Category Trend  Published on 18/05/2023

Anchored VWAP


This is a Anchored VWAP that permits you to chose the exact point to start calculating the VWAP by moving the Icon on the chart.

You can also choose between High, Low and Typical prices and multiple VWAPs by selecting different ids to every one of them in the menu.

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using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo

    [Indicator(IsOverlay = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class AnchoredVWAPExperto : Indicator

        [Output("VWAP", LineColor = "Yellow")]
        public IndicatorDataSeries VWAP { get; set; }

        public enum PriceType
            Typical = 1,
            High = 2,
            Low = 3,
            Median = 4

        [Parameter("VWAP Price", Group = "VWAP Calcuation Type", DefaultValue = PriceType.Typical)]
        public PriceType VWAPSelectedType { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Arrow Color", Group = "Arrows Settings", DefaultValue = Colors.Yellow)]
        public Colors ArrowColor { get; set; }

        [Parameter("VWAP Number", Group = "Use for Multiple VWAPs", DefaultValue = 0)]
        public int VWAPNumber { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Icon Style", Group = "Arrows Settings", DefaultValue = ChartIconType.UpArrow)]
        public ChartIconType IconStyle { get; set; }

        public ChartIcon Arrow;
        public DateTime IconTime;
        public bool IconExists = false;
        public int IndexIconStart;
        public int ArrowCreated;
        public ChartIcon VWAPIcon;
        public DataSeries VWAPTPrice;

        protected override void Initialize()

            foreach (ChartObject o in Chart.Objects)
                var VWAP_Name = "VWAP-Arrow" + VWAPNumber;
                if (o.Name == VWAP_Name && o.ObjectType == ChartObjectType.Icon)
                    o.IsInteractive = true;
                    VWAPIcon = (ChartIcon)o;
                    IconTime = VWAPIcon.Time;
                    VWAPIcon.Color = ArrowColor.ToString();
                    VWAPIcon.IconType = IconStyle;
                    IconExists = true;
                    ArrowCreated = 1;

            if (VWAPSelectedType == PriceType.Typical)
                VWAPTPrice = Bars.TypicalPrices;
            else if (VWAPSelectedType == PriceType.High)
                VWAPTPrice = Bars.HighPrices;
            else if (VWAPSelectedType == PriceType.Low)
                VWAPTPrice = Bars.LowPrices;
            else if (VWAPSelectedType == PriceType.Median)
                VWAPTPrice = Bars.MedianPrices;

            if (!IconExists)
                IndexIconStart = Chart.FirstVisibleBarIndex + ((Chart.LastVisibleBarIndex - Chart.FirstVisibleBarIndex) / 2);
            Chart.ObjectUpdated += OnChartObjectUpdated;

        public override void Calculate(int index)
            //******************** Create VWAP Arrow One *********************************//
            if (index == IndexIconStart && IconExists == false)
                var VWAP_Name = "VWAP-Arrow" + VWAPNumber;
                double pr = Bars.LowPrices[index] - (Bars.HighPrices[index] - Bars.LowPrices[index]);
                Arrow = Chart.DrawIcon(VWAP_Name, ChartIconType.UpArrow, index, pr, Color.Gold);
                Arrow.IsInteractive = true;
                VWAPIcon.Color = ArrowColor.ToString();
                VWAPIcon.IconType = IconStyle;
                ArrowCreated = 2;

            //************************ Draw VWAP One Line **********************************//
            if (IsLastBar && ArrowCreated == 2)
                double sumP = 0.0;
                double sumVl = 0.0;
                for (int j = 0; j < Chart.BarsTotal; j++)
                    if (j >= IndexIconStart)
                        sumP += VWAPTPrice[j] * Bars.TickVolumes[j];
                        sumVl += Bars.TickVolumes[j];
                        VWAP[j] = sumP / sumVl;
            else if (IsLastBar && ArrowCreated == 1)
                double sumP = 0.0;
                double sumVl = 0.0;
                for (int j = 0; j < Chart.BarsTotal; j++)
                    if (Bars.OpenTimes[j] >= IconTime)
                        sumP += VWAPTPrice[j] * Bars.TickVolumes[j];
                        sumVl += Bars.TickVolumes[j];
                        VWAP[j] = sumP / sumVl;


        void OnChartObjectUpdated(ChartObjectUpdatedEventArgs obj)
            if (obj.ChartObject.ObjectType == ChartObjectType.Icon)
                var VWAP_Name = "VWAP-Arrow" + VWAPNumber;
                if (obj.ChartObject.Name == VWAP_Name)
        private void UpdateIconOne()
            double sumP = 0.0;
            double sumVl = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < Chart.BarsTotal; i++)
                VWAP[i] = double.NaN;
            ArrowCreated = 1;
            if (IconExists)
                IconTime = VWAPIcon.Time;
                VWAPIcon.Color = ArrowColor.ToString();
                VWAPIcon.IconType = IconStyle;
                IconTime = Arrow.Time;
                Arrow.Color = ArrowColor.ToString();
                Arrow.IconType = IconStyle;
            for (int j = 0; j < Chart.BarsTotal; j++)
                if (Bars.OpenTimes[j] >= IconTime)
                    sumP += VWAPTPrice[j] * Bars.TickVolumes[j];
                    sumVl += Bars.TickVolumes[j];
                    VWAP[j] = sumP / sumVl;

TraderExperto's avatar

Joined on 07.06.2019

  • Distribution: Free
  • Language: C#
  • Trading platform: cTrader Automate
  • File name: Anchored VWAP Experto.algo
  • Rating: 5
  • Installs: 5093
  • Modified: 13/10/2021 09:54
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shabghahi.s · 5 months ago

dont work very well , is better if you give to choose date in setting 

stdujer · 10 months ago

Excellent! Thank you

dryfirewoodd · 1 year ago

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caputojr · 2 years ago

Hey man, which volume profile is this you are using on the second image?
