Category Trend  Published on 22/06/2019

Absolute Strength


Follow my cTrader Telegram group at; it's a new community but it will grow fast, plus everyone can talk about cTrader indicators and algorithm without restrictions, though it is not allowed to spam commercial indicators to sell them.

As requested, I made the Absolute Strength Indicator.

Mode = 1, RSI-Like computation

Mode = 2, Stoch-Like computation

For anything, contact me by commenting below or by joining the telegram group linked above

using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.Indicators;

namespace cAlgo
    [Indicator(IsOverlay = false, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class AbsoluteStrength : Indicator
        [Parameter("Periods", DefaultValue = 14)]
        public int per { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Smoothing", DefaultValue = 4)]
        public int smt { get; set; }
        [Parameter("Mode", DefaultValue = 1)]
        public int mode { get; set; }

        [Output("Bulls", Color = Colors.DarkGreen)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries BullsSma { get; set; }
        [Output("Bears", Color = Colors.Red)]
        public IndicatorDataSeries BearsSma { get; set; }

        private IndicatorDataSeries bulls, bears;
        private ExponentialMovingAverage avgBulls, avgBears, smtBulls, smtBears;

        protected override void Initialize()
            mode = mode > 2 ? 2 : mode < 1 ? 1 : mode;

            bulls = CreateDataSeries();
            bears = CreateDataSeries();

            avgBulls = Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(bulls, per);
            avgBears = Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(bears, per);

            smtBulls = Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(avgBulls.Result, smt);
            smtBears = Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(avgBears.Result, smt);

        public override void Calculate(int index)
            bulls[index] = mode == 1 ? 0.5 * (Math.Abs(MarketSeries.Close[index] - MarketSeries.Close[index - 1]) + (MarketSeries.Close[index] - MarketSeries.Close[index - 1])) : MarketSeries.Close[index] - MarketSeries.Low.Minimum(per);
            bears[index] = mode == 1 ? 0.5 * (Math.Abs(MarketSeries.Close[index] - MarketSeries.Close[index - 1]) - (MarketSeries.Close[index] - MarketSeries.Close[index - 1])) : MarketSeries.High.Maximum(per) - MarketSeries.Close[index];

            BullsSma[index] = smtBulls.Result[index];
            BearsSma[index] = smtBears.Result[index];



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  • Distribution: Free
  • Language: C#
  • Trading platform: cTrader Automate
  • File name: Absolute Strength.algo
  • Rating: 5
  • Installs: 2456
  • Modified: 13/10/2021 09:54
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jani's avatar
jani · 4 years ago

... you can also replace/add to avoid wrong mode values:


        [Parameter("Mode", DefaultValue = 1, MaxValue = 2, MinValue = 1)]
        public int mode { get; set; }

jani's avatar
jani · 4 years ago

Thanks for sharing.

I noticed that the mode parameter was not working correctly, and Mode =2 was is not showing 

All you need to do is just void this line

 mode = mode > 2 ? 2 : mode < 1 ? 1 : mode;



// mode = mode > 2 ? 2 : mode < 1 ? 1 : mode;

Now both modes are showing

alexsanramon · 5 years ago

Below is the C# version..


public class DirectionalVolatility : Indicator
        public DirectionalVolatility()
            IndicatorName  = "Directional volatility";
            PossibleSlots  = SlotTypes.OpenFilter | SlotTypes.CloseFilter;
            SeparatedChart = true;
            IndicatorAuthor = "Footon";
            IndicatorVersion = "2.0";
            IndicatorDescription = "Footon's indi corner: custom indicators for FSB and FST.";

        public override void Initialize(SlotTypes slotType)
            SlotType = slotType;

            // The ComboBox parameters
            IndParam.ListParam[0].Caption  = "Logic";
            IndParam.ListParam[0].ItemList = new string[]
                "The  line rises",
                "The  line falls",
                "The  line changes its direction upward",
                "The  line changes its direction downward",
                "The  line crosses the Signal line upward",
                "The  line crosses the Signal line downward",
                "The  line is higher than the Signal line",
                "The  line is lower than the Signal line"
            IndParam.ListParam[0].Index    = 0;
            IndParam.ListParam[0].Text     = IndParam.ListParam[0].ItemList[IndParam.ListParam[0].Index];
            IndParam.ListParam[0].Enabled  = true;
            IndParam.ListParam[0].ToolTip  = "Logic of application of the indicator.";
            IndParam.ListParam[1].Caption  = "Smoothing method";
            IndParam.ListParam[1].ItemList = Enum.GetNames(typeof(MAMethod));
            IndParam.ListParam[1].Index    = (int)MAMethod.Simple;
            IndParam.ListParam[1].Text     = IndParam.ListParam[1].ItemList[IndParam.ListParam[1].Index];
            IndParam.ListParam[1].Enabled  = true;
            IndParam.ListParam[1].ToolTip  = "The method used for smoothing.";
            IndParam.NumParam[0].Caption = "period1";
            IndParam.NumParam[0].Value   = 5;
            IndParam.NumParam[0].Min     = 1;
            IndParam.NumParam[0].Max     = 200;
            IndParam.NumParam[0].Enabled = true;
            IndParam.NumParam[0].ToolTip = "The smoothing period ";
            IndParam.NumParam[1].Caption = "period2";
            IndParam.NumParam[1].Value   = 3;
            IndParam.NumParam[1].Min     = 1;
            IndParam.NumParam[1].Max     = 200;
            IndParam.NumParam[1].Enabled = true;
            IndParam.NumParam[1].ToolTip = "The smoothing period ";
            // The CheckBox parameters
            IndParam.CheckParam[0].Caption = "Use previous bar value";
            IndParam.CheckParam[0].Enabled = true;
            IndParam.CheckParam[0].ToolTip = "Use the indicator value from the previous bar.";
        public override void Calculate(IDataSet dataSet)
            DataSet = dataSet;
            // Reading the parameters
            MAMethod maMethod = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
            int iPeriod     = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
            int iPeriod2 = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value;
            int iPrvs  = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;
            // Calculation
            int iFirstBar = iPeriod + 3;
            double[] range = new double[Bars];
            double[] distance  = new double[Bars];
            double[] adSTDV = new double[Bars];
            for (int iBar = 1; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                range[iBar] = High[iBar] - Low[iBar];
                distance[iBar] = Math.Abs(Open[iBar] - Close[iBar]);
            for (int iBar = iPeriod; iBar < Bars; iBar++)
                double dSum = 0;
                for (int index = 0; index < iPeriod; index++)
                    double fDelta = (range[iBar - index] - distance[iBar]);
                    dSum  += fDelta * fDelta;
                adSTDV[iBar] = Math.Sqrt(dSum / iPeriod);
            double[] signal = MovingAverage(iPeriod2, 0, maMethod, adSTDV);
            // Saving the components
            Component = new IndicatorComp[4];
            Component[0] = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[0].CompName   = "Main Line";
            Component[0].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[0].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[0].ChartColor = Color.Green;
            Component[0].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[0].Value      = adSTDV;
            Component[1] = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[1].CompName   = "Signal line";
            Component[1].DataType   = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue;
            Component[1].ChartType  = IndChartType.Line;
            Component[1].ChartColor = Color.Red;
            Component[1].FirstBar   = iFirstBar;
            Component[1].Value      = signal;
            Component[2] = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[2].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[2].Value     = new double[Bars];
            Component[3] = new IndicatorComp();
            Component[3].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart;
            Component[3].FirstBar  = iFirstBar;
            Component[3].Value     = new double[Bars];
            // Sets the Component's type
            if (SlotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
                Component[2].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
                Component[3].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
            else if (SlotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
                Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
                Component[2].CompName = "Close out long position";
                Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
                Component[3].CompName = "Close out short position";
            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
                case "The  line rises":
                    OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adSTDV, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises);
                case "The  line falls":
                    OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adSTDV, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls);
                case "The  line is higher than level":
                    OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adSTDV, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line);
                case "The  line is lower than level":
                    OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adSTDV, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line);
                case "The  line crosses the level line upward":
                    OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adSTDV, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward);
                case "The  line crosses the level line downward":
                    OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adSTDV, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward);
                case "The  line changes its direction upward":
                    OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adSTDV, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward);
                case "The  line changes its direction downward":
                    OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adSTDV, 0, 0, ref Component[2], ref Component[3], IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward);
                case "The  line crosses the Signal line upward":
                    IndicatorCrossesAnotherIndicatorUpwardLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adSTDV, signal, ref Component[2], ref Component[3]);
                case "The  line crosses the Signal line downward":
                    IndicatorCrossesAnotherIndicatorDownwardLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adSTDV, signal, ref Component[2], ref Component[3]);
                case "The  line is higher than the Signal line":
                    IndicatorIsHigherThanAnotherIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adSTDV, signal, ref Component[2], ref Component[3]);
                case "The  line is lower than the Signal line":
                    IndicatorIsLowerThanAnotherIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adSTDV, signal, ref Component[2], ref Component[3]);
        /// Sets the indicator logic description
        public override void SetDescription()
            EntryFilterLongDescription  = ToString() + "; the  line ";
            EntryFilterShortDescription = ToString() + "; the  line ";
            ExitFilterLongDescription   = ToString() + "; the  line ";
            ExitFilterShortDescription  = ToString() + "; the  line ";
            switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
                case "The  line rises":
                    EntryFilterLongDescription  += "rises";
                    EntryFilterShortDescription += "falls";
                    ExitFilterLongDescription   += "rises";
                    ExitFilterShortDescription  += "falls";
                case "The  line falls":
                    EntryFilterLongDescription  += "falls";
                    EntryFilterShortDescription += "rises";
                    ExitFilterLongDescription   += "falls";
                    ExitFilterShortDescription  += "rises";
                case "The  line is higher than level":
                    EntryFilterLongDescription  += "is higher than the level line";
                    EntryFilterShortDescription += "is lower than the level line";
                    ExitFilterLongDescription   += "is higher than the level line";
                    ExitFilterShortDescription  += "is lower than the level line";
                case "The  line is lower than level":
                    EntryFilterLongDescription  += "is lower than the level line";
                    EntryFilterShortDescription += "is higher than the level line";
                    ExitFilterLongDescription   += "is lower than the level line";
                    ExitFilterShortDescription  += "is higher than the level line";
                case "The  line crosses the level line upward":
                    EntryFilterLongDescription  += "crosses the level line upward";
                    EntryFilterShortDescription += "crosses the level line downward";
                    ExitFilterLongDescription   += "crosses the level line upward";
                    ExitFilterShortDescription  += "crosses the level line downward";
                case "The  line crosses the level line downward":
                    EntryFilterLongDescription  += "crosses the level line downward";
                    EntryFilterShortDescription += "crosses the level line upward";
                    ExitFilterLongDescription   += "crosses the level line downward";
                    ExitFilterShortDescription  += "crosses the level line upward";
                case "The  line changes its direction upward":
                    EntryFilterLongDescription  += "changes its direction upward";
                    EntryFilterShortDescription += "changes its direction downward";
                    ExitFilterLongDescription   += "changes its direction upward";
                    ExitFilterShortDescription  += "changes its direction downward";
                case "The  line changes its direction downward":
                    EntryFilterLongDescription  += "changes its direction downward";
                    EntryFilterShortDescription += "changes its direction upward";
                    ExitFilterLongDescription   += "changes its direction downward";
                    ExitFilterShortDescription  += "changes its direction upward";
                case "The  line is higher than the Signal line":
                    EntryFilterLongDescription  += "is higher than the Signal line";
                    EntryFilterShortDescription += "is lower than the Signal line";
                    ExitFilterLongDescription   += "is higher than the Signal line";
                    ExitFilterShortDescription  += "is lower than the Signal line";
                case "The  line is lower than the Signal line":
                    EntryFilterLongDescription  += "is lower than the Signal line";
                    EntryFilterShortDescription += "is higher than the Signal line";
                    ExitFilterLongDescription   += "is lower than the Signal line";
                    ExitFilterShortDescription  += "is higher than the Signal line";
                case "The  line crosses the Signal line upward":
                    EntryFilterLongDescription  += "crosses the Signal line upward";
                    EntryFilterShortDescription += "crosses the Signal line downward";
                    ExitFilterLongDescription   += "crosses the Signal line upward";
                    ExitFilterShortDescription  += "crosses the Signal line downward";
                case "The  line crosses the Signal line downward":
                    EntryFilterLongDescription  += "crosses the Signal line downward";
                    EntryFilterShortDescription += "crosses the Signal line upward";
                    ExitFilterLongDescription   += "crosses the Signal line downward";
                    ExitFilterShortDescription  += "crosses the Signal line upward";
        /// Indicator to string
        public override string ToString()
            string sString = IndicatorName +
                (IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? "* (" : " (") +
                IndParam.NumParam[0].ValueToString + ")";  //  period
            return sString;

alexsanramon · 5 years ago


I found this gem that works like an absolute strength indicator. But the mq4 converter is buggy. Is there a way to turn this indicator into calgo. Thanks in advance.


class Directionalvolatility : public Indicator   { public:                      Directionalvolatility(SlotTypes slotType)      {       SlotType=slotType;       IndicatorName="Directional volatility";       WarningMessage    = "";       IsAllowLTF        = true;       ExecTime          = ExecutionTime_DuringTheBar;       IsSeparateChart   = true;       IsDiscreteValues  = false;       IsDeafultGroupAll = false;      }    virtual void      Calculate(DataSet &dataSet);   }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|                                                                  | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Directionalvolatility::Calculate(DataSet &dataSet)   {    Data=GetPointer(dataSet); // Reading the parameters    MAMethod maMethod=(MAMethod) ListParam[1].Index;    int period=(int) NumParam[0].Value;    int period2=(int) NumParam[1].Value;    int prvs=CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0; // Calculation    int firstBar=period+3;    double range[];    ArrayResize(range,Data.Bars);    ArrayInitialize(range, 0);    double distance[]; ArrayResize(distance,Data.Bars); ArrayInitialize(distance, 0);    double adStdv[];   ArrayResize(adStdv,Data.Bars);   ArrayInitialize(adStdv, 0);    for(int bar=1; bar<Data.Bars; bar++)      {       range[bar]=Data.High[bar]-Data.Low[bar];       distance[bar]=MathAbs(Data.Open[bar]-Data.Close[bar]);      }    for(int bar=period; bar<Data.Bars; bar++)      {       double sum=0;       for(int index=0; index<period; index++)         {          double delta=(range[bar-index]-distance[bar]);          sum+=delta*delta;         }       adStdv[bar]=MathSqrt(sum/period);      }    double signal[];    MovingAverage(period2,0,maMethod,adStdv,signal); // Saving the components    ArrayResize(Component[0].Value,Data.Bars);    Component[0].CompName = "Main Line";    Component[0].DataType = IndComponentType_IndicatorValue;    Component[0].FirstBar = firstBar;    ArrayCopy(Component[0].Value,adStdv);    ArrayResize(Component[1].Value,Data.Bars);    Component[1].CompName = "Signal line";    Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType_IndicatorValue;    Component[1].FirstBar = firstBar;    ArrayCopy(Component[1].Value,signal);    ArrayResize(Component[2].Value,Data.Bars);    Component[2].FirstBar=firstBar;    ArrayResize(Component[3].Value,Data.Bars);    Component[3].FirstBar=firstBar; // Sets the Component's type    if(SlotType==SlotTypes_OpenFilter)      {       Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType_AllowOpenLong;       Component[2].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";       Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType_AllowOpenShort;       Component[3].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";      }    else if(SlotType==SlotTypes_CloseFilter)      {       Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType_ForceCloseLong;       Component[2].CompName = "Close out long position";       Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType_ForceCloseShort;       Component[3].CompName = "Close out short position";      }    if(ListParam[0].Text=="The  line rises")       OscillatorLogic(firstBar,prvs,adStdv,0,0,Component[2],Component[3],IndicatorLogic_The_indicator_rises);    else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The  line falls")       OscillatorLogic(firstBar,prvs,adStdv,0,0,Component[2],Component[3],IndicatorLogic_The_indicator_falls);    else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The  line is higher than level")       OscillatorLogic(firstBar,prvs,adStdv,0,0,Component[2],Component[3],IndicatorLogic_The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line);    else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The  line is lower than level")       OscillatorLogic(firstBar,prvs,adStdv,0,0,Component[2],Component[3],IndicatorLogic_The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line);    else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The  line crosses the level line upward")       OscillatorLogic(firstBar,prvs,adStdv,0,0,Component[2],Component[3],IndicatorLogic_The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward);    else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The  line crosses the level line downward")       OscillatorLogic(firstBar,prvs,adStdv,0,0,Component[2],Component[3],IndicatorLogic_The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward);    else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The  line changes its direction upward")       OscillatorLogic(firstBar,prvs,adStdv,0,0,Component[2],Component[3],IndicatorLogic_The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward);    else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The  line changes its direction downward")       OscillatorLogic(firstBar,prvs,adStdv,0,0,Component[2],Component[3],IndicatorLogic_The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward);    else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The  line crosses the Signal line upward")       IndicatorCrossesAnotherIndicatorUpwardLogic(firstBar,prvs,adStdv,signal,Component[2],Component[3]);    else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The  line crosses the Signal line downward")       IndicatorCrossesAnotherIndicatorDownwardLogic(firstBar,prvs,adStdv,signal,Component[2],Component[3]);    else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The  line is higher than the Signal line")       IndicatorIsHigherThanAnotherIndicatorLogic(firstBar,prvs,adStdv,signal,Component[2],Component[3]);    else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The  line is lower than the Signal line")       IndicatorIsLowerThanAnotherIndicatorLogic(firstBar,prvs,adStdv,signal,Component[2],Component[3]);   }

alexsanramon · 5 years ago

Thank you so much for making this. And btw, I see you wanted to engage with traders using chat. May I suggest that if you are willing to use Discord instead of Telegram. Not to say anything bad about it but Telegram is like old you know.