Last Update -> 12/12/2024
Previous Downloads: 3747+
See also -->> Volume Profile v2.0 <<--
See also -->> Weis & Wyckoff System v2.0 <<--
What's new in v2.0?
- Added Params Panel for quickly switch between settings (TPO modes, row height, interval, etc) as well as more user-friendly.
- Refactor to only use Colors API
- Should work with Mac OS users.
- .NET 6.0+ is Required
- Preset Settings: Optimized for most assets (Currencies/Metals/Indices) focusing on Precision/Performance Balance, and of course it's not possible to cover everything, but you can Customize if you need to.
Presets from 1m to 3 days (Timeframe) - TPO Divided into Colums: Just like in the books.
- Custom TPO Interval/rowHeight: - Want more accuracy at the cost of more processing or just a custom TPO? You can have both.
- Low Resource Usage: Despite being made to run on a Celeron 1.50hz, still use common sense when customizing the TPO.
Tip: Value Area disabled and LineStyle=Solid givens High Performance
Set your cTrader Timezone to GMT+3 if you want to sync the cTrader's Period Separator with TPO Session.
========= UPDATE =========
- 12/12/2024 - Version 2.0
- Removed Squares/Pseudo-Histogram styles
- Removed POC Migration
- Removed BySession
- Great Refactor
- 16/11/2022 - A "new" and correct way of segmentation has been added, where there is no more "repaint/flicker" when a new high was formed in Live Market.
The old wrong segmentation has been replaced by this one. - 01/10/2022 - Fixed (by Session) when in Live Market
- 30/09/2022 - Added Real Histogram(also, by Session) and "Show LSH" Option
- 10/09/2022:
- Added POC Migration
- Fixed critical issue: An Empty field occurred when a new lowest was formed during the Live Market Session.
This fix changed the entire vital structure of code and increased CPU usage while in Live Market,
to lessen the impact of this on performance, the TPO will be updated when the price moves half of the defined rowHeight - Some minor improvements
To see the images clearly, right click inside the image and open in new tab
TPO Profile v2.0
It is VISUALLY BASED on the best TPO/Market Profile for MT4
(riv-ay-TPOChart.v102-06 and riv-ay-MarketProfileDWM.v131-2)
--Preset Settings:
Optimized for most assets (Currencies/Metals/Indices) focusing on Precision/Performance Balance,
and of course it can't cover everything, but you can Customize if you need to.
--TPO Divided into Colums
Just like in the books.
--Custom TPO Interval/rowHeight
Want more accuracy at the cost of more processing or just a custom TPO?
You can have both.
.NET 6.0+ is Required
What's new in v2.0?
-Added Params Panel for quickly switch between settings (TPO modes, row height, interval, etc) and most importantly, more user-friendly.
-Refactor to only use Colors API + it was a mess.
-Should work with Mac OS users.
AUTHOR: srlcarlg
== DON"T BE an ASSHOLE SELLING this FREE and OPEN-SOURCE indicator ==
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using static cAlgo.TPOProfileV20;
namespace cAlgo
[Indicator(IsOverlay = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class TPOProfileV20 : Indicator
public enum PanelAlignData
[Parameter("Panel Position:", DefaultValue = PanelAlignData.Bottom_Right, Group = "==== TPO Profile v2.0 ====")]
public PanelAlignData PanelAlignInput { get; set; }
public enum StyleTypeData
[Parameter("[Aggr]Style:", DefaultValue = StyleTypeData.Histogram, Group = "==== TPO Profile v2.0 ====")]
public StyleTypeData StyleTypeInput { get; set; }
public enum ConfigRowData
[Parameter("Config:", DefaultValue = ConfigRowData.Predefined, Group = "==== Config ====")]
public ConfigRowData ConfigRowInput { get; set; }
[Parameter("Custom Interval:", DefaultValue = "Daily", Group = "==== Config ====")]
public TimeFrame CustomInterval { get; set; }
[Parameter("Custom Row Height:", DefaultValue = 1, MinValue = 0.2, Group = "==== Config ====")]
public double CustomHeight { get; set; }
public enum HistWidthData
[Parameter("Histogram Width(%)", DefaultValue = HistWidthData._50, Group = "==== Histogram Settings ====")]
public HistWidthData HistWidthInput { get; set; }
[Parameter("Fill Histogram?", DefaultValue = true, Group = "==== Histogram Settings ====")]
public bool FillHist { get; set; }
[Parameter("Show OHLC Bar?", DefaultValue = true, Group = "==== Other settings ====")]
public bool ShowOHLC { get; set; }
[Parameter("Extended VAs?", DefaultValue = false, Group = "==== Other settings ====")]
public bool ExtendVA { get; set; }
[Parameter("[Aggr]Automatic FontSize?", DefaultValue = true , Group = "==== Other settings ====")]
public bool AutoFontSize { get; set; }
[Parameter("[Aggr]Fixed Font Size:", DefaultValue = 12, MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 80, Group = "==== Other settings ====")]
public int FixedFontSize { get; set; }
[Parameter("[Aggr]Spacing?:", DefaultValue = false, Group ="==== Other settings ====")]
public bool SpacingBetween { get; set; }
[Parameter("Histogram Color:", DefaultValue = "#6087CEEB", Group = "==== Colors Histogram ====")]
public Color HistColor { get; set; }
[Parameter("Histogram inside VA:", DefaultValue = "#7F00BFFF", Group = "==== Colors Histogram ====")]
public Color HistColorVA { get; set; }
[Parameter("OHLC Bar Color:", DefaultValue = "Gray", Group = "==== Colors Histogram ====")]
public Color ColorOHLC { get; set; }
[Parameter("Color POC:", DefaultValue = "D0FFD700", Group = "==== Point of Control ====")]
public Color ColorPOC { get; set; }
[Parameter("LineStyle POC:", DefaultValue = LineStyle.Lines, Group = "==== Point of Control ====")]
public LineStyle LineStylePOC { get; set; }
[Parameter("Thickness POC:", DefaultValue = 2, MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 5, Group = "==== Point of Control ====")]
public int ThicknessPOC { get; set; }
[Parameter("Color VA:", DefaultValue = "#19F0F8FF", Group = "==== Value Area ====")]
public Color ColorVA { get; set; }
[Parameter("Color VAH:", DefaultValue = "PowderBlue" , Group = "==== Value Area ====")]
public Color ColorVAH { get; set; }
[Parameter("Color VAL:", DefaultValue = "PowderBlue", Group = "==== Value Area ====")]
public Color ColorVAL { get; set; }
[Parameter("Opacity VA" , DefaultValue = 10, MinValue = 5, MaxValue = 100, Group = "==== Value Area ====")]
public int OpacityVA { get; set; }
[Parameter("LineStyle VA:", DefaultValue = LineStyle.LinesDots, Group = "==== Value Area ====")]
public LineStyle LineStyleVA { get; set; }
[Parameter("Thickness VA:", DefaultValue = 1, MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 5, Group = "==== Value Area ====")]
public int ThicknessVA { get; set; }
[Parameter("Color Letters:", DefaultValue = "#8BE7E7E7" , Group = "==== Divided Mode ====")]
public Color ColorLetters { get; set; }
[Parameter("Close BarUP:", DefaultValue = "Green" , Group = "==== Divided Mode ====")]
public Color ColorCandleUP { get; set; }
[Parameter("Close BarDown:", DefaultValue = "Red", Group = "==== Divided Mode ====")]
public Color ColorCandleDown { get; set; }
[Parameter("Developed for cTrader/C#", DefaultValue = "by srlcarlg", Group = "==== Credits ====")]
public string Credits { get; set; }
[Parameter("Visually based in MT4", DefaultValue = "riv-ay-(TPOChart/MarketProfileDWM)", Group = "==== Credits ====")]
public string Credits_2 { get; set; }
private readonly VerticalAlignment V_Align = VerticalAlignment.Top;
private readonly HorizontalAlignment H_Align = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
private readonly string Letters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
private List<double> Segments = new();
private readonly IDictionary<double, string> TPOsRank = new Dictionary<double, string>();
private readonly List<ChartText> TPOLines = new();
private readonly List<ChartText> CandlesTPO = new();
private readonly List<ChartTrendLine> POCsLines = new();
private readonly List<ChartTrendLine> VALines = new();
private readonly IDictionary<int, ChartRectangle> RectanglesToColor = new Dictionary<int, ChartRectangle>();
private readonly List<ChartText> Fonts_TPOLines= new();
private TimeFrame LookBack_TF;
private Bars LookBack_Bars;
private double HeightPips = 4;
private double rowHeight = 0;
private double drawHeight = 0;
private double prevPrice;
private double[] priceVA_LHP = {0, 0, 0};
private bool Wrong = false;
private bool isLive = false;
private bool configHasChanged = false;
private int cleanedIndex;
private int updatedFontsize = 0;
private int previousLetter_Index = 0;
// Moved from cTrader Input to Params Panel
public int Lookback { get; set; } = 5;
public enum ModeTPOData
public ModeTPOData ModeTPOInput { get; set; } = ModeTPOData.Aggregated;
public bool ShowVA { get; set; } = false;
public bool KeepPOC { get; set; } = true;
public bool ExtendPOC { get; set; } = false;
// Params Panel
private Border ParamBorder;
public class IndicatorParams
public int LookBack { get; set; }
public ModeTPOData ModeTPO { get; set; }
public double RowHeight { get; set; }
public TimeFrame Interval { get; set; }
public bool KeepPOC { get; set; }
public bool ExtendedPOC { get; set; }
public bool ShowVA { get; set; }
private void AddHiddenButton(Panel panel, Color btnColor)
Button button = new()
Text = "TPO",
Padding = 0,
Height = 22,
Margin = 2,
BackgroundColor = btnColor
button.Click += HiddenEvent;
private void HiddenEvent(ButtonClickEventArgs obj)
if (ParamBorder.IsVisible)
ParamBorder.IsVisible = false;
ParamBorder.IsVisible = true;
protected override void Initialize()
// ========== Predefined Config ==========
if (ConfigRowInput == ConfigRowData.Predefined && (Chart.TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Minute && Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Day3))
if (Chart.TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Minute && Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Minute4)
if (Chart.TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute)
LookBack_TF = TimeFrame.Hour;
else if (Chart.TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute2)
LookBack_TF = TimeFrame.Hour2;
else if (Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Minute4)
LookBack_TF = TimeFrame.Hour3;
SetHeightPips(0.5, 8);
else if (Chart.TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Minute5 && Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Minute10)
if (Chart.TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute5)
LookBack_TF = TimeFrame.Hour4;
else if (Chart.TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute6)
LookBack_TF = TimeFrame.Hour6;
else if (Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Minute8)
LookBack_TF = TimeFrame.Hour8;
else if (Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Minute10)
LookBack_TF = TimeFrame.Hour12;
SetHeightPips(1, 25);
else if (Chart.TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Minute15 && Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Hour8)
if (Chart.TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Minute15 && Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Hour) {
LookBack_TF = TimeFrame.Daily;
SetHeightPips(2, 50);
else if (Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Hour8) {
LookBack_TF = TimeFrame.Weekly;
SetHeightPips(4, 140);
else if (Chart.TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Hour12 && Chart.TimeFrame <= TimeFrame.Day3)
LookBack_TF = TimeFrame.Monthly;
SetHeightPips(6, 220);
if (ConfigRowInput == ConfigRowData.Predefined)
string Msg = "'Predefined Config' is designed only for Standard Timeframe (Minutes, Hours, Days) \n Weekly and Monthly is not currently supported \n\n use 'Custom Config' to others Chart Timeframes (Renko/Range/Ticks).";
Chart.DrawStaticText("txt", $"{Msg}", V_Align, H_Align, Color.Orange);
Wrong = true;
string[] timeBased = {"Minute", "Hour", "Daily", "Day", "Weekly", "Monthly"};
if (!timeBased.Any(CustomInterval.Name.ToString().Contains))
string Msg = $"'TPO Interval' is designed ONLY for TIME \n (Minutes, Hours, Days, Monthly)";
Chart.DrawStaticText("txt", $"{Msg}", V_Align, H_Align, Color.Orange);
Wrong = true;
if (CustomInterval == Chart.TimeFrame || CustomInterval < Chart.TimeFrame)
string comp = CustomInterval == Chart.TimeFrame ? "==" : "<";
string Msg = $"TPO Interval ({CustomInterval.ShortName}) {comp} Chart Timeframe ({Chart.TimeFrame.ShortName})\nWhy?";
Chart.DrawStaticText("txt", $"{Msg}", V_Align, H_Align, Color.Orange);
Wrong = true;
if (CustomInterval < TimeFrame.Minute15)
string Msg = "The minimum 'Custom Interval' is 15 minutes";
Chart.DrawStaticText("txt", $"{Msg}", V_Align, H_Align, Color.Orange);
Wrong = true;
LookBack_TF = CustomInterval;
HeightPips = CustomHeight;
void SetHeightPips(double digits5, double digits2)
if (Symbol.Digits == 5)
HeightPips = digits5;
else if (Symbol.Digits == 2)
HeightPips = digits2;
if (Symbol.PipSize == 0.1)
HeightPips /= 2;
// ============================================================================
LookBack_Bars = MarketData.GetBars(LookBack_TF);
if (LookBack_Bars.ClosePrices.Count < Lookback)
while (LookBack_Bars.ClosePrices.Count < Lookback)
int loadedCount = LookBack_Bars.LoadMoreHistory();
Print($"Loaded {loadedCount}, {LookBack_TF.ShortName} Bars, Current Bar Date: {LookBack_Bars.OpenTimes.Reverse().LastOrDefault()}");
if (loadedCount == 0)
// Ex: 4 pips to TPO calculation(rowHeight) = 2 pips between letters (drawHeight)
rowHeight = Symbol.PipSize * HeightPips;
drawHeight = Symbol.PipSize * (HeightPips/2);
if (AutoFontSize && StyleTypeInput != StyleTypeData.Histogram)
Chart.ZoomChanged += Chart_ZoomChanged;
Second_DrawOnScreen("Taking too long? You can: \n 1) Increase the rowHeight \n 2) Disable the Value Area (High Performance) \n");
if (Application.UserTimeOffset.ToString() != "03:00:00")
Third_DrawOnScreen("Set your UTC to UTC+3");
VerticalAlignment vAlign = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
HorizontalAlignment hAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
if (PanelAlignInput == PanelAlignData.Bottom_Left)
hAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
else if (PanelAlignInput == PanelAlignData.Top_Left)
vAlign = VerticalAlignment.Top;
else if (PanelAlignInput == PanelAlignData.Top_Right) {
vAlign = VerticalAlignment.Top;
hAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
} else if (PanelAlignInput == PanelAlignData.Center_Right) {
vAlign = VerticalAlignment.Center;
hAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
} else if (PanelAlignInput == PanelAlignData.Center_Left) {
vAlign = VerticalAlignment.Center;
hAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
} else if (PanelAlignInput == PanelAlignData.Top_Center) {
vAlign = VerticalAlignment.Top;
hAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
} else if (PanelAlignInput == PanelAlignData.Bottom_Center) {
vAlign = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
hAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
IndicatorParams DefaultParams = new()
LookBack = Lookback,
ModeTPO = ModeTPOInput,
RowHeight = rowHeight,
Interval = LookBack_TF,
KeepPOC = KeepPOC,
ExtendedPOC = ExtendPOC,
ShowVA = ShowVA
ParamsPanel ParamPanel = new(this, DefaultParams);
Border borderParam = new()
VerticalAlignment = vAlign,
HorizontalAlignment = hAlign,
Style = Styles.CreatePanelBackgroundStyle(),
Margin = "20 40 20 20",
Width = 225,
Child = ParamPanel
ParamBorder = borderParam;
var wrapPanel = new WrapPanel
VerticalAlignment = vAlign,
HorizontalAlignment = hAlign,
AddHiddenButton(wrapPanel, Color.Gray);
public override void Calculate(int index)
if (Wrong)
// ==== Removing Messages ====
if (!IsLastBar)
Bars TF_Bars = LookBack_Bars;
// Get Index of TPO Interval to continue only in Lookback
int iVerify = TF_Bars.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(Bars.OpenTimes[index]);
if (TF_Bars.ClosePrices.Count - iVerify > Lookback)
int TF_idx = TF_Bars.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(Bars.OpenTimes[index]);
int indexStart = Bars.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(TF_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx]);
// ====== Extended POC/VA ========
if (ExtendPOC && POCsLines.Count != 0 && POCsLines.FirstOrDefault().Y2 != priceVA_LHP[2])
for (int tl=0; tl < POCsLines.Count; tl++)
POCsLines[tl].Time2 = Bars.OpenTimes[index];
string dynDate = LookBack_TF == TimeFrame.Daily ? POCsLines[tl].Time1.Date.AddDays(1).ToString().Replace("00:00:00", "") : POCsLines[tl].Time1.Date.ToString();
Chart.DrawText($"POC{POCsLines[tl].Time1}", $"{dynDate}", Bars.OpenTimes[index], POCsLines[tl].Y2+drawHeight, ColorPOC);
if (ExtendVA && VALines.Count != 0 && VALines.FirstOrDefault().Time2 != Bars.OpenTimes[index])
for (int tl=0; tl < VALines.Count; tl++)
VALines[tl].Time2 = Bars.OpenTimes[index];
// === Clean Dicts/others ===
if (index == indexStart && index != cleanedIndex || (index-1) == indexStart && (index-1) != cleanedIndex)
double[] VAforColor = {0, 0, 0};
priceVA_LHP = VAforColor;
previousLetter_Index = 0;
cleanedIndex = index == indexStart ? index : (index-1);
// Historical data
if (!IsLastBar)
TPO(index, indexStart, false);
isLive = true;
// "Repaint" if the price moves half of rowHeight
if (Bars.ClosePrices[index] >= (prevPrice+drawHeight) || Bars.ClosePrices[index] <= (prevPrice-drawHeight) || configHasChanged)
for (int i=indexStart; i <= index; i++)
if (i == indexStart) {
previousLetter_Index = 0;
TPO(i, indexStart, true);
prevPrice = Bars.ClosePrices[index];
configHasChanged = false;
private void TPO(int index, int iStart, bool resizeHL)
// ======= Highest and Lowest =======
Bars TF_Bars = LookBack_Bars;
int TF_idx = TF_Bars.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(Bars.OpenTimes[index]);
double highest = TF_Bars.HighPrices[TF_idx], lowest = TF_Bars.LowPrices[TF_idx], open = TF_Bars.OpenPrices[TF_idx];
// ======= Chart Segmentation =======
List<double> currentSegments = new();
double prev_segment = open;
while (prev_segment >= (lowest-rowHeight))
prev_segment = Math.Abs(prev_segment - rowHeight);
prev_segment = open;
while (prev_segment <= (highest+rowHeight))
prev_segment = Math.Abs(prev_segment + rowHeight);
Segments = currentSegments.OrderBy(x => x).ToList();
// ======= CandlesTPO Columns + Letters =======
if (previousLetter_Index >= Letters.Length)
previousLetter_Index = 0;
if (resizeHL)
string Letter = Letters[previousLetter_Index].ToString();
CandleTPO($"{Letter}", index);
previousLetter_Index += 1;
string Letter = Letters[previousLetter_Index].ToString();
if (!IsLastBar)
previousLetter_Index = previousLetter_Index == 0 ? 1 : previousLetter_Index + 1;
Letter = Letters[previousLetter_Index].ToString();
if (!isLive)
CandleTPO($"{Letter}", index);
// ======= Drawing TPO =======
if (Segments.Count == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < Segments.Count; i++)
double priceKey = Segments[i];
if (!TPOsRank.ContainsKey(priceKey))
if (ModeTPOInput != ModeTPOData.Divided)
if (StyleTypeInput != StyleTypeData.Histogram)
ChartText lineTPO = Chart.DrawText($"TPO{i}_{iStart}", TPOsRank[priceKey], iStart, Segments[i], HistColor);
if (!AutoFontSize)
lineTPO.FontSize = FixedFontSize;
else {
if (updatedFontsize != 0)
lineTPO.FontSize = updatedFontsize;
Indeed, the value of X-Axis is simply a rule of three,
where the maximum value will be the maxLength (in Milliseconds),
from there the math adjusts the histograms.
MaxValue maxLength(ms)
x ?(ms)
The values 1.25 and 4 are the manually set values
//string largestTPO = TPOsRank.Values.OrderByDescending(x => x.Length).First(); in .NET Framework 4.x
string largestTPO = TPOsRank.Values.MaxBy(x => x.Length);
double lowerSegment = Segments[i]-rowHeight;
double upperSegment = Segments[i];
double maxLength = Bars[index].OpenTime.Subtract(Bars[iStart].OpenTime).TotalMilliseconds;
var selected = HistWidthInput;
double maxWidth = selected == HistWidthData._15 ? 1.25 : selected == HistWidthData._30 ? 1.50 : selected == HistWidthData._50 ? 2 : 4;
double proportion = TPOsRank[priceKey].Length * (maxLength-(maxLength/maxWidth));
if (selected == HistWidthData._100)
proportion = TPOsRank[priceKey].Length * maxLength;
double dynLength = proportion / largestTPO.Length;
ChartRectangle volHist;
volHist = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{iStart}_{i}_", Bars.OpenTimes[iStart], lowerSegment, Bars.OpenTimes[iStart].AddMilliseconds(dynLength), upperSegment, HistColor);
if (RectanglesToColor.ContainsKey(i))
RectanglesToColor[i] = volHist;
RectanglesToColor.Add(i, volHist);
if (FillHist)
volHist.IsFilled = true;
// ============= Coloring Letters + VAL / VAH / POC =============
if (ShowVA)
double[] VAL_VAH_POC = VA_Calculation();
ChartTrendLine poc = Chart.DrawTrendLine($"POC_{iStart}", TF_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx], VAL_VAH_POC[2]-rowHeight, Bars.OpenTimes[index], VAL_VAH_POC[2]-rowHeight, ColorPOC);
ChartTrendLine vah;
if (StyleTypeInput == StyleTypeData.Histogram)
vah = Chart.DrawTrendLine($"VAH_{iStart}", TF_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx], VAL_VAH_POC[1]+rowHeight, Bars.OpenTimes[index], VAL_VAH_POC[1]+rowHeight, ColorVAH);
vah = Chart.DrawTrendLine($"VAH_{iStart}", TF_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx], VAL_VAH_POC[1]-Symbol.PipSize, Bars.OpenTimes[index], VAL_VAH_POC[1]-Symbol.PipSize, ColorVAH);
ChartTrendLine val = Chart.DrawTrendLine($"VAL_{iStart}", TF_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx], VAL_VAH_POC[0], Bars.OpenTimes[index], VAL_VAH_POC[0], ColorVAL);
double[] VAforColor = {VAL_VAH_POC[0], VAL_VAH_POC[1], VAL_VAH_POC[2]};
priceVA_LHP = VAforColor;
poc.LineStyle = LineStylePOC; poc.Thickness = ThicknessPOC; poc.Comment = "POC";
vah.LineStyle = LineStyleVA; vah.Thickness = ThicknessVA; vah.Comment = "VAH";
val.LineStyle = LineStyleVA; val.Thickness = ThicknessVA; val.Comment = "VAL";
// ==== POC Lines ====
if (POCsLines.Contains(poc))
for (int tl=0; tl < TPOLines.Count; tl++)
if (POCsLines[tl].Time1 == poc.Time1) {
POCsLines[tl] = poc;
// ==== VAH / VAL Lines ====
if (VALines.Contains(vah) || VALines.Contains(val))
for (int tl=0; tl < VALines.Count; tl++)
if (VALines[tl].Comment == "VAH" && VALines[tl].Time1 == vah.Time1)
VALines[tl] = vah;
else if (VALines[tl].Comment == "VAL" && VALines[tl].Time1 == val.Time1)
VALines[tl] = val;
if (!VALines.Contains(vah))
if (!VALines.Contains(val))
if (StyleTypeInput == StyleTypeData.Histogram)
// =========== Coloring Retangles ============
foreach (int key in RectanglesToColor.Keys)
if (RectanglesToColor[key].Y1 > priceVA_LHP[0] && RectanglesToColor[key].Y1 < priceVA_LHP[1])
RectanglesToColor[key].Color = HistColorVA;
if (RectanglesToColor[key].Y1 == priceVA_LHP[2]-rowHeight)
RectanglesToColor[key].Color = ColorPOC;
if (RectanglesToColor[key].Y1 == priceVA_LHP[1])
RectanglesToColor[key].Color = ColorVAH;
else if (RectanglesToColor[key].Y1 == priceVA_LHP[0])
RectanglesToColor[key].Color = ColorVAL;
// =========== Coloring Letters ============
for (int k=0; k < TPOLines.Count; k++)
if (TPOLines[k].Y > priceVA_LHP[0] && TPOLines[k].Y < priceVA_LHP[1]+drawHeight)
TPOLines[k].Color = HistColorVA;
if (TPOLines[k].Y == priceVA_LHP[2])
TPOLines[k].Color = ColorPOC;
if (TPOLines[k].Y == priceVA_LHP[1])
TPOLines[k].Color = ColorVAH;
else if (TPOLines[k].Y == priceVA_LHP[0]+rowHeight)
TPOLines[k].Color = ColorVAL;
else if (!ShowVA && KeepPOC)
// string largestTPO = allTPOsRank.Values.OrderByDescending(x => x.Length).First(); in .NET Framework 4.x
string largestTPO = TPOsRank.Values.MaxBy(x => x.Length);
double priceLTPO = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < TPOsRank.Count; k++)
if (TPOsRank.ElementAt(k).Value == largestTPO) {
priceLTPO = TPOsRank.ElementAt(k).Key;
ChartTrendLine poc = Chart.DrawTrendLine($"POC_{iStart}", TF_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx], priceLTPO-rowHeight, Bars.OpenTimes[index], priceLTPO-rowHeight, ColorPOC);
poc.LineStyle = LineStylePOC; poc.Thickness = ThicknessPOC; poc.Comment = "POC";
// ==== POC Lines ====
if (POCsLines.Contains(poc))
for (int tl=0; tl < TPOLines.Count; tl++)
if (POCsLines[tl].Time1 == poc.Time1) {
POCsLines[tl] = poc;
if (StyleTypeInput == StyleTypeData.Histogram)
// =========== Coloring Retangles ============
foreach (int key in RectanglesToColor.Keys)
if (RectanglesToColor[key].Y1 == priceLTPO-rowHeight)
RectanglesToColor[key].Color = ColorPOC;
// =========== Coloring Letters ============
for (int k=0; k < TPOLines.Count; k++)
if (TPOLines[k].Y == priceLTPO) {
TPOLines[k].Color = ColorPOC;
// ====== Rectangle VA ======
if (ShowVA && priceVA_LHP[0] != 0)
ChartRectangle rectVA;
if (StyleTypeInput == StyleTypeData.Histogram)
rectVA = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{TF_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx]}", TF_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx], priceVA_LHP[0], Bars.OpenTimes[index], priceVA_LHP[1]+rowHeight, ColorVA);
rectVA = Chart.DrawRectangle($"{TF_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx]}", TF_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx], priceVA_LHP[0], Bars.OpenTimes[index], priceVA_LHP[1]-Symbol.PipSize, ColorVA);
rectVA.IsFilled = true;
if (ModeTPOInput == ModeTPOData.Divided || ModeTPOInput == ModeTPOData.Both)
Color isBullish = Bars.ClosePrices[index] > Bars.OpenPrices[index] ? ColorCandleUP : ColorCandleDown;
ChartText iconBarClose = Chart.DrawText($"Close_{Bars.OpenTimes[index]}", "▶", Bars.OpenTimes[index], Bars.ClosePrices[index], isBullish);
iconBarClose.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
iconBarClose.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
iconBarClose.FontSize = 8;
if (!ShowOHLC)
if (ModeTPOInput == ModeTPOData.Divided)
ChartText iconOpenSession = Chart.DrawText($"Start{TF_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx]}", "▂", TF_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx], TF_Bars.OpenPrices[TF_idx], ColorOHLC);
ChartText iconCloseSession = Chart.DrawText($"End{TF_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx]}", "▂", TF_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx], Bars.ClosePrices[index], ColorOHLC);
iconOpenSession.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
iconOpenSession.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
iconOpenSession.FontSize = 14;
iconCloseSession.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
iconCloseSession.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
iconCloseSession.FontSize = 14;
ChartTrendLine Session = Chart.DrawTrendLine($"Session{TF_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx]}", TF_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx], lowest, TF_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx], highest, ColorOHLC);
Session.Thickness = 3;
// ====== Functions Area ======
private void CandleTPO(string Letter, int index)
double High = Bars.HighPrices[index];
double Low = Bars.LowPrices[index];
int totalLetters = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Segments.Count; i++)
if (Segments[i] < High && Segments[i] > Low)
totalLetters += 1;
double prev_segment = High;
for (int i = 0; i <= totalLetters; i++)
if (ModeTPOInput == ModeTPOData.Divided || ModeTPOInput == ModeTPOData.Both)
ChartText dyntext = Chart.DrawText($"CandleTPO_{i}_{index}", Letter, Bars.OpenTimes[index], Draw_Yaxis_Rank(prev_segment, Letter), ColorLetters);
dyntext.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
dyntext.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
Draw_Yaxis_Rank(prev_segment, Letter);
prev_segment = Math.Abs(prev_segment - rowHeight);
// ========= ========== ==========
private double Draw_Yaxis_Rank(double BarSegment, string Letter)
double drawValue = 0.0;
double prev_segmentValue = 0.0;
string space = SpacingBetween ? " " : "";
for (int i = 0; i < Segments.Count; i++)
if (prev_segmentValue != 0 && BarSegment >= prev_segmentValue && BarSegment <= Segments[i])
drawValue = prev_segmentValue + drawHeight;
double priceKey = Segments[i];
if (TPOsRank.ContainsKey(priceKey))
if (TPOsRank[priceKey].LastOrDefault().ToString() != Letter)
TPOsRank[priceKey] += $"{space}{Letter}";
TPOsRank.Add(priceKey, Letter);
prev_segmentValue = Segments[i];
return drawValue;
private void DrawOnScreen(string Msg)
Chart.DrawStaticText("txt", $"{Msg}", V_Align, H_Align, Color.LightBlue);
private void Second_DrawOnScreen(string Msg)
Chart.DrawStaticText("txt2", $"{Msg}", VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment.Left, Color.LightBlue);
private void Third_DrawOnScreen(string Msg)
Chart.DrawStaticText("txt3", $"{Msg}", VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment.Right, Color.Yellow);
private void Chart_ZoomChanged(ChartZoomEventArgs obj)
int Zoom = obj.Chart.ZoomLevel;
if (Zoom <= 500 && Zoom > 80){
if (Fonts_TPOLines.LastOrDefault().FontSize != 25)
else if (Zoom <= 80 && Zoom > 40) {
if (Fonts_TPOLines.LastOrDefault().FontSize != 18)
else if (Zoom <= 40 && Zoom > 20) {
if (Fonts_TPOLines.LastOrDefault().FontSize != 13)
else if (Zoom <= 20 && Zoom > 15) {
if (Fonts_TPOLines.LastOrDefault().FontSize != 11)
else if (Zoom == 10) {
if (Fonts_TPOLines.LastOrDefault().FontSize != 8)
else if (Zoom == 5) {
if (Fonts_TPOLines.LastOrDefault().FontSize != 6)
void SetFontSize(int fsize)
updatedFontsize = fsize;
for (int k=0; k < Fonts_TPOLines.Count; k++)
Fonts_TPOLines[k].FontSize = fsize;
// ========= ========== ==========
private double[] VA_Calculation()
Visually based on riv_ay-TPOChart.v102-6 (MT4) and riv_ay-MarketProfileDWM.v131-2 (MT4) to see if it's right */
string largestTPO = TPOsRank.Values.OrderByDescending(x => x.Length).First();
// string largestTPO = allTPOsRank.Values.MaxBy(x => x.Length); in .NET Framework 6.0
double totaltpo = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < TPOsRank.Count; i++)
totaltpo += TPOsRank.ElementAt(i).Value.Length;
double _70percent = Math.Round((70 * totaltpo) / 100);
int largestTPOLengh = largestTPO.Length;
double priceLTPO = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < TPOsRank.Count; k++)
if (TPOsRank.ElementAt(k).Value == largestTPO)
priceLTPO = TPOsRank.ElementAt(k).Key;
double priceVAH = 0;
double priceVAL = 0;
double sumVA = largestTPOLengh;
List<double> upKeys = new();
List<double> downKeys = new();
for (int i = 0; i < Segments.Count; i++)
double priceKey = Segments[i];
if (TPOsRank.ContainsKey(priceKey))
if (priceKey < priceLTPO)
else if (priceKey > priceLTPO)
double[] withoutVA = {priceLTPO-(rowHeight*2), priceLTPO+drawHeight, priceLTPO};
if (upKeys.Count == 0 || downKeys.Count == 0)
return withoutVA;
double[] prev2UP = {0, 0};
double[] prev2Down = {0, 0};
bool lockAbove = false;
double[] aboveKV = {0, 0};
bool lockBelow = false;
double[] belowKV = {0, 0};
for (int i = 0; i < TPOsRank.Keys.Count; i++)
if (sumVA >= _70percent)
double sumUp = 0;
double sumDown = 0;
// ========= Above of POC =========
double prevUPkey = upKeys.First();
double keyUP = 0;
foreach (double key in upKeys)
if (upKeys.Count == 1 || prev2UP[0] != 0 && prev2UP[1] != 0 && key == upKeys.Last())
sumDown = TPOsRank[key].Length;
keyUP = key;
if (lockAbove)
keyUP = aboveKV[0];
sumUp = aboveKV[1];
if (prev2UP[0] == 0 && prev2UP[1] == 0 && key != prevUPkey
|| prev2UP[0] != 0 && prev2UP[1] != 0 && prevUPkey > aboveKV[0] && key > aboveKV[0])
int upTPO = TPOsRank[key].Length;
int up2TPO = TPOsRank[prevUPkey].Length;
keyUP = key;
double[] _2up = {prevUPkey, keyUP};
prev2UP = _2up;
double[] _above = {keyUP, upTPO + up2TPO};
aboveKV = _above;
sumUp = upTPO + up2TPO;
prevUPkey = key;
// ========= Below of POC =========
double prevDownkey = downKeys.First();
double keyDw = 0;
foreach (double key in downKeys)
if (downKeys.Count == 1 || prev2Down[0] != 0 && prev2Down[1] != 0 && key == downKeys.Last())
sumDown = TPOsRank[key].Length;
keyDw = key;
if (lockBelow)
keyDw = belowKV[0];
sumDown = belowKV[1];
if (prev2Down[0] == 0 && prev2Down[1] == 0 && key != prevDownkey
|| prev2Down[0] != 0 && prev2Down[1] != 0 && prevDownkey < aboveKV[0] && key < belowKV[0])
int downTPO = TPOsRank[key].Length;
int down2TPO = TPOsRank[prevDownkey].Length;
keyDw = key;
double[] _2down = {prevDownkey, keyDw};
prev2Down = _2down;
double[] _below = {keyDw, downTPO + down2TPO};
belowKV = _below;
sumDown = downTPO + down2TPO;
prevDownkey = key;
// ========= VA rating =========
if (sumUp > sumDown)
sumVA += sumUp;
priceVAH = keyUP;
priceVAL = keyDw;
lockBelow = true;
lockAbove = false;
else if (sumDown > sumUp)
sumVA += sumDown;
priceVAH = keyUP;
priceVAL = keyDw;
lockBelow = false;
lockAbove = true;
else if (sumUp == sumDown)
double[] _2up = {prevUPkey, keyUP};
prev2UP = _2up;
double[] _2down = {prevDownkey, keyDw};
prev2Down = _2down;
sumVA += (sumUp + sumDown);
priceVAH = keyUP;
priceVAL = keyDw;
lockBelow = false;
lockAbove = false;
double[] VA = {priceVAL, priceVAH, priceLTPO};
return VA;
public void ClearAndRecalculate()
int FirstIndex = Bars.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(LookBack_Bars.OpenTimes.FirstOrDefault());
// Get Index of VOL Interval to continue only in Lookback
int iVerify = LookBack_Bars.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(Bars.OpenTimes[FirstIndex]);
while (LookBack_Bars.ClosePrices.Count - iVerify > Lookback) {
iVerify = LookBack_Bars.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(Bars.OpenTimes[FirstIndex]);
int TF_idx = LookBack_Bars.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(Bars.OpenTimes[FirstIndex]);
int indexStart = Bars.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(LookBack_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx]);
// Historical data
for (int index = indexStart; index < Bars.Count; index++)
TF_idx = LookBack_Bars.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(Bars.OpenTimes[index]);
indexStart = Bars.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(LookBack_Bars.OpenTimes[TF_idx]);
if (index == indexStart && index != cleanedIndex || (index - 1) == indexStart && (index - 1) != cleanedIndex)
double[] VAforColor = {0, 0, 0};
priceVA_LHP = VAforColor;
previousLetter_Index = 0;
cleanedIndex = index == indexStart ? index : (index-1);
TPO(index, indexStart, true);
configHasChanged = true;
if (ExtendPOC) {
public void SetRowHeight(double number)
rowHeight = number;
drawHeight = number/2;
public void SetLookback(int number)
Lookback = number;
public void SetInterval(TimeFrame newTF) {
LookBack_TF = newTF;
LookBack_Bars = MarketData.GetBars(LookBack_TF);
if (LookBack_Bars.ClosePrices.Count < Lookback)
while (LookBack_Bars.ClosePrices.Count < Lookback)
int loadedCount = LookBack_Bars.LoadMoreHistory();
Print($"Loaded {loadedCount}, {LookBack_TF.ShortName} LookBack Bars, Current Bar Date: {LookBack_Bars.OpenTimes.FirstOrDefault()}");
if (loadedCount == 0)
public void ExtendPOCNow() {
if (ExtendPOC && POCsLines.Count != 0)
for (int tl = 0; tl < POCsLines.Count; tl++)
POCsLines[tl].Time2 = Bars.LastBar.OpenTime;
string dynDate = LookBack_TF == TimeFrame.Daily ? POCsLines[tl].Time1.Date.AddDays(1).ToString().Replace("00:00:00", "") : POCsLines[tl].Time1.Date.ToString();
Chart.DrawText($"POC{POCsLines[tl].Time1}", $"{dynDate}", Bars.LastBar.OpenTime, POCsLines[tl].Y2 + drawHeight, ColorPOC);
public int GetLookback()
return Lookback;
public double GetRowHeight()
return rowHeight;
public TimeFrame GetInterval() {
return LookBack_TF;
public class ParamsPanel : CustomControl
// Any
private const string LookBack_InputKey = "LookBackKey";
private const string RowHeight_InputKey = "RowHeightKey";
private const string Interval_InputKey = "IntervalKey";
private const string KeepPOC_InputKey = "KeepPOCKey";
private const string ExtendedPOC_InputKey = "ExtendedPOCKey";
private const string ShowVA_InputKey = "ShowVAKey";
private readonly IDictionary<string, TextBox> textInputMap = new Dictionary<string, TextBox>();
private readonly IDictionary<string, CheckBox> checkBoxMap = new Dictionary<string, CheckBox>();
private readonly IDictionary<string, ComboBox> comboBoxMap = new Dictionary<string, ComboBox>();
private readonly TPOProfileV20 Outside;
private Button ModeBtn;
private readonly Color BtnColor;
private readonly IndicatorParams FirstParams;
public ParamsPanel(TPOProfileV20 indicator, IndicatorParams defaultParams)
BtnColor = Color.FromHex("#7F808080");
Outside = indicator;
FirstParams = defaultParams;
private ControlBase CreateTradingPanel()
StackPanel mainPanel = new();
ControlBase header = CreateHeader();
StackPanel contentPanel = CreateContentPanel();
return mainPanel;
private static ControlBase CreateHeader()
Border headerBorder = new()
BorderThickness = "0 0 0 1",
Style = Styles.CreateCommonBorderStyle(),
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
Width = 280
Grid grid = new(0, 0);
TextBlock header = new()
Text = "TPO Profile",
Margin = "10 7",
Style = Styles.CreateHeaderStyle(),
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
grid.AddChild(header, 0, 0);
headerBorder.Child = grid;
return headerBorder;
private StackPanel CreateContentPanel()
StackPanel contentPanel = new()
Margin = 10
Grid grid = new(3, 5);
Button button_prev = CreatePassButton("<");
grid.AddChild(button_prev, 0, 0);
Button VolumeModeButton = CreateModeInfo_Button(FirstParams.ModeTPO.ToString());
grid.AddChild(VolumeModeButton, 0, 1, 1, 3);
Button button_next = CreatePassButton(">");
grid.AddChild(button_next, 0, 4);
var Lookback_Input = CreateInputWithLabel("Lookback", FirstParams.LookBack.ToString(), LookBack_InputKey);
grid.AddChild(Lookback_Input, 1, 0);
var RowHeightInput = CreateInputWithLabel("Row Height", FirstParams.RowHeight.ToString("0.############################"), RowHeight_InputKey);
grid.AddChild(RowHeightInput, 1, 2);
var IntervalInput = CreateComboBoxWithLabel("Interval", Interval_InputKey);
grid.AddChild(IntervalInput, 1, 4);
var POCCheckbox = CreateCheckboxWithLabel("POC", FirstParams.KeepPOC, KeepPOC_InputKey);
grid.AddChild(POCCheckbox, 2, 0);
var ExtendCheckbox = CreateCheckboxWithLabel("Extend", FirstParams.ExtendedPOC, ExtendedPOC_InputKey);
grid.AddChild(ExtendCheckbox, 2, 2);
var WithVACheckbox = CreateCheckboxWithLabel("VA", FirstParams.ShowVA, ShowVA_InputKey);
grid.AddChild(WithVACheckbox, 2, 4);
return contentPanel;
private Button CreatePassButton(string label)
Button button = new()
Text = label,
Padding = 0,
Width = 30,
Height = 20,
Margin = 0,
BackgroundColor = BtnColor,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
if (label == ">")
button.Click += NextModeEvent;
button.Click += PrevModeEvent;
return button;
private Button CreateModeInfo_Button(string label)
Button button = new()
Text = label,
Padding = 0,
Width = 70,
Height = 30,
Margin = 4,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
button.Click += ResetParamsEvent;
ModeBtn = button;
return button;
private Panel CreateInputWithLabel(string label, string defaultValue, string inputKey)
StackPanel stackPanel = new()
Orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
Margin = "0 10 0 0"
TextBlock textBlock = new()
Text = label,
TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center
TextBox input = new()
Margin = "0 5 0 0",
Text = defaultValue,
Style = Styles.CreateInputStyle(),
TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center
input.TextChanged += TextChangedEvent;
textInputMap.Add(inputKey, input);
return stackPanel;
private Panel CreateComboBoxWithLabel(string label, string inputKey)
StackPanel stackPanel = new()
Orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
Margin = "0 10 0 0"
TextBlock textBlock = new()
Text = label,
TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center
ComboBox comboBox = new()
Margin = "0 5 0 0",
Style = Styles.CreateInputStyle(),
string[] allTF = {
// Candles
"h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h6", "h8", "h12", "D1", "D2", "D3", "W1", "Month1",
for (int i = 0; i < allTF.Length; i++)
comboBox.SelectedItem = FirstParams.Interval.ShortName;
comboBox.SelectedItemChanged += ComboBoxSelectedEvent;
comboBoxMap.Add(inputKey, comboBox);
return stackPanel;
private ControlBase CreateCheckboxWithLabel(string label, bool defaultValue, string inputKey)
Border checkBoxBorder = new()
Margin = "0 10 0 0",
BorderThickness = "0 1 0 1",
Style = Styles.CreateCommonBorderStyle()
StackPanel stackPanel = new()
Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
Margin = "0 10 0 10"
CheckBox input = new()
Margin = "0 0 5 0",
IsChecked = defaultValue
TextBlock textBlock = new()
Text = label,
input.Click += CheckBoxClickEvent;
checkBoxMap.Add(inputKey, input);
checkBoxBorder.Child = stackPanel;
return checkBoxBorder;
private void RecalculateOutsideWithMsg() {
string currentMode = ModeBtn.Text;
ModeBtn.Text = $"{currentMode}\nCalculating...";
Outside.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {
ModeBtn.Text = currentMode;
private void NextModeEvent(ButtonClickEventArgs obj)
if (Outside.ModeTPOInput == ModeTPOData.Aggregated)
Outside.ModeTPOInput = ModeTPOData.Both;
ModeBtn.Text = "Both";
else if (Outside.ModeTPOInput == ModeTPOData.Both)
Outside.ModeTPOInput = ModeTPOData.Divided;
ModeBtn.Text = "Divided";
private void PrevModeEvent(ButtonClickEventArgs obj)
if (Outside.ModeTPOInput == ModeTPOData.Divided)
Outside.ModeTPOInput = ModeTPOData.Both;
ModeBtn.Text = "Both";
else if (Outside.ModeTPOInput == ModeTPOData.Both)
Outside.ModeTPOInput = ModeTPOData.Aggregated;
ModeBtn.Text = "Aggregated";
private void ChangeParams(IndicatorParams indicatorParams)
foreach (var key in checkBoxMap.Keys)
switch (key)
case "KeepPOCKey": checkBoxMap[key].IsChecked = indicatorParams.KeepPOC; break;
case "ExtendedPOCKey": checkBoxMap[key].IsChecked = indicatorParams.ExtendedPOC; break;
case "ShowVAKey": checkBoxMap[key].IsChecked = indicatorParams.ShowVA; break;
foreach (var key in textInputMap.Keys)
switch (key)
case "LookBackKey": textInputMap[key].Text = indicatorParams.LookBack.ToString(); break;
case "RowHeightKey": textInputMap[key].Text = indicatorParams.RowHeight.ToString("0.############################"); break;
foreach (var key in comboBoxMap.Keys)
switch (key)
case "IntervalKey": comboBoxMap[key].SelectedItem = indicatorParams.Interval.ToString(); break;
private void ResetParamsEvent(ButtonClickEventArgs obj)
private void TextChangedEvent(TextChangedEventArgs obj)
int lookBack = GetValueFromInput(LookBack_InputKey, -1);
double rowHeight = GetDoubleFromInput(RowHeight_InputKey, -1);
if (rowHeight != -1 && rowHeight > 0 && rowHeight != Outside.GetRowHeight()) {
if ((lookBack == -1 || lookBack > 0) && lookBack != Outside.GetLookback()) {
private void ComboBoxSelectedEvent(ComboBoxSelectedItemChangedEventArgs obj)
foreach (var key in comboBoxMap.Keys)
switch (key)
case "IntervalKey": {
string selected = comboBoxMap[key].SelectedItem;
if (selected != Outside.GetInterval().ShortName) {
private void CheckBoxClickEvent(CheckBoxEventArgs obj)
foreach (var key in checkBoxMap.Keys)
switch (key)
case "KeepPOCKey": {
bool selected = (bool)checkBoxMap[key].IsChecked;
if (selected != Outside.KeepPOC) {
Outside.KeepPOC = selected;
case "ExtendedPOCKey": {
bool selected = (bool)checkBoxMap[key].IsChecked;
if (selected != Outside.ExtendPOC) {
Outside.ExtendPOC = selected;
case "ShowVAKey": {
bool selected = (bool)checkBoxMap[key].IsChecked;
if (selected != Outside.ShowVA) {
Outside.ShowVA = selected;
private int GetValueFromInput(string inputKey, int defaultValue)
return int.TryParse(textInputMap[inputKey].Text, out int value) ? value : defaultValue;
private double GetDoubleFromInput(string inputKey, int defaultValue)
return double.TryParse(textInputMap[inputKey].Text, out double value) ? value : defaultValue;
private static TimeFrame StringToTimeframe(string inputTF)
TimeFrame ifWrong = TimeFrame.Minute;
switch (inputTF)
// Candles
case "h1": return TimeFrame.Hour;
case "h2": return TimeFrame.Hour2;
case "h3": return TimeFrame.Hour3;
case "h4": return TimeFrame.Hour4;
case "h6": return TimeFrame.Hour6;
case "h8": return TimeFrame.Hour8;
case "h12": return TimeFrame.Hour12;
case "D1": return TimeFrame.Daily;
case "D2": return TimeFrame.Day2;
case "D3": return TimeFrame.Day3;
case "W1": return TimeFrame.Weekly;
case "Month1": return TimeFrame.Monthly;
return ifWrong;
// ====================== THEME ============================
public static class Styles
Joined on 25.07.2022
- Distribution: Free
- Language: C#
- Trading platform: cTrader Automate
- File name: TPO Profile v2.0.algo
- Rating: 5
- Installs: 225
- Modified: 13/12/2024 00:36
Hi srlcarlg. Amazing indicator!! I don't know how to contact you. can you contact me ? telegram @Chip_forex or email thank's !!
No way man, you want to use my indicator to boost your customer acquisition,
We both know this is totally free second TPO for cTrader and you want a part of it because cTrader doesn't have clear open-source copyright licenses regarding published indicators...
If you really want to share it properly and respects other people's efforts,
just copy the original URL and share it in some post.
I am unable to understand TPO and even though I don't like coding and backend conditions, pay someone to take my online class
If you wish we can also add the donation link direct to you.
Hi, this is a very good indicator, can we publish this on our website as-is, open source and untouched so that we can reach a wider audience and benefit all cTrader customers?
Helou @srlcarlg , this very usefull indicators, some complety new , i use this every day and i m very satysfaction. I miss the time option. Some days I will play the US session and will be using the ones that have been created since then. Do you can this option be founded?