Warning! This section will be deprecated on February 1st 2025. Please move all your Indicators to the cTrader Store catalogue.
This is a simple indicator. It shows the PnL in %. I think it makes much more sense than a value, but cTrader hasn't implemented something that simple.
Updated: It now also shows the PnL of the whole account.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
namespace cAlgo
[Indicator(IsOverlay = true, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class PLPercentage : Indicator
public override void Calculate(int index)
if (IsLastBar)
private void DisplayPLOnChart()
var symbolPositions = Positions.Where(t => t.SymbolCode == Symbol.Code);
var symbolPnL = Math.Round(100 * symbolPositions.Sum(t => t.NetProfit) / Account.Balance, 2);
var accountPnL = Math.Round(100 * Positions.Sum(t => t.NetProfit) / Account.Balance, 2);
var symbolTextDisplayed = Symbol.Code + " PnL: " + symbolPnL + "% ";
ChartObjects.DrawText(Symbol.Code + "_SymbolPnL", symbolTextDisplayed, StaticPosition.TopRight, symbolPnL >= 0 ? Colors.Green : Colors.Red);
var accountTextDisplayed = "\nAccount PnL: " + accountPnL + "% ";
ChartObjects.DrawText(Symbol.Code + "_AccountPnL", accountTextDisplayed, StaticPosition.TopRight, accountPnL >= 0 ? Colors.Green : Colors.Red);
Joined on 20.08.2016
- Distribution: Free
- Language: C#
- Trading platform: cTrader Automate
- File name: PL Percentage.algo
- Rating: 5
- Installs: 3523
- Modified: 13/10/2021 09:54
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Great stuff.
I've updated to meet with the evolution of the API and stop throwing "obsolete" warnings.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
namespace cAlgo
[Indicator(IsOverlay = true, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class PLPercentageupdated : Indicator
public override void Calculate(int index)
if (IsLastBar)
private void DisplayPLOnChart()
var symbolPositions = Positions.Where(t => t.SymbolName == Symbol.Name);
var symbolPnL = Math.Round(100 * symbolPositions.Sum(t => t.NetProfit) / Account.Balance, 2);
var accountPnL = Math.Round(100 * Positions.Sum(t => t.NetProfit) / Account.Balance, 2);
var symbolTextDisplayed = SymbolName + " PnL: " + symbolPnL + "% ";
Chart.DrawStaticText("Symbol PnL", symbolTextDisplayed, VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment.Right, symbolPnL >= 0 ? Color.Green : Color.Red);
var accountTextDisplayed = "\nAccount PnL: " + accountPnL + "% ";
Chart.DrawStaticText("Account PnL", accountTextDisplayed, VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment.Right, accountPnL >= 0 ? Color.Green : Color.Red);