flat
            else if (_sma.Result[idx_lCB]>_sma.Result[idx_pr1])                              {b_maUp = true ; b_maDn = false; b_maFt = false; } //ma Up
            else if (_sma.Result[idx_lCB]<_sma.Result[idx_pr1])                              {b_maUp = false; b_maDn = true ; b_maFt = false; } //ma Down
            //Plot _sma to Flat-Rise-Drop in different colors
                        SMA_Move[idx] = _sma.Result[idx_lCB];
            if (b_maUp) SMA_Rise[idx] = _sma.Result[idx_lCB];
            if (b_maDn) SMA_Drop[idx] = _sma.Result[idx_lCB];

        //Plot RSI.Trend- Background (Rectangles)
        private void DrawRSIBackground(int idx, bool b_LastBr)
            idx_lCB = Series_m5.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(Bars.OpenTimes[idx]+ts_bar);   //Get the last m5 index at OpenTime of LastChartBar
            idx_lm5 = b_LastBr ? Series_m5.Count - 1 : idx_lCB;                         //LastBar use index of m5.Last(0);
            DrawRSIUpDownRect();                                                        //Draw Rectangle
        //Draw Up or Down Rect. till end of the day
        private void DrawRSIDayEndRect()
            DateTime dt_RectEnd = Series_D1.LastBar.OpenTime.AddDays(1);    //Get Time of DayEnd
            if (dt_RectEnd >= dt_RsiFCls)                                   //Check if a new day start, (must be >=, T80 need it to display background)
                dt_RsiFCls = dt_RectEnd;                                    //Update RectangleCloseTime till end of day;
                if (b_rsiW) {DrawRsiRect(s_RectGoUp, dt_RsiGoUp, dt_RsiFCls, cl_RsiUp );}    //Extend current BiasTrend - UP
                else        {DrawRsiRect(s_RectGoDn, dt_RsiGoDn, dt_RsiFCls, cl_RsiDn );}    //...                      - Down
            DrawRSIUpDownRect();                                            //Draw Rectangle
        //Draw Up or Down Rect. as PreDefined DateTime
        private void DrawRSIUpDownRect()
            //Get Rsi  UP  TurningTime, Record TimeOfTurning, Name of Plotting ; Plot Previous, Next Background Rectangle (Green)
            if ( ( (_rsi.Result[idx_lm5] >= 50 && b_maFt) || (_rsi.Result[idx_lm5] >= 50-RSI_Bf && b_maUp) || (_rsi.Result[idx_lm5] >= 50+RSI_Bf && b_maDn) ) && !b_rsiW )  //ma filter rsi noise: Flat-50; Up,Down: 50±BufferValue 
            {   //                                       ↓↓↓ Make one bar ahead of rsi switch up/down (v4.11)
                dt_RsiGoUp = Series_m5[idx_lCB].OpenTime-ts_bar; s_RectGoUp = pfx_GoUp + dt_RsiGoUp.ToString(); b_rsiW = true ;
                DrawRsiRect(s_RectGoDn, dt_RsiGoDn, dt_RsiGoUp, cl_RsiDn );  //Close Pre.Down  Trend Background Rectangle
                DrawRsiRect(s_RectGoUp, dt_RsiGoUp, dt_RsiFCls, cl_RsiUp );  //Draw  Next UP   Trend Background Rectangle
            //Get Rsi DOWN TurningTime, Record TimeOfTurning, Name of Plotting ; Plot Previous, Next Background Rectangle (Red)
            if ( ( (_rsi.Result[idx_lm5] <= 50 && b_maFt) || (_rsi.Result[idx_lm5] <= 50+RSI_Bf && b_maDn) || (_rsi.Result[idx_lm5] <= 50-RSI_Bf && b_maUp) ) &&  b_rsiW )  //ma filter rsi noise: Flat-50; Down,Up: 50±BufferValue
            {   //                                       ↓↓↓ Make one bar ahead of rsi switch up/down (v4.11)
                dt_RsiGoDn = Series_m5[idx_lCB].OpenTime-ts_bar; s_RectGoDn = pfx_GoDn + dt_RsiGoDn.ToString(); b_rsiW = false;
                DrawRsiRect(s_RectGoUp, dt_RsiGoUp, dt_RsiGoDn, cl_RsiUp );  //Close Pre.Up    Trend Background Rectangle
                DrawRsiRect(s_RectGoDn, dt_RsiGoDn, dt_RsiFCls, cl_RsiDn );  //Draw  Next Down Trend Background Rectangle
        //Draw a Rectangle for RSI Background
        private void DrawRsiRect(string recName, DateTime dtStart, DateTime dtEnd, Color clrToFill)
        { ChartRectangle rectangle = Chart.DrawRectangle(recName, dtStart, db_RctMinY, dtEnd, db_RctMaxY, clrToFill, 0, LineStyle.DotsVeryRare); rectangle.IsFilled = true; }

        //Plot Signals for crossing MA, or restore ChartBar's color
        private void CrossingMA(int idx)
            //Plot LastBar's FillColor
            if  ( ( Bars[idx].Close >= SMA_Move[idx] && Bars[idx-1].Close < SMA_Move[idx-1] ) &  b_rsiW ||      //Crossing UP   MA
                  ( Bars[idx].Close <= SMA_Move[idx] && Bars[idx-1].Close > SMA_Move[idx-1] ) & !b_rsiW ||      //Crossing Down MA
                  ( Bars[idx].Close >= SMA_Move[idx] && Bars[idx  ].Open  < SMA_Move[idx  ] ) &  b_rsiW ||      //Crossing UP   MA
                  ( Bars[idx].Close <= SMA_Move[idx] && Bars[idx  ].Open  > SMA_Move[idx  ] ) & !b_rsiW    )    //Crossing Down MA
            { Chart.SetBarFillColor(idx, cl_CrsnMA); }
        //Plot Signals for Bar crossed MA
        private void FillClosedBar(int idx)
            //Plot ClosedBar's FillColor
            if  ( ( Bars[idx].Close >= SMA_Move[idx] && Bars[idx-1].Close < SMA_Move[idx-1] ) &  b_rsiW ||      //Crossing UP   MA
                  ( Bars[idx].Close <= SMA_Move[idx] && Bars[idx-1].Close > SMA_Move[idx-1] ) & !b_rsiW ||      //Crossing Down MA
                  ( Bars[idx].Close >= SMA_Move[idx] && Bars[idx  ].Open  < SMA_Move[idx  ] ) &  b_rsiW ||      //Crossing UP   MA
                  ( Bars[idx].Close <= SMA_Move[idx] && Bars[idx  ].Open  > SMA_Move[idx  ] ) & !b_rsiW    )    //Crossing Down MA
                                                         { Chart.SetBarFillColor(idx, cl_CrsnMA); }
            else if (Bars[idx].Close >= Bars[idx].Open ) { Chart.SetBarFillColor(idx, cs_BlFill); }
            else if (Bars[idx].Close <= Bars[idx].Open ) { Chart.SetBarFillColor(idx, cs_BrFill); }

        //ChartControl  - NewBar to Plot MA, Rsi background
        private void Bars_BarOpened(BarOpenedEventArgs obj)
            int i = obj.Bars.Count-1;   //ChartBarIndex; (Count-1: the LastBar)
            MAlastBars(i  );            //Plot ma Last Bars (Working for TF<Minute5 e.g. Tick80)
            FillClosedBar(i-1);         //Refresh Signal BarCrossedMA (Count-2: the PreviousBar)
            DrawRSIDayEndRect();        //Refresh Up or Down Rect. till end of the day
            SetViewRange(false);        //Plot 2Days HighLow Moving Marker, not reset Y-Range;
        //              - MoveMouse
        private void Chart_MouseMove(ChartMouseEventArgs obj)
            if ( obj.CtrlKey )
                int r = Convert.ToInt32(obj.BarIndex); if (r>Bars.Count-1) return;                                  //Get MouseMoveBarIndex
                vl_MsMv = Chart.DrawVerticalLine(pfx_VtLn, r, Color.FromArgb(150, cl_LdnMsg), 1, LineStyle.Dots);   //Draw a verticalline
                int i = Series_m5.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(Bars.OpenTimes[r  ]+ts_bar);                             //Get LastBar index of Series_m5 MouseMoveIn ChartBar
                    i = r < Bars.Count-1 ? i : Series_m5.Count - 1;                                                 //...           index (History or LastBar)
                int j = Series_m5.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(Bars.OpenTimes[r-1]+ts_bar);                             //Get LastBar index of Series_m5 Previous ChartBar
                double BrOpn = Bars[r].Open, BrCls = Bars[r].Close;                                                 //Get Symbols' Open/Close Price at [r]

                string fmtMa = fmt_Decm + (BrCls<200 ? fmt_s2Zo : fmt_s1Zo);                                        //Define MA's format (at ma LastResult " 00", " 0")
                string sBrOp = BrOpn.ToString(fmtMa), BrCl = BrCls.ToString(fmtMa);                                 //Get Bar[r]'s Open/Close Price Format ready

                string ma_Mve = _sma.Result[i]>_sma.Result[j] ? icU : _sma.Result[i]<_sma.Result[j] ? icD : chE;    //Get MA 's move direction ↗↘= (against ma Result at PreviousChartBarOpenTime)
                string rsiMve = _rsi.Result[i]>_rsi.Result[j] ? icU : _rsi.Result[i]<_rsi.Result[j] ? icD : chE;    //Get RSI's move direction ↗↘= (against ma Result at PreviousChartBarOpenTime)
                string ma_Val = _sma.Result[i].ToString(fmtMa);                                                     //Get MA 's Value 
                string ma_Dlt = Math.Abs( _sma.Result[i  ] - _sma.Result[i-1]).ToString(fmt_s6Zo);                  //Get MA 's DeltaValue (against ma PreviousResult "0.0000 00")
                string ma_Gap = ((BrCls - _sma.Result[i])/Symbol.PipSize).ToString(fmt_Pips);                       //Get MA 's Gap in (pips "0.0")
                string rsiVal = _rsi.Result[i].ToString(fmt__rsi);                                                  //Get RSI's Value (at rsi LastResult "0.00")
                string BarTme = Bars[r].OpenTime.Add(Application.UserTimeOffset).ToString(fmt_BrTm);                //Get ChartBar's OpenTime "dd MMM  HH:mm:ss"

                double db_Ave22PresHL = 0; int iD1 = Series_D1.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(Bars.OpenTimes[r  ]);       //Get 22 Days' Average High-Low : Series_D1 index of MouseMoveIn
                for (int k=1; k<=AHL_Pd; k++) { db_Ave22PresHL += (Series_D1[iD1-k].High - Series_D1[iD1-k].Low); } //...                           : H-L Total of setting period (Days)
                string HL22Dy =  (db_Ave22PresHL/AHL_Pd).ToString(fmt_Decm);                                        //...                           : H-L Average
                string Pc22Dy = ((db_Ave22PresHL/AHL_Pd)/Series_D1.LastBar.Open).ToString(fmt_HLAv);                //Get 22 Days' Average H-L % of DayOpenPrice "0.00%"

                Tx_Load.Text  = RChr(BarTme,                     17) + pfx_AvHL + Pc22Dy +nSp+ HL22Dy +nLn;         //Popup: 14 Jun 21:00:00  AH-L: 0.89% 0.0095
                Tx_Load.Text += RChr(pfx_Opne + sBrOp          , 17) + pfx_Clos + BrCl                +nLn;         //Popup: Open: 1.26705    Clse: 1.2685
                Tx_Load.Text += RChr(pfx___ma+ma_Mve+nSc+ma_Val, 17) + pfx_UDma+ ma_Gap               +nLn;         //Popup: ma ↗: 1.26789    ma.d: -32.2
                Tx_Load.Text += RChr(pfx__rsi+rsiMve+nSc+rsiVal, 17) + pfx_DtMA+ ma_Dlt                   ;         //Popup: rsi↗: 50.1234    ma.Δ: 0.0000 08


        //              - ClickMouse
        private void Chart_MouseDown(ChartMouseEventArgs obj)
            Tx_Load.Text = string.Empty;                                                                        //Clear Loading Message
            if ( vl_MsMv != null ) { Chart.RemoveObject(vl_MsMv.Name); }                                        //Remove MouseMove VerticalLine    
            if ( obj.AltKey ) 
                b_AtSc = !b_AtSc;                                                                               //TF.Hour AutoScroll Switch;
                Tx_Load.Text  = RChr(pfx_D1Ct+ Series_D1.Count, 17) +pfx_FxSc+ b_AtSc.ToString() +nLn;          //Popup: Bars.Count                     "D1.Count: {0} FixScroll: {1}\n"
                Tx_Load.Text += RChr(pfx_m5Ct+ Series_m5.Count, 17) +pfx_maDt+ db_maTrdDlt.ToString(fmt_s6Zo);  //Popup: m5 moving trend delta value    "M5.Count: {0} ma.ΔT: {1}" "0.0000 00"

        //              - Zoom Change
        private void Chart_ZoomChanged  (ChartZoomEventArgs   obj)
        { SetViewRange(true); }
        //              - Scroll Change
        private void Chart_ScrollChanged(ChartScrollEventArgs obj)
        { SetViewRange(FixScrl); }
        //              - KeyDown
        private void Chart_KeyDown(ChartKeyboardEventArgs obj)
            if (obj.AltKey)
                //Alt+H: Mark a TrendLine for today
                if (obj.Key.Equals(Key.H )) { DrawDayPriceLevel();    }
                //Alt+R: Remove TrendLine for previous and today
                if (obj.Key.Equals(Key.R )) { RemoveDayPrcLevel(1);   }
                //Alt+E: Remove all TrendLines
                if (obj.Key.Equals(Key.E )) { RemoveDayPrcLevel(999); }
                //Alt+8: Set Chart TimeFrame to 80Ticks
                if (obj.Key.Equals(Key.D8)) { Chart.TryChangeTimeFrame(TimeFrame.Tick80); }
                //Alt+9: Set Chart TimeFrame to Minute5
                if (obj.Key.Equals(Key.D9)) { Chart.TryChangeTimeFrame(TimeFrame.Minute5);}
                //Alt+0: Set Chart TimeFrame to 1Hour
                if (obj.Key.Equals(Key.D0)) { Chart.TryChangeTimeFrame(TimeFrame.Hour);   }
                //Alt+B: debug
                if (obj.Key.Equals(Key.B )) 
                    //string msg = Series_D1.OpenTimes.Last(0).ToString();

            //ESC: to remove Trendline of today
            if ( obj.Key.Equals(Key.Escape) ) { RemoveDayPrcLevel(0); }


        //Draw Trendline at current price level
        private void DrawDayPriceLevel()
            //Remove Today's TrendLine and Dot

            //Draw Today's TrendLine and Dot
            DateTime dT1 = Series_D1.OpenTimes.Last(0), dT2 = Series_D1.OpenTimes.Last(0).AddHours(24);
            ChartTrendLine TdLn = Chart.DrawTrendLine( pfx_HzLn+dT1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), dT1, Bars.LastBar.Close, dT2, Bars.LastBar.Close, cl_HzLn, 1, LineStyle.LinesDots );
            TdLn.IsInteractive = true; TdLn.IsLocked = true;
            ChartText ChTx = Chart.DrawText( pfx_HzLn+"⬩"+dT1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), "⬩", Server.Time, Bars.LastBar.Close, cl_HzLn );
            ChTx.IsInteractive = true; ChTx.IsLocked = true; ChTxtCenter(ChTx);
        //Set ChartText Horizontal,Vertical Center
        private void ChTxtCenter(ChartText tx_cnt)
        { tx_cnt.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; tx_cnt.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; tx_cnt.FontSize = 20; }
        //Remove trendlines (i_D: 0 remove today, 1 remove previous and today, 999 remove all before 2 days ago)
        private void RemoveDayPrcLevel(int i_D)
            if      ( i_D<=1   )
                var TrLns = Chart.FindAllObjects(ChartObjectType.TrendLine).Where( x => x.Name.Contains(pfx_HzLn) );
                foreach (ChartTrendLine TrLn in TrLns) { if ( DateTime.Compare(TrLn.Time1, Series_D1.OpenTimes.Last(i_D))>=0 ) { Chart.RemoveObject(TrLn.Name); Chart.RemoveObject(TrLn.Name+"⬩"); } }
            else if ( i_D==999 )
                var TrLns = Chart.FindAllObjects(ChartObjectType.TrendLine).Where( x => x.Name.Contains(pfx_HzLn) );
                foreach (ChartTrendLine TrLn in TrLns) { if ( DateTime.Compare(TrLn.Time1, Series_D1.OpenTimes.Last( 1 ))< 0 ) { Chart.RemoveObject(TrLn.Name); Chart.RemoveObject(TrLn.Name+"⬩"); } }

        //Set Viewable Range in Y-value VRFactr% * Ave22DaysHigh-Low
        private void SetViewRange(bool b_ResetY)
            if (VRFactr > 0 && (TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Tick1000 || TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Hour))    //Only Display VRFactr>0 and in right TF
                //Get Mid-Level of Past2Day's High-Low Level
                double db_Pst2DyHgh = Math.Max(Series_D1.HighPrices.Last(1), Series_D1.HighPrices.Last(0)); //2Days' High
                double db_Pst2DyLow = Math.Min(Series_D1.LowPrices.Last(1) , Series_D1.LowPrices.Last(0) ); //2Days' Low
                double db_Ymid = (db_Pst2DyHgh + db_Pst2DyLow)/2;                                           //2Days' Mid

                //Get Bottom and Top value for view range
                double db_zmot = 100; 
                if (TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Tick80 && Chart.ZoomLevel >= 10) {db_zmot = 200;} //ZoomOut 200%, TF.Tick80 or shorter and ChartZoom>=10%
                double db_Ybtm = db_Ymid - db_Ave22DaysHL * VRFactr/db_zmot;
                double db_Ytop = db_Ymid + db_Ave22DaysHL * VRFactr/db_zmot;

                //Get Recent 2 TradingDays Start-End
                DateTime Sv_DSpl = Series_D1.LastBar.OpenTime; //ServerTime of Spliting TradingDay(DST:+3) on User's Chart
                int i_H, i_R;  string st_DSpl = Sv_DSpl.ToString(fmt_DyWk); //Swifting Days Number, ChartHours; and Day of SplitingMoment "ddd"
                if      (st_DSpl == fmt__Fri) { i_H = -1; i_R = +3; }   //"Fri"
                else if (st_DSpl == fmt__Sat) { i_H = -2; i_R = +2; }   //"Sat"
                else if (st_DSpl == fmt__Sun) { i_H = -3; i_R = +1; }   //"Sun"
                else                          { i_H = -1; i_R = +1; }   //Other Weekday
                DateTime dt_2DSt = Sv_DSpl.AddDays(i_H); DateTime dt_2DEd = Sv_DSpl.AddDays(i_R); //HorizentalLine Start, End DateTime

                //Draw a BenchMarker(HorizentalLine)
                Color clr_2Dhl = cl_vwGry;                                                                                  //Long TimeFrame use: Grey only
                if (TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Tick80 && Chart.ZoomLevel >= 10) { clr_2Dhl = b_rsiW ? cl_vwGrn : cl_vwRed;  }   //ShortTimeFrame use: Green, Red (ChartZoom>=10%)
                ChartTrendLine tr_2DTop = Chart.DrawTrendLine(pfx_2DTp, dt_2DSt, db_Ytop, dt_2DEd, db_Ytop, clr_2Dhl, 1, LineStyle.LinesDots);
                ChartTrendLine tr_2DMid = Chart.DrawTrendLine(pfx_2DMd, dt_2DSt, db_Ymid, dt_2DEd, db_Ymid, clr_2Dhl, 2, LineStyle.Solid    );
                ChartTrendLine tr_2DBtm = Chart.DrawTrendLine(pfx_2DBt, dt_2DSt, db_Ybtm, dt_2DEd, db_Ybtm, clr_2Dhl, 1, LineStyle.LinesDots);

                //Fix or Set View Range (both X, Y axis)
                double db_Yshift = (Bars.LastBar.Close - db_Ymid) * 0.618;                                                          //Define Vertical Shift value,
                if (b_ResetY)                              { Chart.SetYRange(db_Ybtm + db_Yshift, db_Ytop + db_Yshift); }           //AutoShift Vertical to make sure ClosePrice in sight;
                if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour && b_AtSc) { Chart.ScrollXTo(Bars.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(Sv_DSpl)-ChrtBrN+24); }  //AutoShift Horizental to make sure Hour1 Bars in sight;


        //Set Bars Color for all symbols
        private void GetBarsColors()
            string Smb = Symbol.Name;
            if      (Smb == "EURUSD" || Smb == "EURGBP" || Smb == "EURAUD" || Smb == "EURNZD" || Smb == "EURCAD" || Smb == "EURCHF" || Smb == "EURJPY") { cs_BlOtln = "FF0070C0"; cs_BlFill = BlFCl(Smb); cs_BrOtln = "FF0070C0"; cs_BrFill = "FF0070C0"; }
            else if (Smb == "GBPUSD" ||                    Smb == "GBPAUD" || Smb == "GBPNZD" || Smb == "GBPCAD" || Smb == "GBPCHF" || Smb == "GBPJPY") { cs_BlOtln = "FFFE0000"; cs_BlFill = BlFCl(Smb); cs_BrOtln = "FFFE0000"; cs_BrFill = "FFFE0000"; }
            else if (Smb == "AUDUSD" ||                                       Smb == "AUDNZD" || Smb == "AUDCAD" || Smb == "AUDCHF" || Smb == "AUDJPY") { cs_BlOtln = "FFBF9100"; cs_BlFill = BlFCl(Smb); cs_BrOtln = "FFBF9100"; cs_BrFill = "FFBF9100"; }
            else if (Smb == "NZDUSD" ||                                                          Smb == "NZDCAD" || Smb == "NZDCHF" || Smb == "NZDJPY") { cs_BlOtln = "FF00843B"; cs_BlFill = "00000000"; cs_BrOtln = "FF00843B"; cs_BrFill = "FF00843B"; }
            else if (                                                                            Smb == "USDCAD" || Smb == "CADCHF" || Smb == "CADJPY") { cs_BlOtln = "FFC341C8"; cs_BlFill = "00000000"; cs_BrOtln = "FFC341C8"; cs_BrFill = "FFC341C8"; }
            else if (                                                                                               Smb == "USDCHF" || Smb == "USDJPY") { cs_BlOtln = "FF99AAEE"; cs_BlFill = "FF99AADD"; cs_BrOtln = "FFFF3334"; cs_BrFill = "FFFE0000"; }
            else if (                                                                                                                  Smb == "CHFJPY") { cs_BlOtln = "FFFF999A"; cs_BlFill = "00000000"; cs_BrOtln = "FFFF999A"; cs_BrFill = "FFFF999A"; }
            else if (Smb == "XAUUSD"                                                                                                                  ) { cs_BlOtln = "FFFFFF01"; cs_BlFill = "00000000"; cs_BrOtln = "FFFFFF01"; cs_BrFill = "FFFFFF01"; }
            else if (Smb == "XTIUSD"      || Smb.Contains("USOil") || Smb.Contains("UKOil")                                                           ) { cs_BlOtln = "FF737373"; cs_BlFill = "00000000"; cs_BrOtln = "FF737373"; cs_BrFill = "FF737373"; }
            else if (Smb.Contains("US30") || Smb.Contains("UT100") || Smb.Contains("USTEC") || Smb.Contains("US500") || Smb.Contains("US2000") ||
                     Smb.Contains("UK100")|| Smb.Contains("DE40")  || Smb.Contains("JP225")                                                           ) { cs_BlOtln = "FF0070C0"; cs_BlFill = "00000000"; cs_BrOtln = "FF0070C0"; cs_BrFill = "FF0070C0"; }
            else if (Smb == "USDCNH"                                                                                                                  ) { cs_BlOtln = "FFBBBB01"; cs_BlFill = "00000000"; cs_BrOtln = "FFFE0000"; cs_BrFill = "FFFE0000"; }
            else                                                                                                                                        { cs_BlOtln = "FF00843B"; cs_BlFill = "FF00843B"; cs_BrOtln = "FFF15923"; cs_BrFill = "FFF15923"; }
            Chart.ColorSettings.BullOutlineColor = Color.FromHex(cs_BlOtln);   Chart.ColorSettings.BullFillColor = Color.FromHex(cs_BlFill);  //Bullish Bars
            Chart.ColorSettings.BearOutlineColor = Color.FromHex(cs_BrOtln);   Chart.ColorSettings.BearFillColor = Color.FromHex(cs_BrFill);  //Bearish Bars
        //Return ColorCode according to SymbolName
        private string BlFCl(string s_smb)
            if      ( s_smb == "EURAUD" || s_smb == "GBPAUD" )  {return "FFBF9100";}
            else if ( s_smb == "EURNZD" || s_smb == "GBPNZD" )  {return "FF00843B";}
            else if ( s_smb == "AUDNZD"                      )  {return "FF00843B";}
            else                                                {return "00000000";}
        //Left -Add Spaces to a string till appointed number
        private string LChr(string s_Ipt, int i_Chr)
        { if ( s_Ipt.Length < i_Chr ) { while ( s_Ipt.Length < i_Chr ) { s_Ipt = nSp + s_Ipt; } }  return s_Ipt; }
        //Right-Add Spaces to a string till appointed number
        private string RChr(string s_Ipt, int i_Chr)
        { if ( s_Ipt.Length < i_Chr ) { while ( s_Ipt.Length < i_Chr ) { s_Ipt = s_Ipt + nSp; } }  return s_Ipt; }


Capt.Z-Fort.Builder's avatar

Joined on 03.06.2020

  • Distribution: Free
  • Language: C#
  • Trading platform: cTrader Automate
  • File name: Super MA.algo
  • Rating: 5
  • Installs: 1786
  • Modified: 26/06/2023 10:19
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Capt.Z-Fort.Builder's avatar
Capt.Z-Fort.Builder · 1 year ago

The update to version 4.13 is a minor update, which adds more symbol codes to Oil and Equities, mainly from Varianse and ICMarkets;

Capt.Z-Fort.Builder's avatar
Capt.Z-Fort.Builder · 1 year ago

The update to version 4.12, brings new functions and is a major update.

kanoh49350 · 2 years ago

With only a few steps on this site called strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research. And voilà, my assignment will be completed on time. I'm so delighted I came here!