Category Other  Published on 20/09/2019

Pin Bar Indicator


This indicator do not tell direction of the trend. In fact if the trend exist, this indicator may provide false signal. However, if the market is in the ranging state, this indicator will provide possible supply and demand zone. I did not code this except that I place an email alert.

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using System;
using System.IO;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo
    [Indicator(IsOverlay = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class PinBarIndicator : Indicator
        #region Parameters

        [Parameter("Show names", DefaultValue = false)]
        public bool Name_Status { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Show more info", DefaultValue = true)]
        public bool Add_info { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Show Doji", DefaultValue = true)]
        public bool Show_Doji { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Show Hammer", DefaultValue = true)]
        public bool Show_Hammer { get; set; }

        [Parameter("MACD Long Cycle", DefaultValue = 26)]
        public int LongCycle { get; set; }

        [Parameter("MACD Short Cycle", DefaultValue = 12)]
        public int ShortCycle { get; set; }

        [Parameter("MACD Signal Periods", DefaultValue = 9)]
        public int Periods { get; set; }

        [Parameter("FromEmail", DefaultValue = "FromEmail")]
        public string FromEmail { get; set; }

        [Parameter("SendEmail", DefaultValue = "SendEmail")]
        public string SendEmail { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Doji", DefaultValue = "✝")]
        public string Doji_s { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Hammer", DefaultValue = "☨")]
        public string Hammer_s { get; set; }

        #endregion Parameters

        private MacdHistogram macd;

        private const VerticalAlignment vAlign = VerticalAlignment.Top;
        private const HorizontalAlignment hAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

        private const double n = 0.618;

        private const string UpArrow = "▲";
        private const string DownArrow = "▼";

        private string Pattern_name;

        private double offset;

        private bool _emailSent;
        private string _from;
        private string _to;
        private string _subject;
        private string _text;

        private struct Candle
            #region Data

            public double High;
            public double Close;
            public double Open;
            public double Low;

            #endregion Data

            #region Functions

            public bool IsFallCandle()
                if (Close < Open)
                    return true;
                    return false;
            public bool IsRiseCandle()
                if (Open < Close)
                    return true;
                    return false;

            public double Median()
                return (High + Low) / 2;

            #endregion Functions

        private enum PatternType : int
            Doji = 1,
            Hammer = 2

        protected override void Initialize()
            macd = Indicators.MacdHistogram(MarketSeries.Close, LongCycle, ShortCycle, Periods);
            offset = Symbol.PipSize * 5;
            _from = FromEmail;
            _to = SendEmail;
            _subject = "Pin Bar Alert";
            _text = "Pin Bar Alert";

        private void DrawText(int index, int _Type)
            var high = MarketSeries.High[index];
            var low = MarketSeries.Low[index];

            int x = index;

            double h_y = high + offset;
            double h_d_y = h_y + offset * 2.5;
            double h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;

            double l_y = low - offset * 2.5;
            double l_d_y = l_y - offset;

            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute)
                h_y = high + offset / 2;
                h_d_y = h_y + offset / 2;
                h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;

                l_y = low - offset / 2;
                l_d_y = l_y - offset / 2;

            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute15)
                h_y = high + offset / 1.5;
                h_d_y = h_y + offset;
                h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;

                l_y = low - offset * 1.5;
                l_d_y = l_y - offset * 1.1;

            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour)
                h_y = high + offset;
                h_d_y = h_y + offset * 3;
                h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;

                l_y = low - offset * 3;
                l_d_y = l_y - offset * 3;

            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour4)
                h_y = high + offset;
                h_d_y = h_y + offset * 5;
                h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;

                l_y = low - offset * 5;
                l_d_y = l_y - offset * 5;

            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Daily)
                h_y = high + offset * 3;
                h_d_y = h_y + offset * 12;
                h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;

                l_y = low - offset * 12;
                l_d_y = l_y - offset * 12;

            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Weekly)
                h_y = high + offset * 6;
                h_d_y = h_y + offset * 24;
                h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;

                l_y = low - offset * 24;
                l_d_y = l_y - offset * 24;

            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Monthly)
                h_y = high + offset * 24;
                h_d_y = h_y + offset * 64;
                h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;

                l_y = low - offset * 64;
                l_d_y = l_y - offset * 64;

            string f_ObjName;
            string s_ObjName;

            switch (_Type)
                case (int)PatternType.Doji:

                    f_ObjName = string.Format("Doji {0}", index);
                    s_ObjName = string.Format("Doji | {0}", index);

                    ChartObjects.DrawText(f_ObjName, "Doji", x, h_d_y, vAlign, hAlign, Colors.White);
                    ChartObjects.DrawText(s_ObjName, "\n|", x, h_y, vAlign, hAlign, Colors.White);


                case (int)PatternType.Hammer:

                    f_ObjName = string.Format("Hammer {0}", index);
                    s_ObjName = string.Format("Hammer | {0}", index);

                    ChartObjects.DrawText(f_ObjName, "Hammer", x, h_d_y, vAlign, hAlign, Colors.White);
                    ChartObjects.DrawText(s_ObjName, "\n|", x, h_y, vAlign, hAlign, Colors.White);



        private void DrawSymbols(int index, int _Type)
            var high = MarketSeries.High[index];
            var low = MarketSeries.Low[index];

            int x = index;

            double h_y = high + offset;
            double h_d_y = h_y + offset * 2.5;
            double h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;

            double l_y = low - offset * 2.5;
            double l_d_y = l_y - offset;

            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute)
                h_y = high + offset / 2;
                h_d_y = h_y + offset / 2;
                h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;

                l_y = low - offset / 2;
                l_d_y = l_y - offset / 2;

            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute15)
                h_y = high + offset / 1.5;
                h_d_y = h_y + offset;
                h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;

                l_y = low - offset * 1.5;
                l_d_y = l_y - offset * 1.1;

            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour)
                h_y = high + offset;
                h_d_y = h_y + offset * 3;
                h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;

                l_y = low - offset * 3;
                l_d_y = l_y - offset * 3;

            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour4)
                h_y = high + offset;
                h_d_y = h_y + offset * 5;
                h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;

                l_y = low - offset * 5;
                l_d_y = l_y - offset * 5;

            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Daily)
                h_y = high + offset * 3;
                h_d_y = h_y + offset * 12;
                h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;

                l_y = low - offset * 12;
                l_d_y = l_y - offset * 12;

            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Weekly)
                h_y = high + offset * 6;
                h_d_y = h_y + offset * 24;
                h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;

                l_y = low - offset * 24;
                l_d_y = l_y - offset * 24;

            if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Monthly)
                h_y = high + offset * 24;
                h_d_y = h_y + offset * 64;
                h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;

                l_y = low - offset * 64;
                l_d_y = l_y - offset * 64;

            string f_ObjName;
            string s_ObjName;

            switch (_Type)
                case (int)PatternType.Doji:

                    f_ObjName = string.Format("Doji {0}", index);
                    s_ObjName = string.Format("Doji | {0}", index);

                    ChartObjects.DrawText(f_ObjName, Doji_s, x, h_d_y, vAlign, hAlign, Colors.White);
                    ChartObjects.DrawText(s_ObjName, "\n|", x, h_y, vAlign, hAlign, Colors.White);
                    Notifications.SendEmail(_from, _to, _subject, _text);
                    _emailSent = true;


                case (int)PatternType.Hammer:

                    f_ObjName = string.Format("Hammer {0}", index);
                    s_ObjName = string.Format("Hammer | {0}", index);

                    ChartObjects.DrawText(f_ObjName, Hammer_s, x, h_d_y, vAlign, hAlign, Colors.DarkOrange);
                    ChartObjects.DrawText(s_ObjName, "\n|", x, h_y, vAlign, hAlign, Colors.White);
                    Notifications.SendEmail(_from, _to, _subject, _text);
                    _emailSent = true;



        private bool Size(Candle candle)
            if (candle.IsFallCandle())
                if ((candle.Open - candle.Close) > (candle.High - candle.Low) * n)
                    return true;
            else if (candle.IsRiseCandle())
                if ((candle.Close - candle.Open) > (candle.High - candle.Low) * n)
                    return true;

            return false;

        private void Text_Info(int index, string Pattern_name)
            if (Add_info == true)

                #region Pattern

                ChartObjects.DrawText("PATTERN", "LAST PATTERN : " + Pattern_name, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.White);

                #endregion Pattern

                #region MACD

                if (MACD_Info(index) == "UP")
                    ChartObjects.DrawText("MACD", "\nMACD : ", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.White);
                    ChartObjects.DrawText("ARROW MACD", "\n\t" + UpArrow, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.DodgerBlue);

                else if (MACD_Info(index) == "DOWN")
                    ChartObjects.DrawText("MACD", "\nMACD : ", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.White);
                    ChartObjects.DrawText("ARROW MACD", "\n\t" + DownArrow, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Crimson);

                #endregion MACD


        private string MACD_Info(int index)
            if (macd.Histogram[index] > 0)
                return "UP";

            if (macd.Histogram[index] < 0)
                return "DOWN";
            return "ZERO";

        private bool Doji(Candle candle)

            if (candle.IsFallCandle() & (candle.Close != candle.Low))
                if ((candle.High - candle.Low) > 12 * (candle.Open - candle.Close))
                    return true;
            if (candle.IsRiseCandle() & (candle.Close != candle.High))
                if ((candle.High - candle.Low) > 12 * (candle.Close - candle.Open))
                    return true;
            return false;

        private bool Hammer(Candle candle)
            if (candle.IsFallCandle() & (candle.Close == candle.Low))
                if ((candle.Median() > candle.Open) & (candle.Median() > candle.Close))
                    if ((candle.Median() - candle.Low) > 1.618 * (candle.Open - candle.Close))
                        return true;

            if (candle.IsRiseCandle() & (candle.Close == candle.High))
                if ((candle.Median() < candle.Open) & (candle.Median() < candle.Close))
                    if ((candle.High - candle.Median()) > 1.618 * (candle.Close - candle.Open))
                        return true;

            return false;

        public override void Calculate(int index)
            #region structs

            Candle candle = new Candle();

            #endregion structs

            #region variables

            int candle_index = 0;

            candle.High = MarketSeries.High.Last(candle_index);
            candle.Open = MarketSeries.Open.Last(candle_index);
            candle.Close = MarketSeries.Close.Last(candle_index);
            candle.Low = MarketSeries.Low.Last(candle_index);

            #endregion variables

            #region Patterns

            // Doji

            if (Doji(candle))
                if (Show_Doji == true)
                    Pattern_name = "Doji";
                    if (Name_Status == true)
                        DrawText(index, (int)PatternType.Doji);
                        DrawSymbols(index, (int)PatternType.Doji);


            if (Hammer(candle))
                if (Show_Hammer == true)
                    Pattern_name = "Hammer";
                    if (Name_Status == true)
                        DrawText(index, (int)PatternType.Hammer);
                        DrawSymbols(index, (int)PatternType.Hammer);

            #endregion Patterns

            #region Text

            Text_Info(index, Pattern_name);

            #endregion Text


Joined on 21.02.2019

  • Distribution: Free
  • Language: C#
  • Trading platform: cTrader Automate
  • File name: PinBarIndicator.algo
  • Rating: 0
  • Installs: 2118
  • Modified: 13/10/2021 09:54
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alexsanramon · 5 years ago

I would like to thank those who voted in my suggestion here: