This indicator shows the candlestick patterns (Doji, Hammer, Bullish Harami, Bearish Harami, Dark Cloud Cover, Piercing Pattern, Bullish Engulfing, Bearish Engulfing, Shooting Star, Evening Star, Morning Star), fully customizable, in addition to the patterns shows
additional information MACD and Moving average.
Options :
- Show names - show patterns names instead of ASCII characters.
- Show more info - show additional information: MACD, MA, last pattern.
- Sound Alert - beep during the formation of a new pattern.
The following options allow to show selectively patterns, all by default are shown :
- Show Doji
- Show Hammer
- Show Bullish Harami
- Show Bearish Harami
- Show Dark Cloud Cover
- Show Piercing Pattern
- Show Bullish Engulfing
- Show Bearish Engulfing
- Show Shooting Star
- Show Evening Star
- Show Morning Star
MACD parameters :
- MACD Long Cycle
- MACD Short Cycle
- MACD Signal Periods
Moving average parameters :
- MA Periods
- MA MAType
Screenshots :
Price: $ 45
If you have a suggestion for improving the warning indicator write to:
If you want to buy this indicator post mail or personal message.
Sorry for my English.
using System;
using System.IO;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
namespace cAlgo
[Indicator(IsOverlay = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.FileSystem)]
public class CP : Indicator
#region Parameters
[Parameter("Show names", DefaultValue = false)]
public bool Name_Status { get; set; }
[Parameter("Show more info", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool Add_info { get; set; }
[Parameter("Show Doji", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool Show_Doji { get; set; }
[Parameter("Show Hammer", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool Show_Hammer { get; set; }
[Parameter("MACD Long Cycle", DefaultValue = 26)]
public int LongCycle { get; set; }
[Parameter("MACD Short Cycle", DefaultValue = 12)]
public int ShortCycle { get; set; }
[Parameter("MACD Signal Periods", DefaultValue = 9)]
public int Periods { get; set; }
[Parameter("Doji", DefaultValue = "✝")]
public string Doji_s { get; set; }
[Parameter("Hammer", DefaultValue = "☨")]
public string Hammer_s { get; set; }
#endregion Parameters
private MacdHistogram macd;
private const VerticalAlignment vAlign = VerticalAlignment.Top;
private const HorizontalAlignment hAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
private const double n = 0.618;
private const string UpArrow = "▲";
private const string DownArrow = "▼";
private string Pattern_name;
private double offset;
private struct Candle
#region Data
public double High;
public double Close;
public double Open;
public double Low;
#endregion Data
#region Functions
public bool IsFallCandle()
if (Close < Open)
return true;
return false;
public bool IsRiseCandle()
if (Open < Close)
return true;
return false;
public double Median()
return (High + Low) / 2;
#endregion Functions
private enum PatternType : int
Doji = 1,
Hammer = 2
protected override void Initialize()
macd = Indicators.MacdHistogram(MarketSeries.Close, LongCycle, ShortCycle, Periods);
offset = Symbol.PipSize * 5;
private void DrawText(int index, int _Type)
var high = MarketSeries.High[index];
var low = MarketSeries.Low[index];
int x = index;
double h_y = high + offset;
double h_d_y = h_y + offset * 2.5;
double h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;
double l_y = low - offset * 2.5;
double l_d_y = l_y - offset;
if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute)
h_y = high + offset / 2;
h_d_y = h_y + offset / 2;
h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;
l_y = low - offset / 2;
l_d_y = l_y - offset / 2;
if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute15)
h_y = high + offset / 1.5;
h_d_y = h_y + offset;
h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;
l_y = low - offset * 1.5;
l_d_y = l_y - offset * 1.1;
if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour)
h_y = high + offset;
h_d_y = h_y + offset * 3;
h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;
l_y = low - offset * 3;
l_d_y = l_y - offset * 3;
if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour4)
h_y = high + offset;
h_d_y = h_y + offset * 5;
h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;
l_y = low - offset * 5;
l_d_y = l_y - offset * 5;
if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Daily)
h_y = high + offset * 3;
h_d_y = h_y + offset * 12;
h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;
l_y = low - offset * 12;
l_d_y = l_y - offset * 12;
if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Weekly)
h_y = high + offset * 6;
h_d_y = h_y + offset * 24;
h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;
l_y = low - offset * 24;
l_d_y = l_y - offset * 24;
if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Monthly)
h_y = high + offset * 24;
h_d_y = h_y + offset * 64;
h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;
l_y = low - offset * 64;
l_d_y = l_y - offset * 64;
string f_ObjName;
string s_ObjName;
switch (_Type)
case (int)PatternType.Doji:
f_ObjName = string.Format("Doji {0}", index);
s_ObjName = string.Format("Doji | {0}", index);
ChartObjects.DrawText(f_ObjName, "Doji", x, h_d_y, vAlign, hAlign, Colors.White);
ChartObjects.DrawText(s_ObjName, "\n|", x, h_y, vAlign, hAlign, Colors.White);
case (int)PatternType.Hammer:
f_ObjName = string.Format("Hammer {0}", index);
s_ObjName = string.Format("Hammer | {0}", index);
ChartObjects.DrawText(f_ObjName, "Hammer", x, h_d_y, vAlign, hAlign, Colors.White);
ChartObjects.DrawText(s_ObjName, "\n|", x, h_y, vAlign, hAlign, Colors.White);
private void DrawSymbols(int index, int _Type)
var high = MarketSeries.High[index];
var low = MarketSeries.Low[index];
int x = index;
double h_y = high + offset;
double h_d_y = h_y + offset * 2.5;
double h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;
double l_y = low - offset * 2.5;
double l_d_y = l_y - offset;
if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute)
h_y = high + offset / 2;
h_d_y = h_y + offset / 2;
h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;
l_y = low - offset / 2;
l_d_y = l_y - offset / 2;
if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute15)
h_y = high + offset / 1.5;
h_d_y = h_y + offset;
h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;
l_y = low - offset * 1.5;
l_d_y = l_y - offset * 1.1;
if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour)
h_y = high + offset;
h_d_y = h_y + offset * 3;
h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;
l_y = low - offset * 3;
l_d_y = l_y - offset * 3;
if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour4)
h_y = high + offset;
h_d_y = h_y + offset * 5;
h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;
l_y = low - offset * 5;
l_d_y = l_y - offset * 5;
if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Daily)
h_y = high + offset * 3;
h_d_y = h_y + offset * 12;
h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;
l_y = low - offset * 12;
l_d_y = l_y - offset * 12;
if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Weekly)
h_y = high + offset * 6;
h_d_y = h_y + offset * 24;
h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;
l_y = low - offset * 24;
l_d_y = l_y - offset * 24;
if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Monthly)
h_y = high + offset * 24;
h_d_y = h_y + offset * 64;
h_t_y = h_d_y + offset;
l_y = low - offset * 64;
l_d_y = l_y - offset * 64;
string f_ObjName;
string s_ObjName;
switch (_Type)
case (int)PatternType.Doji:
f_ObjName = string.Format("Doji {0}", index);
s_ObjName = string.Format("Doji | {0}", index);
ChartObjects.DrawText(f_ObjName, Doji_s, x, h_d_y, vAlign, hAlign, Colors.White);
ChartObjects.DrawText(s_ObjName, "\n|", x, h_y, vAlign, hAlign, Colors.White);
case (int)PatternType.Hammer:
f_ObjName = string.Format("Hammer {0}", index);
s_ObjName = string.Format("Hammer | {0}", index);
ChartObjects.DrawText(f_ObjName, Hammer_s, x, h_d_y, vAlign, hAlign, Colors.DarkOrange);
ChartObjects.DrawText(s_ObjName, "\n|", x, h_y, vAlign, hAlign, Colors.White);
private bool Size(Candle candle)
if (candle.IsFallCandle())
if ((candle.Open - candle.Close) > (candle.High - candle.Low) * n)
return true;
else if (candle.IsRiseCandle())
if ((candle.Close - candle.Open) > (candle.High - candle.Low) * n)
return true;
return false;
private void Text_Info(int index, string Pattern_name)
if (Add_info == true)
#region Pattern
ChartObjects.DrawText("PATTERN", "LAST PATTERN : " + Pattern_name, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.White);
#endregion Pattern
#region MACD
if (MACD_Info(index) == "UP")
ChartObjects.DrawText("MACD", "\nMACD : ", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.White);
ChartObjects.DrawText("ARROW MACD", "\n\t" + UpArrow, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.DodgerBlue);
else if (MACD_Info(index) == "DOWN")
ChartObjects.DrawText("MACD", "\nMACD : ", StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.White);
ChartObjects.DrawText("ARROW MACD", "\n\t" + DownArrow, StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.Crimson);
#endregion MACD
private string MACD_Info(int index)
if (macd.Histogram[index] > 0)
return "UP";
if (macd.Histogram[index] < 0)
return "DOWN";
return "ZERO";
private bool Doji(Candle candle)
if (candle.IsFallCandle() & (candle.Close != candle.Low))
if ((candle.High - candle.Low) > 12 * (candle.Open - candle.Close))
return true;
if (candle.IsRiseCandle() & (candle.Close != candle.High))
if ((candle.High - candle.Low) > 12 * (candle.Close - candle.Open))
return true;
return false;
private bool Hammer(Candle candle)
if (candle.IsFallCandle() & (candle.Close == candle.Low))
if ((candle.Median() > candle.Open) & (candle.Median() > candle.Close))
if ((candle.Median() - candle.Low) > 1.618 * (candle.Open - candle.Close))
return true;
if (candle.IsRiseCandle() & (candle.Close == candle.High))
if ((candle.Median() < candle.Open) & (candle.Median() < candle.Close))
if ((candle.High - candle.Median()) > 1.618 * (candle.Close - candle.Open))
return true;
return false;
public override void Calculate(int index)
#region structs
Candle candle = new Candle();
#endregion structs
#region variables
int candle_index = 0;
candle.High = MarketSeries.High.Last(candle_index);
candle.Open = MarketSeries.Open.Last(candle_index);
candle.Close = MarketSeries.Close.Last(candle_index);
candle.Low = MarketSeries.Low.Last(candle_index);
#endregion variables
#region Patterns
// Doji
if (Doji(candle))
if (Show_Doji == true)
Pattern_name = "Doji";
if (Name_Status == true)
DrawText(index, (int)PatternType.Doji);
DrawSymbols(index, (int)PatternType.Doji);
if (Hammer(candle))
if (Show_Hammer == true)
Pattern_name = "Hammer";
if (Name_Status == true)
DrawText(index, (int)PatternType.Hammer);
DrawSymbols(index, (int)PatternType.Hammer);
#endregion Patterns
#region Text
Text_Info(index, Pattern_name);
#endregion Text
Joined on 09.03.2017
- Distribution: Free
- Language: C#
- Trading platform: cTrader Automate
- File name: Candlestick Patterns DEMO.algo
- Rating: 0
- Installs: 12947
- Modified: 13/10/2021 09:54
its nice and very helpful, but unable to see other than Doji and Hammer. Like
- Show Bullish Harami
- Show Bearish Harami
- Show Dark Cloud Cover
- Show Piercing Pattern
- Show Bullish Engulfing
- Show Bearish Engulfing
- Show Shooting Star
- Show Evening Star
- Show Morning Star
Please advice.
thank you
Great bot but cannot see all those options you listed. I am especially keen on engulfing but cant see how to turn all the other off and only have those on.