This is a Simple tool that Shows the Time Zones from main Market's Cities Like New York, London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Sydney, Hong Kong and New Zealand and as well as your Local Time Zone in Real Time. This tool is great to monitor in real time the different hours, and follow the exact time that different Markets participants enter in their markets to play. Consider for instance that you're in Europe and trading the Dax and you monitor the New York time zone, and you prepare yourself for a much higher volatility to enter the markets cause New York players are entering the game at somewhere between 8:00 am New York Time.
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Collections;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
namespace cAlgo
[Indicator(IsOverlay = true, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class ClockTimeZones : Indicator
[Parameter("Horizontal Position", DefaultValue = HorizontalAlignment.Left)]
public HorizontalAlignment HorizontalPos { get; set; }
[Parameter("Vertical Position", DefaultValue = VerticalAlignment.Bottom)]
public VerticalAlignment VerticalPos { get; set; }
[Parameter("Local Time", Group = "Local Time Zone", DefaultValue = false)]
public bool LocaltimeOption { get; set; }
[Parameter("New York Time", Group = "New York Time Zone" , DefaultValue = true)]
public bool NewyorktimeOption { get; set; }
[Parameter("London Time", Group = "London Time Zone", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool LondontimeOption { get; set; }
[Parameter("Frankfurt Time", Group = "Frankfurt Time Zone", DefaultValue = false)]
public bool FrankfurttimeOption { get; set; }
[Parameter("Hong Kong Time", Group = "Hong Kong Time Zone", DefaultValue = false)]
public bool HongKongtimeOption { get; set; }
[Parameter("Tokyo Time", Group = "Tokyo Time Zone", DefaultValue = false)]
public bool TokyotimeOption { get; set; }
[Parameter("Sydney Time", Group = "Sydney Time Zone", DefaultValue = false)]
public bool SydneytimeOption { get; set; }
[Parameter("New Zealand Time", Group = "New Zealand Time Zone", DefaultValue = false)]
public bool NewZealandtimeOption { get; set; }
public DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;
public DateTime utcTime;
public DateTime NewYorkTime;
public DateTime LondonTime;
public DateTime FrankfurtTime;
public DateTime HongKongTime;
public DateTime TokyoTime;
public DateTime SydneyTime;
public DateTime NewZealandTime;
public DateTime LocalTime;
public StackPanel NewYorkStack;
public TextBlock newYorkText;
public Border NewYorkBorder;
public StackPanel LondonStack;
public TextBlock LondonText;
public Border LondonBorder;
public StackPanel FrankfurtStack;
public TextBlock FrankfurtText;
public Border FrankfurtBorder;
public StackPanel HongKongStack;
public TextBlock HongKongText;
public Border HongKongBorder;
public StackPanel TokyoStack;
public TextBlock TokyoText;
public Border TokyoBorder;
public StackPanel SydneyStack;
public TextBlock SydneyText;
public Border SydneyBorder;
public StackPanel NewZealandStack;
public TextBlock NewZealandText;
public Border NewZealandBorder;
public StackPanel LocalTimeStack;
public TextBlock LocalTimeText;
public Border LocalTimeBorder;
public StackPanel mainStack;
Dictionary<string, Border> SelectedClocks = new Dictionary<string, Border>();
protected override void Initialize()
Timer.TimerTick += OnTimerTick;
public override void Calculate(int index)
private void OnTimerTick()
currentTime = DateTime.Now;
NewYorkTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(currentTime, TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id, "Eastern Standard Time");
newYorkText.Text = " New York " + NewYorkTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss");
LondonTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(currentTime, TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id, "GMT Standard Time");
LondonText.Text = " London " + LondonTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss");
FrankfurtTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(currentTime, TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id, "W. Europe Standard Time");
FrankfurtText.Text = "Frankfurt " + FrankfurtTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss");
HongKongTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(currentTime, TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id, "China Standard Time");
HongKongText.Text = "Hong Kong " + HongKongTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss");
TokyoTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(currentTime, TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id, "Tokyo Standard Time");
TokyoText.Text = " Tokyo " + TokyoTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss");
SydneyTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(currentTime, TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id, "AUS Eastern Standard Time");
SydneyText.Text = " Sydney " + SydneyTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss");
NewZealandTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(currentTime, TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id, "New Zealand Standard Time");
NewZealandText.Text = "NewZealand " + NewZealandTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss");
LocalTime = currentTime.ToLocalTime();
LocalTimeText.Text = "Local Time " + LocalTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss");
public void CheckSelectedClocks()
LocalTimeText = new TextBlock()
Padding = "15 10 10 10",
Text = "Local Time " + LocalTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"),
ForegroundColor = "White",
FontSize = 20,
FontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
FontFamily = "Digital-7"
LocalTimeStack = new StackPanel()
BackgroundColor = "Transparent",
Width = 185,
Height = 45,
LocalTimeBorder = new Border()
BackgroundColor = "D21C1B21",
BorderColor = Color.LightSlateGray,
BorderThickness = 1,
CornerRadius = 5,
Width = 185,
Height = 40,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
Margin = "0 0 0 1",
Child = LocalTimeStack
SelectedClocks.Add("LocalTime", LocalTimeBorder);
newYorkText = new TextBlock()
Padding = "15 10 10 10",
Text = "New York " + NewYorkTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"),
ForegroundColor = "White",
FontSize = 20,
FontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
FontFamily = "Digital-7"
NewYorkStack = new StackPanel()
BackgroundColor = "Transparent",
Width = 185,
Height = 45,
NewYorkBorder = new Border()
BackgroundColor = "D21C1B21",
BorderColor = Color.LightSlateGray,
BorderThickness = 1,
CornerRadius = 5,
Width = 185,
Height = 40,
VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
Child = NewYorkStack
SelectedClocks.Add("NewYork", NewYorkBorder);
LondonText = new TextBlock()
Padding = "15 10 10 10",
Text = " London " + LondonTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"),
ForegroundColor = "White",
FontSize = 20,
FontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
FontFamily = "Digital-7"
LondonStack = new StackPanel()
BackgroundColor = "Transparent",
Width = 185,
Height = 40,
LondonBorder = new Border()
BackgroundColor = "D21C1B21",
BorderColor = Color.LightSlateGray,
BorderThickness = 1,
CornerRadius = 5,
Width = 185,
Height = 40,
VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
Child = LondonStack
SelectedClocks.Add("London", LondonBorder);
FrankfurtText = new TextBlock()
Padding = "14 10 10 10",
Text = "Frankfurt " + FrankfurtTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"),
ForegroundColor = "White",
FontSize = 20,
FontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
FontFamily = "Digital-7"
FrankfurtStack = new StackPanel()
BackgroundColor = "Transparent",
Width = 185,
Height = 40,
FrankfurtBorder = new Border()
BackgroundColor = "D21C1B21",
BorderColor = Color.LightSlateGray,
BorderThickness = 1,
CornerRadius = 5,
Width = 185,
Height = 40,
VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
Child = FrankfurtStack
SelectedClocks.Add("Frankfurt", FrankfurtBorder);
HongKongText = new TextBlock()
Padding = "12 10 10 10",
Text = "Hong Kong " + HongKongTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"),
ForegroundColor = "White",
FontSize = 20,
FontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
FontFamily = "Digital-7"
HongKongStack = new StackPanel()
BackgroundColor = "Transparent",
Width = 185,
Height = 40,
HongKongBorder = new Border()
BackgroundColor = "D21C1B21",
BorderColor = Color.LightSlateGray,
BorderThickness = 1,
CornerRadius = 5,
Width = 185,
Height = 40,
VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
Child = HongKongStack
SelectedClocks.Add("HongKong", HongKongBorder);
TokyoText = new TextBlock()
Padding = "10 10 10 10",
Text = " Tokyo " + TokyoTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"),
ForegroundColor = "White",
FontSize = 20,
FontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
FontFamily = "Digital-7"
TokyoStack = new StackPanel()
BackgroundColor = "Transparent",
Width = 185,
Height = 40,
TokyoBorder = new Border()
BackgroundColor = "D21C1B21",
BorderColor = Color.LightSlateGray,
BorderThickness = 1,
CornerRadius = 5,
Width = 185,
Height = 40,
VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
Child = TokyoStack
SelectedClocks.Add("Tokyo", TokyoBorder);
SydneyText = new TextBlock()
Padding = "10 10 10 10",
Text = " Sydney " + SydneyTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"),
ForegroundColor = "White",
FontSize = 20,
FontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
FontFamily = "Digital-7"
SydneyStack = new StackPanel()
BackgroundColor = "Transparent",
Width = 185,
Height = 40,
SydneyBorder = new Border()
BackgroundColor = "D21C1B21",
BorderColor = Color.LightSlateGray,
BorderThickness = 1,
CornerRadius = 5,
Width = 185,
Height = 40,
VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
Child = SydneyStack
SelectedClocks.Add("Sydney", SydneyBorder);
NewZealandText = new TextBlock()
Padding = "6 10 10 10",
Text = "NewZealand " + NewZealandTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"),
ForegroundColor = "White",
FontSize = 19,
FontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
FontFamily = "Digital-7"
NewZealandStack = new StackPanel()
BackgroundColor = "Transparent",
Width = 185,
Height = 40,
NewZealandBorder = new Border()
BackgroundColor = "D21C1B21",
BorderColor = Color.LightSlateGray,
BorderThickness = 1,
CornerRadius = 5,
Width = 185,
Height = 40,
VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
Child = NewZealandStack
SelectedClocks.Add("NewZealand", NewZealandBorder);
public void GenerateClocks()
mainStack = new StackPanel()
Width = 190,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalPos,
VerticalAlignment = VerticalPos
var clockGrid = new Grid(SelectedClocks.Count,1)
Margin = "2 2 2 10"
for(int i = 0; i < SelectedClocks.Count; i++)
var item = SelectedClocks.ElementAt(i);
var obj = item;
clockGrid.AddChild(obj.Value, i, 0);
Joined on 07.06.2019
- Distribution: Free
- Language: C#
- Trading platform: cTrader Automate
- File name: Clock Time Zones.algo
- Rating: 5
- Installs: 2315
- Modified: 13/11/2022 20:58
Thank you. On your next update could you please include the possibility to change the font sizes?