The cBot will open trades after breakout of previous bars. Strong money management, Primary SL & Reversal Trailing algorithm.
Risk Per Trade based on the distance between Entry-price & Primary SL and also you can use manual lot-size by Risk per trade 0.
//| Smart Kestrel.cBot |
//| Version 7.4 |
//| Copyright 2016, MD SAIF. |
//| |
using System;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
namespace cAlgo
[Robot(TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class HL : Robot
[Parameter("Safety Limit", DefaultValue = 0.0)]
public double SafetyLimit { get; set; }
[Parameter("Max Spread", DefaultValue = 3.0)]
public double MaxSpread { get; set; }
[Parameter("Risk Per Trade", DefaultValue = 0.0)]
public double RiskPerTrade { get; set; }
[Parameter("Lot Size", DefaultValue = 0.01, MinValue = 0.01, Step = 0.01)]
public double LotSize { get; set; }
[Parameter("Bars Count", DefaultValue = 12, MinValue = 1)]
public int BarsCount { get; set; }
[Parameter("Hour To Hour", DefaultValue = false)]
public bool HourToHour { get; set; }
[Parameter("Start Hour", DefaultValue = 8, MaxValue = 23)]
public int StartHour { get; set; }
[Parameter("Stop Hour", DefaultValue = 18, MaxValue = 23)]
public int StopHour { get; set; }
[Parameter("Primary SL", DefaultValue = 20.0)]
public double PrimarySL { get; set; }
[Parameter("Reversal SL", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool ReversalSL { get; set; }
[Parameter("Reversal Trailing", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool ReversalTrailing { get; set; }
[Parameter("Calculate By Pip", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool CalculateByPip { get; set; }
private string Label = "kestrel";
private bool st_45 = true;
private double highest = 0.0;
private double lowest = 0.0;
private double spread = 0.0;
private double pnt_3;
private string stop_case = "";
private bool c_hour = true;
private double primary_sl = 0.0;
private bool safety_limit;
//| cBot initialization function |
protected override void OnStart()
if (CalculateByPip)
pnt_3 = Symbol.PipSize;
primary_sl = PrimarySL;
pnt_3 = Symbol.TickSize;
if (Symbol.Digits % 2 == 1)
primary_sl = Math.Round(PrimarySL / 10.0, 1);
primary_sl = PrimarySL;
//| cBot tick function |
protected override void OnTick()
spread = Sz(Symbol.Ask, Symbol.Bid);
safety_limit = Account.Balance > SafetyLimit && Account.Equity > SafetyLimit;
c_hour = GetTradingHour();
if (spread <= MaxSpread && c_hour && st_45 && safety_limit)
var AllPos = Positions.FindAll(Label, Symbol);
if (AllPos.Length == 0)
var BuyPos = Positions.Find(Label, Symbol, TradeType.Buy);
if (BuyPos != null)
if (PrimarySL > 0.0)
if (ReversalSL || ReversalTrailing)
var SellPos = Positions.Find(Label, Symbol, TradeType.Sell);
if (SellPos != null)
if (PrimarySL > 0.0)
if (ReversalSL || ReversalTrailing)
string ld_10 = ChartComment();
ChartObjects.DrawText("pan", ld_10, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.DeepPink);
//| cBot Error Function |
protected override void OnError(Error error)
if (error.Code == ErrorCode.NoMoney)
Print("Order opening stopped because: not enough money");
stop_case = "Not enough money";
st_45 = false;
//| cBot deinitialization function |
protected override void OnStop()
//| Setup highest and lowest price of counted bars |
private void RobotEngine()
if (MarketSeries.Close.Count - 5 > BarsCount)
highest = MarketSeries.High.Maximum(BarsCount);
lowest = MarketSeries.Low.Minimum(BarsCount);
ChartObjects.DrawLine("hln", MarketSeries.OpenTime.Last(BarsCount), highest, MarketSeries.OpenTime.LastValue, highest, Colors.DeepPink, 1, LineStyle.Solid);
ChartObjects.DrawLine("lln", MarketSeries.OpenTime.Last(BarsCount), lowest, MarketSeries.OpenTime.LastValue, lowest, Colors.DeepPink, 1, LineStyle.Solid);
Print("Not enough bars loaded for bar_count function");
//| Trade setup function |
private void SendOrder()
bool sell_eng = lowest > 0.0 && Symbol.Bid <= lowest;
bool buy_eng = highest > 0.0 && Symbol.Bid >= highest;
if (sell_eng)
if (!OrderSend(TradeType.Sell, primary_sl).IsSuccessful)
Print("Sell opening error at: ", Symbol.Bid, ", ", LastResult.Error);
else if (buy_eng)
if (!OrderSend(TradeType.Buy, primary_sl).IsSuccessful)
Print("Buy opening error at: ", Symbol.Ask, ", ", LastResult.Error);
//| Order send command |
private TradeResult OrderSend(TradeType type, double sl)
long ivol = VolumeSetup();
return (ExecuteMarketOrder(type, Symbol, ivol, Label, sl, 0));
//| SLTP management of buy positions |
private void BuyManager(int id_m)
foreach (var position in Positions)
if (position.Label == Label && position.SymbolCode == Symbol.Code)
if (position.TradeType == TradeType.Buy)
switch (id_m)
case 2:
double li_16 = Nd(position.EntryPrice - PrimarySL * pnt_3);
if (Symbol.Bid > li_16)
if (position.StopLoss < li_16 || position.StopLoss == null)
if (!ModifyPosition(position, li_16, position.TakeProfit).IsSuccessful)
Print("Buy 'Primary SL' error at: ", li_16, ", ", LastResult.Error);
case 3:
double li_16 = Nd(lowest);
if (Symbol.Bid > li_16)
if (position.StopLoss < li_16 || position.StopLoss == null)
if (!ModifyPosition(position, li_16, position.TakeProfit).IsSuccessful)
Print("Buy 'Reversal SL/Reversal Trailing' error at: ", li_16, ", ", LastResult.Error);
//| SLTP management of sell positions |
private void SellManager(int id_m)
foreach (var position in Positions)
if (position.Label == Label && position.SymbolCode == Symbol.Code)
if (position.TradeType == TradeType.Sell)
switch (id_m)
case 2:
double li_16 = Nd(position.EntryPrice + PrimarySL * pnt_3);
if (Symbol.Ask < li_16)
if (position.StopLoss > li_16 || position.StopLoss == null)
if (!ModifyPosition(position, li_16, position.TakeProfit).IsSuccessful)
Print("Sell 'Primary SL' error at: ", li_16, ", ", LastResult.Error);
case 3:
double li_16 = Nd(highest);
if (Symbol.Ask < li_16)
if (position.StopLoss > li_16 || position.StopLoss == null)
if (!ModifyPosition(position, li_16, position.TakeProfit).IsSuccessful)
Print("Sell 'Reversal SL/Reversal Trailing' error at: ", li_16, ", ", LastResult.Error);
//| Volume setup function |
private long VolumeSetup()
long Lq_52 = Symbol.NormalizeVolume(Symbol.QuantityToVolume(LotSize), RoundingMode.ToNearest);
if (RiskPerTrade > 0.0 && PrimarySL > 0.0)
double minb = Nd(Symbol.Bid - PrimarySL * pnt_3);
double sl = Math.Round(Symbol.Bid / Symbol.TickSize) - Math.Round(minb / Symbol.TickSize);
double TickValue = Symbol.TickValue;
double tick_lot = RiskPerTrade / (sl * TickValue);
Lq_52 = Symbol.NormalizeVolume(tick_lot, RoundingMode.ToNearest);
Lq_52 = Math.Max(Lq_52, Symbol.VolumeMin);
Lq_52 = Math.Min(Lq_52, Symbol.VolumeMax);
return (Lq_52);
//| Get Trading hour |
private bool GetTradingHour()
bool h_res = true;
if (HourToHour)
if (StartHour != StopHour)
if ((StopHour > StartHour && Time.Hour >= StartHour && Time.Hour < StopHour) || (StartHour > StopHour && (Time.Hour >= StartHour || Time.Hour < StopHour)))
h_res = true;
h_res = false;
stop_case = "Start-hour and stop-hour must be different value\n";
st_45 = false;
h_res = false;
return (h_res);
//| Normalize broker digits |
private double Nd(double par_a)
return (Math.Round(par_a, Symbol.Digits));
//| Size adjustment function |
double Sz(double ad_12, double ad_20)
return (Math.Round(ad_12 / pnt_3) - Math.Round(ad_20 / pnt_3));
//| Comments of chart |
private string ChartComment()
string ch_25 = "\nSMART KESTREL\\n";
if (!safety_limit)
ch_25 = ch_25 + "Safety-limit exceeded\n";
if (spread > MaxSpread)
ch_25 = ch_25 + "Max-spread exceeded\n";
if (!st_45)
ch_25 = ch_25 + "Order opening stopped because: " + stop_case + "\n";
if (!c_hour)
ch_25 = ch_25 + "Not trading hour\n";
if (RiskPerTrade > 0.0 && PrimarySL == 0.0)
ch_25 = ch_25 + "Risk-per-trade will not works if primary-sl is zero\n";
return (ch_25);
//----------------------------THE END--------------------------------+
Joined on 06.10.2016
- Distribution: Free
- Language: C#
- Trading platform: cTrader Automate
- File name: Smart Kestrel.algo
- Rating: 2
- Installs: 39461
- Modified: 13/10/2021 09:54
For anyone don't waste your time to try it
interesting bot,
would be useful to insert the possibility to set take profit and a small guide about the parameters
robot more trash
thanks for bot
but im cannot finde porfitable parametrs ,please help me to find it
thank you
thanks for the interesting bot.
I run an optimization on this bot but cannot find the correct profitable parameters.
Its interesting to see its reach over 9k download over short period of time
не трать время