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MAMA Histogram, an occilator accelerator based on the famous MAMA indicator
Have fun, and for any collaboration, contact me !!!
On telegram : https://t.me/nimi012 (direct messaging)
On Discord: https://discord.gg/jNg7BSCh (I advise you to come and see, Money management strategies and Signals Strategies !)
using System;
using cAlgo.API;
namespace cAlgo.Indicators
[Indicator(IsOverlay = false, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class Mama : Indicator
#region Input Parameters
[Parameter("FastLimit", DefaultValue = 0.5)]
public double FastLimit { get; set; }
[Parameter("SlowLimit", DefaultValue = 0.05)]
public double SlowLimit { get; set; }
[Output("White", PlotType = PlotType.Histogram, LineColor = "White", Thickness = 4)]
public IndicatorDataSeries White { get; set; }
[Output("Up Bullish", PlotType = PlotType.Histogram, LineColor = "Lime", Thickness = 4)]
public IndicatorDataSeries StrongBullish { get; set; }
[Output("Down Bullish", PlotType = PlotType.Histogram, LineColor = "Green", Thickness = 4)]
public IndicatorDataSeries WeakBullish { get; set; }
[Output("Down Bearish", PlotType = PlotType.Histogram, LineColor = "Red", Thickness = 4)]
public IndicatorDataSeries StrongBearish { get; set; }
[Output("Up Bearish", PlotType = PlotType.Histogram, LineColor = "DarkSalmon", Thickness = 4)]
public IndicatorDataSeries WeakBearish { get; set; }
#region private fields
private IndicatorDataSeries _alpha;
private IndicatorDataSeries _deltaPhase;
private IndicatorDataSeries _detrender;
private IndicatorDataSeries _i1;
private IndicatorDataSeries _i2;
private IndicatorDataSeries _im;
private IndicatorDataSeries _ji;
private IndicatorDataSeries _jq;
private IndicatorDataSeries _period;
private IndicatorDataSeries _period1;
private IndicatorDataSeries _period2;
private IndicatorDataSeries _phase;
private IndicatorDataSeries _price;
private IndicatorDataSeries _q1;
private IndicatorDataSeries _q2;
private IndicatorDataSeries _re;
private IndicatorDataSeries _smooth;
private IndicatorDataSeries _smoothPeriod;
private IndicatorDataSeries MamaResult;
private IndicatorDataSeries FamaResult;
protected override void Initialize()
_price = CreateDataSeries();
_smooth = CreateDataSeries();
_detrender = CreateDataSeries();
_period = CreateDataSeries();
_period1 = CreateDataSeries();
_period2 = CreateDataSeries();
_smoothPeriod = CreateDataSeries();
_phase = CreateDataSeries();
_deltaPhase = CreateDataSeries();
_alpha = CreateDataSeries();
_q1 = CreateDataSeries();
_i1 = CreateDataSeries();
_ji = CreateDataSeries();
_jq = CreateDataSeries();
_i2 = CreateDataSeries();
_q2 = CreateDataSeries();
_re = CreateDataSeries();
_im = CreateDataSeries();
MamaResult = CreateDataSeries();
FamaResult = CreateDataSeries();
public override void Calculate(int index)
if (index <= 5)
MamaResult[index] = 0;
FamaResult[index] = 0;
_price[index] = (Bars.HighPrices[index] + Bars.LowPrices[index]) / 2;
_smooth[index] = 0;
_detrender[index] = 0;
_period[index] = 0;
_smoothPeriod[index] = 0;
_phase[index] = 0;
_deltaPhase[index] = 0;
_alpha[index] = 0;
_q1[index] = 0;
_i1[index] = 0;
_ji[index] = 0;
_jq[index] = 0;
_i2[index] = 0;
_q2[index] = 0;
_re[index] = 0;
_im[index] = 0;
_price[index] = (Bars.HighPrices[index] + Bars.LowPrices[index]) / 2;
_smooth[index] = (4 * _price[index] + 3 * _price[index - 1] + 2 * _price[index - 2] + _price[index - 3]) / 10;
_detrender[index] = (0.0962 * _smooth[index] + 0.5769 * _smooth[index - 2] - 0.5769 * _smooth[index - 4] - 0.0962 * _smooth[index - 6]) * (0.075 * _period[index - 1] + 0.54);
// Compute InPhase and Quadrature components
_q1[index] = (0.0962 * _detrender[index] + 0.5769 * _detrender[index - 2] - 0.5769 * _detrender[index - 4] - 0.0962 * _detrender[index - 6]) * (0.075 * _period[index - 1] + 0.54);
_i1[index] = _detrender[index - 3];
// Advance the phase of I1 and Q1 by 90 degrees
_ji[index] = (0.0962 * _i1[index] + 0.5769 * _i1[index - 2] - 0.5769 * _i1[index - 4] - 0.0962 * _i1[index - 6]) * (0.075 * _period[index - 1] + 0.54);
_jq[index] = (0.0962 * _q1[index] + 0.5769 * _q1[index - 2] - 0.5769 * _q1[index - 4] - 0.0962 * _q1[index - 6]) * (0.075 * _period[index - 1] + 0.54);
// Phasor addition for 3 bar averaging
_i2[index] = _i1[index] - _jq[index];
_q2[index] = _q1[index] + _ji[index];
// Smooth the I and Q components before applying the discriminator
_i2[index] = 0.2 * _i2[index] + 0.8 * _i2[index - 1];
_q2[index] = 0.2 * _q2[index] + 0.8 * _q2[index - 1];
// Homodyne Discriminator
_re[index] = _i2[index] * _i2[index - 1] + _q2[index] * _q2[index - 1];
_im[index] = _i2[index] * _q2[index - 1] - _q2[index] * _i2[index - 1];
_re[index] = 0.2 * _re[index] + 0.8 * _re[index - 1];
_im[index] = 0.2 * _im[index] + 0.8 * _im[index - 1];
double epsilon = Math.Pow(10, -10);
if (Math.Abs(_im[index] - 0.0) > epsilon && Math.Abs(_re[index] - 0.0) > epsilon)
if (Math.Abs(Math.Atan(_im[index] / _re[index]) - 0.0) > epsilon)
_period[index] = 360 / Math.Atan(_im[index] / _re[index]);
_period[index] = 0;
if (_period[index] > 1.5 * _period[index - 1])
_period[index] = 1.5 * _period[index - 1];
if (_period[index] < 0.67 * _period[index - 1])
_period[index] = 0.67 * _period[index - 1];
if (_period[index] < 6)
_period[index] = 6;
if (_period[index] > 50)
_period[index] = 50;
_period[index] = 0.2 * _period[index] + 0.8 * _period[index - 1];
_smoothPeriod[index] = 0.33 * _period[index] + 0.67 * _smoothPeriod[index - 1];
if (Math.Abs(_i1[index] - 0) > epsilon)
_phase[index] = Math.Atan(_q1[index] / _i1[index]);
if (Math.Abs(Math.Atan(_q1[index] / _i1[index]) - 0.0) > epsilon)
_phase[index] = Math.Atan(_q1[index] / _i1[index]);
_phase[index] = 0;
_deltaPhase[index] = _phase[index - 1] - _phase[index];
if (_deltaPhase[index] < 1)
_deltaPhase[index] = 1;
_alpha[index] = FastLimit / _deltaPhase[index];
if (_alpha[index] < SlowLimit)
_alpha[index] = SlowLimit;
MamaResult[index] = _alpha[index] * _price[index] + ((1 - _alpha[index]) * MamaResult[index - 1]);
FamaResult[index] = 0.5 * _alpha[index] * MamaResult[index] + (1 - 0.5 * _alpha[index]) * FamaResult[index - 1];
double HistogramValue = MamaResult[index] - FamaResult[index];
double prevHistogramValue = MamaResult[index - 1] - FamaResult[index - 1];
if (HistogramValue > 0)
if (prevHistogramValue >= HistogramValue)
WeakBullish[index] = HistogramValue;
StrongBullish[index] = 0;
WeakBearish[index] = 0;
StrongBearish[index] = 0;
White[index] = 0;
StrongBullish[index] = HistogramValue;
WeakBullish[index] = 0;
WeakBearish[index] = 0;
StrongBearish[index] = 0;
White[index] = 0;
else if (HistogramValue < -0)
if (HistogramValue <= prevHistogramValue)
StrongBearish[index] = HistogramValue;
WeakBearish[index] = 0;
StrongBullish[index] = 0;
WeakBullish[index] = 0;
White[index] = 0;
WeakBearish[index] = HistogramValue;
StrongBearish[index] = 0;
StrongBullish[index] = 0;
WeakBullish[index] = 0;
White[index] = 0;
if (HistogramValue <= prevHistogramValue)
White[index] = HistogramValue;
WeakBearish[index] = 0;
WeakBearish[index] = 0;
StrongBullish[index] = 0;
WeakBullish[index] = 0;
WeakBearish[index] = 0;
White[index] = HistogramValue;
StrongBearish[index] = 0;
StrongBullish[index] = 0;
WeakBullish[index] = 0;
Joined on 10.10.2022 Blocked
- Distribution: Free
- Language: C#
- Trading platform: cTrader Automate
- File name: MAMA HISTOGRAM.algo
- Rating: 5
- Installs: 465
- Modified: 11/09/2023 13:01
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