Category Other  Published on 20/01/2021

Closing Button (日本語版)


「通貨ペア」ボタン = チャートの通貨ペアのポジションを全て決済します

「全て」ボタン = 通貨ペアに関わらずすべてのポジションを決済します

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;

namespace cAlgo.Robots
    [Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class ClosingButton : Robot
        protected override void OnStart()
            var tradingPanel = new TradingPanel(this, Symbol);

            var border = new Border 
                VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right,
                Style = Styles.CreatePanelBackgroundStyle(),
                Margin = "8 8 8 8",
                Width = 150,
                Child = tradingPanel


    public class TradingPanel : CustomControl
        private readonly Robot _robot;
        private readonly Symbol _symbol;

        public TradingPanel(Robot robot, Symbol symbol)
            _robot = robot;
            _symbol = symbol;

        private ControlBase CreateTradingPanel()
            var mainPanel = new StackPanel();

            var contentPanel = CreateContentPanel();

            return mainPanel;

        private StackPanel CreateContentPanel()
            var contentPanel = new StackPanel 
                Margin = 5
            var grid = new Grid(1, 3);

            var closeButton = CreateCloseButton("通貨ペア", Styles.CreateBuyButtonStyle());
            grid.AddChild(closeButton, 0, 0);

            var closeAllButton = CreateCloseAllButton("全て", Styles.CreateBuyButtonStyle());
            grid.AddChild(closeAllButton, 0, 2);


            return contentPanel;

        private Button CreateCloseButton(string text, Style style)
            var closeButton = new Button 
                Text = text,
                Style = style,
                Height = 25

            closeButton.Click += args => Close();

            return closeButton;

        private ControlBase CreateCloseAllButton(string text, Style style)
            var closeAllButton = new Button 
                Text = text,
                Style = style,
                Height = 25

            closeAllButton.Click += args => CloseAll();

            return closeAllButton;

        private void Close()
            foreach (var position in _robot.Positions)
                if (position.SymbolName == _symbol.Name)



        private void CloseAll()
            foreach (var position in _robot.Positions)

    public static class Styles
        public static Style CreatePanelBackgroundStyle()
            var style = new Style();
            style.Set(ControlProperty.CornerRadius, 3);
            style.Set(ControlProperty.BackgroundColor, GetColorWithOpacity(Color.FromHex("#292929"), 0.85m), ControlState.DarkTheme);
            style.Set(ControlProperty.BackgroundColor, GetColorWithOpacity(Color.FromHex("#FFFFFF"), 0.85m), ControlState.LightTheme);
            style.Set(ControlProperty.BorderColor, Color.FromHex("#3C3C3C"), ControlState.DarkTheme);
            style.Set(ControlProperty.BorderColor, Color.FromHex("#C3C3C3"), ControlState.LightTheme);
            style.Set(ControlProperty.BorderThickness, new Thickness(1));

            return style;

        public static Style CreateCommonBorderStyle()
            var style = new Style();
            style.Set(ControlProperty.BorderColor, GetColorWithOpacity(Color.FromHex("#FFFFFF"), 0.12m), ControlState.DarkTheme);
            style.Set(ControlProperty.BorderColor, GetColorWithOpacity(Color.FromHex("#000000"), 0.12m), ControlState.LightTheme);
            return style;

        public static Style CreateBuyButtonStyle()
            return CreateButtonStyle(Color.FromHex("#009345"), Color.FromHex("#10A651"));

        public static Style CreateSellButtonStyle()
            return CreateButtonStyle(Color.FromHex("#F05824"), Color.FromHex("#FF6C36"));

        public static Style CreateCloseButtonStyle()
            return CreateButtonStyle(Color.FromHex("#F05824"), Color.FromHex("#FF6C36"));

        private static Style CreateButtonStyle(Color color, Color hoverColor)
            var style = new Style(DefaultStyles.ButtonStyle);
            style.Set(ControlProperty.BackgroundColor, color, ControlState.DarkTheme);
            style.Set(ControlProperty.BackgroundColor, color, ControlState.LightTheme);
            style.Set(ControlProperty.BackgroundColor, hoverColor, ControlState.DarkTheme | ControlState.Hover);
            style.Set(ControlProperty.BackgroundColor, hoverColor, ControlState.LightTheme | ControlState.Hover);
            style.Set(ControlProperty.ForegroundColor, Color.FromHex("#FFFFFF"), ControlState.DarkTheme);
            style.Set(ControlProperty.ForegroundColor, Color.FromHex("#FFFFFF"), ControlState.LightTheme);
            return style;

        private static Color GetColorWithOpacity(Color baseColor, decimal opacity)
            var alpha = (int)Math.Round(byte.MaxValue * opacity, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            return Color.FromArgb(alpha, baseColor);

summer's avatar

Joined on 10.08.2020

  • Distribution: Free
  • Language: C#
  • Trading platform: cTrader Automate
  • File name: Closing Button.algo
  • Rating: 0
  • Installs: 1409
  • Modified: 13/10/2021 09:55
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stefano.lario1969 · 10 months ago

Hello summer ,your closing button it works very well…thank you for your work !!!

Can i ask if is possible to have a version with text in english ??

Thank you,ciao